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13 Days of Halloween! 2014



Dear Swappee: is there anything you might have forgotten to put on your survey?

I don't think so. Maybe that I am not picky at all! :D

Are there any particular fandoms that you follow?

I'm not a hardcore fandomy sort. But here is a list of things I like: Supernatural, Lord of the Rings, Resident Evil (the movies), Firefly/serenity, cookbooks (I know, I'm a weirdo, I read them for fun), Calvin and Hobbes, Foxtrot, Fraggle Rock, Powerpuff Girls, Star Wars, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, nail polish, puzzles,

Do you own a wax/oil burner? (If no, would you like one?)

I used to have one, but I got rid of it. I just didn't like it as much as candles. I love candles. Nice one, cheap ones, they're all my favorites.


What are your thoughts on yarn and handmade yarny things?

YAY! I can crochet, and I do a lot of it. But, the only things I've ever made for myself are some blankets. So, while I can do it, I never do it for myself, so anything made for me would be greatly appreaciated! I do get hives from wools, even the nice wool blends. I could manage a hat, since I have a lot of hair, it wouldn't touch my skin...but I wouldn't be able to wear a scarf or mittens made out of wool. Anything else goes though!

For bath and body products: do you have a bathtub or shower?

I have both!


Incense, y/n?

Incense and I do not get along at all.

Would you like loose, fancy tea?

Yum! I like everything, almost! I do not like jasmine teas, or roobios, or anything that's heavy on hibiscus, and licorice flavoring is icky. My favorites are spicy things, different chai type mixes, I also really like the white tea fruity flavors. And nut flavors. And chocolate ones. And green teas with flavors, black teas with fruity goodness, anything fall flavored (as in spices, and pumkins...not like dirt and dead leaves and rotting things). And ALL THE TEAS!!!

What is your favorite fall activity?

Leaves changing colors! The crisp air smells! The apple orchards! Pumpkin patches! The wee little kidlets coming to my door asking for candy! This is my first Halloween with doggies, and they WILL be wearing costumes! I hope to find a pretty tutu for BooBear, because she is a princess (and she has a homely little face, with a big underbite, so it'll be extra funny). And a hot dog bun costume for Bandit, since he's half weiner dog. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Bandit willing wears little sweaters when its super cold out and Boo had to wear a diaper after she got fixed in rescue (poor old girl was in heat when she was fixed and was a bit of a mess, my sister-in-law was her foster-mom, so we got all her information from fostering time), she didn't mind her diaper. So I think they'll both be ok with costumes.

I'm in Japan, anything specifically Japanese-y you want?

Japanese stuff! YAY!

Please briefly describe (color, style, preferred type of beads) or provide a picture of (if it is suitable), the type of necklace (if any) you would be interested in getting. If you do not like necklaces, what kinds of jewelry (if any) would you want to wear?

Halloweeny themed would be fun! I do tend to wear bold necklace more often than dainty little ones. But I am equal opportunity!

What about hot chocolate/malt drinks?

I don't know what a malt drink is, other than beer type stuff. If that's what is meant...Yum! If not, I am curious and want to try!


If you said that you are interested in books (or DVDs or any relatively big standalone sort of item), would you be okay with having multiples of such items spread over a couple of days, or would you prefer 13 distinct themish packages?

yes! I like to open presents! Ha ha ha ha ha!


How into the day themeing mentioned in the first post are you? All themed? A few maybe if they are fun? Not at all?

a present every day for me! Wheeeee!


Speaking of DVDs - are you interested in receiving movies and if so, what sort?

I like to watch movies! And eat popcorn with them! I have lots of popcorn kernels in my freezer! I put lots of butter on the popcorn. Butter is delicious! (I have a few movies in my amazon wishlist, we have quite a few movies here at home. Mostly I like actiony kinds.)


Back to the books - if you said you would like books, would you prefer I send you, say, my favorite Halloween anthology or something else spooky/scary, or something off your wishlist/want-to-read on goodreads?

That sounds fun! I don't have any Halloween anthology. I have lots of christmas romance ones. Halloween one sounds awesome! Spooky/scary is good too! And so is stuff off my wishlist. My goodreads is very out of date. Amazon list has books I want. But I love books, so it doesn't have to be off my list either. Yay books! (I'm not much of a fan of inspirational or drama-rama stuff.)


Do you want to know who is sending to you right away, or would you prefer to be surprised on the last day, to the extent possible? Likewise, do you have a preference for specifically numbered packages or for reach in and grab according to your fancy?

Reveal. Don't reveal. Its all good! Numbers, no numbers, both super fun! Present, present every day! yAY!


Would you be interested in solid perfume? What about lip balm?



There was a lot of mention of not wearing costumes/not being allowed to at workplaces. Would you be interested in goth style or Halloween-themed(pumpkins, ghosts,etc.) normal clothes to wear instead, and what would be suitable?

I can wear what I want...as long as I have close toed shoes on and my clothes won't get caught in machines.


I'm going to Rose City Comic Con during the shopping window. Any exhibitors/vendors/comics/etc. you're particularly interested in? OMG THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE A GOONIES "NEVER SAY DIE" T-SHIRT! I AM TOTALLY GETTING THAT! Ahem. Yes. I mean... There are things! Are any of them particularly appealing to you and/or your inner twelve-year-old (mine is calling dibs on the Goonies stuff)?

I'm sure there are plenty of things I would like! I'm not sure what off the top of my head! I like things!

Day of the dead/ Dia de los Muertos stuff?

Sure! I have a lovely sugar skull that I got in a previous swap. (Mr. Boy REALLY wanted to taste it.)

Does anything from this shop catch your eye?

Yes! It looks nice! I use lotion less than anything else, but I wouldn't turn my nose up at lotion! Any sort of fall pumpkin/spicy/fall scents. Not a fan of florals or aquatics.

Dear Pumpkin: Do you have aversions to any animals or insects?

No live animals/insects please! :D Ha ha ha ha! Anything that is fake or dead is fine by me!

How do you feel about canned foods like jams and things along those lines?

LOVE THEM!!! I adore jams, jelly, and butters. For pickled things, I like dill pickles (hot one and non hot ones) and pickled jalapenos. Not much of a fan of other pickled veggies.

Do you have a favourite colour scheme?

Colors are so pretty!

How do you feel about stickers (and stationery in general)?

Yay stickers! I have a fair amount of stationery already, but like always, I don't mind getting more!

How do we feel about fibercrafting (knit, crochet, etc.)? wearables? crafted critters? If you would like a scarf or something similar, would you like it to be themed, like fall colors, or have a skull or other halloweenie motif/border?


What makes you feel pampered?

Fancy candy and a bath!

I have a dumb question! I know it's a big joke that we get everything five years later than everyone else in the world, but is there anything specifically Canadian you'd like? Maple things, chocolate bars, or any of our creepy chip flavours?

I'm intrigued by the thought of the coffee crisps that other people mentioned. And bring on the creepy chips! If I don't like it, Mr. Boy will eat! I love trying new things!


A new question from me: While I am stalking the restock of the Rice Pudding hot process soap, does anything fromPaintbox Soapworks catch your eye?

Ooooh! I love Paintbox! The sorbettos are my favorite sugar scrubs, and the soap! So good!


Is there is any TAZO tea you have a hankering for? Zen, Awake, Passion, China Green Tips, Vanilla Roibois, Calm, Refresh? (tea bags in a tin)

no roobios, or anything floral or jasmine. Everything else is awesome!


How about any Teavana tea? (loose leaf)

Same as above!


How about Starbucks coffee beans? If so, ground (and for what kind of filter) or whole bean?

I'm not a fan of Starbucks coffee beans. I like their fancy froo-froo drinks, but not the plain coffee.


How about Starbucks coffee via (italian, columbia, anniversary, vanilla latte?) or Iced coffee via (caramel or regular?) Fruit flavored via (berry hisbiscus, cool lime, strawberry lemonade?) Pumpkin Spice Latte via?

Oooh! Flavored! Pumpkin spice latte sounds yummy. And fruits! and caramel and vanilla! (Mr. Boy likes the regular plain via, so if you send some, he would be a happy boy.)


Starbucks K-cups or Verismo pods?

No maker for them!


Coffee/tea travel mugs or ceramic home mugs?

tea travel mug!


Coffee maker (french press) or tea steeper?

I've been trying to find an electric percolator coffee pot. So far, the goodwills by me haven't had one.


Anything else from Starbucks/Teavana? Syrups, honey, whatever?

Whatever! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I don't usually sweeten my tea or use syrups, but if they come in a small little airplane liquor sized, they'd be fun to try.


How would you feel about a gently-used card game? For example, something I may have purchased several years ago and maybe played with my daughter *twice* before she became a moody teenager, and too cool for card and/or board games?

Yes! Even less gently-used are ok by me!

Alcoholic beverages in your goodies-- yay or nay-- if yay, what kind?

Yummy! I am not a fan of bourbon. Or wine, I get migranes from wine.



Name at least one thing that you really wouldn't like to receive in your package.

Live scorpions. I wouldn't mind some taxidermy. :D

I have eyeshadow pigments which have been decanted from--as in the powder tapped out into another container,never used directly. (I don't use very much makeup, though I love it, so I keep shadow pigments clean so I can safely share.) Would a jar of pigment handled thus bother you or are you ok with cosmetic-type stuff that has not been directly touched?


For those with fiber allergies, is it ok if you get, say, an ornament/amigur-whatsit yarn thing that has wool in the blend, as long as it's not something to be worn? Also, because I don't know, do people with wool allergies generally also have sensitivity to other fibers like alpaca?

As long as its not touching my wrists or face, I should be ok! I'm not sure about other fibers like alpaca. I know wool bothers me, even the nice wool blends.


Does anyone especially like or want anything from cost plus/world market?

I'm sure that I want everything from them both! I really am easy and I like getting things! YAY!


Does anyone need any small kitchen items or utensils?

I don't "need" any. But I certainly would welcome some! YAY! Cute things are my favorites. (I have quite a few of the Animal House kitchen stuff.)


Dearest Pumpkin- do you have a preference of edible/drinkable vs. non edible items in your package? Would you prefer your package heavier on one side or the other?

I like presents! I like things to eat and drink and things to not eat and drink. My package can be heavy on either side or right down the middle. Its all good to me!


Any guilty pleasures? TV show you're embarassed to admit you like? Musical group/preference that seems out-of-place for you?

I have no shame. I like lots of crap! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


And now, a new question: to sort of piggy-back onto the question about small kitchen items, do you like to bake or cook, and if yes, are there any special ingredients, spices, or decorations for baked goods (like sprinkles in seasonal shapes or those decorative picks you put on top of cupcakes, for instance) that you would like?

Oh my! Yes! All of them! I like to bake and cook! I have many Christmas sprinkles and quite a few halloweenie ones. I should have more! And everyday ones! And spices and everything! The only thing I wouldn't know what to do with would be flavored vinegars. I don't care for vinegar. But if you already picked one out for me, just give me an idea of what to do with it and I will use it!


Hey, Pumpkin! How do you feel about lounge pants/pajama pants?

I like them! I would need an 2X size. I am festively shaped....like a pumpkin! :D


Do you have long, medium, or short hair? What kids of hair accessories do you like to use?

Yes! I have shoulder length hair right now. I go between all the lengths pretty regularily, so even if its not something I could use right now, I will be able to use later! :D I can get my hair in ponytails right now.



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