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jarvpena's astro chart for me

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So, Sheyona was pretty correct in that it would be at least close to her actual birthday when I got to her chart (might be her birthday or after when I am finished looking at hers and her husband's) She's born June 22, 1982 at 6:07AM in Woodland Hills, CA (where, actually, my stepsisters might have babysat her, who knows).

Her husband, Glamdring, whose chart we'll look at later on, was born Feburary 18, 1983 at 9:37AM in NY, NY.


When I pulled up Sheyona's chart and realized she is a Triple Cancer (cancer moon, sun, and rising) and that her husband is an Aquarian I did something that astrologers aren't supposed to do--you know, we're supposed to be all "oh, whatever, fate brings people together, all is well"....I absolutely went icon_eek.gif .


I was for a moment really nonplussed, wondering why this couple ever got together and how on earth they were staying together (you see, I was kind of trapped by sunsign assumptions, and since I live with an Aquarian and know the Aquarian style pretty well, it was difficult to imagine a triple water sign person dealing with that Aquarian stuff. I mean--oh, goodness.).


So before even looking at the individual charts I rushed to see where the two charts interconnect; there had to be something. And--yes, there is. Lots of connection, and a Grand Trine; the two charts are highly compatible.


So, lesson learned again: never rely only on the sun signs of a couple in judging how they might work together, and always remember it is up to us to make love work, no matter what our sign.


So, yes, Sheyona is a triple Cancer. Her sun is in the 12th house, her moon is in the first house. Her north node of the moon is also in Cancer, and is very close to her Moon.


When we've had other Cancer charts I've blabbed on about how misunderstood this sign is; I find that Cancers are usually viewed in a trivial way by pop astrology (sort of "Cancer is moody and your mom"). When you have a chart that has all three of the basic identity markers--rising, moon, sun--in one sign, you have, duh, quite a...buy in to that energy in the personality. With Sheyona we have a congruence in her inner sense of self, her conscious sense of self, and the persona she projects into the world--and which the world, to a large extent, expects of her.


But interestingly, her natural proclivities and ease of self--the south node of the moon--fall in Capricorn energy and in terms not of the self, but of the partner, the other. (we'll go on about that later on, most likely).


With Sun in the 12th house there is a deep need to understand all the nuances and hidden things, the secrets. There may be a strong need as well to try to keep oneself somewhat out of the limelight. But--with Cancer and the Cancer moon in the first house the feeling around Cancer; Cancerian nature--is going to be there. Everywhere. Out front.


Interestingly, although there is this rush of Cancer, the mind is quite different in mode than Cancerian energy--this too we'll see more of later, but the sign for Mercury is Gemini in Sheyona's chart, not Cancer. Very different energy. In the 12th house--so that will amplify the sense of "must investigate"


Cancer rising people (not to mention Cancer moon, Cancer sun people) live in a world of permeable boundaries: they are sensitives, intuitives, emotionally open people. Now, when I say "emotionally open" that doesn't mean that they are necessarily going around emoting and wailing and gnashing their teeth or jumping for joy--but they feel things, they intuit things.

And they feel more, far more, than just their own emotions. They feel yours, and the feelings of the person across the road looking into the window of the shop, and that person standing waiting for the bus, and all the people on the bus.


So Cancer gets overwhelmed sometimes. And as children--well, imagine being awash in all the emotions of those around you and to a large extent feeling that it might be your concern, might be your fault even. You should fix it.


That expectation that "you should fix it" is often projected on the Cancer rising person. Having the moon in the first house just amplifies that "I hurt, please make it better". Or more "I hurt and I know you will make it better".


And the sensitive Cancer is full of desire to do that.

So, your Cancer person is going to be quite sympathetic; listening to your pouring out of your troubles and your joys. Cancer listens remarkably well. Cancer will feel with you as you go through your troubles and your joys. Cancer will worry on your behalf, and will try to make things better. For you, for the people on the bus, for the lost kittens, and for the world.


Cancer is not, however, a nice soft cozy sign. It is often described as though it were the feather pillow of the zodiac, or a fount of mother's milk or something like that. It is true that Cancer can make a cozy place for herself and for others (and indeed this talent is one of the survival traits of a strong Cancer--can be at home anywhere in the universe by creating home there). Cancer has an instinct for what really will comfort or please, and will try to do this.

But every so often the moon goes dark. Every so ofte the Cancer just needs to go away, into her own realm, her own space, with the door closed and no one allowed in.


If a Cancer person does not get adequate time and space to regroup her energies she will go totally off the rails. Or, um, she will become a difficult person to have around. No one, in my experience, can be quite so bitchy as Cancer; they've got that quality down to an admirable art form. And it is striking when you see it, because usually these folks are so charming and lovely to have around.


And that's an interesting thought--that need of space--because space is one thing an Aquarian husband would do very very well at providing (it is one of the things I most appreciate about my Aquarian partner, but being an Air sign one would expect that I'd like that--one doesn't expect that of Cancer, but--gosh, that need for space is perfect for the Aquarian detachment. Interesting indeed.)


(and I have a Cancer Mars, so I can fully own the bitchy Cancerian energy myself).


Now, when the Moon is at the north node of the Moon in a chart, there is a question of how you contain the need for nurturing (one's own needs, the needs of those around one) and the need for independence. Does one take refuge in the family, in the security of a closed circle and a small nest-like environment--or can one take the energy out into the world in a more universal and less personalized way?


What is easy is supposedly the south node, Capricorn, in the 7th house. Gaining one's structure through partners, in the context of "the other people expect this of me" or "I must do this for the sake of my marriage" or "must do this for the team" . Partnership in the 7th house sense need not be marriage per se, or romance per se; can be any effort that demands the person understand that other people have individual, unique needs. That it isn't really all one emotive soup.


And yet, the truth that Cancer knows is the truth of connectedness--that in fact we are one, that what happens to one person on the other side of the world is connected to what happens to our child; that the loss of some minor thing in the Amazon does, in some way, affect our own life. We may not know how this works, we may not be able to justify this knowledge--but Cancer knows this; Cancer knows we are all a family, and that that includes, probably, the little bits of sand on the beach that Cancer so loves (Cancer people often love the ocean, nearly as much as Pisces. Scorpio may have ambivalence about the depths--but that's a whole other essay).


So Sheyona's life path involves in an odd way claiming her Cancerian understanding. You'd think this would be easy--a triple Cancer? what's to claim here? doesn't it go without saying? Well, yes and no. She's called to examine the deeper levels of Cancer sentiment, compassion, intuition, spirit, emotion. She's called, perhaps, to kind of guide others to an understanding--not by lecturing them (though the Gemini Mercury would be quite good at that) but by exemplifying the best of what her sign is all about.


And doing that with confidence. On her own. Not in the context of "the others need this" but "here I am". (yes, there's a paradox here).


There is also a Finger of God pattern in Sheyona's chart, pointing towards Venus/Chiron, with Pluto and Neptune being the other portions of the pattern (and this we'll get to as well, later).

Venus/Chiron are in the 11th house, house of friends, life goals, and so forth. We'll bump into Pluto in the 5th house, and Neptune in the 6th.


(okay, my mind is mush today, but we'll see if I can be coherent nonetheless).


Second house for Sheyona is Cancer cusped (and this belatedly alerts me to look for intercepted signs in the chart). Those Cancer values she so completely manifests are really important to her, right to the core. It is more important to be caring, most likely, than to be wealthy. History (be that world history or her own personal history) is of importance: where did things start? where are the roots? There can be in Cancer an extremely strong nostalgia for the time of Goodness and Light and Perfection and Beauty; the golden age--whether actual ("I remember the summer I was 3, everything was perfect") or whether romantically imagined "I know I should really have been born in the time of Jane Austen" or "I should have been a medieval poet" or "back in the Neolithic things were cool *sigh*" The actual time or place doesn't matter; what matters is the longing, the sense that perfection, refuge, and beauty and compassion were once possible, and why can't we go back and be that way again.

Now, other signs may long for A Perfect World or something like that. Aquarius is forever longing for the revolution (or whatever a particular Aquarian may call it) that will bring the dawn, make everyone understand, etc. Libra has a sense of how the world could be both beautiful and just, if only....Leo has a feeling that if people could only follow her divine guidance everything would be cool--and so on. Not one sign is without a spark of this "if only" quality.

But Cancer is unique because Cancer has this inner feeling that perfection happened once. Other signs may think "someday...in the future...we could..." Cancer thinks "we had it, we lost it, now, if only we could regain it".

It's a subtle difference sometimes, but it is definitely there.


So, the 3rd house, house of siblings and communication, is Leo cusped. No planets here, but Leo as the 3rd house sign gives a taste for dramatic communication, and may give generous, dramatic, intense relationships with one's siblings (birth or other) and neighbors. And a definite need, in local groups, to be at the center of things, the one in charge or the one deferred to by the rest.


4th house starts out with Virgo and then goes into a group of strong Libra energies: Pallas, Mars, and Saturn. Mars and Saturn are in conjunction, Pallas is 4 degrees ahead of Mars.


For a Cancer, the 4th house is very key. For a triple Cancer with Cancer as a doubled sign...well, you can imagine. So this is the house of home, family roots, foundation, early life, end of life. Where you stand, what you stand upon. What keeps you rooted--or keeps you chained to the past, sometimes. Where you feel at home in the universe. The sort of physical home you'd most love to live in.

A Virgo 4th house with an overlay of Libra would be both beautiful and eccentrically orderly. Not necessarily all spic and span (people just don't get Virgo, often--everyone thinks "oh, so neat and tidy" but that's not necessarily so; it's all a question of what is important--that thing or things that matter--those are well in order. But the actual household--hey, might have tons of dust bunnies and piles of books everywhere). Oh, Virgo 4th house--definitely books everywhere, probably plants, and most likely critters (particularly with the heavy Cancerian need to look after the weak, the needful, the cuddly, the not so cuddly.) (because I've been following the pet thread I do know Sheyona has kitties at least, and that she has been having some concerns about one of them--but if I didn't know that I would still expect there to be companion critters in or around the household).


Now, the Mars/Saturn energy in the 4th house is kind of...challenging. And we'll get there. Not that Libran Mars and Saturn are bad planets (they aren't--hey, everything Libra is wonderful)--but that these two in the 4th house often indicate some major authority-struggles in childhood. The old truism about a 4th house Mars in a woman's chart was that she was quite unlikely to marry (yes, go ahead and laugh, Sheyona) because, having experienced strife and perhaps downright bullying from father and or brothers, she wouldn't put up with it again. So it takes a very special sort of partner to satisfy and keep a 4th house Mars woman in a long term relationship or marriage.

Mars in Libra is the sweetest of Mars placements (okay, one of them). So nice, so quiet and non argumentative--until injustice happens, until there is some unfairness. Then all the bats in hell come forth, and screaming (but always attractive; it's Libra) monsters try to metaphorically destroy the evil one who has caused this injustice. (It can be pretty amazing to watch, because it has the quality of a superhero moment when unleashed).


Saturn in the 4th house may give difficulties with the father early on (like the Chiron in the 4th placement). Absent, cold, overbearing, ill, even dead...not within reach of the person, who still longed for that strong nurturing and structure.

Mars/Saturn gives a very interesting energy pattern that is kind of two steps ahead, stall, take a step back, try to go ahead a little more, stall, etc. Lots of energy/no energy. Rushing into something and then going "noo, I'll never be able to do this" and stalling a while (but usually taking it up again). Mars/Saturn gives a tendency to have to go back to situations or endeavors the person really thought were finished--you always want to leave a way open to go back, because it comes up a lot.


Saturn in Libra cherishes, needs, desires, craves a perfect partnership. Above all things, to feel safe in the world, to feel that she is a good person, to feel that there is meaning--there must be a very good partner. Someone to listen, care, nurture, receive nurturing, etc.

There is also a terrible fear that one will never find this True Love. Or that something will happen, if one is in a happy relationship. The Saturn in Libra person goes around thinking stuff like "he's going to get tired of my moodswings one of these days and It Will Be My Fault". If the partner is late coming home the Saturn in Libra person is just about ready to dial all the local hospitals. Big fears around loss of what is so important.

But because Saturn in Libra understands what real partnership is--there is a life long effort to not puddle down into the dark corners of fear and anxiety.


Pallas in the 4th house makes it much easier to figure out things when one is at home; that is, when one feels safe, in one's proper place. Yes, it can be "in my own house", but it is more a sense of "things are all in their right order, I feel okay, now I can think". Pallas in Libra can give a very artistic sort of mind, a great sense of proportion and balance. And sometimes it does give artistic talent; it gives, here in the 4th house, a gift of setting up one's home, one's space, in a way that is pleasing and makes sense. Not all rational sense maybe, but in tune with what Sheyona requires.


Sometimes a 4th house Saturn person will run into repeated material difficulties with "finding home"; while these may be maddening and sometimes scary, it is part of a process of refinement and defining what, where, and how true home and true safety exist. (hint: not always between actual walls)


The 5th house here is Libran,and starts off with Pluto in Libra. Next we hit Jupiter in Scorpio, and then Ceres in Scorpio. And it is Scorpio (and Taurus in the 10th house) that are the intercepted signs in Sheyona's chart.


Pluto in Libra--ah, a great generation--came into this world in a transformative moment in which beauty, justice, harmony, partnership, marriage--all the Libra obsessions--were being rearranged and rethought. And this is the generation that took the germ of that understanding and has helped manifest the needed changes. In personal terms, Pluto in Libra in the 5th house is likely to have unusual loves and quite unusual obsessions, creative focus. A lot of power through the creative mode, or through whatever truly delights the heart. (the 5th house is about romance, creativity, children, what delights our heart, fun and games).

With Scorpio intercepted it is in a way (very interesting for a triple Cancer--I keep kind of boggling at the Cancerian side and then running into these interesting quirks in the chart)--well, it is as if the emotional passions are held under by a polite gloss (although Pluto isn't exactly polite, even in Libra). But the world sees the apparent charm and balance here, and there are deep and turbulent waters flowing beneath.

Pluto in the 5th brings transformation through some 5th house theme (or many of them). Through children. Through creative adventure. Through the people one falls in love with.

And when I say transformation--Pluto energy is not just a gentle little nudge towards goodness; I mean rebirth, and the process that goes before that, often. Amost "you must die to the old self to become the new self" sort of energy.


Pluto is one of the planets involved in that Finger of God. I'm going to hold off full discussion of that till we reach Venus/Chiron, but this is very potent energy here.


Ceres in the 5th house is quite fortunate, and so is Jupiter here--the person finds joy in love, finds joy in children (which to my mind also includes one's furry or finned companions), finds joy in being joyful, which sounds pretty silly--but hey. In having fun, for the sake of fun.

Ceres in Scorpio can be well nurtured through meaningful and spectacular sexual encounters, but also through anything that helps break through to authentic connection, emotion, and power.


Jupiter in Scorpio in the old traditions was said to give a liking for..um, criminals, and the insane, and randomly strange people (I also have a Jupiter in Scorpio, and remember running into those readings when I was a teen and going "really? sounds like fun!"). What it really is, I think, is an ease with the unusual; an unwillingness to judge on standard terms when falling in love, when rushing into creative projects, or when having fun. Jupiter is supposed to expand the area it falls in; in Scorpio it will expand the love of mystery, the ease with "darker" subjects, and yes, perhaps sexuality. Also probably creative energy. But there is an innate reserve in Scorpio, and remember it is Libra that is serving as a cover for all of this.

So...when Scorpio and Taurus are in interception, sometimes the person has difficulty bringing things to ripeness, to completion, to the proper next stage. Libra at the start of the 5th house might intellectualize the areas where this intercepted Scorpio power churns and yearns and yet can't quite figure out how to make that leap from "oh, look, here's a nice book on Etruscan statues" to "let's do lots of very interesting things here tonight. Yeah, here." Might try to explain away the emotions (which would be rather Aquarian, now, wouldn't it. Hmmm.)

And across the chart the impulses of Aries may rush forth but...wait, how do I finish this? What's supposed to work here? But we'll talk more about that when we are round this wheel.

Pluto and Jupiter trine the 12th house Sun, bringing in a very interesting mix of hopefulness and power to the personality.


Sagittarius is the sign on the house of health, work, service. Uranus in Sagittarius leads off, later on we find Neptune in Sagittarius and the Black Moon and Juno conjunct in Capricorn.

So, "unbridled" is a great word for Sagittarian energy. When Sagittarius is the 6th house sign there is a lot of need to do whatever work one does, whatever service one does, and to care for one's health and the health of others--without a bunch of direction and rules from other people. This would be particularly true of Sheyona, with Uranus right at the start of this house, Uranus in Sagittarius being quite revolutionary, quite intent on...well, changing all the rules, certainly for very good reasons (so the person thinks) and for the good of others (the inventor of Esperanto had a Sag Uranus, I think--vague memories of seeing that chart ages ago).

Uranus in the 6th house can also give some health challenges, usually more on the emotional level/mental level than on the physical; there is a uniqueness to the way things are processed, done, managed in the realm of work and health. Neptune in the 6th often gives added physiological sensitivity (though also a need to have an emotionally...authentic...workplace). Sometimes allergies, other sensitivities.

Neptune in Sagittarius is a strong, strong draw for the animals of the world, who just love being around this energy (may also draw humans, but just the more attuned ones; with critters it is just about every one; and so often those who are not so fond of humans usually). Doesn't always mean the person has critters in the household (though I know Sheyona has cats)--sometimes you'll find a Neptune in Sagittarius who for some reason cannot have animals in her actual household, but when she goes out walking--well, hey, there's that dog down the road, or the mysterious stray kitty who looks for her.

Very idealistic placement, and in terms of work gives a need to have meaningful work to do; hates wasting her time at stupid stuff, hates having to follow other people's ridiculous patterns.


Neptune is sextile Pluto, and quincunx Venus/Chiron (as is Pluto; this is the Finger of God). The sextile increases imagination and deep compassion (but...we're not talking snuggles and cookies here; this is more austere).


Lilith and Juno are conjunct in early Capricorn here.

When I see the Capricorn Lilith in one of these charts I always kind of sigh, because it is difficult for me to explain; or I feel I don't explain it quite as well as I would like, and I feel a rush of...connection, because this is my own Lilith (and like Sheyona's, in the 6th house).


Capricorn Black Moon Lilith people are in a way acolytes of the archetypal Dark Mother energy; the Crone energy (no matter how young or old they actually are); they are in essence called to help others understand the universe--no, not that they know what the universe is all about--but to kind of trust in the structure, that there is meaning or structure beyond what we are able to rationally know. (you see why I worry about getting this explained coherently?). The thing about having a Cappie Lilith is that life is very likely to send you some very...deep experiences, starting in childhood. These are not easy passages (at least they weren't for me); they kind of strip one to the core, to the bone, to the center of something that is beyond the personal, way, way beyond the sentimental. (I always have to assure people who have the Cappie Lilith that it doesn't interfere, however, with love of Victoriana or whatever--I still have my pink and blue fluffy moments on another level entirely). There is a deep compassion in a Capricorn Lilith, and a need to demonstrate a peculiar sort of strength and reassurance.

(and if this doesn't strike a cord, Sheyona--great, just let it pass)

The thing for this chart that fascinates me (or one thing..) is that Lilith and Juno are conjoined here. Which, if I'm reading this right, means that Sheyona's natural partners are drawn to her not through her triple Cancerian energy necessarily, but because they recognize, understand, and sort of embody within themselves that harsh and beautiful understanding. They might be actual Capricorn people, but the most likely thing would be that they have an innate sense of structure, discipline, and coherence that resonates with her own deepest understanding.

Could be, since this is the 6th house after all, that they come into her life in work/service situations, or through some relationship to healing, health.


The other...okay, another...intriguing thing is that Lilith and the Sun are exactly opposite each other. And this might give...well, we have all that Cancerian energy, very much the heart and soul of Sheyona--and yet we have an opposite energy, a energy of structure and intensity. This is kind of like a Sun/Moon oppositional pattern, I think, with the same sort of challenge (wait--I am this, but I am that as well) and the same gift, which is that of being able to reconcile, within oneself, apparently impossible and opposite traits. It can give a great strength (at an emotional level, I'm not talking "bends iron bars with bare hands") and a breadth of perspective that is unusual. But again, the process isn't always easy.


The Juno involvement is kind of like the Cappie south node of the moon in the house of partnership; again, it is through allies, through others, through partners that Sheyona may most feel supported in her inner Lilith, and in the balancing act with the Sun.


Capricorn is the sign on the 7th house (and the south node is here). Traditional, steady, forever partnerships are what are needed by a 7th house Capricorn. Family (maybe not birth family, but always "I will get my people together and in order"). Slow to commit because it is important; very much a person of her word in this area, or tries to be.


Capricorn is also the sign on the house of the occult, death, sexuality, karma, inheritance, adn so on; the 8th house. No planets here, but again, with Capricorn, all those areas of life will be entered with caution, care, and a need for endurance. Taken seriously. (there is a lot of Aquarius here in this house as well, so there may be more openmindedness than one would usually expect of a Cappie 8th house).


We hit that openmindedness full on in the 9th house, with Aquarius as the opening sign, and Vesta in Aquarius.


This is the house that has to do with higher education (be it in academia or in life outside the ivory towers), spiritual search, exploration, travel, pressing the boundaries of life and thought ("to go where no man [sic] has gone before"...*cue startrek music*)

Aquarian energy loves the 9th house (though it is the natural Sagittarian house in the chart wheel). Yay for intellectual discovery and going to odd places and thinking, as the cliche goes, outside the box. Likely to be a big-picture thinker, but with a twist; that is "the unexpected way of looking at the big picture".


Vesta here gives a need to go about all that exploration and travel and thought and study in a...different way. That is, with a whole lot of pauses, a lot of breaks to do something else. People with Vesta in the 9th house don't do well in travel that takes them to 16 locations in two weeks--they need to go somewhere, stop there and gain perspective, then go on. And in study of any kind, in projects that demand study, they do not do well in the "I will sit down and spend the next two weeks writing my findings down" mode. They will sit and try to write or study and after a time (often a short time) need to take a break. They may also need to take breaks in the course of a formal education--you will find a lot of these going back to school after years out, or back to earlier studies after leaving them.

They may beat themselves up about their "lack of focus", but it is simply that their learning style is unique. Once they understand their own rhythm they can usually go with it and be quite good at whatever they desire.


The midheaven and 10th house have Pisces as the sign at the start. This is the house of career, public image, calling. Pisces is going to give a very fey sort of public image: poetic, romantic, compassionate, sympathetic. Not hard-nosed and factual, more "what is the fascinatingly shifting story?". As with the Cancer first house energy, this may subject Sheyona to a lot of projection and expectation.


The 11th house is Aries cusped; this is where Taurus is in interception. Chiron and Venus are here, and are the focus of the Finger of God aspect (or YOD) that I keep mentioning. This is the house of friendship, groups one might belong to, group projects, and kind of secret life aspirations. So there's a lot of energy, a lot of "yes! let's just go for it!" in her friendships, and in her group activities and such. Lots of pioneer energy: "I know, I could...." And there might be a tendency to start lots of projects, to begin things with much energy--but then to get bored or discouraged, and start something else, which gets abandoned... But the Taurus energy is here, it is just hidden and a bit hard to access.


Normally I think a YOD shows an energy flow from the two planets at the sextiled base (Pluto and Neptune here) to the apex. But when the apex, Chiron/Venus, is within an interception, it might work in reverse--the energy might find outlet through the 5th and 6th houses.


This is definitely a paradoxical chart. Venus in Taurus= sensual connection, relishing beauty, relishing the things of the senses, affectionate, artistic, probably musical. And in the 11th house involvement with others who love beauty, color, music, and so on.

Chiron in Taurus=great ambivalence about sensual things, about abundance, about even dipping one's little toe into a rush of sensory input and delight. Feelings of "I shouldn't have this, I am not worthy" Feelings of "there must be some way that I can share what I have, because it breaks my heart to think of those who don't have my resources/luck/pleasures.

But Chiron in Taurus can become as easeful as the abundant and cherishing Taurus Venus, after trials and doubts and passages through fire and such. No one is quite so wonderfully attuned to the beauties of this life as a Taurus Chiron. However, enroute, there can be problems with eating disorders or body-image problems or just problems of feeling that one has any right to survive and enjoy life at all.


Venus in the 11th house may give artistic friends, affection to and from friends; Chiron may give a tendency to be the caretaker in groups but this is also the very common on this forum "jr. high school Chiron"; I call it that because for me that is the best example of "hey, ha ha, you are excluded cause you just aren't cool enough for us!" energy that an 11th house Chiron goes through at one time or another. (they are wonderful group caretakers though, they are fantastic mentors--based on their understanding of how much it hurt to feel that you didn't fit, you weren't okay, you weren't good enough in some way).


Sometimes a Chiron in the 11th house person will go into healing/counseling areas--not necessarily as their life work, but as something that continuously seems to come up for them.


Chiron/Venus is an extremely seductive combination. Marilyn Monroe had it (and so it my beloved mom, born the same day and year). And it is an extremely caring combination, the person has this innately sensitive and sympathetic soul. But there is this air of innocence, this air of fragility that makes it so seductive--it is kind of "oh, look she is so pure, unsullied, and her delicate skin would bloom with bruises". So Chiron/Venus people attract both the champion type who wants to protect them, and the type who thinks there is nothing more fun than destroying something so beautiful and rare. They need to be careful, and sometimes they just aren't, because they so expect the best of everyone.


So, that YOD energy brings both Pluto and Neptune into the picture here (or permeates Pluto and Neptune with the Venus/Chiron stuff, or...probably...both). Quincunxes, which are the angle at which Pluto and Neptune connect to Venus and Chiron, are unstable angles. Sometimes they work very smoothly--the connection with Neptune would then bring in a lot of poetry and sympathy that would work well, a brilliant imagination, a fostering heart and the ability to use this in the workplace (6th house); while the Pluto connection, if it is working well, would bring in intensity and passion and "I will give my life for this" in a healthy way through the creativity and romance of the 5th house.


But when the quincunx is working in a challenging way (and it shifts, it changes, it vibrates) the Neptune connection is going to cloud the judgement possibly "no, no one would ever do anything deliberately cruel, how can you think that?" and the Pluto connection may tip over into obsessive thought, obsessive need, or even the edge of destructive thought patterns.


But a YOD is always a gift, and this one is kind of saying something about stability being possible through group goals or deep friendships--I think; that the creative spirit and the desire for authentic work can be met, can be stabilized. Possibly through friends with Taurus energy as mentors (and yes, I've looked at her husband's chart: Taurus moon, Taurus rising. heh.)


The other thing about Venus/Chiron as a Finger of God point in the 11th house might be "understand your insecurities and pains and learn to embrace those and transform them as your true life's work". Or something lofty like that (through poetry, art, dance, study, something..).


Gemini is the 12th house sign. In the house of the unconscious, of what is denied, repressed, wished away, secretly desired--Sheyona has her Gemini Mercury and her Sun in Cancer. Mercury is exactly trine Mars, and also trine Saturn. It is opposite Uranus.


Now, in this personality and essence that is so awash in Cancer, it is so intriguing to have Mercury show up in Gemini. Not in Cancer, not in an emotionally driven water sign, but in a very active and flitty air sign, and in fact, in the air sign he rules (also rules the earth sign Virgo). This is not a mind that is sitting and brooding, even though the heart might do that--this is a mind that is active, searching for what can be discovered, what can be learned, communicated.

But it is in the 12th house. Now, a 12th house Mercury needs to know, needs to find out what the secret agendas are. Doesn't like to think other people are hiding things (this is also true of a 12th house Sun). Lots of energy towards finding out things, so very good for research, journalism, etc. The trine to Mars will increase the energy and drive, while the trine to Saturn will add discipline and the ability to structure thoughts, and that may be very good for a Gemini Mercury, which tends to be kind of flitting and tasting this and that in the intellectual world--oh, let's learn a bit of French and then I think I'll study anthropology...or, hey, maybe I'll just go on a long trip.

Doesn't want to be bored, can be very restless (but sporadically restless, Mars and Saturn have kind of opposite effects here).

The Uranian influence (besides giving a possibly innate understanding of Aquarian energy) may give genius...and/or very odd thought patterns. Not expected, not standard.


Sometimes Mercury in the 12th house people have early on either tried to conceal their intelligence or found that their intelligence wasn't really--understood or recognized; can be a feeling of "no one is really listening here".


I've already discussed a bit the 12th house Sun; again, this tends to give a "I'd really like to have my space away from the limelight" as well as a desire to find out whatever is hidden, what is really behind the curtain, not talked about. People with a 12th house Sun (or moon, actually) can be very very uncomfortable when they think someone isn't being outfront with them, when they think something is being hidden from them, or only part of the truth is being told. They themselves, however, want to keep their secrets; can be quite reserved. For a triple Cancer that reserve is going to present a challenge, because Sheyona will be constantly expected to be the person with the cookies and the sympathetic shoulder to weep on. As long as she is not expected to have mutual sharing and tears, that might work with the 12th house sun okay--but her emotions are pretty up front with the moon in the first house.


And I'm going to hold off on looking at transits until I've looked at Sheyona's husband's chart, which I will do in a separate post. (don't really want to torture you, Sheyona; thanks for keeping silent as I muddle onwards here, and happy birthday tomorrow!)

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