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SW Summer Round, pt. 1

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First off, apologies in advance, I'm a rambler.


Dr Who? Never seen it actually. Keep meaning to watch on Netflix but we're still trying to make it through all of Star Trek (all the series) and The Twilight Zone. Plus, of course, we have to periodically rewatch all the MythBusters episodes. I don't branch out to much TV beyond those three shows, The Walking Dead (although I'm now a season behind), and the occasional live sports (in bars because we don't have cable). I also enjoyed Firefly a lot, but I don't do much Firefly rewatching.


How much do you like lipbalm? Flavored or unflavored? What are your favorite brands and flavors? I received some lovely, homemade lip balm in a recent swap. Adding that to what I already had, I will probably never be able to use all the lip balm I currently own.


Do you like and wear lipgloss? If yes, what colours? Not really, I'm makeup challenged.


For those of you whose wishlists contain only BPALs, are there any other perfume companies you like or would like to try out? BPAL or your own creations only please.


Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends. And if you had them and dislike them, can you name a few *other* tea companies you're into? Never tried them, but I'm fascinated by some of the fandom blends people have come up with (I think it's Venneh who has an amazing collection of blends pinned on pinterest. They often tempt me). I usually lean in the English breakfast or spiced chai direction (basically, teas that taste good with milk), and I'm an iced tea fiend. The only teas I dislike are the smoked ones and strong green teas. Right now, I'm limited to caffeine free varieties.


What about coffee? Please no coffee. I'm part Colombian, my grandparents own two coffee farms, I am drowning in coffee beans.


Who is your favourite female of all time? Historical, literary, ANYTHING, and why? Goodness, there are so many. Today's favorites are the female pirates - Anne Bonny, Mary Read, and Grace O'Malley. I was fascinated with them as a little girl. I liked the idea of women going on adventures instead of dancing with princes.


If you were a Disney princess you would be?: Um, no clue really. It's been a very long time since I watched much of the Disney catalog, and the ones I remember well are largely princess free. I guess Belle because I covet her library?


Would you like a seashell from Florida? No thank you. I grew up there and collected shells as a kid. I still sometimes find random baskets of shells (or, rather, shell pieces) tucked in various boxes. Now, if you could somehow magically export some of the springs from north Florida, or the beaches around St. Augustine, or some really delicious Cuban food - I'd take any of those.


What craft project do you currently have on your docket or that you want to start? And that craft goodies would be welcome? I am the anti-craft, but I'm also a big fan of learning new things. Translation: I am not currently working on any craft, but I'd be happy to try one if you think you can provide a "beginner's kit".



If you could have one rare bpal which one would you choose? Hmm, none that I love so much that I'm collecting (except Bah! which I just got some of) and the ones I want to try are mixed in with GCs on my wishlist.


Are you kinky? Yes. People who see me always assume that I'm some kind of dominatrix (who knows why, maybe the combination of dark hair and bossiness?), but the reality is that I prefer to be the sub. My husband is one of the first people to truly pick up on that.


Do you enjoy scented candles? Certain sizes that you like? What kind of scents or brands? Not really. I occasionally get curious (I think I have one favorited on etsy and I know I mentioned some BPTP ones I wouldn't mind trying in my blogs for last round), but usually they're just too strong for me.


Thoughts about South Africa? Have you been here, would you like to go? Would you like to receive anything South African? I don't know much about South Africa at all. I love receiving international items as long as they fit my interests and aren't too knick knacky. Also, I'm pretty stocked up on kitchen items, but I make an exception for international specialty gadgets/pans/spices/foods/etc.


Do you like Sockdreams? If so, what styles would you prefer? (You can also link your wishlist.) I've liked everything I've gotten from them, but I'm not a diehard fan like some people are. I am always looking for truly opaque stockings because I don't shave my legs and opaque stocking let me wear skirts to work.


Do you need hair accessories? If so, what kind or color? Yes, always. Sticks, clips, barrettes, basic hair ties, interesting combs or pins. Nothing too girly girl or sparkly please. As for color: black, silver, wood, or jewel tones are all good.


What is your favorite shade of blue? I like the dark but bright varieties - sapphire, Tardis, etc. I'm also a fan of heathered blue and lapis lazuli type tones.


Do you have any kitchen gadgets (a SodaStream, a Kuerig/Tassimo) that you want mix things for? Hmm, I don't really use mixes for anything, and I don't think I have any mix using gadgets.


If you were to start learning something new (intellectual or craft or hobby), what would it be? This list could easily be 8 pages long, but I'll try to restrain myself. I'd LOVE to learn blacksmithing but it has been generally agreed that I am too clumsy to be around that much fire. My husband and I got beer brewing classes as a wedding present but weren't able to schedule them before I got pregnant, so that's on the horizon once the baby is born. I love food related projects. We took cheesemaking classes (another wedding present), and I am always trying to teach myself various food preserving methods. I even own a pressure canner that I don't know how to use. I really need to be taking language classes right now. Spanish would be ideal since we're thinking of raising the kiddo bilingual (my parents are both native Spanish speakers, but my mother forbid anyone from teaching her children how to speak it. I still regret that she made that choice). I'd also love to learn Italian, Gaelic, Arabic, and I wouldn't mind relearning Latin (I studied and loved it for 8 years, but there isn't a lot of opportunity to use it in day to day life). I admit to a tiny part of me that would like to learn archery, emergency first aid, and various woodland survival techniques (I think I read too many books about surviving on one's own as a child. Reading the Hunger Games a couple years ago just revived some of those childhood fantasies). I'm also always on the look out for practical crafts. We're supposed to be getting my father-in-law's extra sewing machine soon, so I'd love to (re)learn how to sew. I've also always wanted to know how to build wooden furniture. Beyond that, I'd just like to learn as many semi-practical skills as I can: home repairs, car repairs, etc. Basically, I like to collect random skills instead of things.


What about candy? Do you have a sweet tooth? Usually YES! While pregnant, though, I've been mostly craving savory stuff which is unheard of for me. Other than some moments of intense need for brownies and/or ice cream, I'm pretty much meh on sweets these days. If you find something amazingly interesting, I'll certainly be happy to try it, but sweet things aren't high on my list of wants right now. If you are sending me sweets, I tend to like things that are on the less sweet spectrum so gloopy caramel is unpleasant to me but salted caramel is pretty good. I dislike the current trend of mixing bacon and hot peppers into perfectly good chocolate.


Do you have an e-reader? What kind? Would you like to get ebooks? Nope. I'm all digital on music and movies, but reading is what I do when I want to get away from the screens.


If your witch is an extremely crafty sort, and she were to send all kinds of homemade foody goodies and handmade crafty stuff - what are items you would NOT LOVE to receive. Please dont hedge on this one...some of us are serious crafters and will be making most of what we send! I love homemade stuff! There are three caveats right now: 1.) I live in the South and it's very much summer here, so nothing super melty. 2.) No flat out knick knacks. 3.) I think knitting is awesome, but, again, I live in the South. Most knit clothing is just going to be way too heavy. I'd rather go for knit dishclothes or things of that nature.


Witchee dear, do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library? Nope, I was big into Wasteland and Bard's Tale back in the Commodore 64 days, but I pretty much haven't LOVED a video game since. My husband is big into games, but he's an XBox user and I don't want the next generation XBox in my house (boo always on camera!). We're currently debating what the future of gaming in our home is going to look like.


Do you have something you do, without fail, as a personal daily habit/ritual? (Examples: pen-and-paper journal keeping, tea/coffee drinking, morning yoga, nightly bedtime reading. I'm kind of thinking on things that would be dear to you and might need small supplies or could use certain extras. ) Sadly, no.


Do you wear nailpolish? What colors do you tend to go for? What are your favorite brands? Are you open to trying indie brands? I have a fabulous collection of Zoya and don't really need more. The only thing I don't have and want are matte polishes. I'm totally open to indies but prefer "Big 3 Free"


Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of. Other than Needle in a Haystack there's nothing I love so much that I want more of it. I'd rather try new things.


Do you still write real letters on nice stationary to people you like/love? No, I used to pretend that I would but I never did.


Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer? I LOVE her. The sorbettos are my favorite product, but I already have a ton of them. I wouldn't mind getting some Avast, though. Bramble & Apple and Mandinka look interesting too. Also, she's coming out with a facial scrub in July, and I covet it.


Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow? My name is Vanesa, and I am a plant killer.


Do you like sample sized things? Think lipgloss, mascara, bodylotion, scrubs, mini candles, and so forth. I do like samples :)


Have you tried Fortune Cookie Soap? What products or scents would you like? Nope, I wouldn't be opposed to getting something from there, but I was too overwhelmed by the website to really come up with an intelligent request. If you want me to list specific products for this or any other company, just let me know.


Do you use solid soaps at all? If so, what kind do or don't you like? Meh, not really. We do use solid doggie shampoo, but otherwise I find solid soaps to be kind of gross (they just sit around getting soggy and being touched by dirty hands). On the doggie shampoo front, though, I could use a decent looking DRAINING soap dish. Blue would be nice since we bathe him in the bathroom.


Have you ever tried Cocoa Pink? If you are curious about it, what looks interesting to you? I've only heard about them from the customer service disaster they turned into a few years back. I'm open to trying something if you are evangelical about one of their products. I seem to recall that they were popular for hair care. I do need new shampoo/conditioner (for dark, wavey, combination oily/normal hair).


Do you like Lush? If so, what is your favorite product that is currently available, also, what is a product that you love but has been discontinued? Lush is how I heard of BPAL in the first place, but I've gotten really frustrated with the amount of chemicals they put in their stuff. Ocean Salt, Jungle, H'suan Wen Hua, Reincarnate, and the bubble bars were my favorite items when I was more forgiving of the chemical dependence (SLS in conditioner? That doesn't even make sense).


Do witches prefer the answers posted here, but a more cherry-picked number of questions answered, or a more exhaustive list posted in the blog, which means posting here much less? Indifferent. I post to a blog because I talk too much.


Anyone a fan of Shiro Cosmetics? Any particular products? Eye shadow pigments in general? I don't wear enough makeup to use this stuff.


Are there any companies, products, or items you boycott? Yes. The big two are Whole Foods and Proctor & Gamble


As I am in Japan, what sort of things would you like from there? As I said for the South Africa question, I love getting international items as long as they fit my general preferences. For Japan, I should mention that I dislike most Japanese candy and sweets.


Since FB and the FB Gusp group (and the BPAL Sorority which is quiet) have become gathering places...what are some of your favorite Facebook pages you like? I quit facebook a few years ago, and I'm so happy I did.


Do you read literature/culture blogs or websites of any kind? I'm thinking about anything that would help a putative witch to get a sense of what your current tastes in books, movies, games, genres, approaches to culture and literature and so forth are Nothing that would fit that description. I do have a lot of daily visit blogs and webcomics, though. The list is well into the double digits, so I'll spare you. If you want specific favorites or something, let me know :)


How do you feel about traditional picnics (namely the intimate table for two variety)? Old-fashioned basket or something more utilitarian (cooler/insulated bag)? Love picnics! I have fond memories of beach picnics as a girl - lots of sand but a lot fewer bugs. I actually already have a pretty decent picnic cooler, but I don't have a really nice picnic blanket. I keep considering buying one and then deciding it's too silly.


If you were put in a room with 100 random other people the same age and sex as you, from your country, in what way do you think you would be different from the average? Huh, this is a hard one. I tend to think that we assume more differences between ourselves and others than really exist. Plus, I'm too much of an introvert to have much experience with girls my own age especially since I have had mostly male friends in my life. My assumptions would be: 1.) I will have bigger boobs in comparison to the rest of my body than pretty much anyone there - I have dangerously large tits. 2.) I will be one of the few people there whose parents are American citizens who both grew up outside of the US. That will mean a whole host of cultural differences surrounding food, politics, physical contact, the meaning of family, the importance of hospitality, and the value of community rather than individuality. 3.) I will be one of the least ambitious people there. I appreciate a job well done, in fact I'm a serious perfectionist, but I don't have much desire to rise in the ranks, become famous, or stand out in any way professionally or personally.


Haus of Gloi did a Reverie update! Do any of them interest you? (Or anything else up currently?) Nothing in particular. I wouldn't mind trying her bubbling scrubs or cream soaps, but I don't have a serious hankering. When I last looked through her fragrances, they all looked fine except the Amber one.


Witchee, do you cook? Do you do all the cooking? Is it a chore or a pleasure? This is surprisingly a minefield of a question. I do cook. It used to be my favorite hobby. It was also a shared passion with my younger brother, who died in August. Add to that the fact that pregnancy has made standing for long periods of time (especially in front of a hot stove) kind of uncomfortable and that the rest of the year has been very chaotic (married in July, brother died in August, funerals in September and December, mother in law landed in the hospital in January, pregnant in March, mother in law went back to the hospital in May, moved in June), and, well, I don't do much cooking right now. I miss it, though. Plus, it would be so much better for me nutrition wise. Usually, I do most of the cooking. My husband didn't cook when he met me. He's learning (and he's shockingly good at certain things), but it takes a while for him to feel confident enough to plan and execute a dinner solo.


Which reading level do you prefer to read in YA or Adult? Or even both? Mostly adult, but I do love a smart YA novel.


Put your mp3 player/online music/itunes/etc on random and list the next 10 songs here: From Slacker, oddly heavy on the alt-country tonight, no idea why.

1. Young Forever - Jay-Z

2. Red River Valley - Woody Guthrie

3. Give Me One Reason - Tracy Chapman

4. Sueno Con Serpientes - Silvio Rodriguez

5. El Liston de Tu Pelo - Los Angeles Azules

6. Why Don't You Leave Me Alone? - Hank Williams III

7. Choctaw Bingo - James McMurty

8. Whiskey in the Jar - The Dubliners

9. Down the Road Tonight - Hayes Carll

10. The Rose Hotel - Robert Earl Keen


what is your favourite object, that you own, ignoring sentimental reasons for attachment? So I guess something you find beautiful, or fun, or incredibly useful. Huh, good one. Right now it's probably a toss up between my cast iron skillet and our new mattress (king size and AMAZINGLY comfortable)


How big is too big...for something to hang on your walls? If I'm painting you a pretty picture, are there maximum dimensions that you have/prefer? Virtually unlimited as long as I don't have to buy a frame. I'm pretty sure that your shipping budget would max out before my wall space.


Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for? Sure! Any store you think might interest me. Etsy and Amazon are always useful. I haven't tried http://www.greencupboards.com/ yet, but it looks like it might become very useful to me for staples.


Is there anything from Australia you would like? eg: snacks (yes, you can ask for Tim Tams!), books, magazines, memorabilia? See my answers for South Africa and Japan.


Do you have any problems with swearing or particularly off-color humor? Not at all, love a good dirty joke and swear like a sailor.


What style is your sense of humour? Well, I hate to admit this, but I'm not terribly funny. When I am, I have an extremely dry wit. I enjoy sarcasm and even a little goofiness. I think Eddie Izzard is hysterical, I always chuckle when Yewberry is involved in a SW thread (lady is a comedic genius), and I've been known to laugh at Vonnegut novels even when it's embarrassing to me that I'm laughing at them.


Opinions on table top games, from cards and board games, to dice and rpgs. What do you like? What don't you like? Favorites? Any classics you like? Do you collect any? I'm too introverted for RPGs (Although I did play a whole bunch of MUSHes and MUDs online when I was younger, but not in several years). These days, I mostly look for simple dinner party games - fun but easy to get going. As an introvert, I tend to avoid any that involve acting/singing/dancing/making a fool of yourself (so, no pictionary, charades, etc.). We currently have Taboo, Rummikub, Apples to Apples, and Wits and Wagers. Plus a million packs of cards and a copy of Hoyles. I really want Cards Against Humanity because I've been hearing so much about it.


What would you like from the most recent BPAL update? What are you planning on buying for yourself and what would you like to try? I wouldn't mind trying Aurelia or Epibulia


Is there a literary character you identify with? Even if it's not spot-on, just someone you found yourself having that "I identify with this" feeling? Hmm, not in a while. I did a lot as a little girl. I think I identify with characters as I read the book and then let them go when I move on to the next books.


What are the three books you most want to read right now, and which you don't already have? Actually, my wishlist is so full that I'm too overwhelmed by it to proceed. I feel a bit paralyzed by it.


Would you like something from Empire Edibles? (http://www.etsy.com/...s?ref=top_trail) The tea ruffles look kind of interesting. Mostly it all looks a bit too sweet.


Is there anything small you try to collect from everywhere you visit? Unusual sugar packets, but I prefer to collect my own.


Witchee, I know that SW isn't about what you get... but could you name one thing you would be heartbroken not to get and one thing you would be a-ok if it didn't make it in your box? (i.e. do you REALLY want perfume oil of some sort, or would you be totally heartbroken if there was no Lush in your box, etc I'm very flexible, but I most appreciate boxes that tell me a little bit about you. The best box I have ever received in a swap was one that included a lovely note explaining the things that my swap partner felt we had in common and telling me about all of her favorite things that she wanted me to try. They were simple, inexpensive items but so heartfelt.


Do you like tarot cards, pendulums and rune stones etc? If so, what type? No thank you.


What fandoms do you belong to? None, really. I was a a big Trekkie in middle school, but not as seriously anymore. I kind of dislike the new movies, so they haven't rekindled my interest or anything.


What cheers you up? This is super cheesey but my husband is what cheers me up. He isn't someone I would ever have predicted that I would fall for, but when I'm feeling lousy (sick, upset, whatever) he's so genuinely concerned that it sort of melts me heart. He rarely buys me gifts (I'm not much one for gift giving occasions, and I think even he isn't sure how to navigate my bizarre minimalism bent) but whenever I'm sick he'll surprise me with juice and cough medicine. It's silly, but I love that he cares about me enough to want me to be comfortable.


Who or where would you most want to haunt? Who would you least want to be haunted by? Answering questions like this is inviting trouble.


What question do you hate to answer? "What do you want for your birthday" - nothing or a surprise. If I really wanted something specific for my birthday, I would have bought it myself. Also, "what is that book you're reading?" - I'm reading it so that I don't have to talk to people.


What is the best compliment you have/could receive? A thank you for something I've done that the other person found genuinely useful - I like to be helpful.


Would you like anything from an European country? Any particular food or goodies, magazines, books, whatever would be available to your witch in his/her country. Same as my previous international answers.


Do you like bags? If so, what type (rucksack, clutch, shopping bag) colour and would you like/need a new one? Not really, I carry a wallet because I'd lose a purse in a heart beat. I could use a messenger bag that could hold my computer and looks nice enough to take to job interviews/work.


What's your favourite comfort food(snack or candy etc) and/or drink? Apparently it's bbq and ice cream. I also have a weakness for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with a glass of milk. Never would have guessed those things, but I've had plenty of opportunities this year to discover that when things are a bit rough my first food craving is a chopped brisket sandwich.


Would you be interested in someone writing out for you a favourite recipe, or finding or devising one which they think you'd like? If so, please provide your favourite ingredients, info on how you like to cook/store and use food, and any intolerances - unless all of these are in your questionnaire, or you don't like the idea. (I'm not saying I'd definitely do this, unless someone is keen, and it wouldn't be the only gift). I guess for other witches this might include something like a knitting pattern - not my thing but would you like that? Or indeed would you like a picture created for you (if so what kind) or a story written? (sorry if this feels a bit Spanish Inquisition!) All of these ideas sound wonderful. I think I've answered most of the background info in my questionnaire or in answers to other questions. The only thing I don't think I've touched on is shopping/storing food. I have a solid pantry filled with bulk staples (pasta, rice, lentils, flour, baking supplies) which I supplement by shopping for local produce/protein once every week or two. I have extensive recipe boards on pinterest that would show you how I like to cook. The only thing missing there are the simple every day things that don't need a recipe. For example, during the summer I like to make some kind of interesting veggie salad and serve it with good crusty bread and some tasty cheese. Since the hubby is a carnivore, I'll often add a tiny piece of meat (breakfast pork chop, super thing cut steak, small piece of sausage) to round things out. The salad is usually the main part of the plate.


If you knew you were going to live comfortably for say 800 years, what profession, calling or project might you pursue with some of your extra years, which you imagine you may not do in the life that you have? Hmm, I enjoy the work I do (non-profit accounting and operations, although I recently quit my job to move so we'll see if I can find a job in that field) so I don't think I'd change jobs. I do think I'd spend more time focused on being a homemaker and travelling. I get a lot of pleasure out of putting around my kitchen or organizing my things, but only when I have a lot of free time. I also love travel, but my plans so often fall through. I think I'd also live internationally for a while if I had the luxury. Mostly, though, I'd have to try to remind myself to spend a good chunk of that 800 years just enjoying a book and a drink on my front porch or even skipping the book and just watching the neighborhood/my puppy playing in the yard.


Is there any thing - an object, a donation on your behalf, some research done for you, whatever - that your witch could do about this that you would like? And if you can't think of a present, would you rather she/he (I!) didn't either and confined themselves to things you are already involved in? Not that I can think of


What colors/style is your kitchen decor? And do you entertain in your home? I love to entertain. Dinner parties are my favorite way. Feeding people let's me be hospitable without overwhelming my introverted self. As far as my kitchen decor, here's an overly long explanation: I grew up in a home filled with rich, saturated color. On the one hand, I always loved the vibrance of our house (Caribbean blue exterior! Sunshine yellow kitchen! Every door a different color! Murals in some of the bedrooms!). On the other hand, it can be a little bit mentally overwhelming. Since we move regularly, our home decor trends pretty neutral (grey, black, crisp white) so that it will blend with whatever randomness we find in the places we're renting. The kitchen is where I throw neutral out of the window. My appliances stay in the neutral theme (black, silver, NO WHITE cause there's usually a lot of white already in rental kitchens and white appliances are a pain in the ass to keep clean), but everything else is a riot of yellow and blue. I’m inspired by the gorgeous yellow/blue tile found throughout the mediterranean and latin america (Morocco, Spain, Portugal, Mexico, etc.), and by the Caribbean blue and sunshine yellow of my childhood. On top of the crazy bright colors, we used our wedding as an excuse to make prints of some of my dad's (and one of my friend's) pictures of a few of our favorite foods (hello table “numbers”) so that we could frame them and put them on the wall. In my kitchen, I have all of the following up on the wall:




Texas BBQ


Pork Roast

Shrimp Po'Boy



Are your ears pierced? Yes. Just one per ear. I also have an 18 gauge eyebrow ring that I just wear a clear retainer (technically it's fishing line) in.


Do you like stuffies/stuffed animals/art doll type thingies? If so, any particular type you'd love to get? No, not at all. Especially plastic toys. I'm going to struggle with being a parent because most toys make me crazy.


Switch Witch is, of course, all about you.....but if your Witch was so inclined, are there wee little ones in your home that will get jealous and are just too young to understand why you won't share the love, who maybe need a touch of Witchee love all their own, to distract them while you hide all your lovelies?!? Not really. David will get most of the food items that I don't feel like eating. Plus, he mostly ignores my swap boxes. Brady likes to poke his nose into packages, but he's already a very spoiled dog.


Is there a Quote that resonates with you, or that you particularly like a lot. Would this be something you would like artwork made of for your walls or a shirt/bag/scarf? Nope


Also, STARBUCKS, Yay or Nay? Anything you particularly like? Only in dire circumstances (aka the airport before anything else opens)


Is there someone on the forums (within SW or not) who knows you really well and might be able to help with stalking? Nope


If you happen to find out who yours is, how much would it bother you? Not at all, I'm happy with any level of contact.


Do you use waxmelts or tarts? If so, which ones do you prefer? No thank you


Do you enjoy drinking hot chocolate, and would you like stuff to make it with, or to add to it? Sure, I'm not super into it but I enjoy a good cup when it's cold out.


Have you ever tried Spoonfudge? Would you enjoy it if your Witch would send you some? Which of the flavors would you like? Fudge and I don't get along, way too much sugar.


What's your opinion on Moonalisa? Any favorites or products you'd like to try? Never tried it. Wish there was more info on product ingredients obviously on her website. Assuming that they're reasonably natural, I'd be up for trying any of the product types I've mentioned liking from other companies (scrubs, hair care, etc.) plus dusting powder and bath salts. Or anything that you think she's amazing at.


Are there any BPALs that you loved the idea of, the imagery - whether artwork or description - but which didn't work out for you? (I'm asking because if they did, you might mention them elsewhere, but if not, the imagery might be helpful) Quite a few actually. I'm a huge Catullus fan, but I always have to skip blends based on his work because they have doom notes. Anne Bonney was kind of sad too - smells amazing, but not on me.

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