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Fall '11 SW Questionnaire

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Switch Witch Questionnaire


Basic Info

Birthday: 12 July

Pets: One orange tabby cat named Spot. If you get the reference, you're awesome. <3

Children: Negatory.

Religious orientation: Jewish


Favorite Holiday: Hanukkah and St. Patrick's Day, though I do love Halloween.


Occupation/Major in school: I was a theatre major in college, and afterward I was a professional actor for a while (Shakespeare is my favourite, I'm a huge drama nerd. Actually, I'm a huge nerd full stop.), then got married and settled down, so now I'm going to school again for nursing!


Living arrangement (by yourself, with roommates, etc): I'm married to ow1goddess, so naturally we live together!


Livejournal/Blog/Website: my livejournal is thechildoftime, I'm brbgallifrey on twitter and tumblr, and I'm achildoftime on Facebook. Sadly all these are fairly locked down, as my ex-husband is a major creep and likes to e-stalk.


Organizations/Causes/Activities (Things you belong to or causes you believe in): Animal Rights, Gay Rights (especially Marriage rights), Feminism, Planned Parenthood, Religious Freedom.




Favorite BPAL oils: Glowing Vulva, Love's Philosophy, Elf v.4, Geek.Goth, Cabaret.Goth, Thirteen (October '06 or August '10), Crowley, Penis Admiration, and In Reilig Oran/Sky City Before. I have been wearing honey/wine scents like they'll never make another one for some reason lately, and therefore I'm chewing through Fairy Wine. I've also been all over Womb Furie '10. Really though, anything similar to any of these = omgyesplz!


Favorite notes: Sugar, Lime, Honey, Red Currant, Black Currant, Wine, Musk, Leather, Spices, Dirt, Vanilla, Chocolate (of any kind). Sugar absolutely loves me, and I am lusting for honey BPAL at the moment.


Favorite non-BPAL perfumes: Burberry Brit is the only spray perfume I've ever loved. I think it's the lime.


Least favorite notes: Amber can be fine on me or it can KILL. It's beautiful in Aglaea, Glowing Vulva, and The Girl, but in other things (I'm lookin' at you, O) it turns into aggressive baby powder, and overpowers any other notes in a blend. Also, hemp tends to amp up and overpower everything when it hits my skin, so I stay away, but somehow it works in Banshee Beat, so who knows?


Least favorite non-BPAL perfumes: Pretty much everything but Brit and Be Delicious.


If Beth made a custom blend for you, what would the notes be, and what would you want the label art to look like? Doctor: an eccentric, enthusiastic, and slightly ridiculous scent! Lime sugar, white wine, black currant, and a drop of honey over warm musk, a leather-bound book, and a cup of tea. Is that a whiff of ozone? Say "Wheeeee!"


Clothing & Jewelry

Hair type: long, "kitten-fine" according to my hairdresser, and dark chestnut brown.


Skin Type: super freakin' pale. I'm a MAC NC15. Thank you, Scottishness.


Allergies (specifically B&B related): I'm fine with most B&B stuff as long as it's made with minimal chemicals. I've never had a problem with anything from tartchef or Villainess or LUSH or the Lab/Trading Post, but some drugstore lotion/soap has given me hives.


Other things to avoid:I found out a year ago that I'm allergic to wheat (but NOT gluten-sensitive). So cookies/brownies are going to be more work than normal. It's extra terrible because I love baking, and now all the cookbooks I find start with "make your own flour!" Not really into having to buy and blend flours. I've looked at a few gluten-free blogs, since anything that's gluten-free is also wheat-free, but...yeah. Thank goodness for wheat-free Newman-Os and Fig Newmans. :)


Tub, shower or both? Both!


Favorite bath & beauty products: Paintbox Soap, Villainess scrubs, MAC/Urban Decay makeup, OPI nail polish.


Clothing Style/Fave garments: Geek chic! Probably a nice pair of jeans and a classic solid top. Three-quarter sleeved shirts are the best. Lately I've been wearing capris and nerdy shirts, or cute knee-length skirts.


Favorite clothing colors/colors to wear: Green!


Type(s) of jewelry worn: Earrings, earrings, earrings! Especially dangly ones on french hooks. I cannot get enough. I don't usually wear rings outside of my wedding and college rings, and I don't have many necklaces, because given the choice I go for earrings. My ears are pierced several times each. B)


Ring/wrist/collar size: My ring size is tiny (5-6.5), wrist is also small at 6 and 1/4", and my neck is similarly small (13"), so I can wear 16" chains no sweat.


Jewelry--gold or silver? White gold! Also silver.


Do you have any allergies to metal? Nope!


Favorite gemstones: Green garnet, emerald, garnet, ruby, opal, pearl.


Sock/Shoe Size: Socks: this is going to be shocking, but I'm the smaller size of socks. I'm a 7.5 in most shoes, 8 in heels since they tend to run small.



Style/home decoration style: Clean lines and classic, warm contemporary stuff.


Favorite decorating colors: Rich chocolate and spice browns, red, burgundy, wine, green of any variety, especially warm spring greens, and black.


Things you collect: glass paperweights, BPAL (obvs), sock yarn


Favorite music: Dresden Dolls, Indigo Girls, Dar Williams, Aimee Mann, Barenaked Ladies, They Might Be Giants, and most 90s music. :blush:


Least favorite music: Rap/Country.


Vegetarian/Vegan?: (Please be as specific as possible to reduce confusion!) I was a vegetarian but gave it up a few years ago. I'm thinking about going back eventually.


Other food restrictions: As I mentioned earlier, I just found out I'm allergic to wheat. I can generally still eat things that say they've been made in the same facility or on shared equipment with wheat without any problem. The key is for the ingredients to be free of wheat. I'm not gluten-intolerant, though, which is lucky, since there are more foods off-limits for gluten-intolerant people. Also, since I'm Jewish I don't eat pork. Not even (gasp!) bacon (turkey bacon, OTOH, is DELICIOUS).


Favorite flavors: Lime, any citrus, any kind of berry (including acai), pomegranate, pineapple, milk chocolate, and anything savory.


Favorite foods/drinks: Fish & Chips (crai, the breading--what will I doooo?), nearly any smoothie from Tropical Smoothie Cafe, Starbucks (only the chai and the soy lattes though) and I also enjoy a good steak (medium rare). I need to find a new source for cheese fries, too, since Outback's apparently are covered in wheat. :cry2:


Favorite authors/genres: Sci-Fi and Fantasy, especially Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Steven Brust, David Coe, and of course Tolkein.


Least favorite authors/genres: Christopher Stasheff. I totally caught him recycling pages of text and trying to pass them off as descriptions of new creatures/places/people. Also John Ringo, Robert Jordan (the neverending, agonizing description of irrelevant things!), and anything Romance. Blegh.


Books/authors you'd like to read, but haven't yet: Tiassa, by Steven Brust.


How do you feel about receiving gently used books as gifts? Bring them on!


Favorite stores (including clothing stores): For clothes, New York & Company. Otherwise, The Apple Store, Cocoanut Jewelry (local store that sells work by independent artists--my #1 source for kickass jewelry), LUSH, MAC, Sephora (love me some Urban Decay--I desperately want the 15th Anniversary box!), Crate and Barrel, and Teavana.


Favorite online stores (including B&B stores): Sock Dreams, ThinkGeek, Paintbox Soapworks, Elements and Artifacts, Villainess, The Loopy Ewe.


Magazines you subscribe to: None at the moment.


Magazines you like, but don't subscribe to: Cooking Light, Interweave Knits, Doctor Who Monthly, Makeup Artist :werewolf:


Favorite movies: The Princess Bride, So I Married An Axe Murderer, Galaxy Quest, Lord of the Rings, and Office Space.


Favorite TV show(s): DOCTOR WHO for life! Also, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Babylon 5, Top Gear, and Mad Men.


Hobbies/crafts done: Knitting, BPAL box decorating, baking/cooking, and playing with makeup totally counts here, right?



BPAL Wish List (including SW/SF Help): BPAL list: http://tinyurl.com/3ny3gdg, SW/SF help at my blog!

Other website Wish lists (amazon.com, etc):

Etsy: http://tinyurl.com/3cuavot

Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/428j2tb

ThinkGeek: http://tinyurl.com/3u8mbr6


Random Questions

- On a scale of 1-5, how organized are you? I'd say 3. On my own, I'm a 4. But my dear wife is a walking tornado, and I just can't do it for both of us. I hold us together, though. Like I made BPAL boxes for her, and I make sure her bottles are labeled and her imps are in their own box...mostly.


- Where, outside of the U.S. would you love to visit? I would live in London or Edinburgh in a heartbeat. I'd love to visit Rome or Athens, as I did some graduate work in Classical Philology (languages).


- Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age? Used to be older, but now it's my age or younger. Apparently I got stuck at 26 (I'm...gulp...31 now).


- What animal do you feel like the most? KITTEH. This has been discussed and agreed upon. Ow1goddess likes to say that I'm the Cat Whisperer, and that I love cats because I am one.


- Your favorite feature about yourself: I have velvety soft skin, whether or not I exfoliate or moisturize, because I have a genetic collagen defect (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) that makes it that way! Ow1goddess says she's ruined for normal people, so we can never split up or she'll have to creep EDS groups.


- Do you live in a neighborhood or in the middle of nowhere? Neighborhood here!


- If you were a tree, what would you be and why? I was thinking about saying Olive, since it grows in places that are significant for me, and it has lovely silver leaves, and I do love olives. But I took a quiz that says I'm a Holly, which actually sounds good, too. "Holly people are cautious, capable, steadfast, efficient, supportive and protective. However, Hollies may be prone to perfectionism, loss of direction and possessiveness, especially toward people."


- Have you ever thought, "oh, I'm going to get myself one of those one of these days" but then never do? List 1 under $10 and 1 over $10. These things are legion! Under $10: BPTP Claw Polish!

Over $10: BPTP yoga pants. I'm noticing a theme to these things.


- Has a stranger ever told you that you did something really well? What was it? Yes. Acting, fencing, and knitting!


- Do you like garage sales (boot sales)? Sure, but I never end up there--too early in the morning!


- I like to slather my food in: Salt (especially flavoured/seasoned salt) or Mrs. Dash.


- State fairs or carnivals? Either sounds like a great time right now!


Notes (Here's where you can add additional information you'd like your Switch Witch to know!):

Ow1goddess is my fabulous, brilliant, and insightful wife, so if you have questions or want an opinion about anything, or want some inside info about what makes me tick, she's the one to ask. Since this is the BPAL board, I might be just the tiniest bit disappointed if I don't get even one sniffie of BPAL/BPTP.


Questions that got dropped from this year's questionnaire:

- Have you ever been skinny dipping? Nope. I haven't. Never had the chance, really.


- Do you wear pajamas to places other than at your house? If I'm sleeping over somewhere, yes. Otherwise, no.


- Your least favorite feature about yourself: My saddlebag hips and my extra flab. I lost 60 pounds, which is good, but the loose skin is not so good. And I have 20 to go, and I need to start exercising!


- If you were a shoe, what would you be and why? A fluevog! Probably this one:



- They're making a bio-pic based on your life. Who's portraying you? Gillian Anderson. I was disallowed from making myself look like her in our stage makeup project because it was "too easy".


- Do you like to shop? Love it, as long as I'm shopping online or in one of my favourite shops. Otherwise, get in, get what you need, get out, done!


- Sunrise or sunset? Sunset on Pine Ridge at Camp Kittamaqund. Most beautiful thing in the state.

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