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Winter Holiday Swap Answers

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So... someone has gifted you a $20 gift card from Walgreen's to ONLY use on things for yourself. No necessities here. What do you buy?

CoverGirl Lash Blast mascara ($8), a Wet'n Wild eyeshadow palette ($3), a Diet Dr. Pepper ($1). I would probably spend the rest on random impulse items.


Do you do a Christmas tree? If yes is it themed or specially colored or do you just have all different ornaments and such?

I do, and it is. :) My tree is snowman-themed, with a red, blue, and white color scheme. I would love ornaments!


I live near a brick and morter location for a really, really good spice store. would you use cooking spices and if you would, what would you need? (it's penzey's if you want to google it)

Yeah! I would love to try the California Seasoned Pepper, any Curry powder, fajita seasoning, Fox Point seasoning, lamb seasoning, Northwoods seasoning, any cinnamon, and shallot-pepper seasoning.


Do you like knitted goods? If so, what would you like, what colors, and do you have any sensitivites or preference when it comes to type of yarn (ex: wool: yay or nay? do you prefer machine washable materials? do you not care?)?

Yep! I like bold colors (red, teal, yellow, orange) and have no material preference.


Could you use a new mug?



Would any Bunny like to receive Holiday serving bowls, trays, platters etc...? Winter/Christmas or Thanksgiving/Fall themed?

That would be good. I'd love anything with a snowman theme.


I know some people are squicked out at the idea of eating things that other people make, or the thought of deep fried cookies sends them into cardiac arrest. If you were my fox, would you like to receive some homemade goodies, or would you prefer that your goodies came from the store?

I'd love to receive homemade nuts or pickled veggies. Just keep in mind that I don't eat carby stuff like baked goods, candy, ect.


My lovely fluffy Snow Bunny, would you like a bodyscrub made by me? If so, what scent(s) would you like, if you had to think along the lines of essential oils? And would you prefer sugar or salt? A dryer scrub or one that's more oily/moist?

I would love a salt scrub! I like chunky scrubs with lots of oil. Lavender, evergreen, rose geranium, anise, and peppermint are some of my favorite essential oils.


Dear snow bunny, do you like candles? if yes, then what kind? scented (what scents), unscented, what colors, do you like them plain/painted on the outside/with decorations attached to the surface/sculpted?

Also what do you think of little soaps?

I like candles of all sorts. I have way, way too much soap, so I probably don't need more.


Socks! Slippers! Do you love them or not really wear them? If you love them, do you also love Sock Dreams?

I could truly use a pair of slippers. I would prefer the kind that have an open back, since I would mostly wear them to make trips from the couch to the kitchen or bedroom.


Would you wear something like this if your Fox were to knit you one? If so, what color?

Yes! Reds, teals, yellows…


New question: talk to me of coffee. Whole bean? Ground? Flavored, not flavored? Decaf, whole caff? Favorite roasters? Drip, french press, keurig? BRING ON THE TEA?

Tea is my favorite, but I like decaf coffee as well. I use whole bean coffee.


Who else here loves or would like to try Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics? If so, what would you like?

I haven’t tried them, but I’m a total eyeshadow junkie. I’ll give anything a try, but I don’t like stuff with tons of glitter.


Have you tried anything from Cocoa Pink and if so, what products and scents do you like or would like to try?

I love Cocoa Pink’s Junket and Soulmate conditioner.


Do you have kids (or kid-like pets) who your fox may want to take into account, either in terms of a little extra goody or simple safety?

I am happily child-free, but I do have two dog sons. No worries about safety!


Will you be away for any part of the round?

Not that I know of.


If you like Christmas music (or any other holiday music, for that matter), what kind of style do you like? Traditional? Modern and poppy? Indie?

Hell yeah! I like all styles, but tend to gravitate toward the classics and anything with a folk influence.


I live in the city of the chicken wing. If I were to send you something savory, what's your heat tolerance (or sweet and heat for that matter)?

I can tolerate quite a bit of spice. :D


If your fox/bunny were to gift you with a gift card from anywhere, as in any store food-wise, music wise etc., what gift card would you like?

iTunes, ThinkGeek, Sockdreams, Paintbox, Shiro Cosmetics (etsy)


Interested in anything from the Elements and Artifacts Yule update?

I already bought a bracelet and two pair of earrings… :blush:


What was the best holiday present you ever got?

An ass-kicking stereo system from my parents when I was about 13. I wore out that stereo listening to grunge music! :lol:


Bunny, what scent are you desperately wanting to be resurrected this year with the Anniversary update?

My soul for a bottle of Loviatar. :cry2: I’d also like to see Pinched With Four Aces and Hollyberry and Mistletoe.


Groupon for Moxie Nouveau!

Dear Bunneh, is this something that would interest you?



Bun-bun, what's your favourite colour?

Orange (not safety orange, more like pumpkin orange)


Your favourite gemstone?

Amethyst, emerald, opal


Your favourite animal (real or imaginary)?



And do you have any intense phobias?

I am terrified of heights and June Bugs.


Are you Nano-ing this month, bunny? If so, how would you feel about merch/donations to the cause?



Do you like/need boxes for perfume/knicknacks?

I’m pretty set on boxes.


Do you need any holiday recipes? Is there something in particular that you'd like baked or made for you? And for those of you doing the no sugar/low sugar, etc. thing these days, how about savory things?

I am always on the lookout for very low carb recipes.


Speaking about candles, how much do you look forward to the BPTP candles that will be launched on Etsy? I don't know if there will be other scents than the Samhain and Pumpkin Cookie one, but is there a specific one you are longing for?

I’m actually pretty meh about this.


Does anyone have issues with gently used things like books, etc.?

I’m fine with gently used!


Are you a big ol' nerd for any particular subject? Science, math, linguistics, etc? Or particular authors/fandoms?

Heh heh… If you have to ask, you obviously haven’t stalked me much! :lol:


If you found a $50 bill on the ground and were to place a Lab order, what would be in it? (And shipping is free through the magical BPAL unicorn!)

Right now I'd probably grab bottles of Rose Red 2011 and The Nymphae Avernales.


How do you feel about superheros? Are you a Marvel or DC fan? Do you have a favorite hero?



Also, question, dearest bunnies: would you like a Paintbox from Paintbox Soapworks? If so, which scents?

Ooooh, yeah! I'm interested in all of the holiday scents.


How do you feel about honey/beeswax? Would you like any?

Beeswax is possibly my favorite smell on earth and I love trying out new and unusual honeys. (Saw Palmetto honey is A++ guys, take my word for it.)

What does one do with beeswax? I know you make candles from it, but other than that... :think: Sounds interesting!


Are you a Trader Joe's fan, who either doesn't have a store nearby or just loves their stuff and has a wishlist?

I don't have a Trader Joe's nearby, so I don't really know what they carry. I've heard that they have great tea, so that would probably be on my wishlist.


If I were to place ONE LAST Weenie order, (uh, which I will) what would you want me to include for you? (presuming that is that the order can get here in time, bites nails)

The Nymphae Averales or Sentimental Initiation


Do you enjoy things that taste like roses? For example chewing gum, turkish delight, delicious goo that you eat by the spoonful out of a glass jar (and they all taste of rose. Yes, we have all these in Greece.)

I would love a rose-flavored tea.


If I were to send you chocolate is there anything I should avoid as in nuts, cherries etc.? Also, what are some of your favorite holiday candies?

I can only eat 85% dark chocolate, plain.


Do you have a strong preference for any sort of bath and body product brands (i.e. etailer/etsy type cos, department store/specialty brands like Lush) or are you cool with anything that doesn't smell like Bunnybane?

Yes, I'm pretty devoted to Lathers & Lights for my botdy products. Their body butter and body yogurt are amazing! However, I'm always open to being enabled.


A question: reveal, yes or no?

I always appreciate a reveal, but I would never force the issue.


Any favorite cuddly characters?

Anything handmade!


Charity gifts? Either fair-trade type stuff, or virtual type gifts, like vaccinations or school supplies being bought on your behalf, or something along those lines?

Animal shelter donations would be lovely.


Bunny, are you interested in tarts from Two Timing Tart? What scents, if any, are you interested in?

Tease, Bombshell, Innocence, Don't Make Baby Jesus Cry


Does anyone have issues with gently used things like books, etc.?

I'm fine with gently used items.



Hell yes! Pink a perfectly good color, and doesn't get enough respect if you ask me. :P


Fingerless mittens or full mitts?

Fingerless please!


Do you like artisan oils and vinegars?



Any crafty pursuits you’ve been dying to experiment with? Would you like a little kit of something you’ve never tried? Do you need any particular items for your new or existing stash?

I am dying to learn to knit, but somehow I can't find the patience to sit down and learn.


Bunny, could you use a 2012 calendar, and, if so, do you like big monthly ones or the page-a-day type?

That would be great. I actually really need a wall calendar for my office.


Do you like coin purses?

I like them, but I already have one.


I have a ton of soaps and not one soap dish. Would anyone else be interested in a soap dish or something like that?



If your fox were to knit something for you, would it be a lacy shawl or a pair of socks? Inquiring foxes want to know!

Probably a shawl.


Are you a Harry Potter fan? If so, which house do you identify with, and why? Would you want knitted things/replicas/accessories in your house colours?

Pottermore sorted me into Ravenclaw. :D


Are there any Yules from *PAST* years that you're interested in trying? Including past winter inquisitions?

I have been trying to get my hands on a bottle of Hollyberry & Mistletoe for SO long...


Bunnies! What is your general philosophy about patterns for accessories such as socks, scarves, and tights? Do you like solids? Stripes? Polka dots? Weird patterns like harlequin-type stuff? Any of the above?

How about all of the above? :lol: I do have an affinity for Argyle.


Bunny, are you interested in anything from Geek Chic Cosmetics?

Eyeshadow: Captain Tightpants, Kingslayer, Goomba, Archangel (goddamn I love Garrus... :heart: ), All the Rage, Eyes of the Werewolf


Sooo. Yules. Those just happened. What are you interested in, Bunny?

I bought a ton of decants, dear fox.





I had a question for everyone else though! A friend and I were recently talking about those Giant Microbe plushies, if you were my bunneh, would you like one? Which would you like?

I love those things! I already have Red Blood Cell, White Blood Cell, and Neuron, but I'd love to get Ulcer and Stem Cell.

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