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2010 Halloween Switch Witch Answers and Related Rambling -- Post #2

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So, I realized belatedly that there seems to be a character-count limit in these blog posts, which meant that my earlier answers were cut off. So I've divided the answers into separate posts. The first is answers posted 9/13/2010 and before, the second (this one) is answers posted 9/13-24, and the next one will be for later answers.


Addendum on artists: I like Ansel Adams and that style of black & white landscape. Also Edward Gorey.


Addendum to things I keep meaning to buy but just haven't: a tape measure, one of those soft fabric ones for sewing, NOT a hardware one.


Addendum to books: I'd love to read MeiLin's book: http://www.meilinmiranda.com/store/lovers-and-beloveds-paperback


Also, I've been dying to try Rococo chocolates from the UK: http://rococochocolates.com/ -- particularly Caramelised Almonds Dark, Cardamom Dark, Cardamom White, Christmas Pudding Dark, Cinnamon Milk, Dark w/ Jasmine, Dark w/ Rose (or Milk, or Floral Bee), Dark w/ Violet, Earl Grey Dark, Lavender Dark, Morello Cherry Dark, Morrocan Mint Dark, Orange & Geranium Dark, Arabic Spices Dark, Rose Otto Milk, and Sea Salt Milk bars. Also Chocolate Stem Ginger, Flower Fondant Creams (Fiori e Cioccolata),

Crystallised Rose Petals, English Rose Sweets, Turkish Delight, Frutti di Bosco, and any of the pralines or almonds or hazelnuts or wafers (the more interesting the better!) or truffles or mixed chocolates or marzipan or the "Mixed Clutch."


How many bottles of BPAL do you have? 72 BPAL, 17 possets, 1 cobalt blends. Approximate, because all of my BPAL is at the old apartment -- I should be retrieving it in December. I'll probably get rid of a fair chunk of that... and then turn right around and buy some more. /o\


Of the books and music mentioned by voodoocatwoman in the thread, I think I'm only interested in the international music, and that only vaguely. Personal Demon by Kelley Armstrong sounds interesting, but I am a stickler for reading things in order and would not want to have the 8th book of a series without having read the first 7.


Is there any exercise program that you're interesting in learning? Meditation, Yoga, Pilates, Belly Dancing, Zumba ect? Or if you do any of these (or anything else sport related) are there any things you need/want? Candles, music, mats, water bottles ect? Yoga, Pilates, Pilates-Infused Yoga (my favorite, if taught well -- a DVD of this would be really neat), Tai Chi, Bellydance, and general Dance equipment would be welcome (I'd be up for trying Zumba), as would candles for Meditation and one of those metal water bottles that supposedly have no taste. Oh, and addendum to the "things I have been really wanting for a while but keep failing to buy"(the Exercise edition) -- a Camelbak! Or similar backpack water delivery system. I need to for these annoyingly hot and sunny climates if I'm ever going to actually leave the house, and they're good for vacations, too. I need exercise clothes, too (especially a good sports bra -- very very tricky), but those are hard enough for me to pick out, much less someone else, so don't worry about that. I could see maybe a sweatband being useful, though.


Anyone else into Emily Autumn? I've heard of Emilie Autumn but I don't think I've heard any of the music, at least not in any context where it stuck. My impression is that her stuff is the kind of thing I should logically like, but might actually hate. Or might end up loving. Unclear. She's been a little overhyped to me, which is probably one of the main reasons I haven't gotten around to checking her out. (I have a perverse streak. It is not always convenient, but it is what it is.)


But, dearest witchees and witches, do you like Girl Scout cookies? What kind? Hell yes! Thin mints are my very favorite, but I also love love love both types of the peanut butter ones. I like all of the others, too!


What's your take on homemade apple butter? Want some? OMG YES.


Do you like garlic? Do you REALLY like garlic? Would you want to try some really unusual garlic stuff, like garlic cheese or garlic fudge or garlic chocolate, etc., etc., etc.? Chocolate or sugar + garlic, well, I feel very dubious about it, but might try it just for the sake of saying I did. However, garlic cheese, garlic paste, any kind of savory garlic stuff -- BRING IT ON! Because I REALLY like garlic, oh yes I do.


Can I talk to you about the living dead? How do you feel about Zombies? I am not obsessed with zombies, but I do have a mild affection for zombie stories and zombie paraphernalia in general. (Also, the way ChildofTime phrased the question really makes me want a button that says "Ask me about the zombie apocalypse!" on it in super cheery text. It would be awesome!)


Do you have a deviantart print wishlist or favourites list? I don't, sorry.


What kind of shoes do you need/want? What size shoes do you wear? Would you mind gently used shoes? I do not mind at all gently used shoes. My shoe size is 8W or 8 1/2, usually, though it depends some on the brand/style. Also they are kind of... high? Round? Not as flat in shape as some people's apparently are -- adjustable straps are a godsend. I used to joke that I wore my Docs so long that they conformed to that shape, if that helps. I prefer flats to heels (though wedges and some kinds of heels work pretty well -- I'm always excited when I find a heel that actually works for me and my weak ankles, it has to do with the balance -- usually not too high and definitely not stiletto). I like round-toed and square-toed, definitely not pointy-toed (though oval-toed can be okay). I like mary janes and strappy, relatively feminine-looking sandals. Some good boots would be awesome (I have wide calves, though, which limits the selection of the taller ones). Except for boots I prefer my shoes to be lightweight or vented or otherwise good for summer, due to living in a place that's almost always too warm for me.]


Do you like paper dolls (new or vintage) or coloring in books? I do! I enjoy both of those... or at least having the material to do so. Love the Dover books.


Anyone else have strong feelings about androids? I find them quite fascinating. I love 2046, Blade Runner, Data from Star Trek, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, etc.


Do you like weird scary things as traditionally girly fashion items like heels and handbags? Well, yes, though like I said, the heels are a bit tricky, and I only use one purse at a time (which must be durable and well-organized and nice-enough looking for most situations). But in general, I really like girly-styled stuff with gothy themes and colors -- skirts, cute shoes, jewelry, etc -- and definitely am more likely to like those than traditionally girly themes and colors. "Gruesome," not so much, but scary and dark, yes.


What song is on heavy rotation for you right now? Still have the same album on repeat, song most stuck in head probably "Are We the Waiting" or "City of the Dead." Galahad mentioned "Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perri in the thread -- prior to American Idiot (Broadway), that was probably my last song song obsession.


Would you (assumin' you're a yarnie) be interested in a naturally-dyed yarn that's designed to very gradually fade with washing? Still not into yarn.


Are you coveting any of the NYCC atmospheric sprays? Nope.


If you could get any one thing hand-painted from your witch, what would it be and what would be on it? Probably an imp or bottle box, or jewelry box. But hand-painting things are in general awesome! I... have no idea what would be on it. Greek or Chinese goddesses, maybe? Anything, really!


Do you collect stones/rocks? I'm talking like "semi" precious stones, ie moonstone, bloodstone, quartz ect. Are there any that you're looking for at the moment? Are you in need of a stone but don't know which kind? (many stones have a specific purpose, ie bloodstone helps when you're ill, moonstone is said to help conceive a child.) Yes. Well, "collect," is a strong term, but I love them. A wonderful previous witch sent me some lovely ones! I'm not looking for any in particular right now that I know of, but money/job luck, serenity, and clarity of mind would all be really helpful for me right now.


What's your favorite Halloween Music? Bela Lugosi Is Dead! Also, Nick Cave, Loreena McKennitt, Dead Can Dance, Sisters of Mercy, etc. And classical music -- "Night on Bald Mountain," "In the Hall of the Mountain King," etc. (I like Grieg and Mussorgsky in general, too!)


MAC Venomous Villains I don't wear of ton of makeup, it's true, but when I do, I adore MAC! And I really love the idea of that collection. The intense colors of Maleficent especially! (The nail lacquers and the plums! *swoon*) But most anything from that collection (or any MAC collection within the last few years, really) would be fun to try!


New Question: Just curious, but if your witch was to make an amigurumi critter (or other plushie) just for you, what would it be? I'm open to lots of different animals. Off the top of my head -- bear, tiger or panther or other cat, octopus, spider, bat, wolf, coyote, raven, falcon or hawk or owl, super cute dog (I like terrier faces the best, but other dogs are good, too).


Would you want a local/tourist item from your witch? Like a t-shirt, mug or shot glass? I would! Assuming the t-shirt was a babydoll or other curvy girl/woman cut! Mugs and shot glasses are a-ok, as are things like magnets (love magnets from different places!) and postcards or books. Local food would be kickass!


Do you <3 the Last Unicorn and/or how badly do you want to try the new scents? VERY VERY BADLY OMG. (website for reference: http://www.conlanpress.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=C&Category_Code=CM)


Who is your fav Disney Villian/villianess? How about hero/herione? (doesn't have to be specifically Disney though) I have a big soft spot for Ursula because I adore her song -- and her theatricality! (I do love Maleficent, too! And Cruella de Ville for the song about her, especially the Replacements covering it!) Favorite Disney heroine/hero/protagonist is Belle. Because she is smart and awesome and independent and compassionate and loves to read! I like a lot of them, though.


If you have played before, what are some of the most memorable things you've gotten? What really made you go WOW? If you haven't played, same thing, but not limited to SW. I don't feel right answering this question. Suffice it to say that I've loved everything my previous Witches and Swap Faeries have ever sent me.


Okay, who wants NAlloween and some Vampire Apothecary goodness? Probably... *goes to look*:


NAlloween (http://www.nocturnealchemy.com/limited-edition.html):

most interested: Hathor's Caramel Honey Tea, NAlloween Skarab Treasure Box.

quite interested: Serpent of Chaos.

possibly interested: The Black Pyramid, Devouress of the Dead, Tomb Robber, Deity Moon, Serapium of the Serapis.


VApothecary (http://www.vapothecary.com/): Vampire Moon sounds amazing, and Pharoah Moon intriguing. I have to admit that I'm finding their prose kind of painful, and in need of a good edit... but possibly their scents will make up for that. As for the rest of the it:


top choices: Masquerade Queen, Halloween 2010, Samhain, Hyphialtes, Sherbat, London.

most interested: Masquerade Queen, Masquerade Drakon, Masquerade Lacroix, Victoria, Halloween 2010, All Hallows' Eve, Burning Jack, Halloween 2011, Samhain, Hyphialtes, Sherbat, Spooktacular, Pina Ghoulata, London.

quite interested: Mina, Lothaire, Holger, Soren, Eidolon, The Lighthouse, Hungarian Snow, Count Choco, Bat's Brew, Mumiyah Cake, Nemisynthe, New Orleans, Salem.

possibly interested: Masquerade King, D, Jacek, Viktor, Asylum, Vincent, Haunted House, Incorporeal, Ghost of the Moors, Riven, Vesper, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Zerachiel, Uriel, Lycanthrope, Nikolav, Wraith Talbot, Sylverthrone, Silver Dust, Medusa, Zombie, Ahm Shere, Shroud, The Mummy, Tomb of the Undead, Rise of Anubis, Eternal Underworld, Devil Cake, Transylvania, Venice.


Is there anything from Blooddrop that you want to try? GC? Halloween update? Sure! Let's see:


Top choices: Incantation, Broomstick, Killing Time in Taipei, L'Shana Tova, Empress Ming Li Zho’s Sparkling Infusion for Happy Brightness, Frau Von Schtinklestein’s Partially Completed Barvarian Love Essence. I would also love to try the Eau Douce Floral & Herbal Facial Mist, Apricot Blossom Facial Toner, Lilac Glisten, Huile de Bain (bath oil) in Dollface or Peachskin, and Nectar Facial Serum.


Autumn 2010:

most interested: Hayride, Incantation.

quite interested: Apples & Bones, Casting a Spell, Channeling Spirits, Ritual, Sinister, Things that go, "Bump!" in the Night, The Veil between Two Worlds, Walking Through Walls.

possibly interested: Pink Pumpkin, Raising the Dead, The Ruby Cauldron, Seance.


Other Limited Editions and exclusives:

most interested: Filly, Dances of Vice.

quite interested: Cafe Oblique, Merry Legs.

possibly interested: Good Gyne, Kelpie, Pegasus.



most interested: Bisou, Bonne Nuit, Broomstick, Citrouille, Delicieuse, Dollhouse, Eiffel Tower, I had a Pony, If Wishes Were Horses, Killing Time in Taipei, L'Shana Tova, Soleil, Empress Ming Li Zho’s Sparkling Infusion for Happy Brightness, Frau Von Schtinklestein’s Partially Completed Barvarian Love Essence.

quite interested: Cafe Zazou, Dandelion Wine, Devonshire Cottage, Frida, Josephine, Les Madeleines, Mourning Dove, Pumpkin, Unlikely, White Pumpkin, Yellow Kimono, Dixie Elouise Adelaide Deschamps’ Perfectly Legal and Innocuous Kissing Cake.

possibly interested: Buche de Noel, Diabolique, The Emerald Dragonfly of Whisperting's Bridge, Luna Moth, Melancholia, Ruffles, Bustles & Corsets, Star Light, Star Bright, Sultrylicious, The Zodiac Club, Madame Pompidou’s Elixir Secret pour les Maladies et Crises du Coeur.


What's on your walls? Please show us up to three paintings/posters/whatever. If you love a painting so much that you would steal (to watch it with your greedy eyes) one, please share.


I mostly fail to ever put anything up, but if I were to ever get around to it, I have a few pieces that would get first dibs on space.


1. A Sandman poster -- I can't find an image of it online, unfortunately, if I'm remembering it correctly (it lives halfway across the country in a closet, awaiting the day I have space for it). However, I think it's something like an amalgam of the colors of this poster combined with the artist (Amano) of this one:





2. Charles Vess Stardust prints -- I bought the original five-print set years and years ago at an sf/fantasy con art show. There are six of them now (I should really track down my number and order the sixth one), which can be seen here. They're all gorgeous, but this one is my very favorite:





3. Strangers in Paradise San Diego Comic-Con exclusive prints -- I have 2007, and I think 2009 as well:







As for a painting I'd steal... Gosh. I am really not super knowledgeable about art, though I like a ton of it. Right now, I'm going to go with Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night Over the Rhone. It is just incredibly beautiful, and I love its whole atmosphere and feel.




Larger pics of all of these in my gallery.


Who likes hair toys, and if so what kind? I love hair toys! I wear hair sticks most often, but I also like little snap clips for taming flyaways, no-snag elastics (in standard size (for ponytails) and mini size (for braided pigtails), and decorative hair pins and combs. I've been in the market for a fascinator, as well, and I like trying new types of hair toys. I wear the very occasional barrette or jaw clip, but they have to be able to handle a LOT of hair.


Does any art we may send need to be child safe, either in the actually safe sense or the non X rated sense? Nope! Tasteful NSFW stuff is terrific; for example, I love vintage pinups.


In the knitted/crocheted things area, would you want wrist warmers, 1/2 gloves, a neck warmer(the kind that pretty much just goes around your neck and maybe fastens instead of being long and loose like a scarf), slippers, or hats? The only one of these that really appeals to me is slippers.


How do you feel about altered/recycled/upcycled items of clothing or accessories? Love 'em!


What is your favourite habitat and climate to live in? How about to visit? (ie. forest, canyons, mountains, by the beach; temperate, tropical...) I like visiting just about all climates/habitats, but I prefer my exposure to super hot, super humid climates to be very (very) limited. I like super temperate climates also (especially the ones with cooler temperatures), dry or rainy, though in the end I prefer to live more long-term in places with active, real, true, full seasons -- real snow in the winter, real wet, green spring, real fall with foliage, real summer with warmth and such (though that could be as short as possible, the shorter the better) and good strong thunderstorms. I like weather. I like oceans, but I like rivers even more, and I love love love lakes. I adore mountains (glaciers and snowy peaks and evergreen forests! okay I like the other ones, too) and classic woods and forests, and I have a soft spot for plains and landscapes that glaciers left behind. I enjoy canyons, badlands, mesas, and rocky deserts, as well, but more for visiting than for living. My favorite climate that I've lived in (out of Minnesota, Boston, the Bay Area, San Diego, and Austin) was Minnesota's (with Boston second and the Bay Area third), and Austin's my least favorite, though San Diego's in the running for least favorite as well.


What do you wish you could make/craft if you had the know-how and supplies? Specifically, which particular items? Soap (of various types, mostly bar soap), bath bombs, really bubbly bubble bath, candles, hair treatments. Jewelry -- I enjoy soldering! Canning, perhaps. I would be interested in a truffle-making book, and a candy-making book (and supplies). Possibly clothes (especially awesome skirts). Musical instrument making would be neat. Possibly metalworking. I'd like to get back into photography. Ooh, and calligraphy! And visual art in general.


How do people feel about edible arrangements? www.ediblearrangements.com: They look really yummy!


Anyone need address/phone type books? I could use one.


I wondered if my witch or any witch would enjoy things like nice pens to draw with or anything similar? YES!


For those who are yarnies, would you like other-than-yarn witchery? Hooks, needles? Preference of material? Do you use/would you like handmade stitch markers, etc.? Nope.


Lipbalms: flavor preferences? tube/squeazything type or lip pots? Citrus, mango, melon, watermelon, apple, peach, apricot, berry, cherry, pomegranate, rose, mint, honey, lychee... Possibly others that aren't coming to mind at the moment. Tube, definitely, but I'd try a pot if the lip balm is especially awesome.


Does anyone do altered books? Would you be interested in old books to alter? Any type or title in particular? I've never tried it, but it sounds like an interesting thing to try!


Did someone ask about incense yet? Would you like some? Something to store or burn it in? What scents? What form? Incense might be nice, but I'd need a holder (unless it is small cone incense, which I have a small holder for thanks to my wonderful Dollar Store Swap Faery) and I am not really into the traditional ritual/worship blends from any faith or practice. But if there are scents that sound like they might appeal based on my perfume note preferences, I'd be up for trying them!


Any oddball free things you collect or would want saved for you? Not that I can think of offhand. Matchbooks, maybe? Pretty business cards or postcard ads? Possibly free city reader type magazines if they have a particularly interesting articles?


Soaps : do you like them? What brands? What scents? Anything you're dying to try? I do. Anything I like in perfume notes will probably make good soap, and I might even like some florals better as soap (like the ones that tend to go floral anyway). Citrus is probably my all-time favorite soap scent, including related things like lemongrass and verbena (though I like most other citrus scents more than I like straight-up lemon). I like other fruits a lot, too, and some foody notes like spices and vanilla and honey and ginger, some herbs (rosemary is one of my favorites, but others as well), and some florals (rose, lilac, lavender, osmanthus, cherry blossom). I prefer bar soap and hand soap pumps to shower/bath gel. Scents to avoid: violet, plumeria and other strong Hawaiian florals, straight-up lemon, anise/licorice, and probably cake/bakery-type scents. I am also not very into minty/fresh/clean/masculine sorts of scents for soap (though the very occasional aquatic will capture my fancy), and orange blossom is iffy.


Do you read/like fantasy? What kind of books or authors do you love? Which one would you like to read? Would you like gifts related to it? Yes, although I'm much more into urban fantasy and near-future (often dystopian) sf and speculative fiction than epic/high fantasy these days. Related gifts could be neat. For some specifics about which books and authors I love, see my answer to the "comfort re-reads" question. If I were to pick One Fantasy Novel I currently want to read that I don't yet own, I guess I'd go with... Silver Phoenix: Beyond the Kingdom of Xia by Cindy Pon. If we're including sf and speculative fiction, then probably The Windup Girl by Paolo Baciaglupi.


New Event Exclusives:

Most interested: none of them are must-haves, thank goodness.

Quite interested: Sibyl, The Elephantine Colossus, The White Lady of Durand Eastman Park.

Possibly interested: The Lady of Lake Ronkonkoma.


If you happened to be my Witchee, is there something you'd like from the Arcana Halloween update? I have no idea if Arcana works on my skin. Perfume Oil unless noted.

Most interested: Kincardine, Ruby Crow, Sleepy Hollow, Skeleton Key soap, Straitjacket soap.

Quite interested: Dancing in the Boneyard, Haint, Little Ghoulie, Skeleton Key, Straitjacket, Stretched on Your Grave, Sleepy Hollow soap.

Possibly interested: Caffeinated Death, Dia de los Muertos, Guy Fawkes, Zombie's Cucumber, Dead Reckoning Soap, Dia de los Muertos soap.


Is there anything you want from the Violette Market update?

I've never tried Violette Market and would love to! I'm sure there are lots of things from the other collections I would like as well, but here's from the four that I think are the most recent (soaps or perfumes are both welcome):

Most interested: Marty (Magic Fingers) McVay, Doc Brown's Medicines and Elixirs, Miss Julia Star, Miss Lily Mae, Miss Susanna West, Sophia Peabody, Pink Golden Apple

Quite interested: Miss Scarlet Foster, Lydia's Firefly Lanterns, Beggar's Night, Calaveras Chocolate, Calaveras Pasteles, Glowing Jack O' Lantern, Golden Autumn, Witch's Apple, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Sleepy Hollow Churchyard, Washington Irving, Lisbon Seaport, Spice Island, The East Indies, Lost at Sea, Witch Mermaids.

Possibly interested: Diablo Canyon, Ghost Town, Diablo Skull, Vincentio The Coffin Maker, Black Moon Saloon, Bag of Bones, Mick (Magic Pistol) McVay, Sheriff Lonestar, Ms Dolly's Frock Shop, Ms Kitty's Cathouse, Pumpkin Lanterns, Miss Bella Wyatt, Miss Bonnie Rue, Miss Danie Doe, Zarya Occultist and Tarot Card Reader, Raven's Midnight Pumpkin Patch, Gertrude's Half-Haunted Bake Shop, Calaveras Negro, Ghost Dancer, Spirit Cakes, Sugar Shock, Autumn Bonfire, Boston Tea Party, Faith, The Reef Journals, South Winds of the Atlantic, The Captain's Quarters, Eye of the Hurricane, Ghost of the Virgin Bride, The Sea Dragon, Under the Pacific Waters, The Cargo Ship's Rescue.


Is there anything you would like from Conjure Oils general catalogue or the new updates that isn't already on your wishlist? The solid perfume sounds interesting. Soap sounds fabulous -- all four of this month's sound yummy -- in vague order of interest: Oshun, Perfect Pumpkin, The Light Crone, and La Calavera - the Skull. And... oh god, this took forever, but it was fun:


Top desires:

Four Leaf Clover, Chai Spice Tea, Luscious Grapefruit, Perfect Pumpkin, Blue Rose, Antique Rose Attar, All Night Long, La Flamme, Cornucopia, Ca$h Flow, Money House Blessing, Prosperity, Fire of Inspiration, Healing Way, Joy Joy Joy, Meditation, Mermaid's Tears, Most Peaceful, Wepawet's Read Opener, Friendship, Happy Home, 777, Fast Luck, Attract, Job Finder, Prosper, Has No Hanna, Crucible of Courage, Repelling, Safe Journey, Mercury Retrograde, Poet's Potion, Libra, Scorpio, Sun, Venus, Naima, April - Pink Moon, June - Rose Mead Moon, August - First Fruits Moon, The Light Mother, The Light Queen, Jin - Metal, Talker, Mari, Heaven Shiner - Above, Wisdom, La Cafetera (coffee), El Melon (the melon), Las Cerezas (the cherries), La Palma (the palm tree), La Pera (the pear), La Estrella (the star), Jade Dragon, The Pernicious Parasol, Amaterasu - She Who Illuminates Heaven, Jezebel - Sanctify Sexuality, Sarasvati - Indian Goddess of Art and Intellect, Loki - Giant Mischief, Maneki Neko - Beckoning Cat, Sacred Heart of Jesus - Agape, Oshun - Beautiful Orisa of Sweetness, Patron of Love, Mabon - Autumnal Equinox, Cherry Red Lipstick, InjureAle, Sloe Gin Fizzy, Blood Type O


Limited Editions and Newfangled Notions:

Most interested: Haunted Hayride 2010, Four Leaf Clover, Rabbit's Foot, Step on a Crack, The Whore on Tour - Wine Country.

Quite interested: Abbadon, Dagwanoenyent, Mara, Pazuzu, Alien Autopsy 2010, Calavera de Azúcar 2010, Hänsel und Gretel 2010, Sweet Death 2010, Witching Hour 2010, Guardian Angel, Lucky 13, Malocchio, Shattered Mirror, Snake Eyes, Miss Lucy's All Dolled Up.

Possibly interested: Glasya Labolas, Incubus, Lucifer, Ol' Scratch, Satanel, Succubus, Abandoned Morgue 2010, Punkin' Head 2010, Black Cat Crossed My Path, Fu Lions Guarding the Front Gate, Lucky Horseshoe, The Devil Made Me Do It, 666, All-Hallows Resurrected, Lucky Bastard's Friday the 13th Blues - August.



Most interested: Chai Spice Tea, Luscious Grapefruit, Perfect Pumpkin, Sweetest Strawberry, Blue Rose, Aged Leather, Egyptian Cinnamon, Indonesian Clove Bud, Antique Rose Attar, French Lavender, Madagascar Vanilla.

Quite interested: Lightning & Rain, Black Tea, Coconut Milk, Raw Honey, Sugared Milk, Calla Lily, Mimosa (Acacia), Night Queen, Golden Amber, Iranian Pomegranate, Old World Jasmine, Tunisian Neroli.

Possibly interested: Tomato Leaf, Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, Champa Bouquet, Pink Lotus, Dragon's Blood, Ethiopian Frankincense, Sweet Myrrh, Egyptian Musk, Mysore Sandalwood.


Book of Shadows:

Most interested: All Night Long, Forgive Me, Handfasting, Heartbreak Balm, La Flamme, Night Witch, Cornucopia, Easy Life, Lady Luck, Lucky #13, Lucky Hand, Bayberry, Ca$h Flow, Gnome's Gold, Millionaire's Mansion, Money House Blessing, Prosperity, Anointing, Esbat, Fire of Inspiration, Healing Way, Joy Joy Joy, Knowledge Supreme, Meditation, Mermaid's Tears, Most Peaceful, Wepawet's Road Opener, Dragon's Fire, Jinx Smasher.

Quite interested: Delightful, Pleasure & Pain, Lucky Charm, Guardian Angel, Kyphi, Banishing, Evil-B-Gone.

Possibly interested: As You Please, Bewitching, Enchanting Spirit, Faery Wings, Sabbat, Witches' Flying.



Most interested: Friendship, Happy Home, 777, Fast Luck, Attract, Bling Bling, Job Finder, Money, Money Magnet, Prosper, Has No Hanna, Crucible of Courage, Personal Power, Success, Protection, Repelling, Safe Journey, St Michael the Archangel.

Quite interested: Come to Me, High John the Conqueror, Black Cat #13, Make a Wish, Van Van, Boss Fix, Protect My Money, Faith, Hope, Charity, Strength, Zip It.

Possibly interested: Follow Me Boy!, Love Drawing, Reconcile, Pay Me Now!, 23rd Psalm, Abramelin, Blessings, Dream True, Espiritista, Lord's Prayer, Sacred, Serenity Prayer, Uncrossing, Return to Sender.


Via Carpathia:

Most interested: Blood Type O, Immortal.

Quite interested: Bat's Blood, Dove's Blood, The Countess.

Possibly interested: Blood Type A, Blood Type AB, Blood Type B, Love Eternal, Vampire Kisses.



Most interested: Mercury Retrograde, Poet's Potion, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Full Moon, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Naima, Tahia, Hand of Fatima, Radio Bastet, January - Ice Moon, April - Pink Moon, June - Rose Mead Moon, August - First Fruits Moon, The Light Mother, The Light Queen, Jin - Metal, Black Heart of Innocence, Talker, Mari, Heaven Shiner - Above, Shining Flame - South, Love, Wisdom, La Cafetera (coffee), El Melon (the melon), La Muñeca (the doll), Las Cerezas (the cherries), La Palma (the palm tree), La Pera (the pear), La Rosa (the rose), El Sol (the sun), La Estrella (the star), Bête Noire Brew, Jade Dragon, The Pernicious Parasol, Amaterasu - She Who Illuminates Heaven, Aphrodite - Greek Goddess of Love, Athena - Greek Goddess of Wisdom & War, Demeter - Greek Great Mother Goddess of Bounty, Eve - Biblical Temptress, Hera - Goddess of Women and Matrimony, Jezebel - Sanctify Sexuality, Kwan Yin - Chinese Bodhisattva of Compassion, Lillith - Primal Female, Nuit - The Celestial Cow, Persephone - Queen of the Underworld, Salome - Dance of the Seven Veils, Sarasvati - Indian Goddess of Art and Intellect, Shakti- Feminine Power Unleashed, Whore Of Babylon - Sacred Slut, Marie LaVeau- New Orleans Voodoo Queen, Beast of Babylon - The Whore's Apocalyptic Steed, Dionysus - Intoxicating Ecstasy, Ganesha - Elephant-Headed Block Buster, Loki - Giant Mischief, Maneki Neko - Beckoning Cat, Sacred Heart of Jesus - Agape, Obatala - Orisa of Peace, Patron of Humanity, Oshun - Beautiful Orisa of Sweetness, Patron of Love, Shango - Orisa of Thunder, Patron of Drumming and Dance, Yemaya - Orisa of the Ocean, Patron of Women and Witchcraft, Litha - Summer Solstice, Lammas - August 1, Mabon - Autumnal Equinox, Bathtub Gin, Cherry Red Lipstick, InjureAle, Sloe Gin Fizzy.

Quite interested: Glamour, Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius, Waxing Moon, Waning Moon, Blue Moon, Jamila, Samia, Serena, May - Flower Moon, July - Thunder Moon, September - Harvest Moon, October - Blood Moon, The Shadow Queen, The Light Crone, Boreas - North Wind, Zephyrus - West Wind, Notus - South Wind, Huo - Fire, Blue Fire, Fetch, GodSelf, Quakoralina, Nimue, Self, Power, Passion, Knowledge, Liberty, El Alacran (the scorpion), La Herradura (the horseshoe), La Luna (the moon), El Cacto (the cactus), La Maceta (the flowerpot), La Calavera (the skull), La Corona (the crown), Earl Black, Pirate's Breakfast, Gears of Imagination, Artemis - Greek Virgin of the Moon & Hunt, Astarte - Middle Eastern Goddess of Sexuality, Bastet - Egyptian Goddess of Cats & Perfumery, Brigid - Celtic Goddess of Fire and Inspiration, Coatlicue - Serpent Skirt, Aztec Mother Goddess, Inanna - Sumerian Goddess of Sex, War and Fertility, Kali Ma - Black Mother of Time, Lakshmi - Indian Goddess of Wealth, Morrigan - Celtic Goddess of Death and Magic, Pomba Gira - Primal Vamp, Baron Samedi - Haitian Lwa of the Dead, Freyr - Bountiful Harvest, Zeus - Ruler of Mt. Olympus, Agallu - Orisa of the Volcano, Patron of Transportation, Ochossi - Orisa of the Hunt, Patron of Law Enforcement, Beltane - May 1, Samhain - October 31, Flapper.

Possibly interested: Glitch, Shapeshifter, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Nadia, Nagwa, Nejla, Zeinat, March - Storm Moon, November - Frost Moon, December - Full Long Nights Moon, The Light Maiden, Menstrual Blood, The Dark Maiden, The Dark Crone, Eurus - The East Wind, Anemoi - The Four Winds, Tu - Earth, Shui - Water, Mu - Wood, Kala, Melek Taus, Anna, Arddu, Star Finder, - East, Water Maker - West, Black Mother - North, Guardian of the Gates - Center, Sex, Pride, Law, El Árbol (the tree), La Hoja (the leaf), El Loro (the parrot), La Bruja (the witch), La Muerte (death), El Corazon (the heart), El Diablito (the little devil), La Sirena (the siren), Kraken Up!, Tempus Fugit Torte, Aradia - Bella Strega, Circe - Master Sorceress, Cleopatra - Seductress Extraordinaire, Epona - Celtic Horse Goddess, Erinyes - The Angry Ones, Eriskegal - Sumerian Queen of the Underworld, Erzulie Freda - Coquettish Lwa of Beauty, Finery and Love, Freya - Norse Goddess of Love and Witchcraft, Green Tara - Tibetan Bodhisattva of Action, Hecate - Goddess of the Dark Moon and the Crossroads, Isis - Egyptian Goddess of the World, Joan of Arc - Warrior Maiden, Nepthys - Egyptian Goddess of Darkness, Pele - Polynesian Goddess of the Volcano, Pharaoh Hatshepsut - Queen Regnant, Vajrayogini - Indestructible Diamond, Aunt Caroline Dye - Rootworker par excellence, Apollo - Divine Healer, Fenrir - Wolf of the Apocalypse, Hades - Underworld King, Horus - Holy Child, Odin - One-Eyed AllFather, Shiva - The Auspicious One, Thor - God of Thunder, Thoth- Egyptian God of Magic and Communication, Eleggua - Orisa of Communication, Patron of Crossroads, Ogun - Orisa of Iron and War, Patron of Laborers, Oya - Orisa of the Winds of Change, Patron of the Marketplace, Olokun - Orisa of Health and Wealth, Patron of the Depths, Ostara - Spring Equinox, Yule - Winter Solstice, Imbolc - February 2, Floozy, Fox Trot, Lindy Hop, Shave and a Haircut, Vaudeville.



Artists: Caillebotte, Magritte, Severini

Poet: Jacques Prévert -- preferably in French, especially if you can find French with facing English translation.

Uh. I know my Amazon wishlist is a bit all over the place. Some of it is research (hence all the military stuff)? And most of it is just random.




Do you have a favorite quotation? Song lyric? Book passage? WhateverthehecktheycalltheanonymousregionalwisdomthingiePROVERB! Just one? Oh dear. When I was in high school I went with "success is the best revenge," but I'm not sure I believe that one anymore. I'm much more of a "happiness is the best revenge" sort of person now.


What is a bpal scent that you've been dying to try for awhile but just can't find? (A scent where even a tester would do) I haven't really been putting particular effort into find them, but I guess: Storyville, Ho Ho Ho, Fairy Wine, Fairy Market, Tokyo Stomp? Most of the stuff on my wishlist I'd be fine with just testers of, really.


Is there anything you would like that can be delivered over the internet? Things like fanfic recs, cat macros, mp3s you are looking for, how-to or amusing videos, things like that. Hmm. Maybe? Picspams, perhaps? Icons and graphics and such. Reviews of things, maybe? How-to videos sound amusing/useful... I don't know. I'm not that into macros/gifs and the like. I do like fanfic but tend to keep my fandom life separate from my real life -- contact me if you want more details about my fandom life. I'm not much into pirating, but things like mix cds delivered over the internet, or possibly things that are impossible to find, might be okay. Or, of course, stuff bought and sent electronically, also cool.


NaNoWriMo? I'll probably be doing the mini version. Though it is possible that this is the year I'll do the standard version. We'll see.


How do you feek about silly, funny knick-knack, dollar store stuff, stickers, magnets etc? Would you like receiving that kind of stuff or rather not? They can be fun! I like stickers and magnets, and I like some dollar store stuff. I'm not super into having knick-knacks just for the sake of having knick-knacks, but if one is especially appropriate for me, I'm game.


Is there a specific book you've been wanting to get but haven't found the time or the opportunity to? I can't think of anything that's not on my Amazon wishlist. Possibly the Absolute Sandmans or the Limited Edition Hardcovers of Umbrella Academy.


Do you read mangas/watch animes? Which ones? Do you have a particular favourite? Would you like to receive managas or anything related to them? Yes, I like both, as I've mentioned in previous answers. Favorite anime (off the top of my head): Studio Ghibli (Whisper of the Heart, Castle in the Sky, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, etc), Here Is Greenwood, Kino's Journey, Escaflowne, Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler), Kimagure Orange Road, Rurouni Kenshin, Witch Hunter Robin; I seem to remember enjoying RahXephon, too. Of these, I only own the Ghibli, Here Is Greenwood, and Escaflowne and would love to have the rest of them. I also have a soft spot for Kenichi and Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu because the SO loves them so (he has copies). Favorite manga: Saiyuki, Inu Yasha (which I only own in Japanese and would love to have in English), Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind, Here Is Greenwood, From Eroica with Love (which I don't own yet -- I borrowed a friend's)... I also enjoyed the first volumes of Fruits Basket, Death Note, and Descendants of Darkness, and would be interested in more. And I've been meaning to pick up (manga or anime or whatever form they're in) Hikaru no Go, Saiyuki Gaiden, and Azumanga Daioh. And maybe Initial D. I'd love manga or anime or stuff related to any of these (stickers, cards, figurines, plushies, scrolls, prints, cels, etc)!


Are you open to receiving things that are not on your wishlist, maybe something your Witch thinks you might like? Yes, of course! For BPAL, there's also the list of what I already have, so there's likely no need to get me any of those. But my wishlists are not at all exhaustive, and surprises are always fun!


What would your last meal be if it could be anything in the world (sky is the limit, drinks too, the whole shebang)? A modified version of my answer to this question from a previous round: My mother's five-spice chicken drumsticks, spare ribs, and garlic spinach; steamed sole with ginger and scallions, dry fried beef flat rice noodles, tea eggs and shanghai soup dumplings and Beijing-style street vendor dumplings; the salt-crusted red snapper from Balthazar; mashed potatoes with chanterelles and morels, roasted baby brussels sprouts in browned butter, fresh sauteed young pea tips, dry fried green beans, and an Outback Steakhouse salad (it's all about the shredded cheddar and their amazing croutons) with ranch dressing; Cherry Coke, chrysanthemum tea with rock sugar, Chuao Chocolatier Spicy Maya hot chocolate from Coupa Cafe, sweet doujiang (Chinese soymilk that is nothing like the soymilk that can be acquired her in the States -- hot or cold depending on the season); dan ta (egg custard cup tarts -- perfectly cooked and fresh out of the oven), custard apple, fresh lychees, a perfect mango, a perfect Honeycrisp or Pink Lady apple, and the warm chocolate pudding cake from Legal Sea Foods. Because I am a glutton.


If you have something on a wishlist that we could craft INSTEAD of buying, though it might not end up identical to the wishlist thing, would it be okay to craft it instead? Obviously we don't want to copy anyone else's design, but if we can replicate the flavour or intent that you like without stepping on toes? Of course that's fine! Welcome, even!


OK, I know that lots of folks love socks. Do you have a preference of length? Materials? Patterns? Knee high, over the knee, thigh high, tights. Soft, thin, stretchy materials (my calves are quite wide). Pattern-wise, I tend to like stripes or lace. I'm open to other patterns, though. I usually wear them with boots, but I think it's possible that some thin stockings or tights could go with other kinds of shoes. I don't wear socks that often, but I do like some styles.


How do people feel about word magnets? (Example: here: http://www.etsy.com/listing/42179176/magnetic-poetry-sets-1-and-2) And if you like them, would you like a theme (like a particular book/movie/tv show with specific words and character names) or just general words to make sentances out of? I like them! As for a theme... um, surprise me, I guess?


If you could have any costume, or if you aren't into costumes, necklace or other accessory, from any movie character, what would it be? Off the top of my head, I'd say one of Arwen's dresses, either the red and black one, or the dark navy blue (or black? it can be hard to tell in pictures) velvet one. Or, ooh, that red dress Lucy Lawless has been wearing as Lucretia in the Spartacus: Blood and Sand promos. Spectacular.


Which Weenies do you want, but HAVE'NT gotten? Hmmmmmm? (See previous related answers.)


How do you feel about samples/decants of things other than BPAL? Soap slices, lotion/scrub/shower gel decants, single use make-up/beauty products, etc. Love 'em, generally!


What are you guys going to be aiming for in the Inquisition? Or do you just plan on ordering individual items? I'll probably just order a Treat set w/ Ginger Skulls. I'm super tempted by the babydoll scoop neck tissue tees, but I don't love the color of Treat so I'll probably end up with Trick. I'm also tempted by Bogle but I'll probably manage to restrain myself.


If I were to knit a scarf, would you prefer a skinny one, or a wide one? A short one, that when wrapped once around your neck will just tuck under your jacket, or a long one, at least to your waist? A wide and long one, of very thin material.


Don't like scarves? Would a rectangular shawl or triangular shawl be more to your taste? I'd prefer a shawl over a scarf (though I do quite like scarves in appropriate situations) -- triangular would be fabulous (especially if rounded or flared or some other pretty shape), but rectangular is nice too.


How do you feel about recipes? What kind of a cook/baker are you? Are you happiest calling for delivery or microwaving a lean cuisine? Or will Food Network be asking you to host their new program? If I send you something home made would you like the reciepe for it? If you are someone who doesn't want baked goods sent, would you like a collection of some of my favorite recipes? How about home made mixes or kits? Kind of like the cookie in a jar thing, where you would need to add the perishable ingredients? I love recipes and always want more of them! I follow directions well, and sometimes my experiments succeed. I love cooking theory and food history. I like the idea of (homemade or not) mixes or kits, too.


We had some tea related questions, but here's another: if you are a tea lover, what are your flavor preferences? Green? Black? Herbal (I know, technically those are NOT teas, but tisanes)? Flavored blacks/greens? I like all types of teas -- green, black, white, herbal, rooibus, mate, mint, oolong, pu-erh, etc, etc. I am not super into fruit-flavored teas... except when I am (feel free to try me!). My favorite teas: Earl Grey (with or without lavender or other variations), chrysanthemum tea with rock sugar, mint tea, genmaicha, rose tea, chocolate mint rooibus, linden flower tea, pu-erh with condensed milk, roasted barley tea, English breakfast (with lots of milk and sugar), Eight Treasures tea (babaocha), and lots of different kinds of chai. I also quite like oolong and jasmine and most green and white and black teas of various types, especially the classic East Asian styles.


Are there any particular movies, tv shows or cd’s that you’ve been meaning to buy for years but just never got round to getting? Would you mind a gently used dvd/cd if your witch had it or could get it?? I love gently used stuff! Let's see... Undertow by Tool (had it on tape in high school, lost in in a disastrous punctured-Coke-can-in-book-bag incident, never got around to replacing it). Adventures in Babysitting (for the nostalgia!). Gummi Bears, Animaniacs, Sesame Street, wishing they would just put out Muppet Babies on dvd already, damn it (more nostalgia). The Adventures of Brisco Country Jr (one of the best single-season shows ever). Monty Python's Flying Circus, plus Life of Brian and Holy Grail (another piece of high school nostagia). More recent stuff: Life (the tv show), and Life on Mars UK, and Queer as Folk (both US and UK), and Sarah Jane Adventures.


Would you like a custom/altered toy either from a seller or from your witch (like My Little Pony, or a Barbie or any particular toy that can be changed?) Heck yeah! I loved both of those as a kid and ones that were more in line with my current tastes would be delightful!


Anyone else feel this way? Do you like the candy apple, candy corn or pumpkin spice kisses? I have no idea. I'd up for trying them, though! Especially candy apple and pumpkin spice.


Witchee, do you like jewelry that looks back? No, I generally avoid it. The only one I like even a little is this one: http://www.etsy.com/listing/56384398/sterling-silver-gothic-steampunk-evil -- which is blue, and the eye shape is kind of neat. Hmm, and this one is pretty interesting, too: http://www.etsy.com/listing/55999738/gothic-steampunk-evil-eye-pendant-with -- mostly for the wire-wrap stuff around the eye, which is a really cool shape. But these are something I'd wear for a costume or theme, not as every day pieces. And none of the others appeal to me at all, though they're better than the standard eye beads, which I basically just dislike (they kind of give me the creeps, and not in a good way). [some of the non-eye pendants in the same etsy shop are pretty appealing, though.]


Anne Taintor, anyone? I really like Anne Taintor! My favorite journal ever acquired was this one: http://www.overstock.com/Books-Movies-Music-Games/She-Had-Not-Yet-Decided-Whether-to-Use-Her-Power-for-Good-or-for-Evil/429537/product.html -- great size and weight for carrying around, and the image/words are perfect for me. I would use those forever if I could. I also have a "there was nothing passive about her aggression" magnet and adore it. I like a lot of the other Anne Taintor designs and products too!


Which web comics do you enjoy? I don't follow any of them regularly (I am generally pretty bad at keeping up with things I have to wait for). I am fairly amused by several when pointed at them: The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage, xkcd, Questionable Content, Penny Arcade, Dinosaur Comics, Piled Higher and Deeper, A Softer World, Cat and Girl, Wondermark, Order of the Stick... I'm sure there are more that are slipping my mind at the moment. In the past I enjoyed Sluggy Freelance, Megatoyko, Boy Meets Boy, Sinfest, Lethal Doses, Something Positive, Exploitation Now, Girl Genius (in print graphic novel form)... some of those are defunct, some of those I may someday catch up on. There was also one written and drawn by three (or two? it's all very fuzzy) women in the early 2000s about a spaceship that I really liked, but I can't remember the name of it (it may have involved the world grrrl? *wracks brain*). I was sad when that domain expired.


Is there anything from the Possets' Hallowe'en update you're lusting after? The Girls Love Ginger! And Betsy the Cat, Ghost, The Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Possibly: Autumnal Equinox, Charlemagne, Gypsy Grave, Halloween, Marnie, Melanie, Naked Lady, Phantome, Pumpkin PURP, PumPom, Scythe, Wraith. I have no idea if Possets will work on me. But those four sound the most appealing.


Who is your favorite soap etailer? I'm not sure I have one. I'd love to try Paintbox Soapworks and Villainess, of course! But there are plenty of others I'd like to try, too.


What kind of make-up do you wear? What colors? Is there anything you'd like to try but haven't yet? See my previous answer about make-up for kinds. As for colors, I like dark red and dark berry lip colors, and vibrant jewel-tone eyeshadow and also shimmery neutral eyeshadow. I have dark brown eyes, if that helps. I'd like to get more into lip stains and lip plumpers, maybe? I've been considering getting an eyebrow brush/comb? Oh, and I've been wanting to try out Kat Von D's lipsticks and eyeshadows (her dark red lipsticks and awesome eyeshadow palette colors have a lot of potential).


What about vintage decoration items, teacups, etc etc? I like vintage (and vintage-y) things!


What interests you from the latest lab update? None of the Dawn scents really appeal, and I'm waiting for my stuff from decant circles shows up before making a pronouncement about the Halloween BPAL scents. Except I know that I'd love love LOVE to try The Heraeon of Argos. Of the forum only stuff, I would love to try Lilith's Tea Party. I'm also really interested in trying Mabon 2010, and possibly also Wildfire 2010.


Do you have a place where you list all the BPAL you have or have tried? Yup, there's a list of all the BPAL I've ever had in my possession in my blog. I don't have a list of everything I've tried, but I'm pretty sure I've posted reviews of everything I've tried, so looking for that using the search function should be a way to see.


With regards to your gifts, would you prefer your presents' awesomeness evenly spread out (several packages of pretty terrific things) over the round or a slow build-up of awesomeness (going up from pretty cool things to something super-duper cool at the end) to go out with a bang? Do you have a preference? Either!


Do you crave many Ecards and contact or are you okay with little contact from your Witch? I like some contact but I don't need massive amounts to be happy. Just the fact the my Witch sent me one at the beginning of the round is lovely! <3 And totally enough, if that's what works for my Witch, though more contact would be totally fine, too. Whatever you like. It is a comfort to simply know that you exist. :wub2:


Who would be on your top 5 (IE famous people you’d date/have relations with) Well, a longer list is under the question "Mancandy" and "Womancandy," but if I had to narrow it down to five, today I think my answers would be: 1. Stark Sands. He was high on the list but not quite this high after I saw him in Generation Kill, but now that I've seen him in two musicals -- and have been playing the cd of one of those musicals constantly; I seriously love his voice -- he's moved up the stack dramatically (he plays guitar in American Idiot, even -- it's... incredibly hot). I am such a sucker for musicians. 2. Jon Huertas. Between Generation Kill and Castle... *swoon* 3. Drew Barrymore. She's basically the perfect combination of cute and quirky and sexy and beautiful. She also strikes me as fun, creative, and smart. These are all things I really, really like. 4. Clea DuVall. She's just incredibly hot, and so, so compelling in any role that she's in. 5. Tie! Alexander Skarsgard or Naveen Andrews. Between Generation Kill and True Blood, it is basically impossible for me to deny Alexander Skarsgard's appeal; also he sort of reminds me of my favorite ex-SO (I get on really well with my exes in general), so that's both a point in his favor and yet a bit strange. Naveen Andrews, though... the man is fine, and super intense, and seems to have a very strong sense of self. HOT.


What is your position on the chocolate & bacon flavor combination? It's tasty, but not the be-all-end-all. At least, I tried the Vosges bar and it was good but didn't usurp the Barcelona bar as my favorite Vosges. I do want to try super-crispy bacon (the way I like it) freshly dipped in good dark chocolate sometime, though, but I suspect I'm just going to have to make it myself because it wouldn't travel well.


Do you like maple sugar candy? Love it!


If you are a tea-drinker do you need a tea-cozie for your pot? Ooh, that would be neat!


Go to your spice cabinet, what are the three most used spices? Cinnamon, cayenne, black pepper. If black pepper doesn't count, then garlic salt. The boy uses a lot of TexJoy.


Microsoft or Apple? Apple. I do also like Unix-based systems, but am not currently running one (unless you count Mac OS X's Unix back end -- one of the reasons I like Macs now, true multi-tasking is delicious).


Where was your last vacation? What did you like most? Fort Davis, Texas. The cooler temperatures and dry air -- and also the pretty, pretty, gorgeously dramatic thunderstorm we got.


Would you appreciate receiving handwritten letters and/or postcards (anonymous or not)? How about sending them? Yes, and yes.


Would you like something you have to make yourself? Quite possibly! Assuming it's something I'm interested in doing anyway and/or is not tooooooo time consuming/complicated/extensive.


Are you allergic to any food things?? Blue cheese.


Do you hate any food things with a passion?? "Hate with a passion" is a bit strong, but I'm not very fond of licorice, roasted red peppers, green peppers, or green olives.


Would you be opposed to receiving a digital version (via email) of a magazine you like but don't subscribe to...you know, in the interest of saving a tree? I would not be opposed at all!


Chocolate or other types of candy? I love dark chocolate (both with and without inclusions), and I love milk chocolate with nuts in (or other inclusions), and I love dark milk, and I love spicy chocolate and chocolate w/ sea salt, and I like some white chocolate and plain milk chocolate. I also like non-chocolate candy -- smarties, skittles, starburst, hard candy (lemon drops and the like), mints, those Chinese rice paper candies, those sugar-coated shaped jellies (the orange slices and watermelon rings, for example), black sesame candy, pocky... I'm always up for trying new candy. ETA: I ADORE toffee! And I'm fond of saltwater taffy. And pralines, YUM!


For tea drinkers, do you prefer loose leaf or tea bags? I like both, but I'm on the lookout for an infuser at the moment.


If you would enjoy something of a knitted persuasion, do you have a preference on type of thing? Since making a scarf for someone who has 10 might be a smidge excessive? Also, how do people feel about shawls? I'm pretty sure I've covered this in detail in a prior question about knit things. I'd love a shawl -- I especially like the lacy ones. For all knit things, the thinner the better. I am serious about this. Thick knit things are very unlikely to get used. Well. Unless they are too soft to resist...


Is there a TV, movie or literary character that you are a lot alike, or would like to be alike? Offhand, I think I'd like to be Sophie Hatter/Pendragon from Howl's Moving Castle, or perhaps Millie from the Chrestomanci books, or perhaps Maree from Deep Secret (both from books by Diana Wynne Jones) -- all strong-willed, practical women who nonetheless have more than a touch of magic to them.


Is there anything you need for your kitchen, ie measuring cups, spoons, grater, ect? A hand-held orange juicer, the kind that squeezes. A really good can opener, perhaps. A small (thin) rubber spatula. A tea ball/infuser or packet of fillable tea bags. Silicone muffin cups, silicone cookie sheets. A popsicle making kit. Cool cookie cutters and candy molds (and soap molds).


Music, DO you prefer Live or Studio? Edited or explicit? I love both studio recordings (especially if they aren't overproduced) and live recordings (assuming it's a good, high-quality, well-balanced recording). Explicit for me, please -- edited is... not my style. I am very much against censorship, and I appreciate a well-used expletive and/or shocking content, and would be sad if they were excised.


If you are an animal lover, is there a specific type/breed that you love most? I like all types of (real) bears as well as panda bears, I love black cats, maltese and siamese (and related/similar breeds) cats, and most especially, I love classic black-and-grey(-and-white) domestic shorthairs (American shorthair style mackerel silver tabbies, basically). I like ravens and hawks and falcons, and big cats, especially and tigers and pumas and black panthers. I am not usually a dog person, but I have a soft spot for Westland Terriers and Scotties.


Also flowers and plants- If you like flowers/plants, do you have a favorite(s)? I am generally not to be trusted with live plants (though I do have more time than I used to... maybe a plants with super clear instructions?), but I do like flowers and plants. Favorite flowers: lilacs, roses, honeysuckle, osmanthus, cherry blossom, apple blossom. I also like tulips, daffodils, irises, ladyslippers, orchids, water lilies and lotuses. As for non-flowering plants, I like herbs and aloe and vegetable plants (useful plants, in other words), bamboo, and cacti. And trees, of course. I love trees. Classic trees, evergreens, unusual trees. I like them all!


Let's say, hypothetically speaking, that you have some children/spawn (1 or more), and, hypothetically speaking, your witch would like to spoil them a little but knows nothing of kids these days. What do they like or dislike? Also is there anything a (sane) adult might think they would like that you don't think is appropriate for whatever reason? (I'm thinking of things like temp tattoos, make up, things that make noise, or anything else that might be bad for non-obvious reasons.) No children here. Unless you count the Boys (grown-up children as they are), who like anime and video games and sweets.

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