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I may have already answered some of these. If you'd like me to make one BIG entry, let me know via e-card and I'll be happy to make one!


Favorite Mythological Creature? Did I already answer this? Goat style unicorns, satyrs and fauns! I also like dragons.


Do you garden?

Yep! I do herbs in boxes every year and have a flower bed in the front. I'm not very good at starting things from seeds, though.


Do you decorate for Halloween

A little. I already have a bat on the door.


When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter?

Eat something sweet, veg out and read.


What are your thoughts on comics? Any you like? Any you have been wanting to try? Favorite characters?

I've been having a hard time keeping up with comics. I was reading Fables but lost interest. I'd love to have the complete Sandman volumes or any volumes of Flight.


Is anyone fond of programs like Adopt a Tree/Highway/Library/Manatee/Acre of Rainforest/etc?:

Yes. I would really love to adopt Renki at wolfpark.org. I also appreciate donations to rain-forest organizations.


If you RP, tabletop, forum, or otherwise... Do you have any original characters you'd like to see art of? If so, please give information! Even if it's a link to a web page or a profile or picture!

I have a ton, but I don't have a good place to direct someone too. Most of my references are locked in an LJ gallery. If you'd really like to know, ninja e-mail me or ask in an e-card and I'll set up a picasa gallery. ^_^;


What #1 actor, director, author and/or musician are you obsessed with?

I can't keep actors straight... unless they're Johnny Depp.


Is there a particular artist and piece that you would like a print of? If so, what is your max size that you could spare on your walls?

I have some faved in Etsy. :}


If you are in to beauty and makeup related stuff, what kind of stuff do you like? What is your skintone and hair color? Are there any beauty products you've wanted to try but just never purchase?

Fair skin with red hair. I like very colorful make-up and nail polishes. I'd love to try some OPI or Essie nail polishes. I'd also love colored mascara and mineral make-up.


Are you going away for any part of this round?



Would you like to receive a mix-CD from your Witch?

Love to!


Do you enjoy any outdoor activities? Do you have a favorite form of "exercise"?

I love hiking, jogging and walking. Again, I could use a good Yoga video since classes are currently out of my price range.


Any witchee's with a ravelry account have any favourited patterns that cost money that would be a welcome gift?

I can't knit or crochet but I love items that are made of yarn!


Do you work/study at a desk and enjoy interesting or cute office supplies?

I share a communal office space, so any cool supplies are lost within days. For home I can always use tape. ~_~


Witchee, are you a fan of musicals? If so, which ones?

I like Phantom, Cabaret and a few others but I'm not a HUGE fan. I'd love to get a hold of the Wicked Soundtrack.


what are your favorite types of Halloween candy?

Peanut kisses, mini Hershey bars, candy corn/pumpkins.


And another question; anyone like anything in particular from Think Geek?

Caffeinated items, those butterfies in jars, the sun and moon jars and, this is weird but, the blood type test kit. I never got to do one of those in school and I think they're neat. Oh, and the Swedish firesteel!


Pinterest, do you have boards you want to share or are you following anyone with great boards you want to share?

I had one but it doesn't allow even tasteful nudity, so I ditched it. It offended my artistic sensibilities or something.


Would you like to receive e-books? And if so, in what format?

No e-reader. I would be happy with .pdfs from places like Smashwords or other Indie e-book sites.


How did you dress up for your last party or compulsory-formal-dress occasion?

I wore a tailored suit and skirt. It was a job interview and bleeeegh. I tend toward a more eccentric fashion sense and like vintage fashion.


Do you enjoy puzzles/riddles? (Cryptograms, Sudoku, Crossword, Jigsaw, etc)

I like New York Times crosswords Mon-Wens difficulty. My husband and I often do them together when we grab lunch.



SOCK PREFERENCES?over the knee, knee, ankle; bamboo or cotton?

Over the knee or knee. I like cotton and bamboo, as well as wool. I pretty much am in love with SockDreams.


Is there anyone here who likes toe socks? You know, those socks with a place for each toe?

I would love some thin toe socks to go with my Vibrams. I think they have some on SockDreams and a few other places.


What strange misc. items would you love to receive that you just haven't gotten for yourself?

No idea. o_O


How do you feel about franken polish? Are you okay with all chemicals, or would you prefer 3 free? Would you want glitter or holographic glitter? What colors would interest you?

Seems like a neat concept. I'd like to try 3 free but am not too picky. I like jewel tones, glitter, greens, purples, reds, and metallics.



Dear witchee, how do you feel about lip balm? Favorite style (twist up tube, pot, tube with wand, etc.)? Favorite flavors? Flavors to avoid? Favorite brand? Do you need more right now or are you set? Are you one of those people who could never have enough lip balm even though you have a bowl on your dresser overflowing with them and 10 in your purse and an order for more on the way?

I always need more because I loose them. I like the Badger brand stuff and the Luch balms. I like honey, vanilla, chai, and strawberry. The only flavour I don't like is chocolate.

If you were turned loose in a basic drug store (CVS, Walgreens - a pharmacy with attached mini-mart, basically!) with a $20 bill, what would you pick up?

I have recently become obsessed with the crackle overcoat nail polish, so I'd grab some of that in silver. Then I'd probably spend the rest on necessities.


Darling Witchee, would you enjoy farmer's market pickled veggies (green beans, garlic, asparagus, etc) or fresh canned peaches or something of that nature?



Do you prefer color or white photographs? Nature or abstract?

Color and nature, though I have seen some B&S abstracts that I've liked. I usually like photos of plants, animals and epic scenery. I also like photos of old buildings and castles. No graveyards, please.


would you be interested in something like this?


It sounds really awesome!


Amigurumi, yes or no?



I have a question! What are some of your favorite paintings? (famous or undiscovered?) Feel free to link to examples!

JW Waterhouse - anything.


If you could have an image painted for you - sky is the limit - what would it be?

That's hard... How about a dragon on a seaside cliff. Or, less realistic, all of mine and my husband's RP characters in a sort of 'family' portrait.


Name your 3 favorite scents for candles

Cranberry, Pumpkin, Fireplace. Almost any fall scents from Yankee or derivatives (Those scents in soy candles.)


Name your 3 favorite types/flavors of tea


Genmaicha- Tea Pigs

Creme Earl Grey- Teavana

Chai- Tea Pigs or pretty much any brand but Celestial.


Would you like any ecotools makeup brushes?

I do need some brushes for shadow pretty badly. :}


Do you like Legos? Especially mini-fig key chains, Lego block keychains, small Lego sets, etc?

I like the medieval and anubis lego keychains. I make them into necklaces.


Since the previous question about "what would you buy from the Lab if you had unlimited funds, etc" left WAY too much to the imagination with no limitations (my answer was pretty much BUY ALL THE THINGS!), what would you do if you found a $50 bill on the ground and a nagging voice in the back of your mind told you that you HAD to spend it on BPAL or else face Death. Also, say they had free shipping (LOL) so don't factor that in. What would you get? And spend it all! Or as close to $50 as you can get.

the Lab:

Umm... A weenie or Salon and one Chesire Cat.


A question! If you are crafty, what's your personal art style? I'm not talking just about what art you like to look at, but what kind of art do you like creating? Do you have a "process" while you're creating beauty?

Draw something, ink it, hate it. Draw something else, toss color on it, hate it. Draw something, leave it as a sketch so it can never be ruined. <-- Process is very hectic and hateful, but sometimes I get something I like. I tend towards an illustrative style and use ink, pen, watercolor pencils, watercolor and pastels. I like folklore figures, nature and character art.


Are there any Arcana Weenies that you MUST HAVE?

I like Arcana but never look at their page because I need less scent obsessions. >_<


So what say you? IS an "unexpected" visit/in-person witching OK?

I'd love to meet someone for coffee but my highly medicated, anxiety ridden self is probably not up for surprise people.


If you could choose a Smack, what would it have in it?

I love this idea! Just haven't tried it yet. Sugared Roses/Spice Trade/Vanilla Bean Or Bonfire/Suede/Unearthed Or Espresso/Chocolate Mousse/Mint Medley Or Fresh Squeezed Citrus/Bluegrass Or

Redwoods/ Spice Trade /Coconut Milk

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