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Soooooo much to say. .. . I shall try to condense as much as possible!


The kidlet adores turtles. And we adore listening to her say "Tuhr-duhl" Currently she has 2 bath toy turtles, so anything you come across that's appropriate for 2 year olds would be fab!


Also I have recently started trying out different foods & drinks with lavender in them . . .


Do you prefer your DVD widescreen or formatted? Widescreen.


Costuming: I WANT to take bellydancing lessons, but have not found the $/time for it yet. I do enjoy dressing up for Ren Fair . . . nothing specific that I need, but any additions to my thrown together costumes would be great!


Booze: Love mead & wine. You could always see if Brother's Drake Meadery can ship (or even put something aside for me to come pick up. They are local & I am one of their "mead minions") Favorites are Vanilla Orange, (Any)Solstice, and Pillow Talk


Favorite art/artist? Tough call. I like a lot of artists. Charles Vess, and the Frouds, Eric Carle, Keith Parkinson, Van Gogh, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Monet . .. . Edward Gorey, Ansel Adams and quite a few others . .


Do you wear make up?

Yes, in varying amounts depending on mood, time & what the plans are. Eyeshadow/eyeliner/mascara are good bets. I have blue eyes, wear contacts & prefer dark but not black mascara.


Do you have A VCR, DVD Player or Blue Ray or a combo of the three?

We have DVD & (rarely used) VCR.


Favorite horror movie:

Loved Pan's Labyrinth; enjoyed The Shining (although I like the book more) liked The Ring, Sweeney Todd was fun, anything with Bruce Campbell can't be all bad . . .. I like psychological thrillers much more than gore. No one in my family or current close circle of friends is into any kind of horror, so I don't get to see much - sneak in 45 minutes here & there of DVD and that really doesn't work so well for horror (or anything, in my opinion.)


What I'd really like to do Halloween Night (after TrickRTreating w/the kiddo) is either A)Watch the GhostHunters Live Investigation (if they have one this year) or B)read Stephen King all night long or C) a combo of the two. Preferably by candlelight with classical music in the background. None of that shall happen this year though, except I might get to read some Stephen King.


Favorite scary book or story:

I have been slowly working my way thru the Stephen King "library" over the past few years. Next on my list are: Talisman/Dark House, The Dark Tower, Shawshank Redemption, Green Mile, Bag of Bones. I also like non-sparkly vampires & werewolves in a variety of "paranormal" adventure type books (and, OK, some are actually paranormal romances)



X-men. And also Castle Waiting. And recently got into stuff by Richard Sala. And how could I forget the Serenity/Firefly series?


Warm Drinks: Not coffee. I adore tea, though - esp chai and green or white tea with fruit or floral added. And Hot chocolate & cider - sometimes even mixed together.


B-pal Box? I'd love something pretty for either imps or bottles My boxes are of the semi-clear plastic variety. Also an imp travel case of some sort would be nice . . .


If you could have any creature (real or imaginary) as a pet, what would it be?

A super-smart dog that could help keep an eye on the kiddo, play games & half-way care for itself *heehee* Or my wolf-with-wings candle holder would come to life, or maybe a gryphon . . .


Do you like the Muppets? Which is your favorite?

I love the Muppets! But how can you choose a favorite?


What are your favorite baked goods/homemade treats?

Just about anything with chocolate (preferably dark) and/or lavender. And I love nuts.


What is something you use to comfort yourself when feeling yucky, depressed, or in pain?

a good book, tea, dark chocolate, a long scented soak in the tub.


Etsy wishlist - is a great jumping off point. Some of things on it I KNOW are too expensive, but if they give you ideas . . .


Would you like custom icons as a gift? Sure!


What is your favourite snack food, something you could grab any time?

Those squares of good dark chocolate. Also corn chips, good garlic bread, brownies, cranberry-choc.-chip cookies (when I allow myself to have them in the house)


Soft/plushy things: Sure!


What hobby/craft would you like to learn how to do? bellydance & sew our own clothes.


Austen's books? Working my way through them. Loved Northanger Abbey, enjoyed S&S and P&P. Still haven't read any of the others.


What, if anything, is your guilty TV watching pleasure?

Torchwood. Except that it isn't on anymore. Also, Destination Truth


Knitted things?: Sure!


What about [mixed or otherwise] DVDs? Cool


Music CD only please. And Mixed CDs is great!


Gifts for other household members: That would be a big surprise for Hubs. Although with his OCD it would have to be something that couldn't be potentially "contaminated" *heehee* and anything for the daughter is great.


Are you someone who'd rather have lots of small testers of different things on your wishlist, or would you rather have one or two "big" things? half imps & bigger are fine with me.


would you like to receive Groupons or similar deals/gift certificates from your Witch? Sure

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