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Halloween 2011 - answers for my Witch! - Part The Second

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October 6th


Do you like liquorice? If so, hard or soft? Sweet or salt? Normally salted or so salt it pulls your face into a fishy shape? And which shapes do you like?

I loathe liquorice flavoured candy. Avoid! Avoid! Avoid!


Mac using witchees, what computers do you use? What peripherals/accessories do you have and what would you LIKE to have? What do you use your computer for?

I use a PC.


Do you like listening to audiobooks? Would you like to receive one, and if you would, what sort of audiobook would you like--or is there a particular audiobook you've been meaning to get?

Not huge on audiobooks, although they’re pretty neat. If you’d like to send me one, then why not? Surprise me!


[u ][b]October 5th[/b] [/u]

Are there any DIY / Crafty / Free / Budget items you'd love to get but haven't noted yet? (Or, maybe you'd just like to emphasize something you may have only noted in passing?)

Not that I can think of. Alas, my tastes run to champagne on a beer budget...


Do you own a DSLR camera? Are you interested in a minky camera strap like these? What about anything from Photojojo?



Is anybody else into film photography? Interested in receiving film, supplies, etc from Lomography?



Are you musically inclined? Do you play an instrument or sing? If so, what?

I used to play the piano, flute, and tuba. Now I just sing in church. :)


October 3rd


Does anyone else like collector Barbies?

I admit, I had a yen for these when I was in my twenties - and still do! I don’t mind ball-jointed-dolls, either.


What small everyday items would you like, that you keep forgetting to get?

...I can’t remember. This is why I haven’t gotten them yet. Oh, egg rings? *laughs*



I don’t do tarot, but there’s a part of me that would love a pack if the art on them was good!


Tell me about something you like, and why you like it.

I like playing hockey (field hockey) because it’s a team sport, I can be competitive and aggressive, and yet I can gear back and just have fun too! And the women I play with are awesome and it keeps me fit!


If you're the MMU type of Witchee, what Geek Chic Cosmetics tickle your fancy?

Not an MMU type of witchee.


Would any witchees be interested inQuinn Popcorn?

Oh, why not? :)


October 2nd


Who likes silly items from Archie McPhee???

No idea what that is.


Nocturne Alchemy's NAlloween Pt. 2 update is live here! (And for a few days, last month's update too.) What do you want?

Nothing, please!


What are you drooling over from the Sock Dreams Halloween stuff?

Uh, nothing.


Luck charms?



Does anyone want anything from... here...?

I want the whole shop! Unfortunately, they don’t deliver to Australia.


For those of you that like candles, do you like stuff from Yankee Candle? And if you had to choose, tarts or candles?

I rather like the Yankee Candles! And I prefer candles to tarts! I have several tarts that were gifted to me in previous Witching Rounds, but I have nothing to melt them in!


Would you be interested in getting a custom necklace fromhere?

Oh yes!


Is there a movie you want so badly that you don’t own now?

Captain America. Because it’s adorable.


Is there a song on Itunes that you haven’t downloaded yet?



Is there a rare book you’ve always wanted?



Is there anything you want to buy yourself but have been too embarrassed (R rated or pg)?



Have you seen the Lush holiday update? Do you like the look of anything from there?

Don’t follow Lush updates.


if you were my witchee, would you want some candied walnuts?

Oh man, YES!


October 1st


Is there anything you either didn't like or had never heard of that you're now curious to try thanks to the discussion in this thread?

Not that I can think of!



Yes, please! My last two Witches didn’t reveal themselves (at least, not that I could find in their letters/cards) and I would have liked to get to know them better.


Would you be interested in the #occupywallstreet scent?

Not really.

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