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Note Analysis: Lavender

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Continuation of my note analysis. When I first got into Bpal, I looked for scents with leather, lilac, and lavender before anything else as I hadn't ever really been into perfumes (only scented candles) and those were the only scents that I knew I liked for sure. Lavender has also been a love of mine, particularly when paired with vanilla. While I don’t have any great memory associations with it like I do leather and lilac, it was one of the major notes that I originally hunted down scents for.


The Lab's lavender notes: Of the top three I first started hunting, lavender proved to be the most difficult to track down scents containing it that I like. I think this is mainly because lavender is a sharp high note which I don’t actually like as a skin scent as much as I thought I would. Out of all of the scents I tried, Lilith Victoria proved to be the best strong lavender scent for me, and it has a strong sweet component from the Snake Oil and Dorian note combos. Overall I’ve found that I really need the lavender to be a supporting player rather then the main star, though I still enjoy it.


My favorite blends with lavender in them thus far: Cheshire Cat, Saint- Germain, Lilith Victoria, Yvaine


Blends that I liked but the lavender wasn't prominent:

Bow & Crown of Conquest, Santa Eularia des Riu, Tombeur, Wulric


Blends that were horrible on me:

All of the Somnus scents, Violet Ray, Tavern of Hell, Blue beard, Dove’s Heart, Veil, Twilight.


Blends that I still REALLY want to try: TKO


*- Signifies ones I tried.


Lab's leather blends: (GC) Arcana*, Baku*, Bluebeard*, Bow & Crown of Conquest*, Casanova*, Cheshire Cat*, Death on a Pale Horse, Dove’s Heart*, Envy*, Gaueko, King of Hearts*, Lurid*, Mad Hatter, Nanshe, Nephilim, Ode on Melancholy*, Oneiroi*, Old Scratch, Pain, Paris*, Pontarlier*, Psyche*, Santa Eularia des Riu*, Scales of Deprivation, Schrodinger's Cat*, Somnus*, Sophia, Tavern of Hell*, The Sluggard*, Twilight*, Veil*, Villian, Violet Ray*, Wilde*


(LE) A Farewell to False Love, Agony of Loss, Anahata, Anesthesia, Antonio, Arkham, Atrocious Attic, Azazel, Bat of Longevity, Bat Woman, Bitter Moon, Blue Moon, Calliope, C. Auguste Dupin, Chiroptera, Chypre, Clio, Corazon, Despair, Dolce Stil Nuovo, Dragon Moon, Fairy Market*, Gemini, Glukuprikos, Jonathan Harker, Kalahantarika, Khepra, Licwiglunga, Lilith Victoria*, Lunar Eclipse, Love and Pain, Melpomene, Misericordia, Moon of the Terrible, Naiad, Needlework, Odd Portents, Orpheus, Penumbra, Pomegranate III, Pontia, Pyramus, Queitude, Quicksilver Phoenix, Safari, Saint-Germain *, Shirafuji Genta With a Kappa, Singing Moon, Sleepy Moon, Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree*, Sylph, The Cup of Death, The Emathides, The Gladdener of All Hearts, The Oblation, Thirteen (13): October 2006, On Darkness, Tombeur*, TKO, Under the Harvest Moon, Victoriana.Goth, Water Phoenix, White Phoenix, Wulric*, Yvaine*

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