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13 Nights of Halloween Q&A

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Are there any animals, birds or bugs that you don't like, scare you, or just plain freak you out?

I don't mind fake spiders but anything with more than eight legs is definitely out. Actually, come to think on it anything with more than four legs other than spiders, scorpions, and butterflies is right out for me :lol:



Who likes to write with fountain pens? Do you have a preferred type of pen?

I looooove pens. Actually I'm pretty sure I have three bottles full of fountain pen cartridges and no pen to use them with.



As for cell phone stuff, I'm pretty well set. I got a new phone this summer and the first thing I did was buy a bunch of stuff for it :lol:



Edit: What kind of tea do you like?

Loose leaf is the best! I love black, oolong, and pu'erh. No Earl Grey however :ack:



Do you have any favorite Halloween/fall-theme animals?

Ravens and cats, definitely.




NEW Question:


Do you enjoy real, old fashioned scary? Not the new-fangled psychological scary...Im thinking dracula, frankenstein, ghosts, mummies, goblins, the disembodied hand...etc...


My answer: Yes, this is what I prefer. I am totally uncomfortable with where 'scary' has gone the past 10 years.


I'm stealing your answer to your own question. Vintage scary is awesome, I don't like the gore-and-torturefest scene that seems to encompass most horror today. I DO NOT LIKE TO BE FREAKED OUT, it sickens me and I seriously cannot handle it, so please stick to old-school, or generally weenie things, or fall-themed stuff.


^ This. Totally this ^


New (Weird) Question: I do a lot of resin work, specifically, insects in resin. Would receiving one be horrifying? Okay? Interesting?

It would depend entirely upon the insect. I'm ok with butterflies/moths and some beetles have gorgeous colors.



Are there any other perfume, or bath & body companies that you would like to try? Any that you have tried & would like more of? Or any you have tried, but don't want more of?

Villainess. I love her ampule-shaped bottles :)



Are there food items that you adore, or have tried once, that you can't get where you are now, but would love to eat again?

none that I can think of.



I know we had a question about mix cds in the q'aire, but if you answered yes to a homemade cd, would you be interested in a themed mix? Such as Halloween classics, or dark and stormy classical, etc. and so forth?

Oooooo! That would be fun!



How sick a sense of humour can you cope with?

Not my thing



If I were going to make you a polymer figurine-or-pendant-or-earrings-or-..., is there any particular thing you'd like more than other things(ex: a tiny 'you', or witch's hat earrings, or a ghost pendant, etc.)?

Dragons, fairies, otters, mini TEA POTS/CUPS



Would you be interested in a handwritten journal that had stuff for and about you(no, not stalker notations); for example, things about your astrological sign, or birthday, or year you were born or recipes or poetry or pictures? Like, a book that you could read, that was assembled just for you(in my sort of sloppy, lefthanded writing[i will write in print, not cursive, so you can still read it])

It's a lovely idea, but probably not something I'd use often.



Are there any candies in particular you'd like to try? Or that you just can't get enough of?

Quality chocolate bars with bits of/flavored like raspberry, strawberry, orange, spices, tea



Are there any candies you can't stand, and don't want to see in your box?

black licorice, caramel (though my husband would love it :lol: ), anything with nuts or coconut.



List 5 or 6 TV shows/Movies that you enjoy watching (and possible villains, if you can think of any):

Disney's Alice in Wonderland, the live version.

Hello Dolly!


Howl's Moving Castle

Ever After

The Three Musketeers - I like just about every version


The Hunt for Red October



Cardinal Richelieu from The Three Musketeers



Decorations: can you have them at your desk at work (assuming you have a desk at work) and would you like some?

My job is seasonal and we close before Halloween so decorations wouldn't do any good



Are there any books or short stories (or poems) you especially associate with this time of year or always want to reread in autumn?

Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven. Actually, just about anything by Poe. I've always meant to read some of Lovecraft's stories as well.



How do you feel about skulls?

I have no problems with skulls. I find bird skulls to be especially beautiful.



Do you like plushies?

Yeeeeeessss :heart:


Lip balm: tin or tube?



Do you or would you burn incense? What kind?



How about scented (or unscented) candles?

We only use candles during power outages


Do you prefer physical books, or would some form of e-reader book be okay? And if ebook, do you prefer Kindle, Nook, iBooks, or something else?

Physical is preferred, definitely :)


Oh, and are you okay with Graphic Novels/Comics?

I love manga, not really into American style comics though.



Jewelry: Gold or Silver?

Anything as long as there is no nickel and no copper for rings.



Whether you do or do not nail polish, would you be interested in nail wraps of any sort? Could be festive or not, any brand (in addition to things like Jamberry, there are plenty of other brands out there).




Would you like some home...made(?) fall pictures or photos to frame or put in a photobook? I will stalk the toads in my yard for you! :P Any particular things you'd enjoy photos of?

I love photos of dew-covered spiderwebs.



Are there any things (characters, bad guys, halloween-related-things, fandoms, etc) you absolutely can not stand or don't want in your goodies?

Twilight, 50 Shades of Grey, sports teams, and items of that ilk. I don't watch Dr Who so don't bother with items from that either, not because I don't like them, just because I wouldn't understand or appreciate them as they deserve.



Anything from the update strike your fancy?

Butterflies, Flowers, and Jewels Attending; Little Pythia; and Lilith's Feel Better Flowers :wub2:



Is there anyone else in your household that would appreciate a little extra included for them(pets, children, spouse, SO, house spirits, etc.)? This is also known as 'Do I need to send two bags of caramel apple Milky way; one for you and one for you...to share with other people?' Also, this would be considered an extra, and not necessarily part of the 13 gifts. ;)

I have two kids (one girl, one boy) who are horrible moochers of candies, treats, and stickers.



Do the mp3 player/radio station thing!(optional, just because I always like this question :D)

How about I just tell you the last few CD's I've listened to instead - Abney Park, Brave Soundtrack, Steampowered Giraffe, Trans-Siberian Orchestra



I know we had a question about getting into new hobbies/crafts already, but is there anything else you've always meant or wanted to learn about/learn more about but haven't got around to getting a book on or watching a show about it?

I actually just joined the SCA and am planning on starting medieval soap-making >.>



Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for?

Yay! Etsy is always a good choice ;)



Are there hot drinks that you like this time of year? If so, what would you like?

Tea (mostly loose-leaf), and I start drinking more spiced apple cider also.



Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ?

Zoya Pixie Dust polishes



How about homemade infused vodkas?

We have quite the alcohol collection right now already since we started making wines this year :lol:



Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself?

Round cotton pads for makeup/polish removal, super glue, fun bandaids (mustache designs and such),



If you are my trick or treater, would you be delighted by some cool Halloween fabric or would you wonder if I'd lost my mind?

I love fabric but I have so many fabric projects that I've had sitting around (some for years) that I've never even touched, I doubt I'd actually be able to do anything with it.



What ONE non-discontinued GC scent do you absolutely love, but for whatever reason, haven't yet purchased a bottle for yourself?

Obsidian Widow



Decorative box (not bigger than say, a cigar type box) - yea or nay?

Ooooooo, yes please! Especially if it looks vintage



On a scale from horrified to enraptured, how do you feel about this fabric? (ETA: if it were to be, say, a bag? >.> )

No thank you



Kitchen stuff? Say spatulas with skulls on or an apron with a Halloween theme

I live in the same house as my mother in law, that wouldn't go over very well I think



A Game of Thrones: are you a fan of the TV series? Have you read the books or would you want to? (Me, I've read some of the books, own them, and am not really interested in the show.)


Would you like any home made jams? I can guarantee they are very yummy. (And we have a ton of our own so I don't really need any more . . . unless it's raspberry something, or tea jelly, I still haven't gotten around to making a tea jelly)

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