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My Stash

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So many packages came in over the last few days (and my bank account is wailing in agony but oh well) that I now have enough scents to create a stash post listing them.



* bottle I might get rid of

** bottle I would be willing to swap as long as I could keep/get an imp or two of the scent

*** amazing scent need more now


# Imp I like but might be willing to get rid of

## Imp I need another imp or two of, at least

### Imp I need a whole bottle of, at least


& untried

&& needs trying again



Hay Moon

Makhanitis *

Crypt Queen **

Devil's Night 09

Thirteen (April 07) ... (***?)

Thirteen (Feb 09) ... (***?)


Men Ringing Bells with Penises &&

Lovers with Rutting Cats &&

Ded Moroz

Blood Moon 05 &&

Thirteen (Nov 09)


Marotte *

Chaos Theory III Strange Attractors DLXXXIV *

Green Phoenix &&

Thirteen (March 09)

Thirteen (June 08)

Thirteen (Oct 06)


LE Imps/decants

Iron Phoenix #?

Tin Phoenix ### (bottle on order)

Quicksilver Phoenix

Silver Phoenix ##

Gold Phoenix ##

Leipreachan ##

Summer's Last Will & Testament &&

Hungry ghost Moon ##

Dragon Moon 06 ###

Couple Consulting an Enpon ##?


Sol Invictus (09) ##

Pumpkin Patch V (05? 06?) ##

But Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light

Ü Mütter Museum ###!!

Banshee Beat ##

Malignant Dreams of Cthulu in Love ###

Pumpkin III 07 ##

Pumpkin IV 07 ##


Mother Shub's Spice Lait de Chevre &&

Wind in the Willows: Mole

Water Phoenix

Pumpkin III 09 ##

Pumpkin V 09

Luperci &&

Pumpkin I 09 ##

Copper Phoenix

Velvet Dogs Playing Poker


GC Imps


Grand Guignol ##

Hetairae &&

Nefertiti &&

Nero ##?

Pais del la Canela &&

Thy Godfather's Present &&

The Hesperides

The Bow and Crown of Conquest ###

Dragon's Heart ##(#?)

Tintagel ###

The Dormouse

The Phantom Wooer &&

Violens ###!!!

Dragon's Claw ##(#?)

Dragon's Musk

Dragon's Bone ##(#?)

Dragon's Reverie

Tanin'iver ##

Snake Oil &


Sri Lanka


Glasgow 77

The Highwayman &&

Wolfsbane ##

Baku ##?

Perversion &&

Yew Trees ###


The High Priest Not to Be Described #


The Ghost

Zephyr &&

Odin ###

Osun &&




Scents I did not like at all (+ means I still have it)

Lead Phoenix (LE)

Velvet Tiger (LE) +

Rose Red (LE)

Lilium Inter Spinas +

Aeval +

Dove's Heart

51 +

Delirium +

Iambe +

Dragon's Eye +

Hairy Toad Lily +

Dragon's Tears +

Dragon's Milk +

Nyx +

Follow Me Boy +

Black Dahlia +

Desire +



Scents I do not like enough to keep

Dragon's Blood (flowery for too long) +

Sweet Life +

Wind in the Willows: Nowhere in Particular +


...next, I need to make a wishlist.

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