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Winter Fun Swap Questions

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1. $20 in Walgreens- In reality probably a prescription but ok, If I'm supposed to blow it on myself? Maybe some weird color sinful nailpolish for the toes, a paperback (some kind of forensic crime stuff like Patricia Cornwell, Jonathan Kellerman, Dean Koontz maybe). tea if they had something interesting, ans a diet coke with lime.



2. knitting? No thank you anyway unless it is a mini afghan or blanket to cover up with while sitting on the sofa but that is too big of a project. If someone is really ambitious, the colors would be like chocolate brown beige and green or something like that.


Spices, yes if it is something really unique, but I have a very small kitchen and cupboards unfortunately.

4. Mug? No thanks I am all set (see above small kitchen issue)


5. Regional food or drink? YES, I can't think of anything specific but I love trying new things and would love something that is special in my foxes area. Course if I fell in love with it, I might bug you to get me more -I'd pay for it of course. I do love Good Earth tea in decaf original and sometimes I can't buy it around here.


6. Christmas tree- Yes I have an artificial one because I don't like to kill trees to make them an adornment, I think they look perfectly lovely outside adorning nature like they are supposed to :hippie: :hippie:


Well back to the fake tree. I am Jewish and my husband and step daughter are Catholic so its a mix I have lots of blue and silver ornaments plus the usual Christmas stuff. Would I like an ornament from my fox? Yes, especially if he or she were crafty and made it for me.


7. Am I squicked out by homemade goodies? No, I can't actually see if your kitchen is filthy :lol: , so it doesn't bother me. Just kidding. No I buy edibles from etsy too so it is cool, BUT I am really seriously trying to lose weight so if it were like a fat free baked good full of flax seed or something, or tea or coffee. I may have small kitchen cupboards but they are stuffed with coffee and tea Love love love. So that might be a better "Sweet treat" for me. See below re: types


8. Holiday serving bowls, platters etc. Yeah sure and I hope my bunny wants some too cuz I know where to get some really nice ones.


9. Handmade sugar scrub-Sure. I do make them myself but would still love something my fox gave me, I do not like them very oily though. The ones I make are foaming type, I don't like greasy ones.


10. Candles-Oh sure or tarts. Bath and Body works always has nice holiday scents and those cute little minis but I burn tarts alot too. I also make them out of BPAL-YUM


11. Soap-Yeah I make that too-pretty crafty I am, but if you make your own I would love to try it. I am also getting hooked on villianess-my favorite is the bathory one.


12. Socks/Slippers Socks yes but I have a whole drawer full. Slippers no. Sock dreams. Not so much my legs are pretty um thick and they dont always fit so well.


13. Coffee and Tea :coffee: Hell yes please.


Why don't we have a tea icon? I love coffee (not decaf) in flavors like chocolate raspberry, hazelnut, caramel, oh god just about any flavor EXCEPT the liquor flavored ones like Irish Cream-Gross :sick:


Tea-herbal, fruit tisanes, and Rooibos. Black and green tea makes me nauseous for some odd reason. White tea to me has no flavor I actually have tea on my BPAL wishlist. I Adore tea


Actually my 3 favorite beverages are tea coffee and water.


14. Nailpolish-Well not necessary I have tons of colors for my toes and I have been using the Red Carpet Manicure Gel System from Ulta and the polishes are like $10 and I wouldn't expect anyone to spend that much. Sally's also has a system and theirs are even more expensive.


15. Obsessive Compulsive cosmetics-Love the name but am not even going to look because I have enough makeup to last the rest of my life-no lie.


16. Cocoa Pink-yes I am sure I could find stuff to love there. This forum keeps enabling new addictions in me.


17. What if I found $50 on the floor and had to make a lab order? Well I kinda did. I just sold some stuff that was cluttering up the closet and made $50. I am going to order Calavera Catrina. Maybe I would add a back up of October 2011-lovely. Oh or BPTP UGH massage oil ,


18. DVDs? No, Only ones I would love are blueray 3D, course I don't expect my fox to buy me one of those they are so expensive but sometimes a DVD comes with both and if you don't have a 3D TV, well then I wouldn't say no :) , Especially to Disney ones and Horror



19. LUSH-not so overly impressed with them, I am more of a Villianess girl.


20. Paintbox Soapworks-maybe I would have to look at the scents. Ok I looked and bought see below


21. Kids? I have an almost 11 year old step daughter a dog and a cat. The animals need nothing but if you wanted to toss something christmassy in for the kid, I'm sure she would love it.


22. Comics? Superheroes? Never Ever, not in a million years

23. Honey, Yum especially if it is flavored. Beeswax is good in candle form


24. Trader Joes? Don't have any here sadly enough.


25. Paintbox soap works? Ok now that I have checked the store out YES

and I just made an order yippee, The ones with * I already ordered (not that I would turn down more)



Yuletide Mariner *


Dead leaves on the dirty ground*


Pants relief elixer*


Silken Peony.


26. Answering my own questions

Weenies still to order? Yes Calavera Catrina but I will be ordering it myself Update ORDERED :joy:


27. Away for part of the round? Yes I will be out of the country late Nov/early dec and will likely send my box out before I go so it is not late


28, Bartering on Etsy? Yeah I am a confirmed tradeaholic. Everything in my shop (see signature) is up for trade. I will be restocking more soon as we just had a big halloween swap


29. Books? My witchee turned me on to the hunger games. I finished the first book and am dying to read the second and third Catching Fire and Mockingjay

30. Christmas Music-no thanks I have more than I need.


31. Rose flavor/mastic-Nah not really, thanks anyway


32. Spicy food tolerance is extremely high I love spicy foods but please don't send chicken wings


33. Giftcard- I would love a giftcard from Heartsy, Villainess, Adagio Tea, SBS tea (if they have them) , Micheals, Publix, Walmart


34. Fav color GREEN



35. Fav gemstone? Not really? I like black, grey, green, amber, colors. Oh I like pearls. Like Levian chocolate diamonds and pearls, but unless my Fox's helper snowshoe bunny is robber rabbit, I sure don't expect any ;)


36. Favorite animal? Well I guess there are categories

to live with and share my home-cats hands down. I have a wonderful cat and my step daughter has a stoooooopid dog who is right now as we speak chewing on the wall.


to look at-bluebirds, ducks, baby anythings, owls, squirrels and chipmunks


to touch-bunnies, nothing is as soft as a bunny but they can be so fraidy of people


AND goats, I love goats and when I retire and move to Cuba, I am going to have a goat and milk it and make cheese. That is my retirement plan. and no I'm not kidding.:ack:


37.Phobias? Umm kind of a weird question, no? If I say yes, are you going to get me a gift certificate for therapy? I know I'm a smart ass.:lol:



38. Reveal? Yes Please, I hate it when they don't reveal


39. Cuddly Characters-No, not really thanks


40. Charity Gifts? Sure, I'm a Social Worker, so why not? As long as it is legit.


41. Two timing tarts-let me check it out and get back to ya.


42. Holiday Recipes? No, my family won't eat anything new or with vegetables (and I am so TEAM VEGGIE all the way)


43. Used Books? YESSSSSSSS I prefer them to new ones really. Paperbackswap is an awesome website!!!


44. Nerd? What subject? YESSS I am a total nerd anyway. Science is fascinating, but really anything to do with my work, like psychiatry, psychology is awesome. I am especially into reading autobiographies of persons with mental illness. Right now I am reading "Nowhere Near Normal" by Traci Foust, which is an awesomely hilarious book for anyone to read.


45. BPTP candles? Oh God, I just need to stay away from there too, since I belong to team Spend All Money


46. Lemon? Yes love lemon although not sure what you do with lemon curd? Put on toast? Lemon marmelade sounds delicious.

47. Pink? No, GREEN :)


48. Oils and vinegar? no thanks, I have a few.

49. Calendar-Nah In my job we have lots of funeral home people always giving them to us :lol:


50.Holiday cookies? Well I always think of sugar and gingerbread or molasses. Someone mentioned cardamom, that sounds great. I am not big on anise. Last year I made some kind of cranberry orange that were good. I usually make sugar cookies with my step daughter-With LOTS of sprinkles


51. Mittens? Oh, please no mittens :ack:


52. Crafty pursuits. Well yes, although I have so many types of crafts going on that my office looks like a Michaels warehouse. I have never met a craft I didn't like (ok knitting and crocheting because I cannot get the hang of it) I am terrible because I see things at crafts shows and examine them so I can go home and figure out how to make them. I had to give up making cold process soap because I moved to a smaller house.


There are 2 things I was interested in trying.


Felting-but I don't know how hard it is, if it is really hard then forget it. (and I think it is)


Paper mache or clay-I am interesting in making birds like the ones on my Etsy wishlist, haven't had time to explore that-if my fox were to find any instructions or tutorials that would be cool as hell :lol:


53. Chocolate? I am really trying to be good and diet, but if you must, the darker the better


54. Coin purses? I already have a few and never use them so no thanks


55. Yules? Luckily not much interested me. I did buy a bottle of A Wonderful Light.


more craft stuff--Someone also mentioned terrariums-would love to make a moss terrarium too. I keep trying to swap for one on Etsy but the terrarium people don't want my stuff :cry2:


56, Soap Dish-yessss maybe something bamboo or anything, the kind that drains the soap

57. Harry Potter? NOOOOOOO


58. Knitted? Again only like an afghan or lap blanket. too hot for anything else


November 12th


chile, yay or nay? (Example: I had a delicious dark chocolate bar the other day that had dried cherries and red chile....YUM! There are local cookies here that are shortbread type with chile. And of course, in NM we are famous for our chile ristras which are mostly decorative (though usually you could use the dried chiles if you wanted to).)

I like spicy so I would try it sure

November 11th


Let's talk about fruit! Do you like dried fruit or h ate it? Like some but not others? I love dried fruits all except Mango, the less sugar the better, but YUM


How do you feel about cherries? Prefer the sweet or tart versions? Dried? Jam? Salsa? Hot sauce? BBQ sauce? I like cherries both sweet and tart and dried and Jam Any Jam, hot sauce yes, BBQ so so


What is your general philosophy about patterns for accessories such as socks, scarves, and tights? Do you like solids? Stripes? Polka dots? Weird patterns like harlequin-type stuff? Any of the above? Um socks like grey or black, tights would have to be for women with extra huge thighs :lol:


November 10th



Are there any Yules from *PAST* years that you're interested in trying? Including past winter inquisitions? Gingerbread Poppet


ovember 9th


Sooo. Yules. Those just happened. :P What are you interested in, Bunny? I ordered A wonderful light, but would love a decant of pumpkin masala

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