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13 Nights of Halloween swap help

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--What is your favorite Halloween/Trick-or-Treat candy and would you like to have it included?

Candy Corn (has to be Brachs though, I'm a candy corn snob) and 3 Musketeers. Sure, but not too much.


--How much edible stuff do you want/would you expect? A little something in every package? A couple of treats along the way?

Not too much edible stuff as I've put back on a few lbs lately. Need to cut back on the sugar a bit.


--Assuming that I have a budget of X, would you mind if there were one big package that is 1/2X with the rest significantly smaller, but still fun, or would you prefer a more 1/13X breakdown?

I lean towards the first option, but really whatever is fine with me.


--Reveal - would you prefer it in the first package so we can chatter about things as you open, at the very end so you can drag out the surprise, or dealer's choice?

Dealer's choice. :)


--If you've noted that you like coffee/tea/hot cocoa or anything of the sort, can you elaborate? Do you like/not like flavored varieties? Would you prefer whole bean/ground/bagged/looseleaf/instant/have-to-heat-it-in-a-pan-with-milk? Do you feel like you've answered this question over and over again? ;)

I slightly prefer ground, but whole bean is cool (we have a grinder). Love flavored, no preference as to loose or bagged, instant is cool. I'm pretty easy as long as it's yummy.

Kitchen stuff? Say spatulas with skulls on or an apron with a Halloween theme (not that I'm fantasizing about making myself one from something like, say, this or anything)

I don't cook and prefer to stay out of the kitchen. 00000288.gif


A Game of Thrones: are you a fan of the TV series? Have you read the books or would you want to?

Tried the books and just couldn't get into them. Watched one episode a couple months ago and thought it was funny (I was told it's not supposed to be that funny lol). Might try it again but I'm not in any hurry.


Would you like any home made jams? I can guarantee they are very yummy.

I am not a jam person but dh and the kids like it.

Decorative box?

Probably not. We have a ton already, but if it's something unique or really fun, sure.


On a scale from horrified to enraptured, how do you feel about this fabric? (ETA: if it were to be, say, a bag? >.> )

I like it! I think it would make a fun bag.

-Both Sihaya Designs and Elements and Artifacts did updates this week - anything that interests you? From Sihaya, and of the wing earrings. They are all gorgeous. From Elements, I love the Open Grave necklace and the DDLM earrings.


-I have a pretty massive farmer's market by me - is there anything that you would like from there?

Maybe some honey?


-Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for?

BodyArtForms.com, amazon, Etsy


-Are there hot drinks that you like this time of year? If so, what would you like?

Flavored coffees.


-Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ?

Yes, but all very expensive. lol


-How about homemade infused vodkas?

Nope, don't drink.


-Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself?

One of those cups you stick in the freezer then put your drink in instead of using ice (am I making sense? lol), popcorn seasonings, not sure what else. I'll think about it.

Jewelry: Gold or Silver?

Either, though I like copper more than gold.


Whether you do or do not nail polish, would you be interested in nail wraps of any sort? Could be festive or not, any brand (in addition to things like Jamberry, there are plenty of other brands out there).

No. I don't like stuff on my fingernails and I have enough for my toes.


Would you like some home...made(?) fall pictures or photos to frame or put in a photobook? I will stalk the toads in my yard for you! :P Any particular things you'd enjoy photos of?

Spooky trees, toads are cool, neat looking moths, stuff like that.

Do you like plushies?

Maybe. I would love an Alien/facehugger type one, but not sure what else.


Lip balm: tin or tube?

Neither please.


Do you or would you burn incense? What kind? How about scented (or unscented) candlesWe can't burn incense anymore due to asthma and migraine issues.


Do you prefer physical books, or would some form of e-reader book be okay? And if ebook, do you prefer Kindle, Nook, iBooks, or something else?

Either would be fine. I have a kindle. I do have a lot of of kindle books like Lovecraft, Poe, etc.


Oh, and are you okay with Graphic Novels/Comics?

Sure, though I prefer the really twisted kind and horror ones.


Yes please! I collect skulls, skeletons, etc. Any and all. :)

If I were going to make you a polymer figurine-or-pendant-or-earrings-or-..., is there any particular thing you'd like more than other things(ex: a tiny 'you', or witch's hat earrings, or a ghost pendant, etc.)?

Not earrings since I don't really wear traditional earrings. Maybe a pendant? Something like a hatchet or body part? More gruesome than cute? lol


Are there any books or short stories (or poems) you especially associate with this time of year or always want to reread in autumn?

Not really


Speaking of wishlists, and here is another question... could everyone please link to their various wishlists?


List 5 or 6 TV shows/Movies that you enjoy watching (and possible villains, if you can think of any):

My list:

Doctor Who (Weeping Angels, the Silence)



Alien series (love these, in fact I'm getting a xenomorph tattoo next year).

Star Trek (not the new movies though icon_evil.gif)

Twin Peaks

The Walking Dead

I love movies like Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Halloween, The Evil Dead, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, Hellraiser, etc).


Hated Candies?

Black licorice, taffy, twizzlers, anything really chewy (like caramels).

How sick a sense of humour can you cope with?

I have a truly sick and twisted sense of humor. I highly doubt anything would go too far.

Food items I would love to eat again?

Not that I can think of. I'll give it some more thought though.

Mixed cd?



Bath and body companies?

I'm open to trying whatever. Just no hair stuff (check out my avatar for explanation lol). Also, no face products please (my piercings can get irritated by certain things).

What kind of tea do you like?

Mate teas are just about the only ones I drink anymore.


Vintage scary?



Do you have any favorite Halloween/fall-theme animals?

Bats. :)


I do a lot of resin work, specifically, insects in resin. Would receiving one be horrifying? Okay? Interesting?

Sure! Sounds cool. :) (just not roaches please)


What type of cellphone/mobile, music player, reader, tablet, or other gadgets are your babies? What are your opinions on accessories for them? Hard/soft cases, decals, danglies, carriers, etc?

I have a Samsung Note 2 but I don't need anything for it (not that they even make much for my phone).00000288.gif


Fountain pens?



Are there any animals, birds or bugs that you don't like, scare you, or just plain freak you out? For example, I had a co-worker who thought owls were creepy, and personally, I'm not a huge fan of cockroaches.


There aren't any that scare me. though I found crickets, cockroaches and palmetto bugs disgusting, cicadas both weird me out and intrigue me (there are some kick ass cicada ear weights I'm saving up for), and spiders don't really bother me too much. Oh, and I hate possums.

As for little plastic critters, no thank you. My animals have not been graced with much intelligence so they will try to eat them.

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