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2013 Fall Swap

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1. Do you like fingerless mitts? Color? Length?

Not really. My fingers are usually what's coldest, so if I'm wearing mittens or gloves, I want my fingers covered. I have someawesomely warm, flexible gloves that work with smartphone screens, too, so I don't really need anything new for my hands.



2. How 'bout scarves and hats? Plain or fancy? Lacey? Color/width/length?

I do, however, LOVE scarves and hats. Plain works fine. If there's a fringe, I like fringe better on scarves than on hats. Unsure about lacey. I kinda like the look of infinity scarves, but I haven't tried wearing one myself, so I don't know how they'd do for me. Colors: I usually prefer jewel tones, but honestly, just about anything except neon shades of any color. I like blues, purples, greens, reds, earth tones, darker oranges, warm yellows, rosy pinks...as long as it doesn't glow in the dark, I'll probably love it.



3. Can you wear (very soft, fine) wool? Do you prefer not to (for whatever reason)?

As far as I know, I can wear wool, but I can't remember if I actually HAVE worn wool in anything before (surely I have...), so I'm a little uncertain. But soft, fine wool sounds just fine, and I'd happily try it on and hope for the best.



4. Top three favorite hot beverages? Be as specific as you like (ie not all hot cocoas are created equal!)

Spicy hot chocolate is the best hot beverage ever. Spicy as in cinnamon, not chili peppers. When all I have is Swiss Miss, I'll sprinkle in some of our good cinnamon. That makes it so much better. I like the individual serving packets of (can't remember the brand!) hot cocoa, too, and usually get chocolate caramel or mint chocolate from those. I've tried making cocoa from scratch and just can't make it taste good (yes, I'm pitiful like that :P).

I also drink coffee and have a Keurig. I don't expect you to send a box of K-cups, though, so if you do something coffee-related, maybe a non-refrigerated seasonally flavored creamer or syrup to go in it? Or a gift card for a coffee shop.

I like chai tea lattes. I'm not crazy about tea in general, but I like the spices of chai.



5. Tell me about one thing you have trouble finding for your favorite fall holiday. Uhhhh. I don't know. Affordable decorations? Most of what I see are way more expensive than I'm willing to pay, especially since when I do break down and buy them anyway, they break during the first season of use. When I pulled out my Halloween stuff this year, I realized that I hardly have anything I can really use. Most of what I have left are fragile candle holders that I don't want sitting around with two crazy kids throwing balls and blocks all over the house.


Glass pendants: I don't wear much jewelry, and I tend to be rough on what I do wear. A glass pendant would be treasured but rarely worn for fear of breaking it.


Any fandoms or favourite shows/movies (even if you're not overly-obsessed)?

Stargate SG1, Doctor Who, Firefly, Teen Titans, Full Metal Alchemist, The Avengers, Harry Potter (go Ravenclaw!), The Big Bang Theory, Eureka, Jane Eyre (Charlotte Gainsborough version is favorite, others are acceptable), Scooby Doo :lol:




I've grown up in the Presbyterian Church, so I do consider myself Christian, but it doesn't affect stuff I collect beyond the point of no "I heart Satan" types of things.


Commercial candy? Commercial treats?


Snickers, anything with chocolate & peanut butter, Almond Joy, Newman's Own Organics mocha milk chocolate bars, Sconza Lemoncello Almonds, Brookside Dark Chocolate Pomegranate




Linked in my signature. The top post of my wishlist blog has links to my Amazon and Think Geek wishlists.




BOOZE ME UP, SCOTTY. I mean, that'd be lovely, thank you.




Love 'em, but I tend not to burn them often because my kids are very devious about using long-sticked cleaning tools to reach way up high and knock stuff over. Tarts/wax melts are safer and get used more often. I don't particularly care if it's full beeswax, soy, whatever. I tend to prefer more foody stuff for home scents.


Random scent preference note: I forgot to include honeysuckle in my ?aire. LOVE the smell of honeysuckle. It's not really seasonally appropriate, but I though I'd mention it just in case.


Jewelry: no earrings. Bracelets would be OK. I'm most likely to wear a necklace. Silver/white gold is strongly preferred, although bronze can be beautiful as well. I mainly just don't wear yellow gold.


Pictures for my wall: I have pictures, paintings, and photographs galore stuffed in a closet that I've been wanting to hang up since we moved into this house. That was SIX YEARS AGO. <_< So as much as I'd love a photograph from you, it probably won't get displayed in my house for at least another six years.


Speaking of - hey, Pumpkin, how do you feel about books? Is there any book, series, or genre that you've been reading lately?

LOVE BOOKS. I'm currently reading the second in the Rai-Kirah trilogy by Carol Berg. I usually read fantasy, especially urban fantasy/paranormal, but I also like science fiction and...umm...well, other varieties of fantasy, such as historical fantasy/alternate timeline "what if this had happened like this instead" type books. I also greatly love cookbooks, so something with Halloween recipes or pumpkin recipes would be lovely and suitable.



Not just do you like/want books, but oh Punkin, do you have an e-reader/would you like e-books?

I have a Kindle and frequently use it or the Kindle app on my phone to read e-books. E-books are usually easier for me to deal with than physical books, so I slightly prefer them, but I'd be delighted with a physical book, too.



Would you like spooky/thematic books?



Favorite tree?! Leaf shape!

I love birch trees. No particular favorite leaf shape.



Do you garden?

No. I kill all living things that can't make noise to remind me to feed/water them.


Hey, Pumpkin - the days are cooling off, do you have a preference for tea/cocoa/arm-warmers/candles?

Cocoa over tea for sure, candles or tarts would be fabulous, indifferent to arm-warmers.


How do you feel about bath products such as soaps, scrubs, shower gels, lotions, etc.? Any preferences (bar soap over liquid soap or shower gels; sugar scrubs over salt scrubs, etc.)? Anything you're trying to avoid?


I love bar soaps that aren't Dial, Irish Spring, etc. I like shower gels. I have quite a bit of both bar soaps and shower gels that I'm trying to work through, but I DEFINITELY wouldn't say no to getting more! I love sugar scrubs, especially Wylde Ivy's. It's been a long time since I've tried Villainess, but I don't remember loving whatever ones I tried. Bath & Body Works's sugar scrubs are way too oily. That's about all I can think of sugar scrub-wise to give you an idea of what I like texture-wise. Salt scrubs are okay, and coffee scrubs are not good in my bathtub's drain. As for lotions, I tend to prefer rich, thick body creams over thinner lotions, but if it moisturizes well I'll try it. I have pretty dry skin that is already getting worse with the cooler weather, so lotion (HAND CREAM!) is good. :)


Socks: My calves don't like tall socks, as much as I wish they would. I usually wear ankle height but would be happy with other heights, just, y'know, not up to or past my knees unless they're specially made for big calves. Other than that, anything goes. I like my socks in all colors, patterns, levels of fuzziness, and fabrics. I like toe socks and regular socks. I like solid color socks, and I like polka dot socks with words on them, and I like character design socks, and I like...well. Pretty much, I like socks. :)


What's your Fall holiday decorating/accessories style? Cute little ghosties, baby witches, and happy faced pumpkins? Natural, with cornucopias and arrangements of gourds, pumpkins, corn, etc.? Sort of rustic or country? Classic bats and ghosts and skeletons and monsters? Total kitsch? Blood and gore and prop dismembered limbs?


I seem to go cutesy more than scary. No blood or gore, please. Not terribly interested in cornucopias, but gourds and fall leaves are certainly nice enough and can usually stay out all autumn instead of being put away immediately following Halloween. Rustic or country decorations are just fine. Currently I have a bunch of ceramic jack-o-lanterns with varying facial expressions, some cute witches and black cats, some cute witchy boots that are supposed to hold long candle tapers, some wooden witchy signs outside, and some window clings featuring classic Halloween bats, cats, and ghosts, and Scooby Doo window clings. You know what I'd love? Some cutesy owl stuff. Every time I go shopping, I see more and more adorable owl stuff, and the Halloween owls I've seen are so freaking cute it kills me. I just haven't bought any of them yet. I need to start an owl collection. Would an owly thing count as the leaf item, what with owls perching in trees where there just happen to be leaves...? :nervous:

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