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Winter Swap Questions

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Winter Holiday Swap


So... someone has gifted you a $20 gift card from Walgreen's to ONLY use on things for yourself. No necessities here. What do you buy?

Lindt White Chocolate Stracciatella Truffles (the ones in the blue wrappers), fun eye make up, glittery purple, bronze or grey liners, sparkly pink or purplish lip gloss, fuzzy socks. AAA batteries (because I never remember to buy them), any good smelling room sprays or candles. A book if any of them look interesting.


I live near a brick and morter location for a really, really good spice store. would you use cooking spices and if you would, what would you need? (it's penzey's if you want to google it). I LOVE Penzey’s and I miss living near one! I like (and can use) most of the baking spices right now. Especially vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, all spice… Those are the ones that I can think of right off hand. I also love to try new things, and would be thrilled to receive any of their sets or gifts. (They also have really yummy hot chocolate mix!)


Do you like knitted goods? If so, what would you like, what colors, and do you have any sensitivites or preference when it comes to type of yarn (ex: wool: yay or nay? do you prefer machine washable materials? do you not care?)?

I am a sucker for anything handmade! I have a lot of examples of things that I like in my Etsy wish list. I don’t think I could find a use for fingerless gloves or arm warmers. I could really use a pair of warm mittens. I’ve recently seen a hooded scarf that looked like something I would get a lot of use out of, too. The only colors that I’m not very fond of are mustardy yellows, golds and oranges.


hey swap partner...could you use a new mug?

I could really use a largish, insulated travel mug to use at work for hot chocolate.


Is there any sort of regional food/drink/treat you miss or have always wanted to try?

PLEASE TO NOT BE SENDING ME ANY MAPLE SYRUP!!! My family makes it every spring, and at last count there were 159 gallons in the basement! Also, my fox can pretty much be assured that she will be receiving some if she indicates she would enjoy it! I

I’m slightly rabid over Black Forest TimTams, and am currently considering retiring to Australia to be able to get an unlimited supply of them! Girasol is completely to blame for this, BTW. She also sent me some caramel koala bears that I would be willing to stab a baby with a fork over, too. Otherwise I like Cadbury chocolate, and I’ve seen people raving about flake bars, but I’m not sure what they are, but if they are chocolate I’m pretty sure they would not be set around waiting to be tested for long!


Do you do a Christmas tree?

No, I don’t do a Christmas tree. Last year I did 7 Christmas trees. The most I’ve ever done was 13, and that was just a little silly! This year I will do at least 4. I do one in the kitchen/dining room that is decorated with gingerbread men, candy canes, dried fruit, antique cookie cutters and red plaid bows and such. I do a tree in my office that is a fun tree, ornaments that have come from swaps, and friends, and are silly and make me smile. This tree has the ornaments that Hannah the cat likes best at her level. This tree is also attached to the wall with wires and I-bolts! The tree in my bedroom is usually done with gold or silver ornaments, white lights, teddy bears and lots of pink flowers and dried babies breath, kind of Victorian/romantic looking. The tree in the living room, that Santa visits, has all of my antique ornaments from my grandparents and mom, and the special ones. This tree is also attached to the wall with wire and I-bolts. Depending on who is visiting I’ll do a tree themed for that person in the guest room. I’ve done fishing, football, baseball, stock cars and tractors before. I also have little trees in each bathroom and some ceramic ones scattered here and there. It really does look like the Christmas fairy threw up at my house by the time I’m done!


Would you like a special ornament?

I would love one! As you can tell from the above answer, I’m sure I’ll have no trouble finding a home for it!

As you can tell, I’m a holiday freak! One of the things I love to do is bake and make candy! Pretty much anyone who comes to my house is forced to take a bag of goodies home with them. The last few years I’ve done upwards of 300 dozen assorted treats. I’ve already started stockpiling the butter, sugar and flour for this year’s insanity. I do lots of traditional Scandinavian cooking where the main ingredients are butter, sugar, flour, and some more butter. Maybe an egg. Then just for fun, sometimes we deep fry all of the butter/sugar/flour instead of baking it.


Now, a question of my own: I know some people are squicked out at the idea of eating things that other people make, or the thought of deep fried cookies sends them into cardiac arrest. If you were my fox, would you like to receive some homemade goodies, or would you prefer that your goodies came from the store?


10. Would any Bunny like to receive Holiday serving bowls, trays, platters etc...? Winter/Christmas or Thanksgiving/Fall themed?

Absolutely! More plates/trays/bowls/platters etc. just give me more things to fill!


11. My lovely fluffy Snow Bunny, would you like a body scrub made by me? If so, what scent(s) would you like, if you had to think along the lines of essential oils? And would you prefer sugar or salt? A dryer scrub or one that's more oily/moist?

I love scrubs (the scrubbier the better)! I like citrusy and pine essential oils. Please no cinnamon or other warming types.


12. Dear snow bunny, do you like candles? If yes, then what kind? Scented (what scents), unscented, what colors, do you like them plain/painted on the outside/with decorations attached to the surface/sculpted?

I have a serious candle addiction! If it will burn and/or melt, and will make my house smelly, then bring it on! I use lots of pillars and tarts. My favorite candle scents are Witches Brew and Midsummer Night from Yankee Candle. Anything that has patchouli in it is usually a winner. I also like pine scents at Christmas. I really don’t care for cinnamon or bayberry scents. Heavily scented and little to no decoration. I also really like everything that I’ve gotten from Dark Candles


13. Also what do you think of little soaps? I know most people don't use soaps nowadays but I love the chocolate/vanilla/cocoa/butter/sugar combo scents that I see at beauty stores....

I think I have to say no to the bar soap. Not because I don’t like it, but really, I could probably send everybody in this swap a bar or two and still have enough to get through the next few years! Of course, if you find something that you think I would LOVE than, by all means send it, and I promise it will not sit around unloved!


14. Socks! Slippers! Do you love them or not really wear them? If you love them, do you also love Sock Dreams?

YES!YES!YES! My feet are always cold! I love sock dreams socks, but have to be a little fussy about the kind I get. I have one leg that can swell up, so I try to only wear socks that are ankle length or a little higher, definitely below mid-calf. I really like soft fuzzy socks. And slippers will get much love at house of Lucyboo! I wear a woman’s 9/10 and I kind of have Fred Flinstone feet, that are wide at the toes and narrow at the heel.


15. Would you wear something like this if your Fox were to knit you one? If so, what color?

I would jump up and down and squee till my neighbors came to find out what the commotion was all about! I would love it! Pretty much any color would be good. If it helps in your planning, I have two winter jackets that I wear for the most part. One is chocolate brown and the other is red and black.


16. New question: talk to me of coffee. Whole bean? Ground? Flavored, not flavored? Decaf, whole caff? Favorite roasters? Drip, french press, keurig? BRING ON THE TEA?



17. Who else here loves or would like to try Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics? If so, what would you like?

I had never heard of it before, but some of it looks interesting. However, to be honest, I don’t think I would know where to start. I kind of have the dumb when it comes to make up. I am really trying to find something that looks like Archtype’s Northern Lights Shadow. If someone could find that for me, I would love them forever, and bake them cookies until they begged for mercy!


18. Have you tried anything from Cocoa Pink and if so, what products and scents do you like or would like to try?

I LOVE Cocoa Pink!!! Anything that was picked out for me from there would be loved! I use Princess Poo, Shine Sweetie, SoulMate, Anti-frizz, Glisade, and Ends with Benefits. I also love their Soft Bubbles Sugar Scrub and I really like the linen sprays for trying new fragrances. Right now I’m obsessed with the Blood Orange Cotton Candy, and I need to get it in the 30ml perfume spray soon. The only scents that don’t work on me here are similar to BPAL, in that if they have my evil arch-nemesis MINT, or the Holy-crap-get-it-off-me-now CINNAMON, then I probably won’t use them.


19. Anybody into nail polish? Any color or formula preferences?

Sorry, polish here would be wasted. I still haven’t out-grown chewing my nails.


20. If you found a $50 bill on the ground and were to place a Lab order, what would be in it? (And shipping is free through the magical BPAL unicorn!)

Hmmm… Possibly back ups of Sprinkle Cake and Halloween Las Vegas that just arrived today, and both have me swooning! TKO? Dorian? Bon Vivant? Those are ones that I go through at an alarmingly fast rate. Of course I keep meaning to get bottles of Black Forest, Crib Girls, and Haloes and Tattered Lace (I know those aren’t from the lab, but I keep putting off getting them).


21. Is there any particular holiday DVD that you don't have that you would like to own?

I actually think that I have all of the ones that I love.


22. How do you feel about superheros? Are you a Marvel or DC fan? Do you have a favorite hero?

No comics for me.


23. Would my bunny like anything in particular from Lush? I do have access to an actual Lush store, and also wouldn't mind ordering retro items online.

I’m slightly embarrassed to have to admit this, but I’m a Lush virgin. Another place that intimidates me, and I wouldn’t know where to start!


24. Would you like a Paintbox from Paintbox Soapworks? If so, which scents?

Let me tell you a little secret: I have a little fantasy that I quit my job, run away to Pennsylvania, and Tarty lets me be her assistant! I LOVE her things! I’m addicted to the scrubs and slip, with my favorite being The Queen is Dead. I’m afraid to have to admit this, but I have yet to try her thicker lotions, and I really want to. My only excuse is that I made my last gargantuan order, and she put them up like a week later. I did try one of the proto versions and it was lovely!


**and in case anyone is interested, I think her holiday LEs are going up in the next day or so. I’ll be sure to add them to my favorites on my Etsy wish list.


25. NEW QUESTION! - Do you have kids (or kid-like pets) who your fox may want to take into account, either in terms of a little extra goody or simple safety?

I have two furbabies, and I think most people who hang out in the SW or GUSP threads have heard about my critters. Hannah the 24lb cat and Madame Cee Cee La Roux, the 4 pound dog. Hannah enjoys most kitty toys and treats and has no restrictions. And of course her newest love, courtesy of my SW, KittyDemonCrack. Cee Cee because of her age (12) and her previous life in a puppy mill she never learned how to play. Also because of her previous life she doesn’t have any teeth, so while she would love a giant bone, she will either try to A. swallow it whole, or B. carry it around and guard it from Hannah, until I have had enough and throw the thing away. So, any treats for her need to be soft. Incidentally, if you would like to come over and rub her belly, that would be fine with her, too.


26. How do you feel about honey/beeswax? Would you like any?

I have a good local supplier of it.


27. NEW QUESTION: Are you a Trader Joe's fan, who either doesn't have a store nearby or just loves their stuff and has a wishlist?

LOVE Trader Joe’s. Unfortunately it is a several hour drive to the nearest one. I love their crystallized ginger, jojos, and I really miss their fresh mozzarella (but that probably wouldn’t be a good thing to ship!)


28. The Paintbox Soapworks Yules are up, or at least round one is (updates coming throughout the week). Interested in anything?

Yuletide Mariner and Poinsettia in both slip and sorbetto! Also the Victorious Sun Hand and Body Cream.


29. If I were to place ONE LAST Weenie order, (uh, which I will) what would you want me to include for you? (presuming that is that the order can get here in time, bites nails)

Halloween Las Vegas and Sprinkle Cake. I’m in love with both of them.


30. Will you be away for any part of the round?

Nope! You will be stuck with me the whole round!


31. Anyone else with an Etsy store and a member of Tradeaholics (or you could join) and interested in bartering for gifts for their bunny? Everything in my shop is up for trade.

No store for me.


32. What type of books do you like? Dying to read anything?

I like popular fiction/mystery stuff. My favorite author is Janet Evanovich, and I love the Stephanie Plum novels, but I haven’t read any of the new series with Diesel, and I would like to.


33. If you like Christmas music (or any other holiday music, for that matter), what kind of style do you like? Traditional? Modern and poppy? Indie?

I think I touched on music in the original questionnaire, I like fun, upbeat stuff, or classics, but no traditional hymns, please.


34. Do you enjoy things that taste like roses? For example chewing gum, turkish delight, delicious goo that you eat by the spoonful out of a glass jar (and they all taste of rose. Yes, we have all these in Greece.)

I’ve never tried any, but it doesn’t sound like something that I need to try, either.


35. Also, same question about mastic. Would you be interested in trying it out? (If yes, any preferences? for example you wold prefer to try the chewing gum, the turkish delight, an Easter bun (I can go hunting, some companies make them all year round although it's not the same as the bakery Easter ones ), the raw resin itself, anything?)

No thanks.


36. I live in the city of the chicken wing. If I were to send you something savory, what's your heat tolerance (or sweet and heat for that matter)?

I do not like spicy! The only exception to that is ginger, which I eat like potato chips!


37. If your fox/bunny were to gift you with a gift card from anywhere, as in any store food-wise, music wise etc., what gift card would you like?

Villainess, Soapbox, Sock Dreams, Amazon, Bathed & Infused.


38. If I were to send you chocolate is there anything I should avoid as in nuts, cherries etc.? Also, what are some of your favorite holiday candies?

I kind of get squicked out by raisins hidden in things. They remind me of ticks. Favorite candy is probably Angel Food. Also turtles, caramels, toffee, if it’s candy, I’ll probably like it.


39. Does anything from Fusion Sweets interest you?

All the things! I love them!!! My favorites are the caramels, either sea salt or lavendar.


40. Interested in anything from the Elements and Artifacts Yule update?

Ummm…. I hate to admit this, but I kind of went a little nuts at the update, and bought all the things. I figured it out, and what I spent on E&A this update is enough to heat my Northern Wisconsin home for a month and a half this winter. I told Alicia that I suffered from the terrible debilitating disease of S.O.S. (Shiny Object Syndrome), and she said I was just a magpie! (which may also be true. Either way, there are LOTS of Elements and Artifacts items in my Etsy wishlist, along with lots of other jewelry and other assorted sparkly things.


41. What was the best holiday present you ever got?

A scrapbook kit specially geared toward family history and recipes. Also, a painting that my mom had done for me of my dog.


42. Bunny, what scent are you desperately wanting to be resurrected this year with the Anniversary update?

Skadi or Stranger in Camp


43. Groupon for Moxie Nouveau!

Dear Bunneh, is this something that would interest you?

I’ve never tried any of her things, but they look interesting, and I’m easily enabled.


44. Bun-bun, what's your favourite colour?

Dark teal blue, pink, winter white.


45. Your favourite gemstone?

I like lots of things (as you can tell from my answer to the Elements and Artifacts question). I like pearls, especially grey or peacock ones, pink tourmaline, sapphire, garnets.


46. Your favourite animal (real or imaginary)?

I suppose I had better say this one:



47. And do you have any intense phobias?

Snakes!!!! Ewww!!! Can’t watch them on tv, can’t walk past the snake house at the zoo (they might escape!), cannot go into the boathouse at my Dad’s cabin, I HATE SNAKES!!!!


48. Are you Nano-ing this month, bunny? If so, how would you feel about merch/donations to the cause?

Not this year.



49. Do you like/need boxes for perfume/knicknacks?

I need a new bottle box as the bottom came out of my chest of smellies, but I want one that can hold my 300+ collection of BPAL, and I can’t find one I like/afford.


50. Coffee or tea? With caffine or without? Flavors (if so, what?) or no? Whole bean/ground/loose leaf/bags?

Tea and coffee should best be sent to people who are not me.


51. Do you have a strong preference for any sort of bath and body product brands (i.e. etailer/etsy type cos, department store/specialty brands like Lush) or are you cool with anything that doesn't smell like Bunnybane?

I’m addicted to Paintbox’s Sorbettos! I really like scrubby scrubs, and am always up for trying new ones. The other thing that I go through a metric-butt ton of during the winter is lotion. Specifically really thick, heavy lotions or body butters. Right now I’m really liking Bathed and Infused and Isle of Eden for those.


52. A question: reveal, yes or no?

I hope she will, but if not I shall just sing her praises from afar (and since I’m singing, you’ll be happy that you are a far!)


53. Any favorite cuddly characters?

BEARS! I love bears!


54. Charity gifts? Either fair-trade type stuff, or virtual type gifts, like vaccinations or school supplies being bought on your behalf, or something along those lines?

Anything that benefits animals would be a winner!


55. Bunny, are you interested in tarts from Two Timing Tart? What scents, if any, are you interested in?

I’ve never tried them, but again, I’m easy to enable!


Sooo. Yules. Those just happened. What are you interested in, Bunny?


Do you like coin purses?

I have one that I use.


Do you prefer dark or milk chocolate?

What? Where is the white love??? Please be sending me your white chocolate! Or milk. There is an ugly rumor that dark chocolate could be good for you, so I try to stay far away from that!


What are your opinions on traditional holiday cookie flavorings? I'm thinking anise and cardamom in particular.

Anise, I do not like! Other than that, bring it on!


Do you like artisan oils and vinegars?

I do, oils more than vinegars. If you have a recipe that you use a specific oil or vinegar in, I’d love that, too.


Bunny, could you use a 2012 calendar, and, if so, do you like big monthly ones or the page-a-day type?

I have a day planner that I buy refills for each year.


Speaking about candles, how much do you look forward to the BPTP candles that will be launched on Etsy? I don't know if there will be other scents than the Samhain and Pumpkin Cookie one, but is there a specific one you are longing for?

I’m looking forward to the Yule candles that were out at will call. All of them sound yummy!


Does anyone have issues with gently used things like books, etc.?

I love used books. And a plug for my favorite used book seller, Better World Books.


Are you a big ol' nerd for any particular subject? Science, math, linguistics, etc? Or particular authors/fandoms?

Nothing that I can think of right off hand.


Bunnies, how do you feel about lemon-flavored items, like lemon marmalade, lemon curd, lemon pound cake, or lemon cookies?

Mmmm LEMON! Love it!


fingerless mittens or full mitts?

Full mitts! I hate having cold fingers.


65.Ok, random question that came to me in the shower (sorry ) I have a ton of soaps and not one soap dish. Would anyone else be interested in a soap dish or something like that?

I could use another soap dish that drains well.


66.ALSO. I have a question. If your fox were to knit something for you, would it be a lacy shawl or a pair of socks? Inquiring foxes want to know!

I’d love socks, but I have the goofy leg that I have told you about, so it would probably be best to say no. I would love a shawl! Or anything that you hand made.


67.Are you a Harry Potter fan? If so, which house do you identify with, and why? Would you want knitted things/replicas/accessories in your house colours?

I enjoyed the movies, but wouldn’t consider myself enough of a fan that I’d need anything.


68.Are there any Yules from *PAST* years that you're interested in trying? Including past winter inquisitions?



69. (oh la la)Let's talk about fruit! Do you like dried fruit or hate it? Like some but not others?

Ginger!!!! Holy Jesus, do I love crystallized ginger!!! It’s like crack for me!!!


70.How do you feel about cherries? Prefer the sweet or tart versions? Dried? Jam? Salsa? Hot sauce? BBQ sauce?

I like cherries, and would enjoy any version that you would like to send.


71.Bunnies! What is your general philosophy about patterns for accessories such as socks, scarves, and tights? Do you like solids? Stripes? Polka dots? Weird patterns like harlequin-type stuff? Any of the above?

Any of the above! I’m not really much of a tights person though… (I’ve never really found any that fit comfortably).


72.So, apparently Geek Chic Cosmetics will be closing down next week to prep for a huge sale and a new line - the words "bigger on the inside" have been used for the new line.

Bunny, are you interested in anything from Geek Chic Cosmetics?

I have never tried anything from them, but again, feel free to enable me!


73.Sooo. Yules. Those just happened. What are you interested in, Bunny?

Sooooo many Yules…. My head is spinning! I’ve ordered a couple, but I will update my wishlist within the next couple of days.



No thank you.


74.I had a question for everyone else though! A friend and I were recently talking about those Giant Microbe plushies, if you were my bunneh, would you like one? Which would you like?

I think those are adorable! I like the common cold, herpes, white blood cell really any of them!


75.Do you need any baking supplies? Are you interested in winter/holiday specific baking supplies?


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