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Warm Pumpkins & Fall Leaves swap answers

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Do you like fingerless mitts? Color? Length?

I would love fingerless mitts or gloves! My hands are always freezing at work. I've been so desperate in the past that I just cut the fingertips off of an ordinary pair of black gloves, but they're unraveling badly by now, so I don't think they'll last much longer. Colour-wise, black is always good, but I'm up for most other colours as well. Length-wise, maybe to the wrist or a little bit past - when it's cold I wear long sleeves, so no need for mitts to go much past the wrist.


How 'bout scarves and hats? Plain or fancy? Lacey? Color/width/length?

I actually already have a bunch of scarves that I've gotten as gifts, and I hardly ever wear scarves. I never wear hats.


Can you wear (very soft, fine) wool? Do you prefer not to (for whatever reason)?

I don't see any reason why not, although I can't remember ever trying.


Top three favorite hot beverages? Be as specific as you like (ie not all hot cocoas are created equal!)

1. Hot chocolate, especially cinnamon or spicy. Mint is good too, and lately I've been liking white chocolate. I'll try any, from the Land o' Lakes single serve packets to "fancy" make with milk (instead of water) blends.

2. Tea. My three favourites are Republic of Tea's Cardamon Cinnamon; Stash's Mojito Mint green tea; and ginger tea - either Triple Leaf Tea's Ginger with 100% ginger root or Lipton's Ginger Twist, depending on my mood.

3. Hot spiced cider. I have some Aseltines apple cider spices for hot mulled cider in tea bags that I love, but sadly haven't been able to find any more in the past few years.


Tell me about one thing you have trouble finding for your favorite fall holiday.

Nothing! I have the opposite problem - I find way too much! I love bats, so this time of year the stores are filled with temptation.


Glass pendants - any particular themes?

Something Halloween-y would be nice. I'm a sucker for anything with bats, especially. I also like dichroic glass.


Any fandoms or favourite shows/movies (even if you're not overly-obsessed)?

Since I cancelled my DirecTV a couple of years ago and never replaced it with anything, I've sort of lost track of what's currently on. I just re-watched season 7 of Supernatural after getting it from the library, and I'm on the waitlist for season 8. As long as they keep Dean around, I expect that I'll keep watching to the bitter end. Eternal favourites are Mystery Science Theater 3000 and the Real Ghostbusters (yep, a puppet show and a cartoon - I'm so sophisticated! :lol:). Music-wise, I worship Marc Almond. I also love Leonard Cohen, Gene Pitney, Senses Fail, and Motion City Soundtrack, among many others. Favourite movies are The Unbelievable Truth, Trust, and Amateur, all by Hal Hartley, and I also have a fondness for old horror movies (Vincent Price, Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff, etc.).


Are you religious and if so does it influence stuff you like/collect?

No, I'm not, and I tend to avoid the standard Christian imagery. I probably wouldn't have a problem with stuff from other religions outside of my own background, but I was raised Catholic, and I'd rather not have Christian symbols and such around me any more.


Commercial candy (premade)? Types, amounts, any other preferences I can't think of?

My Halloween favourites are the Reese's peanut butter pumpkins and the Brach's (I think) caramel apple candy corn. I'm also a big fan of Smarties and SweeTarts and such. One thing I love that I haven't been able to find in stores around here are the C. Howard's spearmint candies. I also love Fannie May candy, but they don't have any stores in this state anymore, so I'd be excited to get one of their candy bars or some Halloween chocolate.


Other sorts of commercially-available treats (seasonal or otherwise)?

I seem to be eating a lot of popcorn lately, so a flavored popcorn (white cheddar, kettle corn, cinnamon sugar, chocolate-covered, etc.) would be quite nice.


Do you have gift wishlists (Amazon, Etsy, Kaboodle, etc.) that aren't in your signature or profile?

They're all in my sig.


If your Warmer Upper sent you a tiny bottle of booze, would you report them to the cops or would you high five yourself and drink it? What kind of 'hot' drinks do you like?

High five! I'd be very happy to get booze! Aside from beer and wine, I mostly drink flavoured vodkas and schnapps and such, including spearmint schnapps, ginger brandy, cinnamon infused vodka, Kinky, etc., but I'll try anything!


Not sure if this has been asked BUT candles - love'em hate'em what kind do you like? Full Beeswax? scented? if scented what flavor?

I like beeswax best, but if it's a nice scent, I'll take any kind. Favourite candle scents include cinnamon, clove, and mulberry - I also love Bath & Body Works' Marshmallow Fireside, but I'm pretty well stocked up on that one, so I include it just to give you an idea of what I like.


How do you feel about pictures, such as photographs you might hang on your wall? If I sent one, would you display it?

I love pictures, to the point where I have scads of unhung pictures and posters stored or even just spread out on my library floor because I've run out of places to hang them. So, regrettably, if you sent one, I'd enjoy it, but I probably wouldn't have a place to display it.


Jewelry Prefs? Earrings? Necklaces? Bracelets?

Necklaces, mostly. I don't wear earrings at all, and although I like bracelets, I seldom wear them, because they get in the way of my typing at work.


Speaking of - hey, Pumpkin, how do you feel about books? Is there any book, series, or genre that you've been reading lately?

Love books! Lately I've been reading almost entirely manga. My latest obsession is the series Adekan, which I've been reading in unauthorized translation at MangaPark (http://www.mangapark.com/manga/Adekan/). It's not been officially published in English, so I've actually gone ahead and bought the German translations instead. My German isn't good enough anymore to just sit down and read them, so I'm sure it will be slow going, but at least I can enjoy the art while I'm slowly working my way through the words! :D (Now if only I could find some English fanfiction for it! I'm so used to hitting up fanfiction.net to see other people's takes on the characters if I really like a series, but the only fanfiction I could find for this series was in French! Or was it Italian? I don't even remember - all I remember is the disappointment. :( ) I'm also currently reading Library Wars, Oresama Teacher, Kamisama Kiss, and His Favorite, to name a few series, and I'm always on the lookout for more. And now that we're into October, I'm also looking to pick up some more seasonal things - my thoughts are turning to spooky stories!


Not just do you like/want books, but oh Punkin, do you have an e-reader/would you like e-books?

I don't have an e-reader.


Would you like spooky/thematic books?



Favorite tree?! Leaf shape!

I've never actually given it much thought. I wouldn't even know where to start on leaf shapes - almost all of them are pretty this time of year with all the beautiful colours!


Do you garden?

No, unfortunately I have a black thumb. The only things growing in my yard other than the weeds are plants that have survived through sheer force of will. I wish I were the kind of person who could grow a fabulous garden, but I'm just not.


Hey, Pumpkin - the days are cooling off, do you have a preference for tea/cocoa/arm-warmers/candles?

Cocoa over tea, for starters. Maybe not so much arm-warmers as fingerless gloves - the latter would be fantastic! Candles are wonderful, but I have so many already that they're not as much of a priority, although I certainly wouldn't be unhappy at all to get more!


How do you feel about bath products such as soaps, scrubs, shower gels, lotions, etc.? Any preferences (bar soap over liquid soap or shower gels; sugar scrubs over salt scrubs, etc.)? Anything you're trying to avoid?

I can never get enough bar soap, although I tend to avoid the glycerin ones. Shower gels are nice, and I like the less oily scrubs - Villainess' Smacks are about the perfect consistency for me. I almost never use lotions. And I know it's the seasonal thing, but I really don't like strong pumpkin scents.


Let's talk socks. Tall? Short? Fuzzy? Wool? Whimsical? Colors? Any special fit issues?

Socks are great! Crew length are probably my most worn, but I'm good with knee highs and ankle socks as well. I love bamboo blend socks in particular, but pretty much any kind of sock works for me. Patterns are fun, pretty much any color is fun, Halloween socks are extra fun, and Halloween socks that have either bats or Hello Kitty on them are extra super duper fun!


What's your Fall holiday decorating/accessories style? Cute little ghosties, baby witches, and happy faced pumpkins? Natural, with cornucopias and arrangements of gourds, pumpkins, corn, etc.? Sort of rustic or country? Classic bats and ghosts and skeletons and monsters? Total kitsch? Blood and gore and prop dismembered limbs?

I'm sort of everyday goth-light, in that I tend to buy "Halloween" things that I then use all year round. Halloween purchases that have taken up year-round residence in my home include an orange and black doormat with bats, a black feather wreath, shot glasses with ravens and skulls and such, a small vulture figure that perches above my tv, black candleholders with webs and dangling spider, Skelanimals clings on my windows, etc. When it comes to decorating for the holiday, I love most classic Halloween themes: ghosts, skeletons and skulls, jack o' lanterns, witches (more the elegant than the ugly), ravens and crows, and bats, always bats! Cute spiders or spider shapes are fine, but I don't really like realistic spiders, and no scorpions or other creepy crawlers!

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