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Q&A Part 2 Switch Witch Fall 2012

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Are you a gamer (of any sort - video, casual, tabletop) and are there any games you want?



Would you be interested in BPTP CANDY?

Perhaps, although I haven't seen enough information on the upcoming candy to have a real opinion.


Do you like coffee? If so, what kinds? Flavored, fancy, basic? Beans or ground?

Yes. I'd be willing to give just about any kind a try (though I rather hope that civet coffee is too pricy for this swap). Either beans or ground - beans might be better because they're more storeable.


Would a Starbucks gift card make you happy or do you prefer your local place?

Starbucks, since I'm not even sure where most of the local places are (and Starbucks is not that common around here, either). But I'd probably use a Starbucks card eventually since I travel a lot.


CUSTOM-Made Pottery?? yea or nay? coffee mugs, rustic or more elegant? a set of bowls? soap dish? bird feeder? something alltogether different? and lastly, good colors for glazes...?

Yes, yes, YES! Either rustic or elegant. Probably not coffee mugs since I'm already overrun with them. Bowls or a soap dish might get used, and a bird feeder might be fun. Just a general container might be useful, too - the kind of thing that can hold kitchen tools, or letters, or general odds-n-ends. Colors probably in the blue-green-purple/lavender range, fairly subdued and "naturalistic".


Do you have a forum buddy? Someone who knows you and/or your tastes well enough to answer questions on your behalf?



If you are on Livejournal, would you appreciate LJ stuff like paid time, custom userheads, stuff like that? If you are NOT on LJ but are on other sites that have similar paid-for services (Flickr, for example?) would you, and what are those sites/etc?

Not applicable.


If you are into tarot, what is your favorite card?

Perhaps the Six of Water from the Gaian Tarot. Or just about any card from the Gaian Tarot.


Would you like your own set of handmade rune stones or worry stones?

That sounds interesting. I haven't used runestones, although I've looked at them in stores. I'm not familiar with worry stones.


Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cider, or none of the above?

All of the above! Except perhaps hard cider.


Gum, hard candy, soft candy, or none of the above?

Soft candy. Hard candy isn't out of the question, but given the option I go for the instant gratification. I don't chew gum.


Loose tea or tea bags? Do you need anything for your loose tea? (Filters, presses, etc.)

Either. A nice tea ball would be good (I saw one recently on Think Geek that's a little Death Star). Maybe some other accessories such as a tea strainer (for when you're pouring) or a tea bag holder. (Perhaps that last would be a good custom pottery item!)


Do you do Goodreads or LibraryThing or a site like that? If so, can I see your to-read list, please?

No, not on any of those sites.


Zombies; Yay or Nay?

Nay. Nay, nay, NAY!!!


If you have cats, do they like catnip toys? If you have doggies, would they like a super-reinforced canvas toy with a squeaker in it?

No cats, no dogs.

If you have kids, what are they into?

No kids, either human or fur.

How do you feel about wearable knitted lace? Shawls, wraps, and the like?

Sort of in favor of them, but I strongly suspect I wouldn't ever actually use them.

Looking at the warehouse, I notice that our lovely Greenwoodtree is able to do chart readings and/or forecasts at a very reasonable rate. Is this something you would want?

That would be lovely.


Candy Corn: yes, no? I'm debating attempting to make some. >.>

Yes, but I'm not really "in to" candy corn nearly as much as a lot of other candies - especially ones that involve chocolate!


Hey, while answering, I thought of a question. The end of this month I'm going to Scarefest, the big horror and paranormal con in Kentucky. Here's the link to the site. If I were your witch, is there anything you would like from there (skull jewelry, art prints from an artist that catch your eye, etc), or anyone whose autograph or photo or such you would dig?

This isn't really my thing, so no, thank you.


I live in Japan. Anything you would be interested in from there?

The unique KitKat flavors that others have mentioned sound interesting. I also have a small collection of Japanese obis, but an obi would probably be too extravagant.


What makes you laugh your ass off? movies, comedians, black humor, your partner, a comic strip? what?

Lucyboo21's stories (the Naked Guy Fire, CeeCee and the doggy bag, you name it)!

I also have a weakness for good puns and wordplay. Example, from the latest Think Geek e-mail:

"Red Rover, Red Rover"

My cat lived on Mars

Curiosity killed it

Flattened on impact

Or this visual pun: hugemanateeh.jpg


You open a box from the post office to reveal the 3 things you want most right now. What are they?

1) A nice, big (about 30 x 40 inches) painting by Javier Lopez Barbosa

2) An art glass piece by Preston Singletary - preferably one of his versions of Raven Stealing the Sun

3) This item from Tiffany

As you can see, it would be a fairly large box.


You are meeting up with someone on a casual lunch/early afternoon thing. This person is someone you want to impress/look good for (for whatever reason, not necessarily romantic, and not necessarily for business either). What would you look like, given the contents of your wardrobe/etc?

Probably a polo shirt, denim skirt, and my funky Trippen ankle boots in dark silver metallic leather.


You are to be let loose in a clothing store of your choice, to pick a full outfit, down to the shoes, the accessories, etc. and things would be altered to fit you if needed. What store would that be, and what would you look like?

I just recently found the perfect store to answer this question: Santa Fe Dry Goods. The clothing would be Rundholz, Ann Demeulemeester, or Eskandar (or perhaps Issey Miyake, Oska, or Dries Van Noten); I'd add a necklace from one of the store's lines, perhaps this one by Holly Masterson; and finish it off with Trippen shoes. Maybe I'd add an Etro scarf if they had one in stock that caught my eye. (This was an ideal world / fantasy question, wasn't it?)


if you wear earrings, do you have pierced ears?

My ears are not pierced and I don't wear earrings.


What is your holy grail "I'd kill to just have one drop in an imp" bpal scent?

I don't have a Holy Grail BPAL scent.


Are there any existing Weenies that you have your eye on, but haven't gotten around to getting?

I already placed a massive decant order for the first Weenie round, in addition to ordering a few bottles. Check back after the next round of Weenies goes live.


My new job is at a consignment store where we have all kinds of designer brands for very reasonable prices. Are there designer clothes/purses/sunglasses that you desire/love? (Give some indication as to your "style" as well. For example, do you like bohemian-style frocks in lavender? Crossbody purses in black? Sunglasses that are round and bug-like?)

No, not really.


I realize that we had a similar question in the ?aire, but I need you Witchee-s to list at least 5 items, each ranging $20 and under from Amazon.com or Walmart.com.

Bimbos of the Death Sun

Nicholas and Alexandra (to replace my copy of the 1969 paperback, which has finally fallen apart)

Ethiopiques 20: Live in Addis (or any of the other Ethiopiques recordings; I don't have any of them)

Boom Shinga Ling by Oojami

and some Devil Duckies


In the meantime, let me know what you like to do on the Internet to kill time. Flash games? What are your daily websites/blog visits, or favorite YouTube videos?

The BPAL forum, Facebook, checking e-mail, checking the news, shopping.


And what are your favourite characters from your fandoms?

No fandoms, so N/A.


My Little Pony... Cute or meh?

Worse than meh, more like "Aaaagghhhh, get it off me!!!" **arm flail**


Lip balm - tube or tin?



Would you like to receive a journal or sketchbook? How about other pretty paper goods like post-its, notepads, bookmarks, letter paper/envelopes?

I have a weakness for journals, which means that I already have a stack of pristine, unused journals. I'd probably use post-its or notepads; in theory I should use bookmarks but I don't have them handy when I need them, so my bookmarks tend to be restaurant receipts, airline boarding passes, and the like.


Are you interested in audiobooks? If so, any specific titles?

No, I don't use audiobooks.


Bar soaps with some scrubby bits, yes or no?

Yes, keeping in mind the previous caveats about how my backstock of soap is already trying to take over the bathroom.


Do you need any small electronic gadgets like flash drives and the like?

Need, no. But I keep getting tempted by the USB gadgets that Think Geek has, such as the one-can refrigerator and the USB Pet Rock. (The latter does everything that the 1970's original did - i.e., nothing. And yes, I'm old enough to remember the original.)


Would you like a pair of knitted socks?

Probably not. As previously stated, I have large calves & tend to be picky about my socks.


Do you have any use for knitted dishcloths, facecloths, etc, especially if they were fandom related?

Dishcloths, probably. But not fandom-related, because I don't have any fandoms.


Do you subscribe to any sample boxes, and if so, which ones? Would you like to receive some samples?

No and no, thank you. I tend not to use samples.


Do you have a problem with nudes??? If not, do you prefer male or female?

No, not really, as long as they aren't overtly sexual. I own several Bodyscapes works. I'd say that I prefer female nudes, but that's just cultural conditioning (they're far more prevalent). Really, either is fine.


People ask a lot of questions about dogs and cats, but I know a lot of forumites have rodent pets. How would you feel about hammocks or toys for your rats/hamsters/gerbils/etc.?

If I am providing housing for any rodents right now, it's purely unintentional. So no, thank you.


Paintbox Soapworks: Interested in anything from her?

I like Tarty's glycerine soaps, but I still have some unused ones from my last order. Plus the only scent among the ones that are up on Etsy right now that looks interesting is Lady Linden (although I might go for another bar of Snoggin' if the Yule scents go up before this SW round is over).


ThinkGeek: anything interesting to you on there?

I already mentioned the Star Wars Death Star Tea Infuser. It looks like they no longer have the USB Pet Rock, and the USB beverage cooler is out of stock at the moment. But there is a USB Aromatherapy Oil Diffuser that looks interesting. I'm sure there are plenty of other possibilities, I just don't allow myself to make wishlists there!


What's one thing you want, right now, that you're having difficulty finding?

Aside from money and/or a winning lottery ticket? Can't think of anything offhand.

Are there any e-tailers you're desperately wanting to try? if so, any specific items/scents/etc?

Not desperately wanting to try, no.



Probably. There are quite a few out there that I like.


What do you do to take care of yourself when you're having a rough day (sick, life not going your way, whatever)?

Well, that rather depends on the nature & severity of the problem, plus whatever "must do" things that I have (assuming a sufficiently high level of functionality). But let to my own devices, probably stay in bed with a stack of books and magazines, plus chocolates & junk food. Or maybe just stay in bed and sleep.


Who here is going to be picking up JK Rowling's new book on Thursday?

I've had it on order for weeks. But, being cheap, the order was placed with Amazon's free shipping, so my gratification will be somewhat delayed. I haven't seen a shipping notice yet.


Favorite and least favorite baked goods?

Favorite: classic Toll House chocolate chip cookies (with real chocolate chips, real vanilla extract, real butter, etc.), orange bread from Holly B's Bakery in Lopez, WA, cinnamon rolls with buttercream frosting, nice dense chocolate tortes (or Sachertorte). Least favorite: most anything bland & boring. For some reason, cannoli seems to fall into this category.


What size T-Shirt do you wear (standard AND babydoll)?

In men's or unisex t-shirt, a Large or X-Large, depending on how generously they're cut. In most women's t-shirts (apparently), about a XXL or XXXL. That's why I usually purchase the men's version if both are offered. I don't wear babydolls.


I found a fantastic little shop while traveling that had unusual jellies and jams. Would you be interested in trying something like Georgia Moonshine Jelly or TOE Jam (each letter stands for some kind of fruit, I don't remember which ones) or something similar? How about homemade jam in general?

Fruit jams or jellies, yes. Probably not a moonshine jelly. Homemade jam, probably. I just got a jar of homemade blackberry jam from a co-worker.


Would you be interested in homemade herbal remedies and tinctures?

Probably not the finished products, but I might be interested in recipes.


Witchee, do you want anything from the Haunt update coming up on 10/3? I know it might be too early to say, but if you could look at the preview on the night of 10/2 and let me know if you want anything...

It hasn't been very long since I received the stuff I ordered from her last update. However, that said, I might like to get something in the Witch Wife scent other than the skin glossing oil. I have more than enough skin glossing oil already on hand. And I'm not sure I'll ever have enough vanilla pear lip lust.


Do any of Villainness' Soap Box exclusive scents interest you, especially any of the Smooches/Whippeds?

No, thank you.


Puddin' just put a shitton of old Lunacy shirts on the BPTP Etsy! Any ones interest you?

This batch seems to have been mostly v-necks, which I don't wear. Plus even the XXL size in the Bellas and tissue tees are too small for me.


Is there something(s) that you consider too spendy or too frivolous for you to buy for yourself, but that you actually want?

Too spendy means it's definitely too much for Switch Witch (see my answer to the fantasy package question for samples of my "too spendy"). I'll have to think about the "too frivolous" part.

Gardening? I would like to, but my yard & schedule do not lend themselves to it.


Do you use or would like to try loose eyeshadow pigments? I already have a ton of eyeshadow pigments that I don't wear, primarily because of the sweaty, humid Florida climate.


Is there anything you might want from the latest weenie update (Lab or TP)? I'm afraid I already took care of myself with a Lab order & a couple of decant circle orders.


What's a new company to you that you most want to try a product from or what would be a new product to you that you most want to try (make-up, perfume, or bath/body)? I don't really have any "want to tries" at the moment.


If you like necklaces, what are some symbols or images that you would love to have a necklace depict? (ex. spiders, skulls, hearts...?) Probably a butterfly. Unless you want to get me a theobromine molecule from Molecular Muse on Etsy.


If you had a fairy for NYCC, what exclusive scent would you kill to own? None of them really jumped out at me. (And it's sort of OBE now.)


What do you think of Shiro Cosmetics Halloween Collection? (www.shirocosmetics.com) I admit I haven't even looked at the link.


The Godiva Halloween Collection: link? None of their Halloween collection really attracts me.


Would you be interested in comic books and if so what ones do you read or what genre of comics are you interested in? Not a comics person, thank you.


WITCHEE, DO YOU WANT ANYTHING FROM CALIFORNIA? I live fairly close to the Florida editions of the theme parks, plus I get out to California occasionally on my own. But if you come across any See's Butterscotch Chews or Dark Butterchews or [Holy Grail] Mincemeat Creams . . . . .


IngenuiTEAs? Perhaps.


Honeycrisp "Apple Crips" (Dried honeycrisp apples, nothing added.) DO YOU WANT SOME WITCHEE????? I might like some.


Design a tea? Some of the possibilities are very intriguing.


FusionSweets? (etsy) Yes! Bacon Sea Salt caramels, and really most of the caramels.


Poe Day? Dark Del merch in general? The Haunted Palace sounded interesting. The Dark Delicacies merchandise in general, no, thank you.


Kombucha? No, thank you.


Are you dressing up for Halloween, Witchee? If so, is there anything you're looking for to complete your costume? Not dressing up, so no, thank you.


Do you need any accessories for your smartphone (case, skin, etc)? No, thank you.


Mustaches? Uhhhhhh, no. No, thank you.

Mead? I keep thinking that I ought to like mead, but every time I do try it, it's sort of "meh". But I'm willing to give it more chances!

Warm, fuzzy socks? If they're ankle-high. I really don't need them too much in Florida.

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