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9/23 & 24 SW Random Questions

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WKAP scents?

Meh - too much blood, too many foody/icky florals... Though I will say, Leaf-Strewn Couch might be worth a sniff at some point


How do you feel about stationary? (pens, notepads, cards, pencils, etc.)

Yes please! I don't write many full-on letters, but blank cards & postcards are always appreciated. I am a sucker for a good liquid-ink pen, extra-fine point, and my collection of GellyRoll pens are all giving up the ghost at once - black, deep green/burgundy/purple, grey, weird muddy colors, please! I'm also looking for an "L" wax seal for my folks' bed & breakfast... does no one carry these anymore?!


Switch Witches, which shoes do you own that are your favorite? What are your "daily drivers"?

I have worn holes in my Harley-Davidson boots - I can't begin to calculate how many miles I've put into those things... This summer, it's been some Lands End sport flats I got on supersale - not inspiring, but way comfy. Just sprung for a pair of SoftSpots, but I long for a pair of Fluevogs... oh hello....


If you could describe yourself in 5 words, what would they be?

Deeply rooted, yet endlessly searching.


Who collects ACEOs/ATCs?

I don't collect them, but a unique bit of art will always be appreciated :D

What tarot card do you most identify with?

Hrm. Depends on the day/week/month... In the Major Arcana, The Star was once my go-to card, but I'm feeling The Sun & The Empress more these days. The Swords as a whole are very important to me - they come up very regularly, and invariably have Something Important to say. There was a shop in Evanston that had a glorious mural of the Queen of Swords - it really spoke to me...


What are you and your family's feelings on: peanut butter, chocolate and caramel?

YES. ^_^


What are your thoughts on Halloween decorations?

XD I like a little festivity, but Halloween is DH's most hated of holidays... We compromise with lots of mums, pumpkins, gourds, and a token string of jack-o-lantern lights on the porch.


Do you like Celtic things? (Clothes, jewelry, pictures ect.)

Within reason... I'm the first generation of my family born outside the British Isles, and we have deep roots in Wales & northern England. The usual "bookstore" Celtic stuff doesn't much appeal (Tshirts, pewter dragons, Celtic Thunder DVDs, you get the idea), and most Celtic music leaves me lukewarm (sorry, Wwindy! XD)... but our son adores bagpipes, so a good chest-thumping CD of pipes & drums would be lovely.


Would you like more contact from your witch? (I‘m talking particularly about e-mail)

My witch has sent me a few lovely emails... but I confess: I am deeply envious of the string of e-card IGIs XD


Can you receive flowers at your address? Would you prefer food or a plant instead?

Oh yes! I never get flowers!

Would you mind vintage clothes?

It's really, really hard for me to find vintage clothing that fits XD


What about 2010 Wall calenders? Or 2010 journals or appointment diaries? What subject?

Ooh, yes! I'll put a few ideas on my Amazon list...

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