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BPAL Madness!
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What movie scared the bejeezus out of you as a child? Dark Crystal. I /still/ cannot watch that movie without freaking the hell out. Aughra = TERRIFYING. :P


Name a couple of sites you frequent other than this one. News of the Weird, Postsecret, Something*Positive, Two Lumps.






Favorite movies to watch @ this time of year? Labyrinth. (and that's another skill I would like to pick up, learning how to manipulate balls like that.)


Comfort rereads? Heh. Pretty much anything on my bookshelf is a comfort reread.


Box? No thanks, I'm set.

Favorite Halloween candy? My mom makes the awesomest cinnamon popcorn. Storebought - I lurves the Reeses pumpkins. Also Dove dark chocolate. And Snickers bars. Please do not give me too much candy though, dear Witch, as I'm working towards my weight loss goals and some days I don't have a lot of willpower. :lol:


ETA: I totally wouldn't mind an astrological workup. My relevant info /is/ on the forums.


favorite Muppet: from the Muppet Show I was always partial to Beaker, Swedish Chef, and Kermit. If we're also including Sesame Street, then Ernie was my hands-down favorite as a child, followed by Herry, Grover, and Frazzle.


Going anywhere during the round? Sadly no. Wanted to get up to Canada for Thanksgiving, but that's just not going to happen. Stupid 'extra' expenses. <_< So no October travels for me.


School/classes: Not in school, but the CEU (continuing education units) monster is always wanting to be fed. -_- I would also like to go back to school for esthetics, but first things first - gotta put the husband through nursing school.

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