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Forum update/news for February 2011

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Hello, BPAL.ORG!


As we mentioned before, one of the things the moderators/admins are trying out is keeping you more informed. A lot of stuff gets discussed in the running of a major forum like this, but you folks don't hear most of that. We'd like to rope you in a bit... hence this blog! We'll be using it to keep you updated, toss out some ideas, and if I (Belladonnastrap) am making the post, at some point I'm gonna rant about something that has absolutely nothing to do with the forum. Why? Because that's how I roll! B)




First off, we would all like to say thank you for your patience while (whilst?) we go through a bit of construction. The membership has been really patient with us, and while we understand that all recent changes haven't been met with butterflies & unicorns, we appreciate you sticking around. We're going to do our very best to ensure that bpal.org is a place where we can not only discuss the wonderfulness of the Lab/Post & their works, but our own awesome corner of the web. Sort of like Oh No They Didn't, but smelling better and less obsessed with Britney Spears.


Moving to the country, gonna buy me a lotta scrubs.

Retail Therapy. We admit that the RT organization did not go completely as planned. We're still working on that. In the meantime, please continue to leave your feedback in this thread, and believe us when we say we're working on it.


SKINS! And not the crappy MTV show either!

Diana goes much more into depth about this then I ever can, so please check out her announcement for news & where we stand when it comes to making the forum look shiny!


Changing of the Guard

As Diana previously announced, quantumspice is no longer a member of the admin team. We wish her well. We wanted to take the time to just remind you of the moderators.


Admins: ShriekingViolet (aka Diana), Morrig

Moderators: Silvertree, Ivyandpeony, Andra, alicia_stardust, Jessica, WickedGoddess, parrot_suspect, Belladonnastrap, emzebel, jenpo, Shollin, Sarah, LiberAmoris, maewitch, Noumenon and Heartbeast


Please note: These are all of our active moderators. We have some moderators who are on hiatus, so if you should message them with any sort of forum concern, please be aware that they might take a bit to get back to you and/or forward it to another active mod.


Odds & Ends


A couple of general reminders to the forum population:


1) Please watch your image sizes! Images are to be no bigger then 480 pixels wide. If you upload an image and it's been scaled down, that means it's too big. Please resize.


2) No swaps outside the swaps forum. This includes "Hey, by the way, I have XX available. If you're interested, PM me!" in any section. If you say "I think this is allowed, but I'm not sure..." chances are it's not. Remember, you can always PM a moderator if you have any posting questions.


3) Please search to make sure your topic hasn't been made into a thread already. We're actually doing well in the dupe topic department, but a reminder never hurts! :D


So that's it for February! We'll try making these monthly, although we don't want to spam you all! In conclusion: Tyler from the Vampire Diaries? You're a tool. Seriously, dude: WTF were you thinking?! I'm gonna be vague because I know that not everyone is caught up, but OOOH. You make me so mad. I've been like :rantrave: :evil: all night because of your antics! I hope you get kenneled.


NEXT TIME: I swap! You Swap! Everyone Swaps!; Working at the Grindhouse; and Lupercalia: What if the Hokey Pokey really IS what it's all about?

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GUUUURL. ONTD has not been obsessed with Britney since she shaved her head. They've moved on to Gaga and that skinny dude who's the new Spiderman.

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Just thought that y'all would like to know thatI used the Dark Devil skin for a while, and didn't encounter any errors with it that I remember. I changed to the Arium skin for now, and I do hope that one can be kept, as it is so pretty and elegant. :)

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