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I custom mix nail polish, a process called 'frankening'. If you were my witch, would you enjoy a custom 'franken', based on whatever colors/theme you chose? I love nailpolish and interesting colours, so sure, why not?!

Since everyone is spending the same amount of money on this swap, would you be interested in seeing the cost breakdown of each item in your package? Not really - I figure money is a private thing and I'm not interested in whether it comes in a bit under or over.

Would you like or accept an energetically-charged item or gift? Something that had power poured into it? If so, do you have a particular purpose that you'd prefer? (Love, protection, money, etc.) I'm weird like that: I like to 'take care' of my own spirituality, and so, while I appreciate good thoughts sent in tough situations, I wouldn't be interested in something like that.

Do you have any significant upcoming events in your life you'd like something for? A child/yourself graduating from high school/college? Are you buying a new home or car soon? Moving in with someone/getting married? Taking a new job? Moving to a new part of the country/world? Not really. My work contract runs out June and I'm not sure what'll happen after, but that whole situation is so unresolved it's not really a big event.

Ooooh! BPAL's beloved alicia_stardust is having a contest! If you're my Witchee, would you like a chance to win these earrings? Nope, not pierced!

How are we feeling about burlesque? Love it. I like the aesthetic and the fun, and would love to learn more about its history.

Is there anything you're lusting after in the Villainess update? I've never tried Villainess (I know, the horror!) but I love spicy, rich scents for bathproducts.

What is everyone's take on Valentine's Day? I've been single for a long time and it didn't mean too much to me then. Now, it's a fun day to go on a roadtrip together and just do something special. It's not about romantic gestures (we don't need a day for that) but about having fun together.

Do you like traditional Valentine's Day colors (red, pink, white, more?) ? I love pink kitchen gear (I have pink bowls, a pink colander, pink toaster, pink kettle, pink scales) and a good dark, rich red can never be beaten. Not too big on white - I don't look good in it and it just gets too dirty too quickly

A Favorite love poem? I love poetry but I really can't answer that since most of what I like isn't love poetry.

What's everyone's favorite semi-obscure (or underappreciated!) animal? Capybara!

What is your favorite sign that spring is coming? Birdies chirping in the early morning dawn

Do you like hand-knit Things? I love them! I especially love fairisle and lace knitting, but also chunky, bold-coloured things

For those of you with pets, would you like pet things? Toys, treats, etc? Two cats, they'd appreciate treats and action-focused toys

What's your favorite Love Story? The quiet, strong kind where two characters grow closer until they realize they belong together

Would anyone like receiving naughty/sexy things? Sure, why not.

Who on the thread likes attending Ren Faires, SciFi/Comic Cons & the like? And do you dress up for them? I love both RenFaires and SciFi - Im more likely to dress up for RenFaire than a Con, though

Do you need any accessories for your phone, computer, mp3 player, etc.? A funky skin/cover for my Kindle wouldn't come amiss

What are your feelings on gently used CDs/DVDs? I buy used stuff all the time.

First five songs on the "Top 25 Most Played" list on iPod. Nope. I haven't used my iPod a lot recently, my library disappeared several times, and all I've been listening to is the Glee! OST. I can give you 5 songs I really like, though! David Gray - Baby you're the world to me ; Naked Raven - Velvet Sky ; Great Big Sea - Boston to St. John's ; David Bowie - When the world falls down ; Eddie Reader ; Galileo

Would you like a mix cd from your witch? I'd love a mix CD!

Are you interested in receiving gifts representative of Witch's country or culture? No knick-knacks! Photos, art postcards & recipes would be fantastic

Do you like candy? What kinds? Dark chocolate, truffles

Do you play WoW? No

Would you like one of those Plush Microbes? No.

What are your feelings on Mardi Gras? I've always wanted to go! And I miss German Fasching so much,..

Would you like homemade sewn stuff? Any fabrics to avoid? Sure, why not?

Do you need any kitchen-related gadgetry? Tongs & spatulas?

Would you like new nail polish? Yep.

Do you like incense and/or scented candles, and are you able to burn them in your home? If so, what kinds of scents do you like? I like scented candles, especially autumny/spicy/warm scents.

Boxes? For Bpal (bottles and/or imps) or otherwise I don't need any, but otoh, a lovely box is always wonderful!

Would you use a natural sea sponge? Already have one.

Are you interested in bacon chocolate? Not really.

Coffee, hot chocolate, or tea? Most of the time tea.

Would you like some of my favorite recipes? YES! I love cooking and always love getting new recipes.

Would you like posters, pictures, art? I'm not too much into art, but if it's my witch's thing I'd love it!

Would you like soaps? Especially from Paintbox? And ESPECIALLY the Valentines Special Edition Soaps?? They look good, yes. Though i do have quite a few soaps in my stash!

New question--I'm calling this "could never happen in a million years":

Your Witch is perusing the wares at a local yard sale. S/he looks down and sees [insert impossibly rare item that you've always wanted but could never afford] with a $5-10 sticker on it. Sheepishly s/he takes it to the guy behind the folding table. "Do you know what this is?" s/he inquires. The gentleman states that it belonged to his mother/sister/grandmother/Great Aunt Beulah and he thinks it's for, like, hair or something. With a trembling hand, s/hes pays the man and heads home with the inconceivable riches.

So, what is this unobtainable miracle your Witch found? Polaroid 600 film or an Alice in Wonderland tea-set. Or maybe Disney's Beauty & the Beast and Alice in Wonderland on dvd.

Do you like salted caramels? I SO want to tryyyy!

Imagine that someone hands you their wallet and sends you into a really good bakery. They have everything, from breads to brownies, cookies to croissants, anything you could imagine, and you're allowed to pick out five things for yourself. What do you pick? A Krapfen (round donut filled with rosehip jam), a loaf of sourdough rye bread, a chocolate croissant, a piece of baked cheesecake and a Laugenstange

It gets asked every round but sockdreams? Have never owned socks from them. Love socks, would love knee-highs, DO have really fat calves though

Do you like alcoholic beverages? If so, what is your preference (beer, wine, liquor...)? Wiiiine! But don't worry about buying me booze, lovely witch.

Are you into steampunk? I love the aesthetic of it, especially the rich contrast between polished warm metals (brass, copper) and shining dark wood.

Do you need/would you like wall art? I have a bunch of posters that I haven't even hung yet - I just kept the landlords BOOOOORING art on the walls. I'd love something colourful and interesting. It's all a bit tame atm.

What's your favorite cookie? Tough question. I like peanut butter cookies, I quite like choc chip, and I LOVE anything gingery/spicy. I've never tried snickerdoodles, but always wanted to (hmmmm, cinnamon!)

Lib Balm? Love it. Love flavoured/scecnted one. My lip stuff is ok, but sometimes the texture can be a bit off. I like my lip balm a bit thick and creamy, but still smooth.


Baked Goods? Yes please. I love cooking, but while my baking skills are ok I prefer eating over baking. And vegan is fine, too. And if it is indeed vegan, I want the recipe. I have the vegan cupcake book and it's great.


Canned goods? Know what I love? A good chili jam/jelly. Yum! Pickles not so much, I run from vinegar.


Favourite flowers? Bright pink tulips, all sorts of roses, sunflowers, gerbera, calla lilies - and all sorts of wildflowers, as well.


Hair things? I have thick hair, so it needs to be sturdy. But I love hairclips and barettes, so bring it on! I used to have a butterfly-shaped metal clasp that I loved. I love MZB's Darkover books, so I'm a bit obsessed with butterfly-shaped hairthings.


OPI Alice? Love the blue and the multiglitter.

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