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Switch Witch Fall 2011 Help Part 2

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Here's a continuation of questions for this round


Is there a rare book you’ve always wanted?

The Natural History of the Unnatural World.


Is there anything you want to buy yourself but have been too embarrassed (R rated or pg)?

Nothing is too embarrassing for me to buy. I once bought my grandmother a Playgirl for Valentine's Day.


if you were my witchee, would you want some of my hot nuts my candied nuts my nuts covered in butter and brown sugar candied walnuts?

Sadly I don't like walnuts. I enjoy pralines though.


Have you seen the Lush holiday update? Do you like the look of anything from there?

The Buche De Noel Cleanser looks interesting. I would even love just a sample of this to try. Like I mentioned in my blog o' doom I use Angels On Bare Skin already. Sadly I have been waiting for years to have them bring back the Xmas Massage Bar. It was my all time favourite scent and I would buy 6 or 8 at a time when it was around. I have the ingredients listing for it with the thought that I might experiment and see if I can come anywhere close to recreating the smell.


Does anyone else like collector Barbies?

I don't generally collect them but I do have the MAC loves Barbie one.


What small everyday items would you like, that you keep forgetting to get?

Tape is always an afterthought for me. I can't think of anything else at the moment


Tell me about something you like, and why you like it.

Trashy romance novels. Believe it or not my vocabulary has expanded because of the number of these books that I've read. Granted the number of descriptive words for penises and vaginas that I also know now is greater as well. I also enjoy the escape and the ability to always have a happy ending.


Would any witchees be interested in Quinn Popcorn?

I am so interested in these guys. I've been following their story for a bit while they were getting funding to start their company. I think the popcorn would be fantastic.


Are there any DIY / Crafty / Free / Budget items you'd love to get but haven't noted yet? (Or, maybe you'd just like to emphasize something you may have only noted in passing?)

I mentioned it in the other set of questions I think. I hope you've seen Practical Magic. I love that movie to bits and what I would really love is to get my own book of shadows like they have. (I would love their whole damn house - particularly the apothecary area) I would really love the book of shadows more for recipes though. I'm not a practitioner of the craft (though if I were to be a follower of any faith that would be it - love mother nature). I kept a journal in university and I would attach all sorts of neat things like pictures or articles that I found interesting at the time. I love going back and checking it out once in a while. Sort of like mixed media I suppose. I love mixed media (though I forgot what it was called until now lol).


Do you like liquorice? If so, hard or soft? Sweet or salt? Normally salted or so salt it pulls your face into a fishy shape? And which shapes do you like?

I'm a big fan of regular old red licorice like twizzlers or nibs. that being said once in a very long while i get a hankering for double-salted dutch licorice. I love black balls as well though I haven't seen then around in years. Generally though I do not do black licorice (no black jujubes either).


As a heads up Witch of mine, I've just been informed that I will be travelling for work from Nov 1 -4. Hopefully the hotel will have free wi-fi so that I can keep up on here, but I just wanted to let you know as well.


Mac using witchees, what computers do you use? What peripherals/accessories do you have and what would you LIKE to have? What do you use your computer for?

I have a 13 inch Mac Book. I'm not much for accessories. I'm pretty low-key for my computer.


Do you like listening to audiobooks? Would you like to receive one, and if you would, what sort of audiobook would you like--or is there a particular audiobook you've been meaning to get?

I do sometimes listen to audiobooks. The one that I'm looking for is in my amazon wishlist.


What is your favorite kind of cookie?

Definitely chocolate chip - I just made some tonight actually.


How would you feel about getting a custom poster with your favorite quote on it and some cool graphics? I'm an architecture student and can print posters (provided I make them) at pretty much any size using Adobe Illustrator at a low price. Also if you would be interested in this, what quotes would you like?

I always enjoy custom wall art. My favourite quote has already been mentioned but I also love quotes from children's stories like peter pan and kid's movies like the neverending story and such.


What favorite song(s) would you think would translate into a cool or unique scent?

I would choose Golden Slumbers by The Beatles - my all time favourite song.


Are you interested in anything in the latest round of Lab auctions on eBay?

Nothing on the must have list.


Anyone interested in VApothecary's Halloween update?

I'm afraid to look. There's already so many smellies out there that appeal to me.


Best thing you ever ate?

It would be rainbow trout cooked over an open fire out in the middle of nowhere. We picked the meat right off the bone - so damn good.


Interested in anything from the Beaver Moon Lunacy update?

I love the image but do not wear t-shirts. Otherwise there are no must haves.


I sent you with $20 into a drugstore/Walmart (nothing too fancy/imported/expensive, just your average selection), and you are restricted only to the candy aisle. What would you blow it on?

I would blow it all on Toffifee.

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