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Switch Witch Fall 2010 Extra Questions plus Massive Answers of DOOM! (part the first!)




Would you like a box filled with Christmas/Yule treats? I think “a box filled with” is a bit presumptuous, but Christmas/Yule things are fantastic, yes. I particularly love snowpeople. I am not super crazy about peppermint, for the record. It’s nice but not like omgyay.


Darling Witchee, are you in on this NaNoWriMo craziness? Would you like motivational pings/writing instruments/lovely blank books in which to pen your masterpiece I used to attempt this every year, and when I say “attempt”, I mean I’d spend the first week of November just trying to figure out what I wanted to write ABOUT and then realized I didn’t have enough time left to actually do it. Now that I’m at a college that is kicking my ass seven ways from Sunday on top of all the other responsibilities and sundry whatnots of life, I don’t see this happening this year. Which admittedly makes me very sad, since every year I say “THIS YEAR!” and then, no. But I do love blank books in general anyway. They always have a million at places like Borders that I wish I could justify buying.



Did you know BPAL is on etsy with leftover trunk show bottles? Would you like any of them? I’m very ignorant about trunk show bottles and protos and everything like this. I don’t remember hearing any mention of it when I first dabbled in BPAL, so I’m just confused. I’m sure there’s something that would be great to have but I don’t know about it yet? Haha.



Would you prefer to have your final package before Halloween or have a reveal package at the end of the round? Not sure how this was being asked on the 28th and people thought it would get there before Halloween, but that’s neither here nor there now either way! I have been such a difficult Witchee that I’m leaving everything up to my Witch to decide.


Do you prefer lip balm in a tube or tin? I prefer tubes, since they’re more sanitary, but I wouldn’t have a fit about a tin.



What are you most interested in from the Yule update? I am probably the only one who is actually SAD that the update is out already. I’d like to be excited, but I don’t even have the Weenies I need yet, and haven’t had time to really try to organize the stuff I have for swaps so that I can get them. I haven’t had time to do anything, actually. *sigh* Anyway, enough of my emo whining, regarding the Yules --- > Not sure if they will cooperate with me or not, but The Clock Strikes Midnight, Changing the Shadows, Shadows of What May Be, An Altar to Cold, Rigid, Dreadful Death, sound the most intriguing, but there’s also Haloa 2010, Egg Nog 2010, Whoop, The First of the Three Spirits, and if only there wasn’t vetiver, The Last of the Spirits would be UTTERLY AMAZING. I guess I’m going to be doing a LOT of sniffing at Will Call this Sunday, which sort of sucks because I needed to re-test the Weenies in question as well. I realize I’m complaining about something stupid like having TOO MUCH TO SNIFF, but I’m just already worried I won’t be able to figure out what I want in time. Halloween is my favourite holiday, and I’ve always been so sad hearing people talk about the Weenies of years passed that I wasn’t around for. Of the Last Unicorn scents, the only ones I’m really interested in are The Last Unicorn, The Butterfly, and The Midnight Carnival. I want a scent for the big-boobied tree, darnit! …Ok, this is post-Will-Call now, and I didn’t get to sniff anything but The Clock Strikes Midnight, which I loved. Based on some reviews I read, I’m now curious about Christmas Eve in the Counting House and The Soldier too.



If you were my witchee, would you want to receive Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict, or wouldn't that be your cup of classics? I’m trying hard to bite my tongue (or my fingers, as the case may be) and not really go into detail, but I am just definitely not into Jane Austen. They don’t affirm women enough for me.


Would you like some homemade snack mix? I do like snack mix! Although I’m pretty eccentric in that I pretty much only eat the Chex and the Melba toasts. I ignore all crackers and pretzels. The more bold the flavour, the better. I have eaten the “Bold” Chex mix and it is not hardly “bold” to me. Garlic, Worcestershire, and spice, all the way! I also love that snack stuff called Munchies? Haha, it’s a crazy name, but it’s like Doritos and Cheetos and Sun Chips or something. Cheese snacks are always win.


Knitterly Witchees, would you like a yarn bowl? A bowl MADE of yarn or a bowl FOR yarn? Or both? Haha, I have always been impressed with bowls made of yarn, but don’t go through special trouble if this isn’t easy for you.



So....let's say that you're my witchee, and you have an affinity for widgets. Let's also pretend that I sent you one of these widgets, but in a form that has a very special personal significance to me. Would you find that to be touching (in a "Yay, now I'll always use this and think of my witch!" way) or tacky (in a "My witch is making this all about her!" way)? I can’t really figure out what a widget is, but after putting my Witch through such a hard time of giving her enough info about me, I’m going to say if this appeals to her, go for it. :)


Have you had a chance to try Halloweenies? If so, which ones are you really really in love with this year? Infernal Lover is the only one I bought a bottle of but probably should get more before it’s gone. Might be easier to just link to my post-Will Call review-- http://www.bpal.org/topic/53631-dirty-south-will-call/page__view__findpost__p__1838071 -- but I know I definitely need The Madwoman and Halloween: New Orleans for sure. Slaugh and Ghoulish both didn’t do well on me, but I almost want them anyway just to keep trying over time, haha. …Ok, more post-Will-Call notes—I resniffed some of the ones in question. I’m now sure that I want Slaugh. I bought a bottle of The Shadowy and the Sublime and I have The Madwoman instead of Odd Portents now (long story) but I love these so much that if somehow you got me any amount of them already it would so not be bad.


Pocket shrines! Would you like one, made for a particular obsession of yours? I like this idea. I think the best themes for me would be something to remember I’m a valuable, important person, or that there are a few people who love me. I have a hard time remembering these things.



Do you prefer scented or unscented lotions/moisturizers? Generally, scented! But I guess an unscented one might be interesting to have so I could flavour it up with some BPAL. Either way, and I hate to be a broken record, just want it to be natural. :)



Today I got one of the Starbucks Halloween Bearista Bears - it's dressed like a werewolf! Is this something witchees might like? I love plush things but teddy bears… I don’t know why but I just don’t like them at all. Halloween plushes in general are awesome though. There are some teeny little purple and black bats at Hobby Lobby and I’ve almost bought one but stopped myself. And of course there’s that whole Hello Kitty thing and my weird doll attraction.


Are you interested in Halloween costumes for your pet(s)? I don’t have pets, unfortunately. :( It makes me VERY sad.



Would you want your witch to reveal herself? How? Take it off, baby! Take it all off! Haha, sorry, I just had to make that terrible joke, because “reveal herself” just went into my dirty dirty brain the wrong way! I would love to know who my Witch is, just so I can apologize to her until the end of time!



I came home with some Dungeon Crawl and some Bedbugs yesterday. If you were my witchee, would you want some of either/both? I can’t find a description for Bedbugs, so I don’t know, but I’m very curious about Dungeon Crawl. …Ok, finally found out that Bedbug is supposed to be gingerbready, which sounds nice. Probably wouldn’t work on me, the spicy-as-in-autumn-spice ones are weird like that, but who knows. …Another update, I have tested Bedbug and I was right. It’s ok but it doesn’t really do awesome things ON me.



Did you forget anything fun/interesting or find something new and exciting? Uhhh, I’m answering these from the top down so I’ll come back to this, haha! *********************************



Would you like to receive international magazines, even if you don't speak the language it's written in, just to ogle the pictures or for the novelty of it? If yes, what kind of magazines, or what magazines in particular? Hmm, I guess if someone had them just hanging around, yeah that would be neat. But don’t go to any particular trouble to buy me something I can’t read anyway, haha.


Would you have interest in any of the new Christmas stuff from Lush? Haven’t looked, but as I’ve said, I’m a little unhappy with Lush.


Oh, witchee-poo... if there was one bottle you could have from the NYCC exclusives, what would it be? One bottle? The Elephantine Colossus. I guess I don’t really pay attention much to event-exclusives because I know I will never get them, but re-reading the notes, it sounds pretty intriguing. The White Lady one sounds a little interesting too. …And another update! I smelled someone’s decant of Elephantine Colossus at Will Call, and it was really nice. Didn’t test, but in the imp… WOW.


If someone were to make you one of the items in this post which would it be? 1,2, and 4 are the best, most inclined to 4. Probably a moot point now. :blush2:


If you were my witchee, would you mind a gift certificate where you'd have to do it old school style and mail it in with your order form? Not at all! The place I get my henna still has these.



Do you have a preferred weight of yarn to work in? Lace, sock, worsted, bulky, handspun with variation? My preferred yarn is yarn, haha. I just love yarn. I guess I have more worsted than anything, but worsted is really versatile! I don’t have any lace and lace yarn is something I have been wanting for forever, I have to be honest. But I really love bulky’s and handspuns that are all un-uniform in size (I think they call it thick and thin, or slub, or something like that/those?) I’m rather fond of sock yarn too though. Really, I just love yarn.


Anyone like little seasonal decorative wreaths? Like grapevine wreaths embellished with silk flora, etc.? When I picture this in my mind’s eye, I’m seeing like… the kind of thing my boyfriend’s mother still likes, back from when the 80’s era of decorating hit the 90’s era of decorating, and everything was mauve pink and grayish blue and had like, geese on it. I’m sure there’s a more chic way to make such a thing now, but I can’t picture it! :rofl:


Do any witchees need a Snuggie? I’m the one who has to compare the quality to cost ratio of every product mentioned on the thread :blush: and I’m sure everybody hates me for it :ack:, but no Snuggies for me. I did like the Slanket and the Snuggle Blanket or whatever it was called… the one someone posted that unzips into a blanket and zips into the sleeved robe-ish thing. I think both are too expensive to worry about though.



So, who here loves pomegranates? Are the good as a fruit, a flavoring or just a scent? All of the above! Swank was nasty on me, but I blame the thing that wasn’t the pomegranate part, because it was fruity and lovely before it changed. Real pomegranates are awesome and their juice is amazing. Also, that pomegranate soda they sell at Whole Foods is delicious.


Haunt Update? I am not familiar with this. I tried to look it up but my Google fu wasn’t strong enough? I guess if it’s another perfume place, probably not, but if it’s soap, maybe.


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