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Switch Witch

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October 23rd


would you still want the project if it was a craft fail????: Sure


October 20th


Do you need any winter wear, witchee?: Not really


I've read something about a Event Exclusive called Pumpkin Hard Candy (if someone knows the details, shout it out because I am still searching). Are you interested in this scent? How desperate are you for it?: Sounds lovely but I won't be upset if I don't get it


Going back to the question about winter wear, are there any colors you would prefer not to have?: Not a fan of pink


October 14th


Do you like scary books? What's the best/scariest thing you've ever read?: American Psycho creeped me out


So I was at Uwajimaya the other day and saw Earl Grey Tea Chocolate and Cinnamon Chocolate. If you were my Witchee, would you be interested in trying something like that?: Sounds good. I love tea


October 13th


Are you interested in anything in the latest round of Lab auctions on eBay?: I never check since I can't afford the prices so I have no idea


What favorite song(s) would you think would translate into a cool or unique scent?: No idea


Anyone interested in VApothecary's Halloween update?: I have no idea what this is


Interested in anything from the Beaver Moon Lunacy update?: I missed this


I sent you with $20 into a drugstore/Walmart (nothing too fancy/imported/expensive, just your average selection), and you are restricted only to the candy aisle. What would you blow it on?: Caramel apple Hershey's kisses, Peppermint kisses if it's Christmas, Cadbury Mini eggs if it's near Easter


October 11th


What is your favorite kind of cookie?: Chocolate chip


How many boxes are you hoping for?: ?


How do you feel about loose leaf tea in baggies? I mean, I have a TON of loose leaf, would it be okay if I send you samples in some zip lock baggies? Or is that something that would squick you out?: Sounds great. I love tea


How would you feel about getting a custom poster with your favorite quote on it and some cool graphics? I'm an architecture student and can print posters (provided I make them) at pretty much any size using Adobe Illustrator at a low price. Also if you would be interested in this, what quotes would you like?: Can't think of anything


October 9th


Is there anything you would want from NYCC, something you'd like your witch to ask me to pick up?: I missed this one too


The best thing I ever ate...: White chocolate raspberry cheesecake


October 6th


Do you like liquorice? If so, hard or soft? Sweet or salt? Normally salted or so salt it pulls your face into a fishy shape? And which shapes do you like?: I've only ever had the boring Twizzlers type stuff


Mac using witchees, what computers do you use? What peripherals/accessories do you have and what would you LIKE to have? What do you use your computer for?: Not a Mac user


Do you like listening to audiobooks? Would you like to receive one, and if you would, what sort of audiobook would you like--or is there a particular audiobook you've been meaning to get?: I tend to get distracted while listening and zone out


October 5th


Are there any DIY / Crafty / Free / Budget items you'd love to get but haven't noted yet? (Or, maybe you'd just like to emphasize something you may have only noted in passing?): Anything that I can put on my memo boards to liven up a room


Do you own a DSLR camera? Are you interested in a minky camera strap like these? What about anything from Photojojo?: I own a basic point ans shoot camera


Is anybody else into film photography? Interested in receiving film, supplies, etc from Lomography?: I'm a digital girl


Are you musically inclined? Do you play an instrument or sing? If so, what?: I have zero talent



October 3rd


Does anyone else like collector Barbies?


What small everyday items would you like, that you keep forgetting to get?




Tell me about something you like, and why you like it.


If you're the MMU type of Witchee, what Geek Chic Cosmetics tickle your fancy?


Would any witchees be interested inQuinn Popcorn?

October 2nd


Who likes silly items from Archie McPhee???: Oh damn you. Now I am hooked on this site. The fairy mints, eggnog soap, absinthe lip blam, and death mints interest me


Nocturne Alchemy's NAlloween Pt. 2 update is live here! (And for a few days, last month's update too.) What do you want?: I never visit this site



What are you drooling over from the Sock Dreams Halloween stuff?: Probably all sold out


Luck charms?: Don't have any


Does anyone want anything from... here...?: Where is here?


For those of you that like candles, do you like stuff from Yankee Candle? And if you had to choose, tarts or candles?: I love tarts. Just about any scent


Would you be interested in getting a custom necklace fromhere?: Don't know where here is


Is there a movie you want so badly that you don’t own now?: Beetlejuice


Is there a song on Itunes that you haven’t downloaded yet?: I'm pretty well set on songs that I want


Is there a rare book you’ve always wanted?: The Whole Mirth Catolog http://www.amazon.com/Whole-Mirth-Catalog-Complete-Collection/dp/0531024946/ref=wl_it_dp_o_npd?ie=UTF8&coliid=I10YDK0TMGLDWM&colid=OELLFM6EULST


Is there anything you want to buy yourself but have been too embarrassed (R rated or pg)?: Have to think about this


Have you seen the Lush holiday update? Do you like the look of anything from there?: Demon in the Dark, Jacko bath bomb, Pumpkin soap, chilli tingle and celebrate lip tints, three gold tings, melting snowman


if you were my witchee, would you want some of my hot nuts my candied nuts my nuts covered in butter and brown sugar candied walnuts?: Sounds good




October 1st


Is there anything you either didn't like or had never heard of that you're now curious to try thanks to the discussion in this thread?: Probably too much to list


Reveal?: It's up to my witch. I plan to reveal to my witchee.


Would you be interested in the #occupywallstreet scent?: Not idea what it smells like


Do Paintbox Soapworks' Goat's Milk Hand and Body Creams sound like something you'd like to try?: Sounds lovely. My favorite scents are Smiling Jack and The Queen is Dead


September 30th


Witchee, would you like anything from this particular Haunt update?: Probably all sold out


Who's interested in Halloween: Montreal?: Nope

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