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Well, here's what I think....


I first came to bpal.org to read reviews and shipping updates. What I have found has been much, much more. I've made friends here from my own city as well as around the world, as well as finding a 'hobby' if that's what you want to call our collections. The people here and the oils we collect have enriched my life and opened my mind, and I've been through several big life-changes since coming around here. I can always find advice or just a shoulder to cry on when I'm here, and I know it goes even deeper for others in this community....some have mentioned that their sanity and their lives have been saved by their friends here, and I believe that is not an exaggeration.


I do not blame anyone who is still friends with fairnymph, or who decides to sell to her when (if) all this is resolved. Let's face it....she's going to get the perfumes that she wants. She will find a way. Her posts that I've read strike me as coming from someone who is.....maybe the ultimate control freak? Self will run riot? I don't know, this probably isn't the place for it. My point is that she will find ways to get the oils that she wants and nobody here should lose sleep if she finds ways around the things we do to block her. She kind of reminds me of a little kid who wants all the toys for herself and then finds herself all alone with her toys because nobody wants to play with her any more. In a way that's sad because she's brought her own punishment on herself, worse than anything we can do by blocking her from buying stuff. She's cut herself off from a lot of potential friends and rich opportunities, and she did it to herself. I bet there are people around here who still would forgive her, and give her a chance, and be friends with her, and I don't find anything wrong with that at all.


*sigh*......I don't even know where I was going with this or what my point is.....I think I'll just leave it at that.

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