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BPAL won't judge me

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Oh godses, I'm caving. YET ANOTHER BLOG! WHY NOT?


Firstly, I need somewhere where I can squee at updates, plan orders and commence to squee over them until they arrive, then squee some more. Oddly I don't feel comfortable squeeing the gospel of BPAL all over facebook or my other blog. (That isn't to say I never mention it there. Just that I hold back.)


Secondly, I need to organize my shizz up. This past year has been.. difficult. To say the least. My husband (and in BPAL terms, MY RIDE) was sick on and off during 2010, and while my son was born in 2009 it wasn't until last year that he started touching all my stuff and I had to start hiding my BPAL (my 4 year old outgrew that phase quickly, bless her!) And my habit hobby (buying, swapping, selling, testing) suffered for it. As a result I don't have a real good grasp on what I have*, what I want to keep and what I need to get rid of.


* Having to tell someone that the bottle you sold them has less in it than you presented it as - or worse, doesn't exist at all - is just as horrifying as it sounds. People were understanding, thank godses, but I can't recommend doing this on a regular basis.


Having this space will, I think, make life a lot easier when I have the need/time to focus on BPAL. I will add bottles to My Stash, write reviews and hopefully sell some old bottles so that I may have room (and Paypal) for new ones.


And thirdly, it's just nice to be part of a community whose one common denominator is BPAL.

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