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SW Questions for fall09 post 3

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I have removed those on my bpal list that i have tried but as i am preggers i would appreciate not geting anything from that list. I updated the amazon one recently but i think i was in pregancy hunger brain when i did so. i should prolly go throw some baby stuff on it soon though.


There has been a lot of talk about chocolate, but none about Candy! What is your favorite Candy? What candy do you hate?

I love haribo gummi bears and cola gummies. I am also very fond of the haw candies i can get at the asian market along with the fruit gummies i get there like the muscat ones.


Do you have a Blu-Ray player?



Do you have any objections to receiving downloads? Is your internet connection fast enough for you to download large files like music easily? Are there any songs, albums, movies, or TV shows that you can't find/haven't been released that you want?

i dont neccesarily object i just would prefer not because if i really really had wanted it that bad i would have gotten it myself. I do like mix cd's though.


What's your favorite pain-relief remedy or ritual?

Well for migraines i take a can of dew and knock myself out in a dark room


Do sounds make you happy? What ambient noises make you smile?

some sounds do. i like rainfall when i'm not out in it and thunder at a distance. on the other hand the sound of white noise drives me bonkers.


When you receive your SW packages...do you like receiving things that are individually wrapped inside? or unwrapped? or both?

I can go either way on this. just as long as there is some communication. ya know a e-card to show that i did get assigned someone.


Of course, we're all going to be grateful no matter what our witches give us, but for the record, what is your anti-present? Tell us something that you think your future witch might give you that you absolutely, unequivocally DO. NOT. WANT.

i have no space for chackies. no room for knick-knacks.


I know we're all scent sensitive here. What are your favorite non-perfume smells? Day in the life stuff?

lavendar. tea. rose. cookies


Who has a birthday falling in this round?

not a birthday but an anneversary. i got married on oct 27th


For those of us who like chocolate, do you like anything /in/ your chocolate, like fruit, nuts, or for the more daring among us, chilies?

coconut, crisped rice, mint filling, marshmellow filling


Are there any childhood shows/movies/games/books/etc. that still hold a really special place in your heart?

fraggle rock, schoolhouse rock, animaniacs, frekazoid, gargoyles, the wizard of oz books, the orphalines, heinlein's young adult books (outdated though they may be)

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