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2012 Winter Solstice Swap Q&A

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24. Do you have a favorite animal (or breed of animal)?


The noble tree kangaroo! Also pygmy shrews. Also guinea pigs. And wrens are really special to me.


25. Do you like stuffed toys/animals?


Sorta! Okay, let me explain. I love stuffed animals, but I'm pretty much at capacity for them unless they're really special. Beanie babies = probably not something I need more of in my life. (My kid would steal them anyway.) A stuffed animal you made = omg awesome. Something unusual that you think I'd love = probably cool too.


26. Would you like/want anything Disney-related, or from Disneyland?


Can't think of anything! I like older Disney animated movies but that's pretty much it.


27. How do people feel about puzzles? Board games? Any particular ones that you might like or have and would like additions to?


I'm crazy for crossword puzzles, but that's about it. I like board games but rarely play then.


28. Is there anything under $10 that you've been wanting from World Market?


Not that I can think of! Though I fucking love Hob Nobs (oaty biscuits!!) and pretty much never say no to them.


29. If you answered yes to any beverage-related questions, what exactly do you like in tea, coffee, alcohol, cocoa, cider, etc.?


Did we already have a question about this? Um... hm. My general food answer is that I like pretty much everything that's vegan. It's true for drinks too. For tea, I mostly drink chais these days (but I like black, and green, and herbal, and roiboos), there is no coffee I don't like (I'm not super into flavored, and I will generally pick a dark roast over a light one), I like most booze (particularly fond of red wine and gin (not together of course), love craft beers, pretty much anything unusual or small batch gives me grabby hands), cocoa (if it's vegan I like it; I'm a bit disappointed by the Theo brand one), cider (hot and spicy).


29. Stones? What color/types of stones, precious, semi precious or otherwise do you like?


I like shinies! Amethyst is a favorite, and garnet, and labradorite, and agate. Shiny glass is okay too.


30. Anything small you need?


Small size or small price? I'd love a bottle of nail polish (see: sparkly!). Or a ball of rubber bands. Or plain black metal hair clips.


31. Would you like a scarf, or knitted dishclothes? If so, what colors?


Sure! For dishcloths, color doesn't matter, though not white because I will stain it instantly. I love dishcloths though; we don't use paper towels so new cloth ones are always welcome.


For scarves, I generally go towards darker colors (charcoal grey! dark brown! etc!) but anything other than rainbow multi-colored (I don't have the panache!), or bright orange or bright yellow or bright pink, I'm into it. Red, blue, green, dark orange, it's all good! Sparkly yarn okay too.





14. Socks? short? long? fuzzy?


sure! Handknit socks are sort of my dream gift right now, but storebought socks are okay too! I don't like velour or weird stuff like that... no novelty stuff or stuff that's too bumpy. Cotton or wool would be ideal. I've loved some of the socks I've gotten from SockDreams over the years but in general they tend to carry socks that are pretty thin and (this is awful to admit), my terrifying toe chitin tends to destroy them quickly.


15. Jewelry? Pierced Ears? Do you like necklaces/pendants? Bracelets? Rings?


I don't have pierced ears. I like necklaces, pendants, bracelets and rings though! My wrists are smallish, my neck is smallish, my fingers are sort of fat. I can give you more specific sizes if you need them.


16. Anything you're particularly wanting from the Lab/Post at the moment? How about GCs you keep meaning to get but never get around to?


I want all the Yules. What I really, really want are Yules from 2 years ago. (Nutcracker stuff.) Life got in the way and I missed all of those and have been mourning it ever since.


17. Do you have any fandoms?


Doctor Who, and Lovecraft! I love all things related to either, but I'm not socially part of any fandoms. (Know what I mean?)


18. Does anything from Two Timing Tart interest you?


I don't really like scented candles!


19. Does anything from Sock Dreams interest you?


See above re: socks. What I would love from Sock Dreams is another pair of the EG Smith space-dyed tights. I got a pair in a clothing swap and loved them so much that I bought another pair from there a few years ago... muy expensivo but so warm and so beautiful. It looks like they're out of stock right now though (maybe forever?).


20. Any movies (holiday or otherwise) that you want to see but never get around to?


I'm terrible about remembering movies. Nothing's coming to mind!


21. Do you need any smartphone accessories (case, skin, etc)?


Not really! I have an iPhone 4 and while I can't think of anything I really need for it, you're welcome to send something if you have a good idea! I have a bumper thingy on it currently but am not married to it.


22. Small samples of homemade booze?




23. Is there anything from local farmer markets that would interest you?


I love food and I love local shit and I would love if you would send me local foods! Anything mailable and vegan works for me... nuts or jams or sauerkraut or whatever.



Where can I find your Q&A? Do you have a wishlist post/blog and does it link other things like Etsy/Amazon?


All links in my sig!


If you were to come into an unexpected windfall (a huge amount of cash), what would you get for yourself?


A nice hair cut and a trip somewhere I've never been before. And probably a shit ton of nice soap, heh.


Do you prefer votives, tarts, tapers or jar candles (if you are into candles)?


I don't really do candles (see: small people running full tilt around my house at all times). I also don't really like scented candles. (Isn't that weird? I don't like my house to smell like anything but a house.)


Any books you've been meaning to get for yourself but haven't yet?


There are some things on my Amazon wishlist! My husband and I have pretty similar taste in books (mostly SF with occasional jaunts into fantasy etc), and he tends to buy books he wants as soon as they come out. So most of my wishlist is stuff that only I like (vegan cookbooks, memoirs... I love memoirs) or that I want but am not desperate for.


Right now I *really* want a copy of Vegan Eats World by Terry Hope Romero... not sure that's on my Amazon list yet.


Would you want something included for your pets? If so, is there anything they really like?


Ianto, my guinea pig, isn't really into toys or guinea pig treats or anything. Such things do exist but he could care less!


Is there any Bath etailer that you want to try? That you love? What do you want from there? What's your favorite bath item?


Oy. I love all things bath related and pretty much want to try ALL THE RETAILERS. You can never go wrong sending me fancy soap, even if it's from someone I've never heard of before. As for people I have heard of, I loooooooooove Paintbox Soapworks and pretty much anything new that shows up there, I instantly want.


Tea? Cider? Others?


I'm mostly a coffee drinker these days. I like tea, I just don't have time for it! Hot cider is great but I rarely drink it.


Recipes/Soup in a Jar?


Sure! I cook all the time and am always happy for new recipes. Soup in a jar would probably sit in my cabinet for a long time and then one day I'd be near starving to death and be like HEY GUYS LOOK SOME SOUP and get really excited.


Fiber Allergies?




I will note though: I don't do silk generally. "Tussah" or "peace" silk is okay with me, but plain ol' mulberry silk squicks me out.


Likewise, anything else you have to kill the animal for (like bison fiber, sadly) doesn't appeal.


Colors You Like/Dislike?


For wearing: dark colors, but not necessarily black. Charcoal grey is probably my super favorite. Also browns. Red is my favorite color overall but I don't wear it a ton. (I like it, just don't seem to buy it much.)


I don't love pastels in general and I don't usually care for yellow. Otherwise, I am pretty easy to please.


Oh, and anything white quickly turns another color in my possession, so, yeah.


Sweet Solstice Sister, what color of nail polish would brighten your senses or make you smile? Glitter or no?


Glitter! Glitter! Glitterrrrrrr! Um, if it's sparkly, I like it. I have a 3 year old's taste in nail polish.


The one color of nail polish that I actively dislike is blue. A light sort of ice blue might be okay but mostly blue isn't my thing for polish.

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