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Shutting down alchemylab?

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Hunh. I didn't know they could do that. I mean, I guess somewhere in the back of my head it must have registered that maintainers can shut down comms, but I was totally surprised by the announcement. To be honest I didn't know that Beth started alchemylab, I figured that some people started it with her blessing and she jumped in from time to time to make comments or suggestions.


It seems a drastic step, which makes me wonder how bad it's gotten for Beth and the Lab. I seriously bet there are times when she just wants to scream at everyone for being such nitpicky demanding dumbasses. (I just hope she's never wanted to scream at me for being said dumbass.)


Personally, I think that shutting it down is a great idea. Hell, if I ran a business and maintained a comm associated with my business, and the comm was full of people jacking up the prices on my products and selling them to make profits, and talking trash about my business and each other, I'd want to shut it down too.


I know that some people are upset because they feel like they'll lose touch with some folks they had gotten to know, but for the most part I think those of us who like to talk to each other are over here on the forums anyway. Hopefully the people who like the "community" aspect of alchemylab will come on over.

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Whoa. This is new news to me. Mostly because I jumped the alchemylab ship a while ago. I think I made my move shortly after Beth created bpal excathedra, and then I glommed on to bpalanonymous instead because despite my username I am all about the luurve.


To be honest, I had forgotten that Beth created alchemylab in the first place until you mentioned it just now. But yeah, makes sense.

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Yeah, it was always her baby. It's funny: BPAL.org isn't owned by Beth and she doesn't have mod priviledges (she can look at everything, but she can't change anything), but we are constantly accused to being owned by the Lab, while a huge number of people have written that they didn't know the AlchemyLab Live Journal was owned by the Lab when it was.


*sigh* Ya just can't win sometimes.


I DO know it was a huge amount of stress for Beth, and so I'm glad to see it go.

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I DO know it was a huge amount of stress for Beth, and so I'm glad to see it go.


Even if only for that reason, I'm glad to see it go as well. I prefer bpalanonymous for LJ community conversations (the "no drama" rule appeals to me greatly) anyway.


btw... very cool new icon!! :D

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Whoa. This is new news to me.


Beth's post in alchemylab today further explains why she needs to close it down. Apparently the potential legal problems that could be associated with it (which the community of course knew nothing about until now, because Beth doesn't go around complaining about things like that) are becoming... well, problematic. Jump over there and see what Beth says, though, because I don't want to be putting words in her mouth. :D

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Yeah. I should see it for myself. Last time I was on there was during the last forum downtime... which directly led to me signing on with bpalanonymous. But, yeah. I should see it with my own two... thanks!

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