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Winter Fun Swap Help

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November 9th



I'm interested in Maison en Pain D'Espices, Pumpkin Masala Rooibos, Colder and Colder and The Horrors of my Secret Toil. Pumpkin Masala Rooibos will probably be a bottle purchase, but not until January and I want to see reviews of the other three before I pounce on any of them.



November 8th


Do you prefer dark or milk chocolate?

I will eat dark chocolate, but I prefer milk chocolate and I love good quality white chocolate.



November 7th


What are your opinions on traditional holiday cookie flavorings? I'm thinking anise and cardamom in particular.



Do you like artisan oils and vinegars?

I haven't really worked with them, but fancy oils would give me an excuse to keep good bread around.


Bunny, could you use a 2012 calendar, and, if so, do you like big monthly ones or the page-a-day type?

I usually go calendar shopping between December 26th and early January (unless I see something awesome, in which case I pounce. The earliest I've bought a wall calendar for the following year is April). I love regional calendars especially - I'm still kicking myself for not getting a calendar full of gorgeous landscapes in Montana back in 2001, for instance. (The April 2006 calendar purchase was National Parks in CO, UT, NM, and AZ and I bought it from Mesa Verde National Park).


I don't use the daily calendars, and I'll need to pick up a new planner for my purse but those I get picky about (can't be too big/small/thick, I like some layouts over others, etc).



November 6th


Charity gifts? Either fair-trade type stuff, or virtual type gifts, like vaccinations or school supplies being bought on your behalf, or something along those lines?

Fair trade stuff is always good. I'm picky about charities though.

Bunny, are you interested in tarts from Two Timing Tart? What scents, if any, are you interested in?

I have some scents up on my kaboodle. I haven't looked at any of her new ones or seasonals, but I'm less picky about candles than I am perfume so as long as it isn't flowergeddon I'd be okay.


Do you need any holiday recipies? Is there something in particular that you'd like baked or made for you? And for those of you doing the no sugar/low sugar, etc. thing these days, how about savory things?

In terms of recipes, whatever I want to cook I can usually find either in one of my cookbooks or online. There isn't really anything that I'd have during this season that I can't make for myself (a couple notable exceptions, but for the most part I don't need to be eating them, like fudge). Otherwise I'm up to being surprised.


Speaking about candles, how much do you look forward to the BPTP candles that will be launched on Etsy? I don't know if there will be other scents than the Samhain and Pumpkin Cookie one, but is there a specific one you are longing for?

I'd have been more interested in tarts, tbh.


Does anyone have issues with gently used things like books, etc.?


Are you a big ol' nerd for any particular subject? Science, math, linguistics, etc? Or particular authors/fandoms?

Geology and Meteorology I tend to be nerdy with. I'm also a total francophile.


Bunnies, how do you feel about lemon-flavored items, like lemon marmalade, lemon curd, lemon pound cake, or lemon cookies?



fingerless mittens or full mitts?

I prefer convertible with fingerless gloves under the mitt part.



November 4th

Any favorite cuddly characters?

Eeyore. I have two that I snuggle with - a special holiday version that is all white with royal blue accents (like the inside of his ears) and an older one whose mane has seen better days and the tail is long gone that I've had since high school.


Moxie Nouveau groupon?

Its too late to get the groupon now, but there wasn't really anything from their Christmas update that grabbed me and there are no ingredients listed for the lotion that you'd get.


what's your favourite colour? Pink!

Your favourite gemstone? Probably my least favorites are rose quartz, diamonds, and rubies. I have a bachelor's degree in geology, so everything else is fair game. I also love glass.


Your favourite animal (real or imaginary)? Cats, red pandas, snow leopards.


And do you have any intense phobias? Heights and elevators.


Are you Nano-ing this month, bunny? If so, how would you feel about merch/donations to the cause?

I did Nanowrimo once, at least five years ago.. and dropped out by about the 5th because I ran out of stuff to write about. Haven't felt the urge to do it again.

Do you like/need boxes for perfume/knicknacks?

I've got a cigar box that is starting to get a bit full, and I could use imp storage.




November 3 and earlier


so...someone has gifted you a $20 gift card from walgreens to ONLY use on things for yourself. no necessities here. what do you buy?

I really like Wet n Wild's eyeshadows. I'd probably pick up one of the other baked mineralized palettes if they're still out (I have.. Bake a Cake? has a couple pinks and a pretty periwinkle) and maybe a trio (I have the I have Good Jeans and the Getting Sunburned (or something like that) trios - I'm unsure about reds, blacks, yellows, and oranges in eyeshadow (although I have a couple golds and I <3 them).. and uh.. usually I'm only in Walgreens to look for WnW stuff or to get more real sudafed. Maybe a fluffy magazine, a bag of chips, or some pretty smelling shampoo?


I live near a brick and morter location for a really, really good spice store. would you use cooking spices and if you would, what would you need? (it's penzey's if you want to google it).

The manager at my local Penzey's recognizes me as a regular. Stuff I haven't been able to justify: the cheese sprinkles, salad topping/dressing blends, and the non-vanilla extracts.


Do you like knitted goods? If so, what would you like, what colors, and do you have any sensitivites or preference when it comes to type of yarn (ex: wool: yay or nay? do you prefer machine washable materials? do you not care?)?

I am allergic to wool, but any other fibers are good. I can hand wash things. Colors.. Not too fond of yellow and orange, love most shades of pink, any jewel tones (including golds and more burnt oranges), bright colors (but not neon, unless it's an accent). I have really good fleece convertible mittens, so I'm covered there, but I could use a scarf or a hat that will all the way cover my ears (the nordic print/patterned hats with the pompom on top and the earflaps with the cords are a favorite style), and I'm always game for socks and slippers and whatnot.


hey swap partner...could you use a new mug?

No new mugs until I break enough of them (not a habit I have, really) to make space for new ones. Although I could use an idiot-proof travel mug.


Is there any sort of regional food/drink/treat you miss or have always wanted to try?

New York style bagels. I've found things that are close.. but not quite. And good hard rolls and portuguese rolls.. and I could never ever give up carbs. Every so often I get a hankering for Dipsy Doodles or Tastycake's Butterscotch.. thingies. And huckleberry stuff. And I *miss* the fresh pasta selection I had in Italy, but I don't expect anyone to mail that. ;)


Do you do a Christmas tree? If yes is it themed or specially colored or do you just have all different ornaments and such? Would you like a special ornament?

I do a tree. When my husband and I decided on artificial, we decided to go all the way artificial - it's a solid white tree. We're currently using these mini LED lights (with a green cord) and our star is LED lit and alternates between green and blue, and there is currently an overabundance of blue ornaments on our tree (many of which are glittery) so I've been trying to even that out with uh.. everything but blue. And I seem to lack the gene necessary to deem things too tacky to hang on a Christmas tree (the same goes for magnets on my fridge). I still regret not getting the miniature pair of antlers I found at Walmart a few years ago (I went back a few days later and they had [/i]sold out[/i].) So I'm game for new ornaments.

Tim Tams. Yay or nay?

I've only had the America ones - my world market doesn't seem to stock the Australian ones - but the ones I've tried were yummy!

Now, a question of my own: I know some people are squicked out at the idea of eating things that other people make, or the thought of deep fried cookies sends them into cardiac arrest. If you were my fox, would you like to receive some homemade goodies, or would you prefer that your goodies came from the store?

Home-made goodies are yum! While I'm kinda terrified of deep-frying things myself, I'm fine with receiving them pre-fried.


My lovely fluffy Snow Bunny, would you like a bodyscrub made by me? If so, what scent(s) would you like, if you had to think along the lines of essential oils? And would you prefer sugar or salt? A dryer scrub or one that's more oily/moist?

I would be game.. I prefer sugar over salt and more moist scrubs. In terms of EO's, I'd probably go for soothing things like vanilla or lavender.


Would any Bunny like to receive Holiday serving bowls, trays, platters etc...?

Winter/Christmas or Thanksgiving/Fall themed?

I don't really have storage space for holiday specific serving things, but I'm open to holiday linens (table cloths, table runners, cloth napkins). Probably more Winter/Thanksgiving/Fall - I have a decent selection of Christmassy ones at the moment. :)


Dear snow bunny, do you like candles? if yes, then what kind? scented (what scents), unscented, what colors, do you like them plain/painted on the outside/with decorations attached to the surface/sculpted?

I'm more of a tart person. My cats are too interested in flames for me to feel comfortable burning candles all that often. Scent-wise, I don't care for ones that are heavily floral, but I like aquatic scents, foodie scents, some herbal ones (like fresh mint or basil).


Also what do you think of little soaps? I know most people don't use soaps nowadays but I love the chocolate/vanilla/cocoa/butter/sugar combo scents that I see at beauty stores.

I go through soap super slowly so little bars are nice because I can get more variety.


Socks! Slippers! Do you love them or not really wear them? If you love them, do you also love Sock Dreams?

Unless it's the middle of summer, I'm almost always in socks. I could use slippers.. and I've never ordered from Sock Dreams.

Would you wear something like this (knitted cowl) if your Fox were to knit you one? If so, what color?

It's enough material that I would probably never really figure out how to wear it correctly. I swear my mom and my sister love sending me sweaters with unreasonably gigantic collar bits so they can laugh while I figure out how to make it look right/not awful.


new question: talk to me of coffee. Whole bean? Ground? Flavored, not flavored? Decaf, whole caff? Favorite roasters? Drip, french press, keurig? BRING ON THE TEA?

I drink coffee and tea. Tea can be loose or bagged, and I'm game for pretty much any flavor (although my allergies have to be doing particularly well for me to be able to taste white teas). There was this one tea that my mom got years ago that we found at a tea exhibit at a local museum (teas and tea pots and sets from different ages and cultures) that Martha Stewart crowed about that tasted roughly like straight-from-the-tree pine sap, so none of that, tho. I don't really care for most herbal teas either. (although I love roibos).


Coffee - I have a keurig, but I have the my k-cup thing and I use that because bagged coffee is way cheaper than k-cups. I don't have a grinder, so pre-ground is needed. I think infusion grind is best, but I use coffee ground for automatic drip all the time and it still tastes good.


Who else here loves or would like to try Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics? If so, what would you like?

I have zero clue on how to use loose eyeshadows. I'd probably make me look clown-like. There's a bunch of colors that look interesting, but I'm more used to eyeshadow in more solid forms. The lip tar looks interesting, although I generally go for sheer/semi-sheer glittery glosses - I'd probably go for Stalker or NSFW (because of all of the colors, the ones I'm least afraid of are the bright reds).


Have you tried anything from Cocoa Pink and if so, what products and scents do you like or would like to try?

I haven't ordered since Ilona still ran the company (due to lack of funds, not distrust of the new owner). The coco-mango body butter was amazing, and I liked the junket cream conditioner. CP stuff tends to be stronger scented that I go for, so I'd probably get the body butter unscented and the conditioner either unscented or something less complex so it would go with my perfume choices instead of clashing or completely overshadowing them.


Anybody into nail polish? Any color or formula preferences?

I wear nail polish. Most of my polishes (and current top and base coat) are 3-free. I have so many greens and blues that I'm getting kinda picky about them but I won't refuse more.. I don't care for traditional pinks, reds, and neutrals (or orange and yellow). My favorite finish is probably shimmer - I like cremes (especially in more out there shades) and a lot of glitters, but some glitters (like the holiday ones from Zoya this year) do not-nice things like get stuck in my hair, which pulls a chunk of the polish off my nail.

If you found a $50 bill on the ground and were to place a Lab order, what would be in it? (And shipping is free through the magical BPAL unicorn!)

Probably bottles of Snake Oil and Black Phoenix, and three imps off my gc wishlist.


How do you feel about superheros? Are you a Marvel or DC fan? Do you have a favorite hero?

Not a comic fan. I don't hate them, I just don't follow them.


Is there any particular holiday DVD that you don't have that you would like to own?

I used to have a copy of this one, but I don't know where it went. I can't remember the name, but it's a Muppet Christmas special where they all descend on Fozzie's mom's house unexpectedly (and she's heading out of town) and Miss Piggy gets stuck in the snow and the Swedish Chef wants to eat Big Bird, and Robin and Kermit meet the Fraggles and Jim Henson appears at the end washing dishes. I'd also love a copy of The Muppet's Christmas Carol (no cheeses for us meeses). (We have both blu-ray and regular DVD players).


Would my bunny like anything in particular from Lush? I do have access to an actual Lush store, and also wouldn't mind ordering retro items online.

The few products I've tried didn't really seem to be worth their cost.


would you like a Paintbox from Paintbox Soapworks? If so, which scents?

Whenever I manage to use up my soap stash (which is.. two bars plus the current one? But I only use bar soap for washing my hands in the bathroom, so it takes foreeeeeever to use up a bar) I'll probably switch to the paintboxes so I can have more variety in soap scents. Scent-wise, I tend to toss things that look good on my etsy wishlist. (including the new yules). I love the sorbetto, and slip is nice but I still have about have a bottle of Avast (that I bought in early July) - it's awesome for summer (for my skin) but it's not really enough for winter time. I'd be interested in trying the body butter of hers that doesn't contain shea (if I'm remembering right, one formula had shea but the other didn't).


NEW QUESTION! - Do you have kids (or kid-like pets) who your fox may want to take into account, either in terms of a little extra goody or simple safety?

I have two cats who are pretty well spoiled, but they are feline and like knocking things off tables and stealing shiny things off my Christmas tree. The husband is deployed and won't be back until May.


How do you feel about honey/beeswax? Would you like any?

Honey is growing on me - I have a big jar or raw meadowfoam honey I bought from a hippie dude last fall that my pantry ate for six months (I spotted it over the summer and used tongs to fish it out of the corner of the cabinet that it - I've since gotten a step stool) so I'm good there, but I wouldn't mind a whipped honey (especially one with cinnamon) as that's easier to put on things like bread. I also like beeswax in body products.


NEW QUESTION: Are you a Trader Joe's fan, who either doesn't have a store nearby or just loves their stuff and has a wishlist?

I don't live near one, and when I've visited home (northern NJ) my family has offered to take me to one and I refused because I don't want to know what I'm missing.


A few questions of my own- If I were to place ONE LAST Weenie order, (uh, which I will) what would you want me to include for you?

None of the Weenie's really grabbed me this year.

Will you be away for any part of the round?

Maybe, but I'll post in the thread if that happens.

What type of books do you like? Dying to read anything?

I have books on my amazon list, but I'm open to trying new authors too - I like fantasy, some sci-fi, some romance, mysteries, erotica (as long as its more plot than sex), fiction.. non-fiction if the subject is something I'm interested in.


Do you enjoy things that taste like roses? For example chewing gum, turkish delight, delicious goo that you eat by the spoonful out of a glass jar (and they all taste of rose. Yes, we have all these in Greece.)

I don't know that I would go for Turkish Delight, but I'd probably eat candied rose petals (or other edible flowers, although I have dried lavender buds in my pantry so I don't need more of those) or other rose flavored things.


Also, same question about mastic. Would you be interested in trying it out? (If yes, any preferences? for example you wold prefer to try the chewing gum, the turkish delight, an Easter bun (I can go hunting, some companies make them all year round although it's not the same as the bakery Easter ones), the raw resin itself, anything?)

No clue what it is, but I would try it!


i live in the city of the chicken wing. if i were to send you something savory, what's your heat tolerance (or sweet and heat for that matter).

I don't like heat for the sake of heat. I hate most buffalo wings (whenever my husband drags me out for wings I go for non-buffalo sauced ones, often with a higher heat rating that the buffalo wings my husband gets because it's ginger teriyaki or lemon and garlic with an emphasis on the garlic or something like that). But I love spicy heat, like in Indian food, and I've ordered things with flame symbols next to the picture in South Korea and survived.


If your fox/bunny were to gift you with a giftcard from anywhere, as in any store foodwise, music wise etc. what giftcard would you like?

Barnes and Noble (to feed my Nook), Starbucks, AAFES (which is probably tricky for non-military), Chilis, World Market, Whole Foods, iTunes, Groupon/Living Social


If I were to send you chocolate is there anything I should avoid as in nuts, cherries etc.? Also, what are some of your favorite holiday candies?

I don't care for fruit or chilies in my chocolate. I'm currently on the fence about salted caramel so I don't know that I'd go for salted chocolate. Favorite holiday candies.. I am spoiled in that where I grocery shop (a military commissary) has an awesome selection of German holiday goodies - my favorites are a couple of the cookies, actually.


Fusion Sweets:

I have a weakness for homemade marshmallows so I haven't really looked at the caramels. I'm also intrigued by their berlingots - but I've always preferred hard candies over caramel.

Interested in anything from the Elements and Artifacts Yule update?

I love looking, but pretty much everything I like is either reserved already or expensive.

How about mulling spices?

I have some currently.


Bunny, what scent are you desperately wanting to be resurrected this year with the Anniversary update?

Maybe Snake Charmer, but my bottle is still pretty much full. Death Adder (which I also have an aged bottle of), but that'll hopefully come back when CD comes back. I haven't had a blend I adored get discontinued yet, and I've either got the hard to find blends I love, or they don't work for me.

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