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Squick: I LOVE Halloween, but please do not be sending me any fake (or real) spiders. There /will/ be a freakout, and it will not be pretty.


Decoration: I tend more towards the cute. Please nothing that makes noise when you pass by.


Celebrity crush: Hah, this could take a while. I'm really disappointed I couldn't go to Dragon*Con and get my picture taken with Ben Browder and Michael Shanks (or as I called them, Hot Man Sandwich) or James Marsters. Nathan Fillion is probably the only crush I might have a chance of randomly walking by, as he is from the same city as the husband is from. I've got some girlcrushes too, but am having a hard time tearing myself away from the Hot Men of SciFi so will update later when I'm not being a dirty old lech. :lol:


Ceramics: An oil warmer would be nice.


Mortar/Pestle: I have one, but it's not used frequently.


Widescreen/formatted?: Widescreen, but uh.. I'm going to go with no movie DVDs, as the husband has a HUGE collection (the bookcase is approximately 6 feet long and 4ish feet high (4 shelves) and it's completely packed). TV shows like Burn Notice, Leverage, Carnivale, Deadwood, True Blood and the like are less likely to be on the shelf. Smallville I think he has, and possibly Supernatural, too. LOST is definitely there. It's hard to remember! :P


Snack food: I have an awesome recipe for granola with stuff I keep meaning to share here, and I mix my own trail mix with stuff I pick up from the farmers market. I've also been known to eat the dried fruit before it ever gets to the mixing bowl.


Bit more ketchup to add to the mix!

Would you like icons? Yes. It can be for either a favorite perfume or name-based, or whatever other ideas my future Witch might have.

Etsy similarities? Sure. Wishlist is there as a guideline to show you how my tastes run. Certainly not exact.


Disney? I still would love a copy of the original Fantasia. And some of the older Disney movies like Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and .. wait, I have Sword and the Stone already.




Hobby/skills? I'd like to pick my German back up again. And I'd love to start bellydance classes. I may also pester my MIL to learn how to knit.

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