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UnBirthday Swap Questions

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Here I will collect all of the questions posted (after the original questionnaire) in-thread for the UnBirthday Swap. :)


What magazines do you read/ have subscriptions to?

Cooking Light, Scientific American, & Scientific American Mind. Oh, and my husband gets Texas Highways, if that counts....


Second question: What kind of socks or tights do you like?

I have enough socks that just come up to the ankle. Otherwise I like most socks. I could use more argyle ones I think. I do wear socks with silly stuff on them, and I do wear kneesocks if they fit on big calves (I know SockDreams has a whole category for that). I like tights too, but even more than with kneesocks, I'd need plus-sized ones... I think I got some on super-sale from Lane Bryant at the end of spring? For tights I like either patterned or solid colors.


Third Question: Who would like to get a box in the mail with different teas in them? If so, what kinds?

I would really love that. I own a decent amount of tea, but I like variety and mostly we have boxes with several tea bags apiece.


Do you use loose leaf or tea bags? Do you need any tea supplies, like bags, pots, or infusers?

I like tea bags better than loose tea but use both. And I would use loose tea more if I had a decent tea ball (which I guess is an infuser?), so you could get me one of those....


would you like anything (small) handknitted? if so, fiber sensitivities?

Sure, as long as it isn't mittens because I dislike those. No fiber sensitivities but if it's a wearable item I probably don't want something super-itchy!


Do you like knitted items? Any allergies or preferences when it comes to the yarn? What colors?

Mostly see the above question... but in terms of colors, other than what I've said in questionnaire about what colors I like, I guess I'd get the most use out of something wearable if it was in fall colors or blue.


wrapping paper:

It doesn't matter, really, but my preference would be something that isn't super, super girly. As in, glitter is fine, pink is fine, flowers are fine, but if it was the intersection of all three, an entirely pink glittery floral print, that might be a bit much. :lol:


Alice-in-Wonderland/Unbirthday themed:

I don't think I would mind something like that, as long as it isn't a t-shirt that would look better on a small child or something. :)


What are your art preferences?

I could write paragraphs and paragraphs about this and still not give a good representation of what I like. But here are some examples:

  • Many of the decorations in my house are 70s-textile type stuff... think nature scenes done with needlepoint or latchhook in weird color schemes (no, I don't make them, we buy them at vintage or thrift stores).
  • Odilon Redon
  • Mucha's stuff that isn't advertisements
  • Jules Olitski
  • My husband really likes Rothko and Cy Twombly and I'm also a fan to some extent


(I may edit this later with more examples.)


Oh, and I like Andy Warhol's earlier, advertising-type stuff... this is an example, and I figured it fit this swap since it's a pretty cake:




How do you feel about sample sizes or testers of things? (Obviously I mean new, things that I've never opened kind of samples)

Well, for me it depends on what they are samples of... I'm not much on skincare samples (moisturizing/undereye creams or stuff like that) because I already have a skincare regimen that works well for me. I might try makeup samples or I might not. Lotion/soap/shampoo/conditioner samples might also actually be used by me. Obviously I am cool with BPAL samples... not really a fan of most "other e-tailer"/OCYL perfume oil samples that I've been sent, I usually just end up passing them on.



The only full-sized products I've ever had from this company are a Whipped (lotion) in Scintillating and a Burn (candle) in Jai Mahal. Wasn't all that impressed with Jai Mahal (the scent was more straight-up foodie than "exotic" or whatever for me), but love the other item. I wouldn't mind something else from the company, maybe a soap because so far I've only had soap samples and not an entire bar (yeah, I've had/used BPTP soaps which I'm aware are a collaboration, but no full-sized "just Villainess" soaps). Scents I'm interested in for soap would include Quick or Dead (which is a Limited Edition), Trauma (also limited), Triple Mint (also limited), Asphyxiate, Chloroform, Ginger Snapped, Jade, Killer Beez, Pearl Diver, and, of course, Villainess. I also saw that currently "Pipevine Swallowtail" Burn and soap are on sale (Clearance section), and I'd love to have either of those... can't even imagine how awesome a candle with tomato leaf would be!!!


Favorite movies:

I'm not really into owning movies; I prettymuch never have the urge to re-watch things after I've seen them once. There was also already a question about what type of movies one likes in the orginal questionnaire for this swap, so the person who "has" me can look there if needed. :)


Do you have any hobbies that you need supplies for? Or anything you would like to learn to do?

Does BPAL count as a hobby? :lol: I need some of the tiny plastic baggies that a bottle or a few imps fit in (I don't go to headshops and those are the only places I know of that have them, since they are also drug paraphernalia) so that I can use them for swaps or sales. I also need some wand caps for bottles (yes, I know they can be ordered from the lab; I just keep forgetting when I order). Other than that, I mentioned wanting stickers in my original questionnaire, and I wouldn't mind some cute (Japanese?) stationery or notepads or something.


Kitchen supplies:

Yeah, I prettymuch always need these! :lol: I've already mentioned needing a tea ball. We also need a coffee grinder (I've seen little ones at Wal-Mart or whatever for like $10) and a small mortar & pestle set. I would like a cherry/olive pitter as well. Finally, not sure if spices count as kitchen supplies or not, but I could use some ground cardamom (again, ground, not the pods, I have plenty of those!) or some Vietnamese/Saigon cinnamon (not just regular cinnamon, the good stuff!).


Halloween stuff:

Mixed on this one too. I had some glittery foamstuff Halloween stickers (cats/witches/ghosts/graves/etc.) that I loved, up until a couple of months ago when I finally ran out of them from sticking a couple in every swap or sales package I sent out. I love black cats in general, and anything with a candy corn print. I really, really don't like pumpkin spice anything though (candles, drinks, whatever), so I don't want any of that.


Not a knitter or crochet-er, alas!


how do you like your incense, oil burners, or candles? Would you use an oil burner and essential oils? If so, what would be some longed-for essential oils?

I guess I'm lazy in this regard. In terms of home-scenting, I like stick/wand incense and scented candles (though the only Yankee Candle scent I've ever liked is plain old "Vanilla Cupcake" ... I'm more into candles by Voluspa or Illume or, uh, smaller businesses than those). I honestly feel like I live right by the best incense place ever, Devonshire (they make incense for the Vatican, etc., and I've also recently tried their soap and lotion), but I'd try other stick incense as well. I'm really not interested in oil burners or tart warmers or those reed diffuser sticks.


Collage or scrap-booking supplies?

Hmm... I guess not. I'd like to think that I make collages, but in reality I've made exactly one over the last several years. And I'm the kind that uses old magazines for that, and I can't really see myself asking for or getting old magazines as a birthday gift, even an UnBirthday one. Definitely not interested in origami paper or things primarily associated with scrap-booking, though as I mentioned previously, I'd love more stickers, especially Japanese/kawaii type ones!


Recently-released BPAL?

Well, I'm among the multitudes who love Silver-Haired Bat :lol: and would love to have more of it (I have less than 1/2 of a decant currently). I also wouldn't mind a decant of Pandy; didn't order that one with my other recent decants and have regretted this.


how would you feel about a small jar of jam/jelly/pickles/etc?

That'd be awesome. Not really into jalapeno jelly (I guess because of the usual way it's eaten with a block of cream cheese and crackers :ack: ), and really only like sour or dill pickles (none of that bread-and-butter or hot pickle business), but otherwise, I'd appreciate whatever!


NYC or Philadelphia stuff?

As another has mentioned above, I can't think of anything other than a "touristy magnet" from either. I mean, I'd love to try Big Gay Ice Cream in NYC, but obviously that won't ship and I wouldn't really want any of their "swag" without actually trying the ice cream treats.


One large gift or several small ones?

I'm in the "whatever's fine" camp I guess. Maybe with a slight preference toward more than one thing, but within reason (like, I'd rather have a $5 thing and a $20 thing than 25 $1 things, etc.). But if you find the one thing that's perfect for me, then have at it! :lol:


Maple syrup?

Yes please!


British treats:

I like honeycomb candy bars like Crunchie. Will update if I can think of anything else.


Ah, Think Geek... I've been a fan for several years. Within the bounds of this swap's suggested expenditure amount, I'd like:

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