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Switch O Ween '13 questions!

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Yes! give me all the candles!



Would you be interested in getting a kit of sorts to learn how to do a craft or make something, with some basic starter materials and instructions? And if yes, what sorts of things would you be interested in learning? How to do origami, or glass etching, or cross-stitching, or card making, or knitting, or crocheting, or cheese-making, or mushroom growing, or whatever?

I would be interested in origami, and I love cross stitching! I also would love to get a some sort of potted herb garden kit or just some herb seeds.



If your Witch were to create a cookbook of recipes she thought you'd like, would you be interested in that sort of thing? And if so, what sort of recipes would you be interested in?

I would love dinner recipes on the healthier side.



Do you prefer to receive whole coffee beans or ground? Also, if you like flavoured blends, what sort of flavours? (caramels, nuts, chocolate, etc.) I would prefer whole bean, because it helps it last longer and stay fresher since I have a little coffee grinder. I'd love some flavored coffee! Really anything would be good, but my favorite coffee flavors are cinnamon, coconut and chocolate :)



Are you interested in anything from the Haus of Gloi yule update on November 3rd? Which products and which scents?

Wintervale and Three Treasures. Probably just perfume oil samples. The lip balms all sound amazing, it's hard to choose which one. I think the Gingerbread.


How do you feel about nail polish? If you like it, are there any brands or colors in which you are interested?

I'd love any deep blood reds, dark blues, purples or greens. Metallic!


What about makeup? What brands do you prefer and which products would you most enjoy receiving?

I have way too much makeup, but I'd love to try samples of skincare products and foundations. Anything for sensitive skin would be great, and usually I'm the lightest color.




Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends.

Sure! anything fruity please! I'm also starting to get into green teas that have a hint of fruity flavor. (I also LOVE raspberry earl grey, which is hard for me to find, unfortunately)


Do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library?

No thanks.


Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of.

Blue Snowballs, Blue Pumpkin Floss V3, Tanuki no Orai


Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer?

I haven't, but I'd love to try anything! I think I'd be interested in Indian Summer, if they still have that scent.


Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow?

Unfortunately I go away to school in the summer, so I haven't been able to garden!


Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for?

Sure! Target or Trader Joe's would be nice!


Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ?

I can't think of anything, sorry :(


Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself?

cute notepads, cheesecloth, pizza cutter, strong magnets, placemats in a sage green color.


Is there anything from a farmer's market you might like?

I can't really think of anything that would be okay to ship. Maybe some apple or pumpkin butter?



Do you have any upcoming away time I should be aware of, for shipping purposes?



Would you like anything from Sock Dreams?

here is my wishlist. The slouch socks have been my staple for like 7 years! I usually get the dark red and plum ones, so I have enough of those. I'd love some grey ones.

These are another favorite. I'd love some red and "denim" ones.


Is there anything in the Miskatonic Valley Philharmonic update that you're interested in?



Is there anything my mom's etsy shop that you're interested in?

Love those knitting bags! I really like the bat one :)



Is there anything you'd like from Lush, witchee?

I really love the Karma scent, so I'd love anything with that. I'd also like to try a lip balm or a lip stain if they had a plummy color.


If I were your witch and were to paint you something, what would you absolutely love, what would you feel ambivalent toward, and what would you not like to see or receive?

This might seem really lame, but I would ADORE a painting of a mountain lion, or African lion (or really any wild cat).


Speak to me of jewelry! If you like earrings, what kind? Dangly earrings, hoops, studs - what kind do you like? How long do you like your necklaces? Or would you prefer to just get a pendent, so you can size the chain yourself? Details, they make me happy.

I don't really wear anything in my ears but small silver studs with gemstones. I love necklaces though! I like wearing small dainty pendants on 18" silver chains, and I am obsessed with gemstones, especially amethyst, labradorite, garnet, moonstone and clear quartz (but I'd love ANYTHING).



Are you okay with semi-spicy foods right now? I'm thinking like curry or chipotle? If you were to choose a chili powder would you go Hot, Medium, or Mild?

I like mild and sometimes medium, but my husband loves hot! We'd love to try some different currys and chipotles!

If you were this mystery witch's witchee, would you be interested in Spoonfudge (http://www.spoonfudge.com/) or any other such "ordered online" sweet?

No thank you, unless they have very small portions.

Also - Double checking everyone's baked goods status. Home-made baked goods or other food stuffs OK?

I'm really trying hard to eat healthy, and the truth is that I have a voracious sweet tooth. I would rather have just a few treats, for sanity's sake.



TRADER JOE'S: I have one near my parent's house, but don't get to it often enough. My favorite thing in the world are their coconut chips!



I used to use them, especially Ketylos, but since my hair has gotten so thin they just fall out. I do however love wooden hair forks, like this one https://www.etsy.com...=fb2_tnx_title. It holds my hair so well. I only have one, so I'd love more!


Is there any craft project/s you are working on now that you need supplies for? Or rather, is there a craft project you've been wanting to do but need stuff to start?

I will always take yarn in jewel tones! I also really REALLY need vintage or reproduction Victorian scraps, especially flowers and birds, for my wedding scrap book I am trying to put together. Background scrapbook paper in victorian/art nouveau type prints would be great too! (sorry I know this is a bit obscure.)



Table Games - do you play them? If so, which ones, and which versions, and are there any goodies you might like related to them?

Dungeons and Dragons (my husband is OBSESSED and he is the DM of our campaign) We are playing 4.0.

I am playing a Drow Assassin that is rebelling against Lolth, and instead worshipping the Raven Queen. Thus, I need MORE RAVEN MOON because it smells exactly like I'd imagine the Raven Queen smelling. I also need some flat black or silver glass marble pieces for my shrouds. Really anything related to my character would be AMAZING.


Witchee, are you in need of any particular spices?

Some quality cinnamon and vanilla bean pods would be great! I make my own vanilla extract and I am always needing more bean pods.



If you were my witchee, would you be interested in anything from my store or something similar? (Nut-made by LisaNut on etsy.)

Those are all really cool! I have too much of that kind of thing though, unfortunately.


Say your witch works at a used bookstore. what kinds of things might you like from there? cool old pulp fiction paperbacks? tarot cards? (we have those.) a dr who pen? books about haunted cemeteries in seattle? you may have all of these things:) oh, and also movies. and cds.

I love tarot cards, I'd love to get an old rider waite set, as I don't have one of those. Anything celtic would be good too. I'd love any books about hauntings!

Anything old and ancient (I've been obsessed with finding an old Godey's Lady's book from the late 1800's since I was a kid), especially homemaking books, ladies magazines or children's books from before the 1950's.


Witchee, the Haunt Halloween update goes live tomorrow! When it does, please post right away and let me know your dreams and wishes!

I'd be interested in trying the perfumes Burying Tree and Incantare. I've always wanted to try a Lip Lust, but never got around to it. I'd LOVE the caramel apple one and maybe the pumpkin cake.


I've got some canned goods put up -- mostly jams/jellies, some apple butter, some applesauce. Want some? If so, what kind(s)?

YES I'd love apple or pumpkin butter! Unsweetened applesauce would be great too!


How feel you about lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks? Any particular favourite scents/flavours? Any favourite makers/sellers?

If all I got was a ton of lip balm from my witch, I would be ecstatic! I am obsessed with lip balm. However I don't really like MyLipStuff balms, they are too greasy/oily! My favorites are Rosebud salve, and the strawberry version they have, or anything with a fruity/candy flavor that are on the waxy side (beeswax/petroleum jelly). The Nivea ones are great too.

Not a fan of glosses though. I usually only wear lip balm and matte lipstick on the rare occasion.


Since wishlist links never seem to work in forum mail, won't you please re-post your wishlist links here, so they're readable?





Are you a fan of anything that you would like a tshirt of? If so, what size would you wear?

I need more band shirts and I NEED BPTP SHIRTS! I only have Sleepy Moon 2006 (which is falling apart!) and I have this years Black Butterfly Moon. My favorite is the baby Bella tee, and I am a medium in that.

I am a fangirl of things like GoT, Batman, Battlestar, Firefly, but I don't really like plastering myself in memorabilia.

I WOULD however, swoon over a literature tee. Like these: http://outofprintclo...-shirts/womens/

I'd love a Little Women, Moby Dick, The Raven, Alice in Wonderland, Jane Eyre or Sense and Sensibility tee


Do you love, hate, or are indifferent to.....pumpkin flavored things?

Love them! I'm not a huge fan of 'pumpkin spice' flavored chocolate though. I'd rather just have regular chocolate! Anything else pumpkin would be welcome! (teas, coffees, baked goods, etc :) )

Dear future Witchee, did you get anything from the Beaver Moon or Weenie updates that I need to know about, so I don't accidentally repeat anything?

I got September Midnight and snakes in the pumpkin patch, and I have some weenie decants coming. I haven't gotten anything from Beaver Moon, but I'd love to try decants or sniffies!

I also really wanted to get a new BPTP hair gloss, or at least try a new one, but I ran out of money. The werebeast one, definitely. I'm waiting and waiting for my beloved Implacable Beautiful Tyrant to come back. I only have a small decant, and didn't get a big bottle in time before they went out of stock :(


Name some DVDs you wouldnt mind receiving, or are they on an Amazon list?

I'll put them on my amazon wishlist! :)


Do you want anything from Starbucks or Teavana? Tea, tea makers, rock sugar, tea tins, coffee, via, via refreshers, mugs, tazo tea...?

YESS EVERYTHING! worked at starbucks for two years and I miss my weekly pound of coffee/tea tin. My favorites are Yukon and Guatemala (medium blends) I also like Gold Coast for dark blends. And I have had a long obsession with Passion tea, which I always seem to be running out of!

I love the berry hibiscus refreshers but I'm more of a fan of the store made drink than the vias. I'd love to try any Teavana fruity tea blends!



Halloween Candy, Decorations, and Costume supplies - What kind are your idea of FUN and which ones would you thoroughly dislike?

I love all types of halloween decorations, but I tend to lean toward macabre and cute things.


WHAT traditions to you partake in for Halloween? Knowing what you do our how you decorate or how you celebrate?

Not really anything yet, besides dressing up for parties, though we won't be doing that this year.



Hey, Witchee, it's getting cold. Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers?

Socks please!! I knit a lot myself, so instead of scarves, hats and armwarmers, I'd love new patterns and yummy yarn to make them with!

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