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Spring Switch Witch Questions!

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If someone were attending Disney on Ice (Toy Story 3) with a bunch of Girl Scouts, would you want a patch/souvenir?

Hmmm, I haven't seen Toy Story 3 yet, but I am in to the princess movie side of Disney more than Toy Story... My friends and I each had a princess of our own and mine was Jasmine!


Would you rather have HUGE list of things your witchee wants to try or just a highlight list?

Either! I think any kind of list could be helpful in divining what my witchee would like! ;)


Baked Goods? Yea Nay? If not Baked goods and you are changing eating habits..a book of recipes perhaps that will help the new eating lifestyle?

Hmmm, I love baked goods, but I think I would rather make them myself. I find baking kinda... therapeutic. My SO hates having baked goods in the house though, so they almost always end up at his work to be shared.


What level of nudity are you fine with on items?

I am okay with a bit, but I prefer less nudity than more. I guess a breast here or there is fine if you are talking about goddess art and all that!


Would you like other kinds of gently used items that may have come from a garage sale?



If you were to make an order RIGHT NOW, what would you order?

I have been asking myself that question for a bit now! I haven't placed a BPAL order since December and I can't remember my last TP order!

BPAL: WILF, Womb Furie 2011

BPTP: Glowing Vulva Bath Oil, Spanked Revisited, Celeste Perfume, Kitty Perfume, Ninon Perfume


Do you like cooking seasonings, like the kind you can get in ounces sizes?

Yep! I love cooking new and interesting things! Penzeys Spices is my friend!


Do you like any particular kinds of green or black teas or coffees that could also be gotten in bulk?

I prefer black teas and coffee, but nowadays I can only have decaf. Caffeine does bad things to my heart. :(


Favorite snack foods (and can they be from bulk section as well?)

There is no way I can list all my favorite snacks! Recently though, I have really been craving mochi and boba drinks. *sigh* I really miss my jasmine milk tea with boba! I also love peanut, m&m, almond, and raisin (I think?) trail mix even though I normally really dislike nuts.


Tim Tams? My favorite are the caramel tim tams, but I can get those myself! ;)


Is there any "classic" literature (Hemingway, Dickens, Elliot, Bronte, Hugo, Wilde, etc.) that you would like to add to your collection? Hmmmm, I'm not sure. I have been wanting to read a Dickens novel or two, but haven't found the time. I don't think I am as interested in classics as much as modern fantasy/historical fiction.


Candles/melts? I have been wanting to get a woodwick candle. Something in vanilla or something sweet/comforting. I used to have a melt burner, but I think it was in one of the boxes that was lost in my cross country move. :(


Get your music player, what are the first 13 songs on Random?

1 Prima Dona - Phantom of the Opera

2 Tale as Old as Time - Beauty and the Beast

3 Keep on the Sunny Side - The Whites

4 My Beloved Monsters - Eels, Shrek

5 Take Me Or Leave Me - Rent

6 Teenage Dirtbag - Wheatus

7 Hakuna Mata - Lion King

8 Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond

9 All'improvviso amore - Josh Groban

10 Funny Honey - Chicago

11 Who are you - The Who

12 Bubble Toes - Jack Johnson

13 Breakin' Dishes - Rihanna


Wow, that is a weird mix.... Not what I was expecting!


Do you need another bpal box? Maybe not for bpals... ;)


Do you have any blogs you regularly read? Nope. Not at the moment.


surprise! the world has given you the day off. You hear that, no chores, responsibilities, or budget you have to follow. What would you do in those 24 hours? Only 24 hours? Wow, that is tough. Anything I would want to do would definitely last more than 24 hours.... Maybe.... You know, I think I would take a nice nap and relax during the day. At night I would want to go out to a nice dinner. Somewhere yummy. Then to some sort of dance club to learn some steps! Sounds like fun!


Do you enjoy gardening? If so, what kind of stuff do you grow? I do, but I have discovered without my mom around that I have a black thumb. I really do kill every plant I have had! I even killed a cactus. :blush:


Favorite artists/paintings? Definitely like Alphonse Mucha. I know there are so many I love, but I really couldn't name them at the moment. I do love Da Vinci (talk about classics...) Ummm, I will have to come back to this one in my blog.


Booze? Yay or Nay? So much yay! I love mead and the sweeter stuffs! Irish cream, late harvest wines, port... etc.


Steampunk inspired items? Yay or nay? So much yay! I don't really own much steampunk inspired stuff, but I would love to start making steampunk jewelry in the future!


Amigurumi? (the little Japanese stuffies) I think they are adorable!


Pirates vs Ninjas vs Zombies - who wins? Which do you love most? I feel bad saying it, but zombies just creep me out. I am definitely a pirate person with a little ninja thrown in!


Piercings? - ears?? - elsewhere? Just one piercing in each ear! They are really sensitive though and get easily infected which is why I don't like to change earrings often.


Do you like wearing things in your hair? If so, what kind (snap clips, scrunchie, headband, etc), how big & crazy (lowkey, bigger the better), and colors. I love henna! It doesn't really show up much in my hair since it is pretty much black, though I have been arguing that it is dark brown for years. I mostly wear a ponytail every day since I work in a clean room and have to wear a hairnet every single day.


Chocolate. With stuff in it? Caramel cadbury eggs, reeses, and that chocolate with ginger bits in it are my weakness! Oh, and Toblerone! Don't really like chocolate with nuts though.


For those who like lipgloss, lipstick, tinted balms, etc, what colors do you wear (and warm? cool?) and do you prefer something sheer or more opaque? How do you feel about shimmer? I love lip balms that double as lipstick (burt's bees). Lipstick doesn't tend to last too long on me, so I find that tinted lip balm is the way to go! Though I have been seeing some matte lipsticks that intrigue me.


What's your favorite animal? Or is there one that's particularly significant to you? That's hard to say since I have so many! Let's see.... Cats (black and white), horses, tigers, and canadian geese mostly.


If you were able to get a vintage or prototype bottle from the upcoming West Coast Will Call, which one would you want? At this point, probably Saqqara v2, though it is hard to tell since there are no scent descriptions for any of them!


DVDs, Blu-Ray, both, neither? I have Netflix, so I am mostly good on those!


Sock Dreams? What kind? I LOVE knee high socks! Don't really like the ones with the individual toes. I normally get the stripe ones, but I think others would be awesome!


Since this is a price capped round, would you rather get one "big" thing or lots of "little" things or don't care? I think whatever my Witch decides is best!


Do you like pirate-related things?




I like them! I am really liking Villainess' Embargo at the moment.


Copied CD's or DVD's?

I have a pretty good DVD collection and a Netflix account, so I don't think I need any DVD's at the moment. I don't really have much in the way of CD's, so mixed CDs sound awesome to me!


Caffeinated lollies? I can't do lots of caffeine. Makes my heart do bad things.


Would you want an invite to a site that is invite-only ex. Diaspora, Demonoid, etc. If so, what?

I'm not sure. I haven't heard of these before...



I like them!


Purses? bags? What style/colors?

I've always wanted one of these types of messenger bags. I still have yet to teach myself to carry a purse.


Decorative scarves for hair and/or creative accessorizing? What colors?

I like most colors! Burgundy, silver, blues, purples, darker/emerald greens mostly.


Would you like anything from Starring Fragrances. They make awesome hair stuff, natural deoderant, and home fragrance (and a ton of other stuff, those are just my favs)

I can't really do natural deodorant, but I do love home fragrances! Especially in vanilla/comfort scents!


How do you feel about nail polish? What colors do you like? Sparkles?

I am not allowed to wear nail polish at my job.... Getting nail polish on medical devices is a big no no!


Ok geek check - what sort of geeky things do you do? Do you read comics/graphic novels? Are you obsessed with something (a TV show maybe?) Do you work in a geeky field? Do you play rpgs like Dungeons and Dragons? Would you like gifts related to any of these?

I am a total geek! I love graphic novels, but I only actually own one (first Sandman volume signed by Neil Gaiman! ;)) I love Dr. Who, comic books, Rogue from the X-Men, Iron Man, Cthulhu, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, and all that stuffs! I did play a Firefly RPG once, but I majorly failed at it.


Do you like poetry?

Yes! Don't read it much though.


Do you have a favorite fabric? If someone were to make you a fabric item, would you prefer it be out of any fabric? e.g. velvet, satin, silk, cotton, bamboo???

I LOVE how soft bamboo is!! I love silk too as well as pretty brocades!


What periods of art do you love most? Like, if someone was going to get you a tapestry or a box or some other item, what period would you want it to most resonate with? the pinks and golds of Rococo? the clean geometry of Art Deco? The romanticism of Art Nouveux? The strange lines of Cubism?


Anything with the Worm Moon update that you're already lusting after?

I'd like to try Minamoto no Yorimisu Spider one, but I am not sure how it would turn out on me. Same goes for the coconut one.


If your Witch lived near you, would you be happy or creeped out to get a "coupon" for a service like cleaning help or babysitting or dogwalking or coffee out with your Witch or something like that? Would you be creeped out if a local minion personally delivered a package to your house from a far-away Witch?


Household/kitchen goods/gadgets? You know what I have really been needing that sounds kinda funny to mention now? A whisk. I have done so many recipes recently that call for whisking something, and yet I just haven't gotten a new whisk since the stupid movers lost my old one in my cross country move. Same goes for my actual measuring cups (I think I only have the 1/4th cup one now). *sigh*


Let's say I have a pair of something you collect, would you like one of them and we have matching things?

I think that sounds adorable!!


What three things are you craving right now? Well, I just got back from having sushi, so I fulfilled that craving right there. I guess.... Garlic cheesy bread, Reeses, annnnnnnd..... those Trefoil Girl Scout cookies dipped in milk!


What is a scent that you've been trying to find even a sample of for a very long time to no avail? (What bottle would you die to get your hands on - even a partial?) Jingo Kogo! Hee hee!


Is there anything in your life that you'd like advice or a "selfhelp" book for?: (ie finances, eating healthier, meal planning)

Ummmm, not that I can think of.


Violette Market Update is up. Do you covet anything from it?

I've never had much luck with scents outside of BPAL. Well, except for my few loves from Nocturne Alchemy! (Ozymandias is amazing!)


Wine?[/b] On the subject of wines.... That is one reason I really did not want to move away from CA! I used to live near all the Santa Ynez wineries and would go wine tasting every few months. Such an awesome time!! My favorite was always Bridlewood. Their port and late harvest wines are AMAZING!!


So Witchees, do you enjoy pre-1970 movies? If so, who are your favorite actors/actresses?

I LOVE Audrey Hepburn. I think Sabrina was one of my favorites! I also love James Stewart (Harvey was awesome and Rear Window kinda grew on me), Cary Grant (To Catch a Thief, , just getting to know Jean Arthur (Yay for Mr. Smith Goes to Washington!). I love the Day the Earth Stood Still (the original). I loved My Man Godfrey, Singing in the Rain, Errol Flynn, Douglas Fairbanks, Some Like it Hot, Marilyn Monroe.... Wow, I feel like I could go on forever, yet compared to my Film Studies colleagues, I am seriously lacking in my film knowledge of the 1930's to the 1970's.



Hee hee! I like the one Meilin posted!! I have never been too much in to webcomics since i just forget to go back and read them... I wouldn't mind a link though!


Easter Candy - do you like it? If so, what types?

I LOVE candy! Caramel Cadbury eggs are definitely some of my favorites, though I do like the creme ones as well. Uuuuuuh, I also like the large Reeses peanut butter eggs. I like eating the chocolate off first and then eating the peanut butter part. ;) I can't think of anything else specifically easter. Oh, though I don't like Robins eggs candy or malt ball type candies. Just aren't my thing.


What scent(s) are you petrified of getting DC'd?

I'll admit that it takes me FOREVER to finish a 5ml (still haven't managed to use more than 1/4th of a bottle in my time here at BPAL), so I am not too concerned about DC'd stuffs. I would be really unhappy though if Snake Oil were ever discontinued. Same goes for Wild Men of Jezirat al Tennyn, Bow and Crown of Conquest, TKO, Robotic Scarab, annnnnd a few others that I can't think of at the moment.


Would you be squicked if I made you something with a kiss print that was made with my actual lips? (The ones on my face!) I solemnly swear I don't have mono, Ebola, or any sort of French disease.

Not at all! Sounds like art! ;)


What is the coolest thing you have recently bought or been given that wouldn't exceed the price cap?

Ummmmm...... I bought myself a small piece of sheet silver and made a ring from it! I have been meaning to post pictures on my craft blog... Oh, and the Samoas and shortbread Girl Scout cookies. LOVE those things!


Are you interested in trying Super Villainess (from Villainess - the birthday scent that was just released tonight!) and if so, which item do you like the most? (Soap, Whipped, Smooch, Extrait, Smack...)

Sounds interesting to me! I like Villainess' soap. I have a Whipped in bourbon vanilla, but I haven't had the chance to try it yet. I haven't tried any of their extraits before, but I think the only Extrait I would really like right now is Embargo. I have so much perfume as it is! I do like their smooch and I like using the mud every once in awhile. I have never tried a Smack before, but I have been wanting to order one for awhile now!


If I were to order you a Smack, which four notes would you like?

Definitely Vanilla Bean, Spice Trade, Incense, and Espresso! Hee hee! Or Berry Patch, Sugared Roses, Coconut Milk, and Red Woods. Hmmm, this could be interesting!


Would you enjoy receiving a knitted gift from your witch? If so what would you be interested in (scarf, hat, wrist / handwarmers, socks, etc.) and in what colors?

I'd love a knitted gift! I love handwarmers and socks. The kitty hat and spaghetti hat were AWESOME! (Also, loved the Dalek picture! Squeeee!). Ummm, I am pretty good on scarves at the moment, but everything else sounds great! I love creams, blues, purples, burgundy, gray, deep greens...... I like color! ;)


Minion stuff mentioned:


Other stuff?

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