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Switchwitch 2010 Help and Answers to Questions

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:wub2: Switchwitch help and Questions


If any witchee is looking for hints, here's a sampling of things I'd love to get to sniff


The Antikythera Mechanism

Cloister Graveyard in the Snow

Garden Path with Chickens



And there was a Great Cry in Egypt



* What movie scared the bejeezus out of you as a child? Alien. The Blob. The Thing.

* Name a couple of sites you frequent other than this one: Etsy, LJ, Bigfish games

* Do you like the Muppets? Which is your favorite? I do like the muppets! My favorites are the snarky guys sitting in the balcony.

* If you could have any creature (real or imaginary) as a pet, what would it be? a small housetrained dragon. that wouldn't eat my cats.

* Comfort Rereads?: The Dragonbone Chair, The Name of the Wind, Dragonsong.

* Will you be going out of town during the round, or is there any other time during the round when it would not be ideal for you to receive a package from your witch? I'll be in town till Thanksgiving :)

* If you are in school now, what classes are you taking? Does anything you are currently studying really interest you? (if you are not in school, is there anything you are trying to learn?) I'm not currently in school, but I'm really interested in learning more crafts (felting, rug making, quilting and the like)



* Do you have a special symbol or totem that is meaningful to you? The Sun, and frogs.

* Do you need a box for your bpal bottles? Your imps? Your something else to put in a box stuff? a small box for current favorite imps would be keen

* If you could be any person, being, or animal from Fantasy what or who would you be?

* If you could go back to any point in time, where, when, why? The Library at Alexandria, assuming I could read the stuff there. Who knows what all they had figured out.

* Favorite Halloween Candy/Treat? those tiny reese's peanutbutter cups. and pumpkin seeds, freshly baked.

* What are your favorite baked goods/homemade treats? fresh made banana nutbread.

* Would you be interested in an astrology birth chart? I think that would be neat. I'd need help understanding it, though. :)





* Socks? Anyone? Big fluffy, fluffy bed socks.

* What is something you use to comfort yourself when feeling yucky, depressed, or in pain? A hot bath, hot mint tea with honey, TKO, sitting outside listening to the wind in trees.

* Favorite Halloween/Scary movies/books: Hocus-Pocus! amuck-amuck-amuck..! :lol: For scary movies, possibly Alien, which is my favorite scary movie ever.

* What would the name of your custom blend be? The description? I must think on this. It would probably involve lemon and blueberries somehow. :)

* COMIC BOOKS. Do you read them? Are there any series you like, or some you would like to try? I have read a bunch of comics. I segued off into manga on occassion. I like Fruits Basket, X-Men,

* Warm drinks? Coffee, earl grey or mint tea with honey, hot cider.. Irish coffee ;)



* When you go to an etsy wishlist, it will tell you what things are sold. If you click on the sold item, sometimes it will give options that are similar to what was sold, but not identical, would you like the similar item or prefer not to get it at all unless it's the same item? How picky are you? Similar is awesome.

* Do you wear make up? Very rarely, usually only lip gloss and a little shadow

* Disney movies, Yay or Nay, and favourites if you do like them? They’re ok, I think the only one we’re currently missing that we intend to get is Fantasia.

* Do you have A VCR, DVD Player or Blue Ray or a combo of the three? DVD/Blue Ray

* Would you like custom icons as a gift? Sure!



* What is your favourite snack food, something you could grab any time? Peanut M&Ms

* Ebooks: Love them. I’ve got a sony e-reader, and just adore it.

* Nail Polish: definitely. Fingers tend towards the light sparkly pinks, but toes can be just about any color.

* Soft/plushy things: splendid, if they’re smallish. I could really use a stuffed wombat.

* What hobby/craft would you like to learn how to do? Stained glass. * We’ve got a Friday craft thing going on and we’ve been slowly cycling through various crafty things.

* For those who decorate for Halloween, do you prefer cute decorations or creepy ones?: cute, mostly

* Also, as part of the cute-or-creepy question, would you want hand made, molded, glazed (by yours truly!) ceramic decorations (napkin rings, potporri/tart warmers, etc) to add to your stock? Any hand crafted thingee would be a welcome treat. Chop-stick holders would be handy

* how do you feel about mortars and pestles: I think they’re very useful! I do not have one yet.

* Is there anything you have a phobia of, or that would make you go "squick" if you saw it in a package? I’ve got a phobia about real spiders, but I can’t think of anything that would squick me in a package.



* Are you into Austen's books? I’m not against them. I found this very funny:

Jane Austin’s Fight Club

* Do you read Tarot cards? If not, would you be interested? I own a deck, but it doesn’t see a lot of use these days. They’re pretty, though!

* So for those of you who are into Harry Potter at all, which house do you think you'd be sorted into? I'd like to think Slytherin, but realistically, Hufflepuff. :)

* What, if anything, is your guilty TV watching pleasure? The old English version of Whose Line is it anyway.

* If you cosplay or need a costume for your bellydance/burlesque hobby (or any other hobby which needs dressup/different from your normal wear), is there anything you need/want for it? I do not cosplay, but a neat hair ribbon/wreath for renfest would be keen!

* Celebrity crush?: Karl Urban :)

* Knitted things?: I adore knitted things. Critters, scarves, fingerless armwarmers would be great, as I tend to freeze at work even in summer

* What about [mixed or otherwise] DVDs? Is there such a thing? Neat!

* DVDs: Do you prefer widescreen or formatted? Widescreen. (I have a weakness for badly dubbed/subtitled martial arts movies.)

* Music: Any preference towards MP3 or CD? MP3

* Do you like scented tarts? I do! Lighter apply, blueberry or fruity pie scents especially

* Lip balms? I like lip balms. I think my favorite that I’ve found so far are the magic hands one, honey especially

* Do you have any body mods? If so, do you need any new jewelry, o-rings, plugs, etc (and if so, what size, length, etc)? Do you like pro-body mod stickers? I’ve only got 5 holes in my body that nature didn’t gift me with, and they’re all in my ears. I can only wear titanium/niobium, but a new tiny gauge ring for my cartilage could be cool

* Booze. Do you drink it, would you like some: I do drink really heavy stouts. My state won’t let me get alcohol in the mail, but if you have any suggestions for chocolaty stouts, that’d be awesome.

* What is your favorite artist or art style? (including if you have links to favorite pictures/paintings/photographs) My favorite artist is Michael Whelan, but anything in that style is lovely. I also have a weakness for fanart of characters of books I’ve read.




* Hallowe'en plans? A carve a pumpkin party, admire all the costumes of the little kids, handing out candy, and some grilling of corn and steak.

* Mix CDs? Definitely!!

* Girlyness level? I love getting a pedicure, and changing the color of my toenails. I go in girly phases, sometimes it seems like there’s a month of wearing skirts, then back to jeans and sweaters



* Baked goods: Yum! Especially shortbread!

* Gifts for other household members: catnip or boxes for the cats to attempt to fit into, any tasty pasta recipes you might want to share

* Are you someone who'd rather have lots of small testers of different things on your wishlist, or would you rather have one or two "big" things? I’d be thrilled with either, but lean towards small testers.

* Social networking usernames, ie twitter, facebook, livejournal, ravelry, anything else: I’m on facebook and livejournal, but both are friends locked. I admit to not really knowing how to use twitter.

* Would you like to receive Groupons or similar deals/gift certificates from your Witch? I don’t really know what a Groupon is, but ideas for places to try to eat are always a treat.

* How about tshirt/bottoms sizes? Tops tend to run in the xl for crew tshirts, and xl for yoga pants.

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