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my natal chart (jarvenpa May 2006)

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And hello, kakiphony, whose foxy avi is awesome, welcome, my dear, to your Saturn return. Have you been feeling it?


Kakiphony's Saturn is in Leo conjunct her Sun in the 3rd house, opposing her 9th house moon in Aquarius, and if I am reading charts correctly she is just about exactly at the exact Saturn return point (the effect, though, goes on for some time on either side of the exact aspect).


Third house themes (and 9th house themes) would be where we'd expect to see kakiphony being nudged into a new status; actualizing communication skills? education? (relationships with siblings, those who are like siblings?). Figuring out where the network really is? Sometimes during the return things/people/places that were very important to us lose their central importance to make room for the new. This is not without grief and struggle, unless of course you are all wise and ascended and stuff (I wasn't). Ceres is also in the 3rd house, between Saturn and the Sun; she may have a gift for nuturing communications; she may have taken care of siblings or neighbors (or have been cared for herself by neighbors/siblings). As Saturn reconnects with Ceres any early lacks she may have felt (like "hey, there wasn't really ANY nuturing going on, often", or "well, that was needless sentimentality") is going to be tweaked a bit. Good thought for this period is "yes, I deserve admiration and care, and I can give admiration and care"


Since kakiphony has Saturn conjunct her sun, however, she may go through these changes with more ease than some (it feels familiar to her nature, or at least her conscious sense of who she is).


Okay, it might just be because writing is part of my soul, and I have the sun/moon opposition across the 3rd and 9th houses, so I could be projecting something here--but I must blurt out that when I looked at this chart the first thing I thought was "she's a writer".


There's that Uranus conjunct the north node in Scorpio in the 5th house. Okay, doesn't have to be writing, but for goodness sakes, something with the 5th ("it is your nature to go forth and gamble wildly!!") (nah. I think something more creative, but playful--which will be interesting for your Leo self and your Gemini rising and your Aquarian moon). Midheaven is in Aquarius. Come on now, surely things of the mind matter to you a lot, yes? Maybe???


With a Saturn/Sun 3rd house conjunct though, it may be that you had early doubts about your ability to communicate (3rd house) or even that the full shine of a dramatic Leo sun soul was shaded by demands (from parents, from life) for control, discipline, early responsiblity (for siblings, perhaps, given that this is the 3rd house).

If this was so, the return of Saturn to his original place may, once it passes, leave you more certain of yourself in this arena. Saturn is one of the points of a T square (Uranus is the central point, squaring both moon and saturn and interestingly--well, actually you have a grand square, because Chiron makes the fourth point, in early Taurus, in the 11th house (wishes, and associations with friends/acquaintances).


(I can't believe how many forumites have Chiron in the 11th. Good grief. Early trauma in groups...I guess the brilliant, geeky kids have all flocked now to the BPAL forum and found comfort) (I'm frankly surprised my own Chiron is not in the 11th, actually)


Home ground, your roots, your traditional values, your refuge--4th house--is very intimately important in your chart, with Leo on the cusp (drama, generousity in the home) and lots of elegant Virgo going on (Venus, Mercury, Mars; Venus and Mercury are conjunct; you have a taste for the truly good in literature--this doesn't mean, by the way, that you can't enjoy trash, but that you really know authentically beautiful things, books, and so on--and have a home in which that sense of discernment is apparent). You may feel freest to express yourself in your home, or on your homeground, in your own territory (although with a 9th house moon you could certainly benefit from travel and widening your horizons in all ways). And you may have an elegance of discourse, or a tenderness (Venus conjunct Mercury), as well as the ability to take action. (mars in the 4th) on behalf of your roots or your home.


And you've got transformative and demanding Pluto in the 5th, in Libra (plus the Uranus/north node)(in Scorpio)...creativity (or love affairs, or children, or...) may be very much all or nothing affairs for you--there is the tendency to really go into something, and then...pause a long while--and then restart. (it's okay, really, creative flow--or love affairs--don't have to be all steady and boring, do they?)


Neptune in Sag in the 6th is super responsive to the environment (at a trivial level, you may have allergies and so on, at a more deep or metaphoric level, you need to have as little stress as you can manage--no, do not stress about this). This imaginative Neptune is in relation to practically everything else in your chart; when chosing (assuming you have a choice) work for pay (as opposed to career, which is Aquarian, and hey, you should be out there publishing something, I think...or, okay, traveling or teaching or thinking higher thoughts)--needs to use your imagination and/or be something in which you tangibly feel you are helping some poor unfortunates (of any species or anything: it can be saving paper clips from being thrown out, could be anything at all--the importance is how you perceive it. You must perceive that your tasks are imaginative and engaging or helpful and preferably all of those things. Or you will be miserable, and your health will show it.


Jupiter in the 12th is a real ace in the hole (it's in Taurus): this is kind of the last minute rescue, the fairy godperson who drops in when needed. Oddly, you may not be overtly cheerful (particularly with the Saturn/Sun conjunct) (and with the hopefulness of Jupiter kind of hidden from you) but there is this wonderful sort of second wind effect: all may seem over...and then, by golly, yes, I think she can do it! Jupiter very helpfully is trine to your Aquarian moon and to mars (inner self and action thereby facilitated), square to Venus (okay, a little bit of the brakes on--or, conversely, flashes of overenthusiasm) (Jupiter in Taurus might expand things like your taste for music)


Actually, rethink that comment on cheerfulness. A Gemini ascendant will at least appear very cheerful (and often younger than her years--an effect that can last well into your life).


kakiphony, if you are not a writer, kindly consider at least starting to keep a journal or something. During a Saturn return (in the 3rd house no less) would be an excellent time to do something like this in any case--and in your case I think particularly apt.

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