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This week's garden update

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I'm omitting pictures of my Strawberries, herbs, and the experimental tomato - they all look pretty much the same as they did last week. (The experimental tomato plant actually has a couple of teeny tiny tomatoes forming under spent blossoms)


So, without further ado...


Check out my tomato!!!! Right now, it's about the size of a large blueberry. I have a couple of other really tiny ones starting to form elsewhere as well.



The plant itself is turning into a one-plant jungle:



We had a big thunderstorm over the weekend, and the Habanero took off! Two buds are open now, I'm really looking forward to having real home-grown peppers.



My Morning Glories/Moonflowers have started actually making vines. I will be making a twine treliss for them this weekend, as soon as I'm sure where on the balcony I want them to grow.



And finally, I rescued an aloe from Lowes this weekend. It was the only one they had, there was barely any soil in the pot, the poor thing was just rattling around in the pot. It did, however, look essentially healthy, so I had to bring it home. I trimmed two of the leaves, the bent one in the front, so it would have a clean cut to heal, and the one directly in the back, because it had a lot of dark spots.


Anyway, I took it to work on Monday. I read up on re-potting aloes, and consequently, I haven't actually watered it yet so that the roots can heal from being disturbed before getting wet. I'm going to try and hold off until monday before watering it, but it's hard, because I really want to baby it.


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This is so inspiring! I have some things planted - peppers, rosemary in pots, and a whole mess of herbs in a sandbox...but I always just thought gardens HAD to be planted in the ground. Now that I see how you are going about it and how well everything does, I am just going to totally fill my porch up ;)

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I have a great book called "The Bountiful Container" that is a thorough reference about every kind of edible that can be grown in a container.


I like container gardening better anyway. Less problems with bugs or disease, almost no weeding, and I get a warm feeling from having all of that lush vegitation on my balcony. I can't wait until I have clusters of ripening tomatoes and peppers.

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Lovely pics. Ooo, an aloe plant, how cool! When I was younger, my aunt used to have an aloe plant and I thought it was pretty neat that she had skin care right in her kitchen as opposed something out of a bottle from the drug store.


The only plant I've been able to keep alive for a long time is my potted bamboo plant I've had since freshman year of college. Victory! ;)

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