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March 19


If your Witch lived near you, would you be happy or creeped out to get a "coupon" for a service like cleaning help or babysitting or dogwalking or coffee out with your Witch or something like that? Would you be creeped out if a local minion personally delivered a package to your house from a far-away Witch?

Its not that I would be creeped out, I just get extremely nervous around strangers.


Let's say I have a pair of something you collect, would you like one of them and we have matching things? Yeah that would be really cool!



March 18


Do you like poetry? I do! I love Oscar Wilde and Sylvia Plath


What types of scents do you like to scent your home? Which do you totally avoid? My boyfriend likes things that smell like 'cookies' :roll: As for me, the perfect scent is a combination of cedarwood and mandarin, they used to have it at Yankee Candle a while back and I've been mourning it. Dark Candle's Bonfire or Crypt Moss are good substitutes


What are your thoughts on comics? Any you like? Any you have been wanting to try? Favorite characters? Yes! Devi from the I Feel Sick comics has been my hero for ages.

I would love more Lenore comics, I think I only have one. Generally Slave Labor Graphics has tons of cool potential comics.

How do you feel about nail polish? What colors do you like? Sparkles?

I like dark colors like dark reds and dark purples and the occasional dark blue or green. Sometimes gunmetal grey.

Household/kitchen goods/gadgets? Yes please!! We are moving out this summer for the first time and I am trying to gather together basic kitchen stuff for our apartment. I need measuring spoons, measuring cups, kitchen towels, hot pads, stainless steel pots and pans, and the kitchen colors I am planning are black and red.


Ok geek check - what sort of geeky things do you do? Do you read comics/graphic novels? Are you obsessed with something (a TV show maybe?) Do you work in a geeky field? Do you play rpgs like Dungeons and Dragons? Would you like gifts related to any of these?

I read FsC comics, (see amazon w/l) My boyfriend is OBSESSED with D&D to the point that it may be unhealthy, so any D&D stuff would be much loved and adored.

Do you have a favorite fabric? If someone were to make you a fabric item, would you prefer it be out of any fabric? e.g. velvet, satin, silk, cotton, bamboo??? Would this change if it were an article of clothing vs. a bag/pillow/blanket/somethingelse

I love velvet so much! Satin is nice too, though it tends to get staticky


Anything with the Worm Moon update that you're already lusting after?

only Womb Furie. Still :( (haven't gotten a chance to order, and I think tomorrow is the last day)


March 17

Would you want an invite to a site that is invite-only ex. Diaspora, Demonoid, etc. If so, what? Hmm. I'm not quite sure what any of that is!

Pillows? What size/designs/colors would most interest you? Hmm. maybe some small couch pillows for my living room. Dark jewel colors please, and nothing too ornamented, as we have claw happy kitties.

purses? bags? What style/colors? no thanks, I have too many.


Decorative scarves for hair and/or creative accessorizing? What colors? nah, I have way too many.


Would you like anything from Starring Fragrances. They make awesome hair stuff, natural deoderant, and home fragrance (and a ton of other stuff, those are just my favs)? Yes! I would love to try any kind of natural deodorants and home fragrance stuff.


March 16


For those who like lipgloss, lipstick, tinted balms, etc, what colors do you wear (and warm? cool?) and do you prefer something sheer or more opaque? How do you feel about shimmer?

I don't usually wear lipstick or color on my lips. I like medicated lip balm though, and can never have enough of it!

Are there any fancy/gourmet/special herbs or spices that you'd love to receive? ie: good quality vanilla or other extracts, vanilla beans, saffron, lavender, etc.

Oh vanilla beans would be awesome. Or some vanilla and/or coconut extract (doesn't have to be fancy, honestly lol)

What's your favorite animal? Or is there one that's particularly significant to you? Yes the American Mountain Lion and I also really like Snow Leopards.


If you were able to get a vintage or prototype bottle from the upcoming West Coast Will Call, which one would you want?

Hmm, any of my favorites (from my profile) would be awesome. But I'm not so obsessed with rare vintage stuff. All the really old BPAL I've ever had have gone sour or strange smelling on me.


DVDs, Blu-Ray, both, neither?

regular DVDs are fine!

Sock Dreams? What kind? (anklets, footies, etc.?)

I'm all good for socks right now.


Since this is a price capped round, would you rather get one "big" thing or lots of "little" things or don't care?

What ever my witch desires, I have no preference, it is fun either way!

Do you like pirate-related things?

Sure! No Pirates of the Caribbean stuff though, I tend to think its tacky. I like REAL pirate stuff.


Soaps? Be specific: if there are BPAL soaps you want to try or are dying for more of, tell all here! Also, any other companies people like or love? Villainess, maybe? Or Lush? What flavors???

I love Villainess Birthrite and Arcana's Devilish and I'd LOVE more!

What periods of art do you love most? Like, if someone was going to get you a tapestry or a box or some other item, what period would you want it to most resonate with? the pinks and golds of Rococo? the clean geometry of Art Deco? The romanticism of Art Nouveux? The strange lines of Cubism?

I love Art Nouveux most of all. Anything romantic and aesthetic AND old fits me very well.


Would you like caffeinated lollipops?: http://www.lollyphil...cks-caffeinated those sound delightful.


Copied CD's or DVD's? of course!


I'm going to Disneyland in a couple of weeks, is there anything I can get you? No thanks, I really don't like Disney.



March 15

Booze? Yay or Nay? what kinds? No thanks. I can't really have it at the moment


Steampunk inspired items? Yay or nay? Sure!


Do you like amurigami dolls? Of course, they are cute. I'm not sure I'd find them really practical though because I am moving this summer and trying to downsize the amount of stuff I own.




March 14

surprise! the world has given you the day off. You hear that, no chores, responsibilities, or budget you have to follow. What would you do in those 24 hours? Read, knit, clean my room, go out for coffee and shopping with my best friend and talk about baby stuff, go out to dinner with my boyfriend.


Do you have any blogs you regularly read? Not regularly, but I have been keeping up with Andra's Love to Eat Hate to Exercise blog because I enjoy it so much.


Do you need another bpal box? If so what would your fantasy one look like? No thanks, I already have like 20 lol.

Do you enjoy gardening? If so, what kind of stuff do you grow? Vegetables, flowers? Well, I do usually enjoy gardening, but I am not sure what it will be like when I move this summer. The apartment we are thinking about might not have a gardening space, though I suppose I could use pots out on the balcony, if we have one. If so, I'd love to grow tomatoes and fresh herbs in pots.


Social Networking sites: just facebook for now. Though I'm getting tired of being mindlessly addicted to it. I am tempted to just cut and run.


favourite artists or specific paintings? I LOVE Pre-Raphaelite artists, especially John William Waterhouse (my favorite is Ophelia), and the Rosettis.


March 13


how about mix CDs? LOVE them


Hey, how do folks feel about little e-goodies, like links to stuff your witchee likes? (articles online, pix, fic, etc) sure!

Tim Tams? Yes or no? Chocolate Creme, Caramel, or Dark Chocolate? No thanks, those are deliciously dangerous, and I'm dieting.


Is there any "classic" literature (Hemingway, Dickens, Elliot, Bronte, Hugo, Wilde, etc.) that you would like to add to your collection? Oh yes! I'd love some E.M. Forster, more Dickens, Austen, Hemingway... I'll put some on my amazon wishlist.


candles and/or aroma melts: yay or nay? I'm more inclined to scented candles, in fruity, fresh (seashore) or vanilla scents.


Get your music player, what are the first 13 songs on Random?

1. Track 3 - Great Expectations Soundtrack

2. I wanna Be Your Dog - Siouxsie and the Banshees

3. Trinity's Calling - CocoRosie

4. Destillat - VNV Nation

5. Silly Kids Games - The Damned

6. Under Pressure - Queen and David Bowie

7. WTV - Ministry

8. Werewolf - CocoRosie

9. Invasion - UNKLE

10. 1,000,000 - Nine Inch Nails

11. Saya's Destiny (BLOOD + Soundtrack) - Mark Mancina

12. I'm Sensitive - Jewel

13. Straight Lines - Silverchair



Astrological charts and interpretation/ reports? Oh my god YES! I haven't gotten one of those in ages. I already know my basic birth chart, but I have never gotten an in depth interpretation. Birthdate 9/14/1983 5:35 AM Hartford, CT

So how does everyone feel about receiving ebooks? No thanks, I prefer real books.


March 11


Would you rather have HUGE list of things your witchee wants to try or just a highlight list? Huge list, please!



What would I order TODAY from BPAL?

If I had a decent amount of dough to spend, I would get:


GC: Bliss, Imp, Pickled Imp, Incubus

LE: Womb Furie x2 (I've been wanting this one FOREVER)


imps: Elegba

What level of nudity?

It's cool as long as its for a purpose. Unnecessary nudity usually bothers me.


gently used items from a garage sale/thrift store?

sure why not?


Do you like cooking seasonings, like the kind you can get in ounces sizes? If so, things you'd love to try out?

Yes, actually I need the basic seasonings because my boyfriend and I are moving into our first apartment this summer!


Do you like any particular kinds of green or black teas or coffees that could also be gotten in bulk?

Sure, anything would be good. I am particularly fond of earl grey, and flavored coffees are the BOMB.


Favorite snack foods (and can they be from bulk section as well?)

Maybe? I'll be able to have nuts pretty soon. I really love sugar free jerky for snacks.


Baked Goods? Yea Nay?

I'd love to say yes, but I am currently dieting, low carb. Unless you have super kick ass Atkins baking skills!


If not Baked goods and you are changing eating habits..a book of recipes perhaps that will help the new eating lifestyle?

Sure! I'd love some low carb cook books! I will see if I can put some ideas on my amazon wishlist


Mix CDs

Yes please! I'm always looking for new music!

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