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Neck-alicious Swap Questions & Inspirations

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In-Thread Questions


-Any specific scents, which may be part of a fiber or attached to a fiber, that you can't deal with(i.e. wet sheep, cloth dye,wood)?

most scents should be fine as long as it goes away when it dries. As for koolaid, lingering scent isn't a problem.

(though since I live in a hot and humid place, make sure dye isn't gonna release while I'm out sweating or something lol)


-are you cool with the neck accessory itself decorated by me?

that's fine with me, I like looking unique and that sounds pretty cool.

I like embroidery, beading, I've seen lace applique that looked cool, painting can be totally awesome (altho hopefully not too stiff afterwards). Just not cliche, I don't really go for applique flowers or pompoms...


-patterns and fabrics I like for non-knit stuff

I like silk, chiffon, jersey, fleece & felt can be really nice but keep in mind it can get pretty hot in HI!

I like houndstooth, pin-stripes, checkerboard/plaid, and cool repeating prints (be it like the skulls or oranges below, or eyeglasses).

When it comes to painting, it's kinda free reign i guess.. I kinda like stylistic foxes, bunnies, houses, deer/antlers, food, typography (ampersands are pretty), dissection/instruction/blueprint-like images, or kinda fairy tale-esque....

(here's a few etsy stores of art styles I like...

ink and watercolor oddness

cool topography

red reding hood love this piece

odd mix

type & blueprint

I'm not really into dots, paisley, floral (unless it's more geometric rather than realistic), rainbow, or classic tie-dye.

here's a link to different items, i really like the look, feel, materials, and construction of these...


-Would you enjoy a novelty scarf? And if so, at what level?

I have always loved the fox-shaped (white or red) scarves... but in hawaii it tends to come off too weird >_> but I wouldn't mind fox imagery (embroidery or something). I also like retro-y themes like skulls, eyeglasses, bows (embroidery.. not actual bows attached). I also do like text if it applies... but nothing comes to mind as far as what to write.

In general, I like a good-looking crisp, clean scarf that has a cool/slight punk/young feel....


-Delicate, tough, or it doesn't matter?

I would rather it not be SO delicate that I can only wear it to special occasions (b/c those are VERY few and far between). It's probably going to be worn as a fashion statement (or as an inside item to keep me warm) so it can be anywhere between somewhat-delicate all the way to rough and tough! (i don't mind handwashing)


-What scarf-types do you like?

exs: Cowl (either the scrunched down kinds... or the tall ones that shield your neck while you wear a jacket), hooded scarves, shawls, poncho-like, skinny (or wide) and long (or short) normal scarves, wrap, fashion types (like necklace-like, or shawlettes), moebius??

I like cowls (probably more scrunchy as a tall one would probably be too hot!), shawls, ponchos, not really normal scarves so much, wraps, shawlettes, moebius! (a lot of them lol)


-what kind of non-knitted scarves/wraps do you like? Length? Style?

I have some examples below in the "etsy" section of non-knit stuff...

I tend to be attracted to the shape, pattern, and finishings of non-knit-neckwear... I like...

-Cowls- kinda loose at like boob or higher length

-shawlettes- fringe/no fringe is cool.. anywhere from slightly above boob to tummy length (for the point hanging down in the front). Also, maybe a way to button/clip the ends that wrap around the neck could be nice...

-ponchos- any length... i'll probably be wearing it inside. It could be from the elbow (like capelet length), down to waist or past the waist length. Though the longer it is, it may be nice to have some buttons or something to open it on the front or side or something...

-as for finishings, i mention it below...


-how do you feel about ruffles/pick ups?

I guess I'm sorta kinda picky on scarf-finishings....

I am not a huge fan of the ruffles, no pom-poms, most crocheted flowers, tie-dye...

I DO like buttons (snap and normal)(i tend to like being able to open/close things), those gold-pyramid stud thingies, fringe (if it's a shawlette), zippers, embroidery, tasteful beading, i do like the swarvorski/judith leiber purse/bedazzle-esque section, and painted stuff can be fun too!

I like the different fabrics or sewn lines that can make stuff interesting, (like these kinds of items)


-what are your least favorite colors?

No pastels, no orange, sorta not pink, not really black (i see all kinds of fuzzies and stuff all over it), or "faded" colors. I don't really like any color that's dark (so no forest greens, dark blues, wine-reds, etc); the only exception is royal purple/plum and gray. (i like brighter colors... not neon.. more like "vivid" lol).


Most colors I can deal with if it's part of a gradient or something, as long as it's not too much...


How do you feel about art yarn?

it looks cool as a skein, but I wonder how nice it will look when it's knit up? some of the crazier-mixes seem like they'll look too weird.. (i like more of a clean look) but I'll trust your judgement if you're sure it's gonna awesome, it probably will


How do you feel about mixing up textures?

I don't mind if it still looks nice (i don't love patchwork).. I think it may be cool if they're the same color but in different textures.

Though I think it could look really cool in non-knit stuff (like the outside in 1 texure, lining in another... or something lol)



I don't always love stripes, but there are def examples of very-nice looking ones! i like stripes if they come off more clean/modern-looking. (not a fan of self-striping unless it's socks). Noro stripes look awesome... plues this and this.


Do you have preferences for lacy scarves?

like in my ?-airre, it depends on the usage. honestly I like both.. as long as it's pretty, I don't mind :)


is there any crafting related but non-scarf item that you would want as an additional gift? notions, needles, fibers, etc? any skill you want to be enabled in (spinning, knitting, crocheting, etc?).

I'm still fairly new to knitting so things related to that would be fun. It's totally not necessary to get me anything extra, but any of these would be fun and greatly loved: yarns (any weight), a bit of roving for thrumming, stitch markers (with a very-thin loop), dpns and circular needles (anything above US6), tiny beads/crystals. Also plain jersey and/or fleece fabrics, and sheets of felt would be fun for sewing up some plushies!! Lately I've wanted to do some embroidery too; get a lil fabric, that wood loop, some needles and thread and work it lol.

so... yea... I like LOTS of things lol



-How do you feel about scarf/shawl accessories, i.e. pins or brooches; would you use them?

I would love it! I've seen very pretty pins that others have had and am a bit jealous :P


-are we talking just delicate laceweight lace or is a nice openwork pattern out of a larger gauge yarn

probably more delicate and relatively tight... if I can stick more than 3 fingers in a hole then its probably too openly knit for me...


If you like to read, what kind of books are you into?

I def don't NEED any books, but I do enjoy them. Like: funny, interesting information, historical fiction, slightly morbid (ex: books by Mary Roach)


If I add candy/tea/etc to your package what would you prefer? What would you rather NOT get?

I don't mind any, but once again I don't NEED any of it. I like white/green tea... and chocolate is yummy!


Any favorite: animals, sports/teams, bands/singers, etc that I might include in my plotting?

animals- I like foxes, bunnies, and mushrooms (yes I know they're not an animal but they fit into that foresty scene) and on that same vein I like hydrangeas/poppies/orchids/airplants

sports/teams- not interested in any

bands/singers- not any enough to warrant plotting. In general I like kinda popie-indie-rock


-What do you see as your "gender style" ie: Girly Girl, Sporty Spice or Tomboy, Absolutely Butch Girl, Sort of Femme Guy, Total Queen Guy, Man's Man.

Let's see, I would kinda place between between girly girl to possibly metro guy? lol I like slightly nerdy (like computer or art-school nerdy), super girly (be it cute or sexy), and/or modern fashionable with clean lines :)





Ravelry Favorites

here are a bunch of ones I've seen and loved! feel free to mix and match, or straight up use one of these patterns! I thought it was a nice mix of different techniques if you're knitting, and a lot of different styles if you're crafting in another way...(my super-top 5 are *-ed)


--outside types: cowls, moebius, shawls

nice wrap

coral-like scarf great in blues, beige, white, red..

Houndstooth bandana-scarf

cowboy cowl

*pretty pretty shawl

airy cowl


NEW cool pattern/texture scarf

*NEW clean and modern moebius



--inside types: wrap, capelet, shawls

*comfy cool shawl love the red grey combo!

big and whimsical wrap

giant shawl with arm holes

*insanely warm wrap

clean and warm maybe even wider? lol


NEW 1 sleeve wrap

*NEW sexy plaid wrap and i love the color combination!



Etsy Favorites

oops! b/c I knit, I kinda forgot that people may be using other crafty methods to make their scarves! So here are some cool etsy things (not knit) that may give some inspiration too :) (*-ed my awesome top 3!!)


jersey scarf

felted scarf

hand painted

hand painted skulls scarf

hand painted scarf

screenprinted cool cowl

*super cool convertible poncho not sure about the border design/color in the featured pic, but love the design!

also cool convertible capelet also not sure about the design/color combo in the featured pic, but love the design!

unique classy scarflette

*assym poncho

*cool capelet

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