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13 Nights of Halloween Help!

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Do you or would you burn incense? What kind?

Nope. Incense=church



How about scented (or unscented) candles?

YAY! I take all kinds of candles!



Do you prefer physical books, or would some form of e-reader book be okay? And if ebook, do you prefer Kindle, Nook, iBooks, or something else?

Physical books are best. I don't have an e-reader and I'm not willing to sit at the computer to read.



Oh, and are you okay with Graphic Novels/Comics?

I am! I haven't read many of them, I have most of Sandman, and I have the Wash comic from Firefly.



Jewelry: Gold or Silver?

I do tend to grab more silvers, but I wouldn't mind getting a bit more gold stuff. I don't have much of it, and sometimes gold is more matching, if I'm feeling matchy.



Whether you do or do not nail polish, would you be interested in nail wraps of any sort? Could be festive or not, any brand (in addition to things like Jamberry, there are plenty of other brands out there).

Sure! I don't usually wear the nail wraps-I tend to chip the polish within two days of putting it on. Sometimes even the same day. My work is very hard on my nails. But, I would use the wraps for special occasions-where I have a few days off, so maybe festive?



Would you like some home...made(?) fall pictures or photos to frame or put in a photobook? I will stalk the toads in my yard for you! Any particular things you'd enjoy photos of?

Yard toads! YAY! I like pictures of things!




Are there any things (characters, bad guys, halloween-related-things, fandoms, etc) you absolutely can not stand or don't want in your goodies?

I don't really like the idea of a Twilight or 50 shades for me. (I think its fantastic that they exist, and seem to draw in people that don't normally read and that sort of stuff, but they just aren't for me.)


Do the mp3 player/radio station thing!(optional, just because I always like this question :D)

Will do later, my computer is really really really full, and itunes takes a while to load up. I should go to bed.



Anything from the [Lilith's Birthday] update strike your fancy?

Not enough to want a decant


I know we had a question about getting into new hobbies/crafts already, but is there anything else you've always meant or wanted to learn about/learn more about but haven't got around to getting a book on or watching a show about it?

sure! Ha ha ha ha ha! I am not helpful! Good thing I'm easy!


Both Sihaya Designs and Elements and Artifacts did updates this week - anything that interests you?

Didn't look-but yes!



I have a pretty massive farmer's market by me - is there anything that you would like from there?



Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for?




Are there hot drinks that you like this time of year? If so, what would you like?



Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ?

There were guinea fowl close to the cabin we vacationed at. When we'd go to town, they'd be out in the owner's yard. If you opened the car window and asked them a question, they (all three of them) would run away as fast as they could, while squawking. It was HILARIOUS!



How about homemade infused vodkas?

Sounds interesting!



Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself?

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!! If I thought of them, I would have boughten them! (I give myself a small present when I go to the store and it sucks. I hate going to the store, so I bribe myself. It might be a candy, or a nailpolish, or a cooking magazine.)


If you are my trick or treater, would you be delighted by some cool Halloween fabric or would you wonder if I'd lost my mind? Yes! Ha ha ha ha! I would be delighted, and also a little confused. I do not sew, though I do have a machine in a lovely little fold-away cabinet. I would find something to do with it! (I can make pot-holders!)



What ONE non-discontinued GC scent do you absolutely love, but for whatever reason, haven't yet purchased a bottle for yourself?

I am a bad bad girl and have bought the gc that I've tried and liked.



Decorative box (not bigger than say, a cigar type box) - yea or nay?

Mine are all full up. So I could use more!


On a scale from horrified to enraptured, how do you feel about this fabric? (ETA: if it were to be, say, a bag? >.> )

I didn't see the fabric, but I can say that I would be enraptured!


Kitchen stuff? Say spatulas with skulls on or an apron with a Halloween theme

AIEEEEE!!!! I do not let myself buy any, we don't really have cupboard space for them. But if its a gift....well, that's different! Ha ha ha ha!



A Game of Thrones: are you a fan of the TV series? Have you read the books or would you want to?

I've been meaning to try the first book. I used to love those long epic fantasy novels, I sort of lost my taste for them (Wheel of Time and those Richard/Kahlan books, anyone?). I'm willing to give it a try.



Would you like any home made jams? I can guarantee they are very yummy.




What is your favorite Halloween/Trick-or-Treat candy and would you like to have it included?

People have favorites? Have you ever seen Fraggle Rock, when the Fraggles are eating Doozer built structures. That's what I am like with trick-and-treats.



How much edible stuff do you want/would you expect? A little something in every package? A couple of treats along the way?

Sure! Edible is nice, I like to eat things. I won't cry if there is no snackables. I also won't cry if it is all snackables. Really, I am insanely excited about this swap, and I will love whatever you give me!



Assuming that I have a budget of X, would you mind if there were one big package that is 1/2X with the rest significantly smaller, but still fun, or would you prefer a more 1/13X breakdown?

I like presents! One big present, many little presents! If I have something to open up everyday, I am happy! It could be a funny comic you cut out of a newspaper. Anything, really.



Reveal - would you prefer it in the first package so we can chatter about things as you open, at the very end so you can drag out the surprise, or dealer's choice?

I am easy!


If you've noted that you like coffee/tea/hot cocoa or anything of the sort, can you elaborate? Do you like/not like flavored varieties? Would you prefer whole bean/ground/bagged/looseleaf/instant/have-to-heat-it-in-a-pan-with-milk? Do you feel like you've answered this question over and over again?

:rasp: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


[is there anything you would like to try from the]WEENIES?!?!

I am a naughty girl and already signed up for decants of ones I thought might be nice on me. :D


Are there any animals, birds or bugs that you don't like, scare you, or just plain freak you out?

I think I'm ok, unless you start mailing live animals. So, please no live animals. :D



Who likes to write with fountain pens?

I'm not allowed to paint inside stuff anymore. And can barely be trusted with outside stuff (I fling paint everywhere). I imagine I would do the same with a fountain pen. I don't think I should have one.



Do you have a preferred type of pen?

The free kinds? Mr. Boy frequently comes home with a pen in his pocket from work because he forgot to take it out of his pocket. Every so often he brings a big stack of them back. We still have pens everywhere.



What type of cellphone/mobile, music player, reader, tablet, or other gadgets are your babies? What are your opinions on accessories for them? Hard/soft cases, decals, danglies, carriers, etc?


My ipod is a generation 2 nano, with a screen that doesn't work anymore (you can sort of puzzle out something, if its at the top of the screen). My phone, is just new enough to work with the sync on my car. Barely. So, nothing needed there!



What kind of tea do you like?

The kind that goes in my mouth! I like everything, except roobios, jasmines, and anything heavily licorice or floral.



Do you have any favorite Halloween/fall-theme animals?




New (Weird) Question: I do a lot of resin work, specifically, insects in resin. Would receiving one be horrifying? Okay? Interesting?

That would be very cool! I would maybe have to fight Mr. Boy for it. (He took all my other cool animal things for his Man Cave. I said he could, but it was hard to let him have them-a couple of grouse and pheasant tails, and skulls.) Resin bug would stay mine!



Do you enjoy real, old fashioned scary? Not the new-fangled psychological scary...Im thinking dracula, frankenstein, ghosts, mummies, goblins, the disembodied hand...etc...

I do not like the torture porn. I do like the old stuff! And the slightly less old stuff.



Are there any other perfume, or bath & body companies that you would like to try? Any that you have tried & would like more of? Or any you have tried, but don't want more of?

Yes please! I try all things!



Are there food items that you adore, or have tried once, that you can't get where you are now, but would love to eat again?

If you happen to be in Australia, the cadbury bar with the popping candies and jelly beans and chocolate was really good. But so are the koala candies, and marizpan from germany. AND ALL THE CANDIES!! Also, I like things to eat that aren't candies!



I know we had a question about mix cds in the q'aire, but if you answered yes to a homemade cd, would you be interested in a themed mix? Such as Halloween classics, or dark and stormy classical, etc. and so forth?

Oooh! That sounds lovely! And random mixes are fun too. I tend to play my ipod on shuffle a lot. So I'll get a song, a section from an audio book, then a funny joke, and something else. :D I try to be little less mixed up when other people are listening though.


How sick a sense of humour can you cope with?

I'm with Ahania...werewolf eating a baby-hilarious! Werewolf raping a baby-not funny at all



If I were going to make you a polymer figurine-or-pendant-or-earrings-or-..., is there any particular thing you'd like more than other things(ex: a tiny 'you', or witch's hat earrings, or a ghost pendant, etc.)?

I like things!



Would you be interested in a handwritten journal that had stuff for and about you(no, not stalker notations); for example, things about your astrological sign, or birthday, or year you were born or recipes or poetry or pictures? Like, a book that you could read, that was assembled just for you(in my sort of sloppy, lefthanded writing[i will write in print, not cursive, so you can still read it])

Yes! Probably not big into the poetry though, unless its short pieces. I have a hard time paying attention to them. (Short things like a lot of Emily Dickenson's stuff is ok though!)



Are there any candies in particular you'd like to try? Or that you just can't get enough of?

I like eating candies!



Are there any candies you can't stand, and don't want to see in your box?

Candies that are green and fruit flavored should be lime. Green apple is not a flavor! Down with Green Apple!



List 5 or 6 TV shows/Movies that you enjoy watching (and possible villains, if you can think of any):

The earlier seasons of Supernatural

I like Maleficent from Disney-I have one little toy of her-its super-cute (I always wanted her to win, even as a child...she was just so awesome)


Powerpuff Girls (my favorite villains there are Fuzzy Lumpkins and Sedusa, but I like them all)

I like the Resident Evil Movies

Hocus Pocus

(I tried picking more halloweenie things, or things that might work for having villains. I like all these lots!)



Decorations: can you have them at your desk at work (assuming you have a desk at work) and would you like some?

I have a desk at home! And I could use some small things!



Are there any books or short stories (or poems) you especially associate with this time of year or always want to reread in autumn?

I gave away my hardcover copy of Graveyard Book, I could use a paperback!



How do you feel about skulls?

Yay skulls!



Do you like plushies?

One that's small and possibly handmade? Absolutely! I generally only get or display ones that are better than the average store plushie.



Lip balm: tin or tube?

Tube please.

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