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Fall 2012 Switch Witch Questions

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Do you like s'mores and s'mores-flavored things? I am not a huge fan. I prefer those components all separately, especially the chocolate. Marshmallows really only get used in my house in cocoa (the tiny ones) and rice krispie treats (the big ones). Graham crackers are pretty much just for my toddler nephew.


What's the neatest freebie you've gotten? It can be cool or thoughtful or just totally unexpected, and not limited to BPALdom.

I have come to expect loveliness from bpal people, but a recent freebie that blew me away was from a beer rep. Usually they just bring handfuls of crappy free t-shirts to the bar and give them to customers. But this rep remembered meeting me and brought me a special women's cut sweatshirt in the right size. He won my undying affection and staunch support of his brand with his thoughtfulness. He also told my husband, "Think of me every time your wife wears this" which we both laugh about every time I put the thing on!


Would you enjoy receiving cute but useful items like colorful kitchen utensils/gadgets, or bento supplies? (boxes, chopsticks, accessories, etc?) What about things like spice mixes (homemade, or Penzey's for example) Yes! I love anything food/kitchen related


Do you like cute, seasonal or fluffy PJ bottoms? Like they sell at Target, Old Navy (they have had cute Halloween ones!) If so, what size do you wear? I like them, and especially love them if they are flannel OR if they are yoga pant style. I wear a size small. I also love those flannel lined satin ones you see sometimes. They are the very best because they have the coziness of flannel, but allow you to actually turn over in bed at night. (Flannel pjs on flannel sheets is like velcro...)


What kind of chocolate do you like? Nuts, no nuts, white,dark, etc? Dark by preference, but will certainly not turn my nose up at milk or white. I like nuts, spices, and almost anything else you want to put in. I even like fruit (although not so much raisins) and fruit flavors (orange chocolate is divine, as is raspberry jam filling). I also like peanut butter, coconut and "cream" (as that in mallo cups).


I live near a Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and Penzeys! What does your little heart desire from any or all of these places? The biggest things I miss from WF and TJ are the snack foods I can pretend are marginally healthy but are so tasty: tamari almonds, wasabi peas, thai lime cashews, sesame honey cashews, wasabi almonds, etc. I also miss simmer sauces and interesting BBQ sauces, salsas and jams. Again, prepared things I could pretend were marginally healthier than regular grocery store options. Our co-op is good, but just doesn't have the same huge varieties of these things, or of the good chocolate bars that were at every WF checkout lane. We also miss having a TJs close for decent and drinkable cheap wine. We love our local wineries, but their prices are significantly higher than 2 Buck Chuck!


Are home made foods acceptable or does the idea of eating strange mailed food disturb you? Homemade foods would rock my world.


I just gave you $20 and sent you into a "has everything" store ala Walmart and told you that you have to come out having spent it all, and none of it on anything you need. What would you buy? Be as specific as possible!

At least one decent chocolate bar, a pair of pretty striped or patterned socks or tights (work appropriate so more like stripes or argyle than cartoon characters), and probably yet another bottle of ibuprofen for the work desk drawer. (I'm totally the office drug dealer -- everyone comes to me for headache meds.)


What kind of cuisines do you like? (I mentioned this in my ?aire but curious what my witch may like)And, what are your favorite restaurants? I love middle eastern food (dolmehs, hummus, baba ganouj, keftas, things flavored with pine nuts, cinnamon, lemon, tahini and rosewater, etc), Indian, and Ethiopian. I'm not a huge fan of most American Chinese (that ghastly sweet red sauce makes me cringe), but adore this black bean sauce the guys at the Chinese buffet in my hometown put on shellfish (which they make especially for my husband). I also like cajun/creole cuisine, Jamaican spices, and Thai. Really, I'm just a fan of FLAVOR. My favorite restaurants are all local places: Stella, Pearl's, Om, Poppycock's, and Fou Fou. Down in GR I seriously adore the food at Brewery Vivant.


I'm from Canada - is there anything specifically a witchee might like that is only available here? KitKat, Smarties, Mackintosh's toffee. From the UK, I have an inordinate fondness for TimeOut bars mainly based on nostalgia.


what are your "fandoms" and would you like a t-shirt from TeeFury if an appropriate one came up? I have a passing affection for Harry Potter (where I am a SlytherClaw -- I always thought I was Ravenclaw, but apparently there's a good bit of Slytherin in me too.) I don't really fangirl anything per se though. BUT I have seen fandom related TeeFury shirts I should wear. I've liked ones that play on Labyrinth, BSG, Harry Potter, etc.


Do you have an eReader and if so which one? Kindle Classic Keyboard


Do you like candles, or tart burners, or something? If so, what's your favorite scent to burn? I prefer candles to tarts (can't find my tart burner) and like either clean or spicy fragrances. To give you an idea, I have historically liked the citrus/sage jar candles from Yankee and love Stonehenge (favorite), Istanbul, Tuscany, Black Forest and Burl Wood from Archipelago Botanicals.


Marzipan? I would try it. Not sure I've ever had it!


Would you be interested in washable/reusable muslin “paper” towels (basically muslin squares hemmed around the edge)? Maybe in some sort of box to put on your kitchen or bathroom counter? Yes, yes, yes! Green cleaning products are always really nice. I just wish I could find a green alternative to the sponges with the scrubby on one side.


Do you drink alcohol and if so, would you be OK with your witch sending you homemade infused vodka? Yes and yes. We'd get the most use out of pepper or olive infused (for bloody marys), but would try any flavor!


If you get me (or a fellow Aussie, if there are any playing this round) as a witch or witch's minion, would you like to try some Australian specialties, such as TimTams (delicious chocolately cookies), Caramello Koalas (koala shaped chocolates filled with gloopy caramel), Australian native spices or anything like that?

I honestly don't know a lot about Australian foods. All those sound good and I am open to surprises.


If your witch is a knitter, crocheter or sewer, is there a particular type of garment you would love to receive (hat, scarf, wrap, cowl, socks, fingerless gloves, arm warmers etc)?

Anything really. I am in awe of people who can manage needles. I tried and had them taken away from me... Scarves, wraps, cowls, socks and arm warmers would get the most use. Fingerless gloves, not so much unless they went far up the arm. A hat would get use, but I have a very small head!


Is there anyone else in your house (kids, pets, partner) that would really appreciate a small gift being included for them in the switchwitchy haul so they don't feel left out?

The only other person in my house is J and he does not need special attention. He steals from me shamelessly anyway. (And I share. Because I love him.)


Since it's been mentioned several times, and I've also offered to nacho witch some, would you you like to receive wild rice and or maple syrup? I promise to include recipe ideas with the wild rice.

I love wild rice! And maple syrup! (I make a killer mushroom with wild rice soup.)


I have 5 bushels of tomatoes sitting in the kitchen right now that are supposed to turn into red sauce tomorrow, so would anyone like a basic red sauce (spaghetti sauce) to make its way to them?

I would be delighted.


Some of your favorite artists? Classic and modern? I like the pre-Raphaelites, but my husband does not. He likes Norman Rockwell, but I'm not a huge fan. I also like portraits, especially John Singer Sargent.


If you could have an image or certain subject painted for you on any type of "canvas" (on a box, on paper, on a canvas, and so on) - could you point your witch to some of these images?

I don't have a specific image in mine, but I am drawn to foxes and ravens/crows. If you peruse my etsy favorites, you'll see that I've hearted some various art related things with both of those animals.


Is there a GC scent that's been on your list for ages but keeps falling off the bottom of your order because of the LEs?

Sudha Segara. I use it mainly for layering and so it always gets short shrift.


Nail Polishes? Nail polish makes my fingers feel like they are asphyxiating, so I do not use it. I will paint my toe nails in the summer so I can wear sandals (they are gnarly and need camouflage), but as we go into winter I am leaving them polishless again and working on ways to get rid of the gnarl.


Would you be interested in having a bat adopted in your name? I think that would be lovely, although I'm a little off bats this summer after a lot of people I know had to have rabies shots because they slept in rooms/cabins where bats might have been.


How would you feel about a taste of (insert witch location here) box? Ecstatic.


Stuffed things: yea or nay? Stuffed olives, yay! Stuffed animal plush toys: Nay (unless they are really specific -- the knitted Mrs. Holiday Squirrel I got last Christmas is still much loved). But, in general, I don't sleep with or display stuffed things. They tend to get shoved in the toy box for child visitors.


New Question: mix-in-a-jar? How to you feel about cookie or cake or soup mixes that come in jars and you just add, like, an egg or water or what have you? I am game.


Would you be interested in beer, wine, or other specialty beverages from your Witch's area? Yes, but I will caution that shipping it can be a big pain. Use loads of bubble wrap and ziplock bags. Trust me.


Are there any crafts/skills you've wanted to learn but haven't gotten around to? And if so, would you be interested in supplies and tutorials? I am learning to sew. Tutorial, simple patterns, fabric, trim, thread, etc all welcome. Although they may not get used for a while or may get trashed if I do experiment with them!


Who here would be happy to get a lil' sumthin sumthin from Adagio Teas? I am always happy to receive good tea.


Do you Ravelry? And if so, what's your handle over there? Would you be interested in gift patterns from your queue? I have an account, but it is for stalking since I am not a knitter.


I live near this very cool Retro store (retrodrygoods.com) (you can order online too) - are there things from it that would make you squee if your witch sent them? Ack! I love that store! J and I always stopped to browse when we drove though. I always loved the aprons, candy (Bit o' Honey! Maple Buns! Clove gum! Mallo-Cups!), and tees (still mad I have never been able to find Save Ferris in a medium girly cut!)


Who likes Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses? I have never tried them!


What does your kitchen look like? Colors/style? Boring and blah. It's almost 100% white (cabinets, walls, appliances) with a wood floor and granite counters. Rental chic but nice counters. I tend to use bright colored towels etc (read! teal! sapphire! emerald! kelly green!) I really want a big rug for it, but they're so expensive!


Witchee, what are your favorite quotes?

From The Magus, by John Fowles:

There comes a time in each life like a point of fulcrum. At that time you must accept yourself. It is not anymore what you will become. It is what you are and always will be.


From Descent Into Hell, by Charles Williams:

Rarity was one form of delight and frequency another. A thing could even be beautiful because it did not happen, or rather the not-happening could be beautiful. So long always as joy was not rashly pinned to the happening; so long as you accepted what joys the universe offered and did not seek to compel the universe to offer you joys of your own definition.


I am also still head over heels in love with the poem You Who Never Arrived by Rilke:


You who never arrived

in my arms, Beloved, who were lost

from the start,

I don't even know what songs

would please you. I have given up trying

to recognize you in the surging wave of

the next moment. All the immense

images in me -- the far-off, deeply-felt

landscape, cities, towers, and bridges, and

unsuspected turns in the path,

and those powerful lands that were once

pulsing with the life of the gods--

all rise within me to mean

you, who forever elude me.


You, Beloved, who are all

the gardens I have ever gazed at,

longing. An open window

in a country house-- , and you almost

stepped out, pensive, to meet me.

Streets that I chanced upon,--

you had just walked down them and vanished.

And sometimes, in a shop, the mirrors

were still dizzy with your presence and,

startled, gave back my too-sudden image.

Who knows? Perhaps the same

bird echoed through both of us

yesterday, separate, in the evening...


Put your iPod/MP3 player/what-have-you on random and list the first 10 songs it plays!

My iPod has not been charged in ages. I will come back to this promise!


What's one random thing you really like and one random thing you really dislike? Like: Pink pepper in black tea blends. Dislike: Coriander in beer.


Are there any herbs that you haven't been able to lay hands on that I could send you? There's an herbal shop I really like here in NYC called Flower Power (flowerpower.net) that has quite a wide selection. Nothing in particular.


If there are no "witchy" shops near you, is there anything I can pick up for you from Enchantments? I can't think of anything, but I'll always take intent candles or really good, well researched books.


Hey Witchee! I want to send you a delivery. It could be cupcakes from a local bakery, it could be a singing hugging bear-a-gram, it could be a bouquet of flowers. But it will be something that you need to be there to receive.

a) Are you OK with "special deliveries"? *waggles eyebrows*

B..) Is the address in your questionnaire the best place to reach you for said deliveries?

c) If the delivery requires a phone number (as say, some florists do) would you be OK with that information being tracked down by your Witch or asked of you anonymously?

It's hard for me to be home and I work in a somewhat fishbowl atmosphere. Things that I can just say are "from a friend" without a whole lot of explanation (like flowers) are fine to send to me at work. Things that are embarrassing or require more explanation (singing telegrams) are probably a bad idea. And if you need the work info or phone, I am happy to supply it. If it's edible, there's also the possibility of having it delivered to my husband at the bar where I could pick it up after work. There's always someone there to sign.


What are some things you are OK with receiving gently used or homemade, and some things you absolutely do not want if they are gently used or homemade? I am absolutely fine with gently used and homemade.


And now a new question: I live near a Mast General Store (mastgeneralstore.com). It has lots of vintage-y toys, southern foods (jams, jellies, spices) and vintage candy. Is there anything I can get for you? Any interesting jams, spices etc are always welcome. For vintage candy, I prefer chocolate, toffee, or caramel based things to fruit chew type things.


Do you have any Fall or Halloween traditions? Just enjoying the season!


Ninjas or Pirates? Generally pirates, but I have a thing for ninja squirrels.


I have an extra room spray and 2 extra bath oils (one Cephalopod, one Exhibit Hall Fatigue) from Dragon*Con - would anybody like a decant? I would love one, but it has been my experience that decanted room sprays leak like crazy.


Witchee, would you like it if I made you a "mix tape" of songs that I think you might like? And if so, would you prefer mp3 or CD format? I would be delighted. mp3s preferred over cds. My car actually does still have a tape deck too.


I know it is totally the wrong season (for most of us), but do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you like to grow? I can't actually garden in my yard, so I've been all about container herbs this year. I'd love some chia herb garden type things for the kitchen. I'd also like to get some air purifying plants for my house.


I'm about to be near a Lush store next week, is there anything you might like from there? I think there are wishlist items in my Swap faery help post (old name for Switch Witch -- but I keep updating that post!). If not, I like Lush soaps and bath bombs/bubbles best. Don't love their facial care stuff and don't use lotion.


Songs that you keep meaning to buy but never get round to it? Honestly, I don't buy music. That's my husband's territory. He buys music and I buy books. It works for us.


Movies that you love but forgot to put in your questionaire? I'm sure there are many, but I can't think of them.


Any favorite Bath & Body Works scents/products? I feel bad saying this, but I generally don't like B&BW. I'm much more apt to lust after bar soap or candles from Whole Foods, a farmer's market or your local health food store!


Haus of Gloi is offering custom perfumes - would you like one? What would your ideal blend be? Hmm. Can I say not sure? My preferred base note is almost always patchouli, but there are plenty of patchoulis I hate (Shadow, for example, was awful on me). The fact that her only patchouli is labeled "dark" scares me a bit. I like aged, mellow patchoulis -- if it's too aggressive it won't work. That said, if I were taking the gamble I'd go with the Dark Patchouli base, with leather, ginger and honey/beeswax. Or possibly Dark patchouli, ginger, blood orange and honey/beeswax. Or maybe the same basic blends, but with a wood like mahogany rather than the patchouli?


Any Bath, Body or nutritional type items you would love to try from a Natural and Organic food store (similar to Whole Foods) that you don't buy because they are a bit too pricey? I continually eye all the fun nut snack blends, nut bars, chocolate bars, bar soaps, shave creams (Dr. Bronner makes shave cream!), and tinted lip balms at my co-op. I also often look at nut butters and hemp powder for smoothies. (I like protein powders, but hate that they have sweetener, even if it is stevia.)


OK, so those of you who said you wouldn't mind receiving (sneakily packaged!) beer or wine: Tell me of your taste preferences. Dry/sweet? Red/white? Lager/ale/porter/stout? Fruit? Spice? Hops? Sour (brettanomyces, etc)? To answer my own question... I like almost all types of beer, my one no-no is that I think beer flavored with coriander tastes like feet. I'm also not fond of super sweet fruit beers (but love things that make judicious use of fruit like New Belgium's seasonal raspberry brown ale - Frambozen). I've become more of a hop head lately, but am not exclusively a high IBU girl. I have also recently started to sort of appreciate some sour beers. To give you an idea of my taste in those: I like Escoffier by New Belgium and Brewery Vivant, Flamboyant Red by Arbor and Micromegas by Greenbush, but I hate most of the Jolly Pumpkin sours. Farmhouse ales I like. Otherwise, ale/lager, stout, porter, brown, I like it all! For wine, I like dry whites (unoaked or mildly oaked non-buttery chardonnay, sauvignon blanc, etc) and dry reds (pinot, cabs, syrah, malbec -- not super fond of most merlots as I think they have a funk). In general, I HATE sweet wine and even semi-dry is too darn sweet for me. I like (dry!) bubbly too. I also tend to like drier malbec roses.


Witchee, will you be gone from your normal mailing address at any point during the round? Not that I know of now. If plans develop I will post in the thread.


Are you a Disney fan or does even thinking about Disney make your head hurt? If you're into Disney, would you like something from the Happiest Place on Earth ;) ? I'm sort of ambivalent. I like some of the movies and enjoyed Disney as a kid. I think I'd enjoy taking my nephew. But I'm not a fan either and can't ever see J and I going there on vacation.


dear witchee, would you, could you use an electric candle warmer? Probably not?


Do you lust after some new socks/tights? Always!


Do you have a forum buddy? Someone who knows you and/or your tastes well enough to answer questions on your behalf? No particular buddy, but the GUSP ladies know me fairly well.


If you are on Livejournal, would you appreciate LJ stuff like paid time, custom userheads, stuff like that? If you are NOT on LJ but are on other sites that have similar paid-for services (Flickr, for example?) would you, and what are those sites/etc? I think I'm covered for all the paid stuff I would use.


if you are into tarot, what is your favorite card? I don't know enough to say. But I would love to learn!


would you like your own set of handmade rune stones or worry stones? I know nothing about runes, but would love to learn. I'm actually pretty set for worry stones as I live 5 blocks from the beach!


Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cider, or none of the above? Tea, with the very occasional cup of cocoa. I do love spicy, pepper dark chocolate cocoa though!


Gum, hard candy, soft candy, or none of the above? Peppermint gum!


Loose tea or tea bags? Do you need anything for your loose tea? (Filters, presses, etc.) I love both loose and bagged teas. I could always use more of the cup sized bags (like tea*sac brand). I love the unbleached find best.


Do you do Goodreads or LibraryThing or a site like that? If so, can I see your to-read list, please? I do, but they are wildly neglected and would not be of much use. I'm kakiphony on both I think.


Are you a gamer (of any sort - video, casual, tabletop) and are there any games you want? Nope.


Do you like coffee? If so, what kinds? Flavored, fancy, basic? Beans or ground? I have cut waaaaaay back (to the point of almost zero) on my coffee consumption. It upsets my stomach. That said, when I break down and want a cup I like African beans (Ethiopian and Tanzanian Peaberry are my favorites, whole bean.


Would a Starbucks gift card make you happy or do you prefer your local place? Sadly, the only local Starbucks is in my grocery store. I never go there because they just seem...not very bright.


Would you be interested in BPTP CANDY? YES.


CUSTOM-Made Pottery?? yea or nay? coffee mugs, rustic or more elegant? a set of bowls? soap dish? bird feeder? something alltogether different? and lastly, good colors for glazes...? I would love it! I like both rustic and elegant styles, and can always use mugs (I love the kind with a wide base and a kind of waist in the middle and then a wide top so you get the initial cooling of the tea, but the stuff below the waist stays warmer) and bowls -- big, small, nuts to soup to serving sizes. I'm covered for soap dishes. I have never owned a bird feeder and don't know if I'm trustworthy enough to keep it filled. For glazes, I love blues, greens and purples. Also, red!


Name one movie you keep meaning to buy, but just never get around to getting? Labyrinth


are there any if MeiLin's books (e-book or print) you'd be interested in? I only have the first book of Lovers and Beloveds and would not mind reading more.


If you like tea, what kinds? I drink mainly black tea blends (early grey or various stripes, Lady Londonderry, Sunday morning, almost all the Kusmi tea Russianblends, etc) and oolongs (love Monkey picked, Six Summits, Thai Mountain, etc). I rarely drink green tea and LOATHE anything with hibiscus or rose hips. Chamomile is too closely related to ragweed for me to drink it without allergy issues cropping up. For herbals, I like mint, licorice and ginger blends.


Zombies; Yay or Nay? Yay?


If you have cats, do they like catnip toys? If you have doggies, would they like a super-reinforced canvas toy with a squeaker in it? No pets.


If you have kids, what are they into? No kids.


How do you feel about wearable knitted lace? Shawls, wraps, and the like? I like it as long as it's not too froo-froo or doily like.


Looking at the warehouse, I notice that our lovely Greenwoodtree is able to do chart readings and/or forecasts at a very reasonable rate. Is this something you would want? I would be delighted.


I live in Japan. Anything you would be interested in from there? Mainly food and tea related things, maybe art or pottery? Probably not stationery as I'm not a letter writer.


Candy Corn: yes, no? I actually am not terribly fond of it. It kind of makes my teeth hurt. Of course, I frequently push half of most deserts away saying they're too sweet.


What is your holy grail "I'd kill to just have one drop in an imp" bpal scent? Sacrifice.


Are there any existing Weenies that you have your eye on, but haven't gotten around to getting I bought decants of all the things I wanted to try, but haven't sniffed them yet. Once I sniff one may stand out, but for now I'm set.


if you wear earrings, do you have pierced ears? Traditional one hole in each lobe piercings. I tend to wear studs or delicate and not super long dangles.


You are meeting up with someone on a casual lunch/early afternoon thing. This person is someone you want to impress/look good for (for whatever reason, not necessarily romantic, and not necessarily for business either). What would you look like, given the contents of your wardrobe/etc?

Depends on where we are meeting. If it's at a casual place (like my husband's bar) I'd wear my favorite jeans with a wide brown, big buckled belt, a tank top under one of my favorite form fitting button down blouses (one is navy, and very classic Oxford and one is a green foliage patterned western style snap-front from Ann taylor -- I wear them unbuttoned just enough for the tank to show in a contrasting color), with my Artemis necklace, and either my red Naturalista mary janes or a pair of black boots. If it's a fancier meeting or a work meeting, I'd wear my dark gray tweed skirt which is knee length with buttoned pleats at the knees, a black merino turtleneck sweater, black sweater tights, and either black Josef Seibel low heeled mary janes or black boots with my Lolth's Web (minus the spider).


You are to be let loose in a clothing store of your choice, to pick a full outfit, down to the shoes, the accessories, etc. and things would be altered to fit you if needed. What store would that be, and what would you look like?

I'd go for a tailored, conservative work clothes type store since tailored and relatively simple/conservative is my go-to look. (I've often said that Katharine is the Hepburn who is my style icon rather than Audrey.) For the sake of making this concrete let's pick J Crew, and I'm picking pieces I could mix and match with my current wardrobe in order to be cost effective (so I'm picking a blouse and a tank rather than a turtleneck even though I wear more turtlenecks): safari trousers in grey, stretch suiting tank in black, dream yoga cardigan in black, stretch perfect shirt in bright hydrangea, red snakeskin loafers, pearls and matching earrings, red hobo bag, ribbed tights in black, red cat's eye sunglasses, timex military watch, and drake's scarf in red.


You open a box from the post office to reveal the 3 things you want most right now. What are they? (caveats: size doesn't matter, but they have to be tangible/buyable).

A big (6' minimum) round area rug for my kitchen, knee high black boots that fit my skinny chicken legs, and several pairs of sweater tights in various sorta conservative yet fun patterns.


WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF!!! movies, comedians, black humor, your partner, a comic strip? what?

Black and/or quirky/bizarre humor. I am NOT a fan of physical comedy -- I like my wit dry and verbal. I also don't like humiliation comedy.


If you posted any kind of link in your original questionnaire, PLEASE post them again or put a link to SW Help in your signature.

Etsy Profile and Favorites

Amazon wishlist


The end of this month I'm going to Scarefest, the big horror and paranormal con in Kentucky. (www.scarefest.com) If I were your witch, is there anything you would like from there (skull jewelry, art prints from an artist that catch your eye, etc), or anyone whose autograph or photo or such you would dig?


My new job is at a consignment store where we have all kinds of designer brands for very reasonable prices. Are there designer clothes/purses/sunglasses that you desire/love? (Give some indication as to your "style" as well. For example, do you like bohemian-style frocks in lavender? Crossbody purses in black? Sunglasses that are round and bug-like?)

Designer names aren't a huge thing for me, but I love silk scarves and big black or tortoiseshell sunglasses. Think Jackie O and Tammy Faye style.


I realize that we had a similar question in the ?aire, but I need you Witchee-s to list at least 5 items, each ranging $20 and under from Amazon.com or Walmart.com.


In the meantime, let me know what you like to do on the Internet to kill time. Flash games? What are your daily websites/blog visits, or favorite YouTube videos?

I have over 200 blogs in my RSS (google reader) feed.


And what are your favourite characters from your fandoms? I'm just not a huge fangirl.


My Little Pony... Cute or meh? Meh. Extremely meh.


Lip balm - tube or tin? Either!


Would you like to receive a journal or sketchbook? How about other pretty paper goods like post-its, notepads, bookmarks, letter paper/envelopes? I probably would not get much use out of anything pretty -- but sticky notes are always useful. Also, a magnetic list that sticks to the refrigerator would get used.


Are you interested in audiobooks? If so, any specific titles? Not really. Not enough car time or bus time any more.


Bar soaps with some scrubby bits, yes or no? Sure!


Do you need any small electronic gadgets like flash drives and the like? A keychain flashlight is all I can think of.


Would you like a pair of knitted socks? Absolutely


Do you have any use for knitted dishcloths, facecloths, etc, especially if they were fandom related? Kitchen dish cloths are always welcome, fandom or otherwise.


Do you subscribe to any sample boxes, and if so, which ones? Would you like to receive some samples? I have a Birch Box subscription, but would love some samples of green products etc.


do you have a problem with nudes??? If not, do you prefer male or female? I don't have a problem with them, but they're not really my style either.


Paintbox Soapworks: Interested in anything from her? I would love to try soaps or scrubs. The scents that most appeal to me are: Gingermilk, The Queen is Dead, Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh, This Charming Man and The Englishman


are there any other e-tailers you're desperately wanting to try? if so, any specific items/scents/etc? I can always use more Villainess and I think I have scent preferences in the old Swap Faery thing linked in my signature. I'm desperate for nothing, but happy to try anything!


ThinkGeek: anything interesting to you on there? Not really my style although I've long eyed the light saber umbrellas for my husband


What's one thing you want, right now, that you're having difficulty finding? Boots that fit my chicken legs.


Who here is going to be picking up JK Rowling's new book on Thursday? I'll read, but have no compulsion to buy it Thursday.


What do you do to take care of yourself when you're having a rough day (sick, life not going your way, whatever)? Comfort food, a warm bath and a comfort read.

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