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Halloween Switch Witch 2010!

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Number one, I'll be out of town from October 5th through 11th for NYCC. Because I'm a nerd.


Number two, I've accidentally linked you to the wrong wishlist! That other one is woefully outdated. Here's a link to the new one: Link!


Number three: My mail goes to a place other than my house. I can totally go over super quick if I have warning, though! So if you send me anything perishable, please let me know ahead of time! I'd hate for it to go bad.


Additional Contact:

Twitter: iletaitunefois

LJ (flocked): cookinguptales

Email: cookinguptales@gmail.com

DW (hardly used): iletaitunefois

Facebook: iletaitunefois


Hooray! On to the somewhat-out-of-order questions! (Ctrl+F is your new best friend. XD) If you have any more, feel free to hit me up, and I'll update this blog as needed. (New questions at the top!)


How do you all feel about flowers and plants? Flower and plant seeds? Drawings of flowers or plants? Pressed flowers?

Welll, I'm allergic to a lot of flowers, so that's probably not a great route for me. I love herbs, though, so I'd be okay with that! I don't have a lot of space for planting, though...


Cake truffles?

Sounds good to me!


Favorite word?

Umm...scrumdiddlyumptious! I love things to be both whimsical and delicious!


Cake or frosting?

Cake, definitely. I have to be careful with cake due to sugar intolerance, but even a bite of frosting just sends me right over the edge.


Would you like a zuni animal fetish? And if so, what animal?

I had to google this! :blush: These sound really neat, and I'd love to have one. A few of the animals I identify with are bears, badgers, foxes, and otters.


If you were to receive a knitted item (such as a scarf, hat, etc), what colors would you like? And do you have any sensitivities/allergies to any materials?

I love purple, blue, and green. I don't wear a lot of wool (so itchy!) and I like really soft, cozy materials.


If I were to send you a gift certificate for something would you rather get a physical gift certificate in the mail? Or would you prefer an electronic one that you can use right away?

Electronic, definitely. I'm...really good at losing physical ones...


Favorite Yankee Candles? Or other brands scents?

Pumpkin and kiwi are my two favorites!


How does everyone feel about glow in the dark radishes?

I think they're adorable, but I don't wear jewelry.


What places to do you visit that you'd like a gift card to?

Hmm. Thinkgeek, definitely. Also Borders or Barnes & Noble... Maybe an online comics store? I usually just get my comics from my local comics shop, but that might be fun for back issues! I know that midtown comics, and mycomicshop both have gift cards. And, of course, something to Target or something like that would always be appreciated.



I can appreciate the aesthetic, but I've just never really gotten into it.


Dried fruit?

I like banana chips a lot! Not so fond of the other stuff, though.


Honeycrisp apples?

Oh my god, a thousand times yes. I grew up in an area where we could go apple picking every year, so we could get all the good varieties! Now...not so much. Now I'm lucky if I can get an unbruised granny smith. Sadface. So that sounds AMAZING!!! Delicious and nostalgic and so much yes. :yum: If my lovely witch does send them, though, I'll need email warning! My mail goes to my parents' house instead of my temporary apartment, and I don't want them to go bad before I get a chance to go over! I guess that goes for all perishables, though. I'll make a note in my blog...which I'm working on... Haha.


Box for your BPALS or anything else?

I'd LOVE that. My BPAL is kind of fretfully disorganized right now. It's mostly imps and decants, so they get so messy... Also, I'd love a place to put my comics. I've got them nicely stacked next to my bookshelf for now (the single issues, I mean--my TPBs are on my shelf), but there's gonna come a time when that's not enough...


What movie scared the bejeezus out of you as a child?

Um, every movie, I'm pretty sure. I was super wimpy as a child. I specifically remember Willy Wonka freaking me out from the very beginning when Augustus Gloop got stuck in the pipe. I thought he would die in there, seriously.

Name a couple of sites you frequent other than this one.

Hmm. A lot of geek news sites (Geeks of Doom, Comic Vine, Geekosystem, etc.), The Daily What, livejournal, twitter, a tooon of webcomics (my super favorites are Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, Monsterhood, Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name, and ESPECIALLY Happle Tea), ummm...Cracked, news sites... Haha, I spend a lot of time on the internet.


If you could have any creature (real or imaginary) as a pet, what would it be?

Real, a platypus. A girl one, so it couldn't stick me with spurs! They're so adorable and shy and awesome. Fake, probably a daemon. Not technically a pet, but I've wanted one for SO LONG.


Do you like the Muppets? Which is your favorite?

Haha, see icon! Seriously, though, I love the Muppets. I feel a special connection Jim Henson's work for a lot of reasons--I've been on Muppets 3D at Disney World so many times that I can quote the whole thing from heart. My favorites characters would probably be Kermit, Gonzo, and Sam Eagle. (A salute to all nations, but especially America!)


Will you be going out of town during the round, or is there any other time during the round when it would not be ideal for you to receive a package from your witch?

Yeah. I'll be attending NYCC in October, so I'll be gone from October 5-11.


What animal would your daemon be? Alternately, your patronus.

Probably a red panda! Fun-loving, but also quick witted and fierce~! Also, the whole active at night thing, haha.


Favorite comfort re-reads:

Any book by Diana Wynne Jones, mostly, but especially Howl's Moving Castle and the Chrestomanci series. I reread those at least once a year. It centers me. I've read them so often that it's seriously become almost a zen experience.


What are your favorite baked goods/homemade treats?

I love ginger snaps and snickerdoodles! Also, anything with pumpkin. Yum!

What would the name of your custom blend be? The description?

As I said in the ?aire, I want a blend that's all over apple picking. Wood and leaves just starting to turn, along with fresh grass and a hundred different kinds of apples. To make it even more like my childhood experiences, it also needs hay and honey, because the farm we went to kept bees, too. Mmm, I think that it could be called Apple Nostalgia. Hee. And I'd want an applesauce chaser!

How do you feel about short stories/films?

I love them so much. I love a good collection of short stories, and I watch short films a lot. (Tarboy is my favorite right now! An oldie but a goodie.) Every year my father and I go to see the Oscar nominated short films, and every year our favorites never win. XD (I also like things like one-shot comic books and things like that, too. I'm a sucker for the short and the sweet.)


Favorite Halloween snack:

Reeses Pumpkins! Those things are so delicious. I don't care what anyone says--they taste better than normal cups. Also, pumpkin cookies/bread! I love pumpkin so much, and this time of year delights me because I can get it in everything!


If you could be any person, being, or animal from Fantasy what or who would you be?

Probably a phoenix. I love the idea of being able to burn away your old life to start anew. Plus, flying!!!

If you could go back to any point in time, where, when, why?

God, that's a hard question. Honestly, I'm such a techie girl that I wouldn't want to go back in time for an extended length of time. If I could go back just to visit, though, I'd probably like to show up in ancient Egypt. So fascinating!


Warm Drinks:

I love them. It was a familial tradition to have coffee with everyone before bed, so I still do that as often as possible. It makes me all warm and ready for sleep. I also love hot cocoa in the winter time (shut up, Florida, I do what I want) and I drink more tea than is really healthy. I have a ton of teapots. My favorite teas are rooibos and Wonderland tea's Mad Tea Party blend (you can pick it up at Disney World now and it's so delicious), though I have to be careful with that last one as I can't have a lot of caffeine. SO YEAH, if you send me any warm drinks, please have them be decaffeinated!

Favorite horror movie:

Ummm, probably The Orphanage, even though the ending always makes me cry buckets. I really like spooky movies and psychological horror, but I detest gore. The first time I watched Pan's Labyrinth, I watched it with a large group of teenage boys--who had to warn me when to cover my eyes EVERY TIME. Hahaha.


Hmm...I really liked The Ring and Ju-On (The Grudge--but I haven't seen the American version of that one) even though I still get freaked out over Samara/Sadako sometimes! I also have this weak spot for 1408 if just because that's the room I lived in freshman year of college, and that's where I was living when I watched it, haha.


And then, of course, there are some Halloween specials that I love to watch every year, like Hocus Pocus. Last year I also had a marathon of Are You Afraid of the Dark? with a friend. Don't judge! That's my childhood right there, ahaha. Some of the episodes still quietly creep me out.


Favorite scary book or story:

I really, really love short stories and films, so I can think of several short stories that I love. There's a short story by Neil Gaiman called 'Feeders and Eaters' that gives me the shivers every time. Also, The Lottery by Shirley Jackson has been a favorite of mine since I was a kid. Most recently, I finally started reading Lovecraft. While the Cthulhu stories don't do much for me, The Colour Out Of Space kept me awake for a good two days. Some of the imagery near the end. Augh!



I love socks, especially when they're kind of kooky!


What is something you use to comfort yourself when feeling yucky, depressed, or in pain?

I have chronic pain/fatigue/illness as part of my disability, so I have a bunch of these. Naps and warm socks, hot tea, and chicken--soup or chicken tenders--are all ways I deal with feeling sickish. I listen to music a lot when I'm unhappy, and chick flicks are just MADE for those morose evenings when you're all alone. I also like comic books when that happens, as long as they aren't super sad arcs. The cracky plotlines prove to be infinitely distracting.


Would you like custom icons as a gift?

I do have my own icons, but I never turn down more. \o/


Also, as part of the cute-or-creepy question, would you want hand made, molded, glazed (by yours truly!) ceramic decorations (napkin rings, potporri/tart warmers, etc) to add to your stock?

I'm of a mixed mind on this. That sounds fabulous, truly, but I am both extremely clumsy and in an impermanent living situation. I'm almost sure they'd get broken. Boo.


COMIC BOOKS. Do you read them? Are there any series you like, or some you would like to try?

I'm a pretty big reader of comics, to the points where my friends tend to roll their eyes at me when I get started. I have some characters I love deeply, like Batman, Captain America, and Oracle, and some series that I'm super addicted to, like Fables and Irredeemable--but I tend to get in and out of series. I'll love a series a ridiculous amount for about a month, then forget about it, then remember several months later when I get back into it. I have total comic book ADD. So, my dear witch, if there are any series you want to poke me about, feel free! :D


Hallowe'en plans?

I'm not sure yet! I am craaaazy into Halloween, so this is unusual. (I adore holidays, and Halloween is my favorite.) I know I'm going to Disney to trick-or-treat at some point (I WILL DO THIS UNTIL I'M 80, DON'T EVEN JOKE) and I know that I'm catching a matinee of 9-5 up in Tampa on the 31st (spooky, I know), but I'm not sure exactly what I'll be doing with my friends or what I'll be doing on the night itself. It's a little far away.

Mix CDs?

I love 'em!


Girlyness level?

Variable. I love cute things, but not necessarily GIRLY cute things, if you catch my meaning. I'm not super huge on pink or make up or frills, but I do like the occasional ribbon in my hair.


Baked goods:


Gifts for other household members:

I live alone.


Are you someone who'd rather have lots of small testers of different things on your wishlist, or would you rather have one or two "big" things?

Since I have a lot of testers right now (because I have the best friends on earth and people on the forums are amazing, oh my lord), I think I'd prefer a big thing instead of lots of little ones.


would you like to receive Groupons or similar deals/gift certificates from your Witch?



How about tshirt/bottoms sizes?

I tend to be a medium in T-Shirts (large/x-large if we're talking about dumb AA which delights in making me feel fat) and a 12/14 in bottoms.



I am not super fond of bees, but am okay with most depictions. As long as you aren't shoving dead bees (or :ack: LIVE BEES!) in envelopes, I think we're good. I'm also pretty terrified of going down spiral staircases, but I don't see how you could do that to me via SW, so I think you're good.


How do you feel about mortars and pestles:

Oh man, I have always wanted one.


Halloween decor:

Cutesy creepy. I don't really like things to be gory at all.


When you go to an etsy wishlist, it will tell you what things are sold. If you click on the sold item, sometimes it will give options that are similar to what was sold, but not identical. Personally, I would love getting something similar to one of my favorites, even if it is not the same - what say all of you? How picky are you?

I'm not picky at all!


Make up?

I don't wear any.


Disney movies, Yay or Nay, and favourites if you do like them?

Oh my god, I am basically the biggest Disney fangirl you will ever meet. (And if I'm not, INTRODUCE ME TO THE GREATER!) I live in FL and visit the parks a ton, and I love the movies like burning. My two favorite Disney movies are Beauty and the Beast and The Princess and the Frog. The characters in both of those movies make me so happy. Best Disney princesses EVER. And if we're counting Pixar, Ratatouille is basically my favorite movie, period. The music and the ambiance and the characters and--everyone can cook! I'm a chef at heart (and I love French cuisine), so the movie was a treat. I loved every message, too.


Also, I have a VCR and a DVD player, though I do have access to a blu-ray player that I can borrow at times.


What is your favourite snack food, something you could grab any time?

Chex Mix! I have to eat a lot of salt for medical reasons, and I've become pretty much addicted to the original mix. I don't like the sweet mixes, but omg. The original and cheesy ones are glorious.



I read them! I don't have an e-reader, but I'll occasionally read them on my computer. I prefer physical books, but I do love all kinds.


Nail Polish:

Don't wear it!


Soft/plushy things:

Umm, I really love plushies. UNFORTUNATELY, I have roughly a million of them, so unless they're either tiny or functional (like a keyring, which is BOTH), then I can't really have any more. Sigh.

What hobby/craft would you like to learn how to do?

Knit. I can crochet just fine, but knitting has always eluded me.


Are you into Austen's books?

I am! I have watched the BBC miniseries of Pride & Prejudice about a million times, and will likely double that by the time I'm 30.


Do you read Tarot cards? If not, would you be interested?

I do not typically read tarot cards, but I do collect them. I'm really interested in the Spiritualism movement from a folkloric standpoint, and the rise of tarot has always kind of fascinated me. Plus...they're pretty. Hahaha. I'm so shallow.


So for those of you who are into Harry Potter at all, which house do you think you'd be sorted into?

Actually, since I just went to a giant Harry Potter convention about two months ago (Infinitus 2010, heck yeah!), I have gone into this in depth. XD In the end, we decided that I would definitely be a Ravenpuff. I'm cheerful and loyal to my friends and deeply silly at times, but I'm also so much a smart little researcher at heart.


What, if anything, is your guilty TV watching pleasure?

I don't actually watch TV all that much anymore (just got out of the habit), but I have this extreme love-hate relationship with Glee. The show is so problematic at times (as a disabled feminist who cares about actually having good representation sometimes--yeah, that show makes me PULL MY HAIR OUT) but I can't stop watching it. It's like crack. It's just! Fun musical numbers! Guest stars! Sue Sylvester and Kurt! It's an addiction.


If you cosplay or need a costume for your bellydance/burlesque hobby (or any other hobby which needs dressup/different from your normal wear), is there anything you need/want for it?

Hmm. I'm cosplaying as Oracle for NYCC, but that costume is mostly completed. I was going to be using it for Dragon*Con this past weekend, but my plans to go there were canceled by some pretty awful family business...so it's going to be worn at NYCC instead. So if you think of anything that might go well with that outfit, I'd looove to hear your ideas. (HELP ME BLING OUT MY WHEELCHAIR!!!)


Celebrity crush?:

I have...a few... I've had a crush on Anna Paquin since I was like. Twelve. Haha, I'm not sure that my parents knew why I really liked watching X-Men so much...and now there's True Blood... I will also watch the Iron Man movies at length because damn, RDJ is fiiine.


Does Captain America count as a celebrity crush? Because I have the biggest crush on him ever, I am not even gonna lie. (Speaking of which, why do all my celebrity crushes somehow involve superheroes? WEIRD.)


Knitted things?:

I love them! But keep in mind that I do live in Florida most of the time. I'm not sure how much action winter clothes are gonna get here, haha.


What about [mixed or otherwise] DVDs?

I like DVDs! I use and abuse my Netflix subscription.


DVDs: Do you prefer widescreen or formatted?



Music: Any preference towards MP3 or CD?

I am good with both! I need a good CD ripping program, come to think of it...


Do you like scented tarts?

I do, especially fruity ones.


Lip balms?

Nope! I can't put anything on my lips.


Do you have any body mods? If so, do you need any new jewelry, o-rings, plugs, etc (and if so, what size, length, etc)? Do you like pro-body mod stickers?

Nooo, I'm really not into any kind of body modification. My body is already plenty messed up, thanks.


Booze. Do you drink it, would you like some?

I am straight-edge all the way (not that I could drink booze without collapsing even if I wanted to), but I do like cooking with alcohol. Desserts are best when lit on fire and I love a good red wine reduction.


What is your favorite artist or art style? (including if you have links to favorite pictures/paintings/photographs)

Hmmm. Art nouveau, probably?




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