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Are you interested in things like home remedies for ailments, cleaning solutions, etc.? Sure.


If you do any kind of craft, could you use supplies? What kind? knitting needles, yarn, amazing fabric, pinking shears, cool thimbles or pincushins, jewelery making supplies, beads, etc.? Neat fabric would be nice, a cute pincushion, and pins (straight) to go in said pincushion. Oh, and good fabric cutting scissors.


What's your favorite pain-relief remedy or ritual? I pop a few advil, rub on some Ugh massage oil, and then grab a heating pad. Sometimes I’ll swap between ice and heat, but when I go to bed, it’s always heat.


Do sounds make you happy? What ambient noises make you smile? Trains rumbling by.


When you receive your SW packages...do you like receiving things that are individually wrapped inside? or unwrapped? or both? Both.


Of course, we're all going to be grateful no matter what our witches give us, but for the record, what is your anti-present? Tell us something that you think your future witch might give you that you absolutely, unequivocally DO. NOT. WANT. Uh. Can’t think of anything right now.


What BPAL scent have you never tried but always wanted to? What scent have you tried and LOVED, and haven't been able to get more of and why? Right now, my untrieds are the ones EVERYONE wants: Storyville, Spanked, Pinched, F54.


I know we're all scent sensitive here. What are your favorite non-perfume smells? Day in the life stuff? I love the smell of coffee. And cookies.


Coffee drinkers, what types of beans to you like? Kona, Sumatra, Kenya..etc. How do you like them roasted? Do you like flavors, such as hazelnut, vanilla, etc. in your coffee? This is probably a redundant one. But – prefer medium to light roasts, and unless it’s Cool Café Blues, no flavors.


Who has a birthday falling in this round? Not me. XD


For those of us who like chocolate, do you like anything /in/ your chocolate, like fruit, nuts, or for the more daring among us, chilies? I think another redundancy – anything but spicy/hot stuff. No chiles.


Are there any childhood shows/movies/games/books/etc. that still hold a really special place in your heart? SESAME STREET. I /still/ quote that show. Also 3-2-1 Contact, and Square One, and Electric Company. (T-I-O-N! Shun, shun, shun shun!) Also love the Muppets. Labyrinth was awesome, The Dark Crystal still scares the shit out of me. (No, it’s not scary, but my 5-year-old self still quails when the hag comes on the screen..)


There has been a lot of talk about chocolate, but none about Candy! What is your favorite Candy? What candy do you hate? LOVE peppermint and spearmint hard candies. I like black/red/other flavors of licorice, thin-shelled Jordan almonds, Haribo brand gummy bears. Not fond of peanut butter candy.


Do you have a Blu-Ray player? No.


Do you have any objections to receiving downloads? Is your internet connection fast enough for you to download large files like music easily? Are there any songs, albums, movies, or TV shows that you can't find/haven't been released that you want? No objections to d/ls. It is fast enough to get what I want. (Sometimes, the space left on my computer before I dump over to the external is too small, though.)


As a witchee, would you prefer to have many little packages sent to you throughout the round with a not-so-big final package or fewer things throughout the round with one huge final package to seal the sweetness? I don’t care. I’m not going to argue. XD


What is your idea of the perfect evening at home? I’m either reading or on the computer with some good music. Or, I’m watching TV.


Are you on any social networks (MySpace, Twitter, LJ, Facebook, Bebo, etc)? If so, make with the links! Are you open to new friends? On LJ but I really don’t update much.


What kind of socks? Preferably ones which stop right below the ankle.


How often do you update your wishlist? I really don’t have one as I’m the type who gets what they want right when they want it. Makes buying for me difficult. ^_^


May I help you fill out your costuming wardrobe (assuming you costume)? Are there articles you are seeking to enhance your a) Halloween costume, Renfest attire, c) Cosplay, d) Steampunk accouterment? I would love a long-tailed corset from damselinthisdress, but ‘off-rack’ she rarely has something in my size. Plus, I’m losing weight, so I’d hate for it to go to waste. But I’m always looking at jewelry and hair things as my hair needs change. I’ve bookmarked a few to give you ideas on etsy - massagegirl


So, who has a store or ETSY shop or knows of a shop of a fellow BPALer that everybody needs to check out? Cyrenemyst and siyaha09.


Who are your favorite artists/illustrators/art periods? I just like art. No favorites.


What's your stance on cranberries? Dried is yummy. I wouldn’t have a clue what to do with fresh.


Do you mind receiving used (in good condition, of course) CDs or DVDs? (I know this question was on the questionnaire about books, but I didn't see one for DVDs or CDs.) Of course.


Do you have a crush on anyone famous? Do you have a crush on any literary characters? Would you like fanfiction or fan art based on this/these people? Nathan Fillion. No fanfiction though – I can take care of that. :D


You're at home, or out, and you want a snack. Something that will get you through to the next meal, or through to the end of school or what ever. What do you grab? The trail mix I make.


Do you have a favorite bpal bottle art? The Warrior Queens are totally awesome. Also like Sunbird, Black Butterfly Moon, and the Shungas.


Are there any decants from the Halloweenies, Literary Vampires, Gris Grimly, or Hellboy that you would be interested in receiving? Nope. Have ordered all those already or can test them at Will Call.

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