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13 Nights of Halloween 2014 questions and answers

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What are your thoughts on yarn and handmade yarny things?

I would have no use for yarn, but I always appreciate getting handmade things!


For bath and body products: do you have a bathtub or shower?

Both, and I shower and bathe about equally.


Dear Swappee: is there anything you might have forgotten to put on your survey?

Hmmm, since it’s that time of year, I guess that I don’t really like the smell of pumpkin.


Are there any particular fandoms that you follow?

I’m not following quite as closely now as I did in the past, but Pet Shop of Horrors, Library Wars, Black Butler, Hellsing, Real Ghostbusters, and Supernatural. Right now my fannish attentions are more devoted to delving into old movies (silent era through the 1940’s, but particularly the 1930’s and pre-Code stuff). I’m especially interested in movies featuring George Raft or Warren William.


Do you own a wax/oil burner? (If no, would you like one?)

Yes, I have a wax burner, but I almost never use it. I prefer candles.


Would you like loose, fancy tea?



Incense, y/n?

Maybe? I already have a lot, and I rarely burn it. Maybe something spicy or strongly vanilla-y?


What is your favorite fall activity?

I don’t really have a favorite fall activity, but I enjoy going apple picking with my family, watching horror movies, enjoying all the Halloween decorations and the cooler weather, and browsing through all the cool Halloween stuff that shows up in all the stores.


I'm in Japan, anything specifically Japanese-y you want?

Ohhh, just about anything! I do have a Japanese grocery near me, so I probably don’t need any food items (except vanilla pocky! they’re not carrying it anymore, and it was yummy!). Other than food, though, pretty much anything from Japan would be super exciting! I have a small maneki neko collection, so a new maneki neko to add to it would be lovely. I love a lot of anime and manga, so anything from one of my favourites (Library Wars, Pet Shop of Horrors, Hellsing, Black Butler, Ouran High School Host Club, Maid Sama!) would be great too.


Please briefly describe (color, style, preferred type of beads) or provide a picture of (if it is suitable), the type of necklace (if any) you would be interested in getting. If you do not like necklaces, what kinds of jewelry (if any) would you want to wear?

I love chainmaille, or a simple Halloween-themed pendant would be nice.


What about hot chocolate/malt drinks?

Hot chocolate definitely yes; I don’t know about malt drinks, but I’d be willing to give it a try!


If you said that you are interested in books (or DVDs or any relatively big standalone sort of item), would you be okay with having multiples of such items spread over a couple of days, or would you prefer 13 distinct themish packages?

I’d be fine with having multiples spread out over a couple of days. Really, whatever works best for you is fine with me!


How into the day themeing mentioned in the first post are you? All themed? A few maybe if they are fun? Not at all?

I was much more attracted to the Halloween aspect and not really into the day themeing, but if you find something for a theme day that you think would be up my alley, then bring it on!


Speaking of DVDs - are you interested in receiving movies and if so, what sort?

Sure! I’d totally be up for some horror movies (just no torture porn type stuff or demonic possessions, please)! I’ve also gotten into old movies lately – mostly from the mid-1930’s back to the silent era. If you know of any really good ones, I’d love to check them out!


Back to the books - if you said you would like books, would you prefer I send you, say, my favorite Halloween anthology or something else spooky/scary, or something off your wishlist/want-to-read on goodreads?

Either way! Favorite Halloween anthologies and spooky stories would be great!


Process question: Do you want to know who is sending to you right away, or would you prefer to be surprised on the last day, to the extent possible? Likewise, do you have a preference for specifically numbered packages or for reach in and grab according to your fancy?

I’m totally flexible either way, so I’ll leave it up to you!


Would you be interested in solid perfume? What about lip balm?

Yes to both!


There was a lot of mention of not wearing costumes/not being allowed to at workplaces. Would you be interested in goth style or Halloween-themed(pumpkins, ghosts,etc.) normal clothes to wear instead, and what would be suitable?

I work from home, so I don’t have to worry about suitability. :D


I'm going to Rose City Comic Con during the shopping window. Any exhibitors/vendors/comics/etc. you're particularly interested in? OMG THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE A GOONIES "NEVER SAY DIE" T-SHIRT! I AM TOTALLY GETTING THAT! Ahem. Yes. I mean... There are things! Are any of them particularly appealing to you and/or your inner twelve-year-old (mine is calling dibs on the Goonies stuff)?

Nothing really caught my eye, but if you see anything while you’re there that looks like my type of thing, I’m totally open to being surprised!


Day of the dead/ Dia de los Muertos stuff?

Sure! Prettily decorated skulls and skeleton figures are pretty much always cool.


Does anything from this shop catch your eye?

Black Cat bubbling scrub; Marshmallow Woods bubbling scrub or whipped soap samples; Mad Hatter Tea Cakes bubbling scrub; Chocolate Orange Truffle lip balm; Pumpkin Cupcakes lip balm; Cherry Limeade lip balm; Lime Sugar lip balm; Lemon Drop lip balm; and Cotton Candy lip balm.


Dear Pumpkin: Do you have aversions to any animals or insects?

Very strong aversion to scorpions, cockroaches, centipedes, and earwigs. Honeybees and bumblebees are wonderful, but I really dislike/find scary pretty much every other stinging insect (wasps, hornets, yellowjackets, etc.).


How do you feel about canned foods like jams and things along those lines?

I love the idea, but I almost never use jam or jelly, and I’m terribly particular about pickles, so I’m afraid it would be wasted on me. Canned fruits would be about the only canned thing I would probably eat.


Do you have a favourite colour scheme?

I like red with black, and sometimes lime green and magenta. Purple/blue/green and red/orange/yellow combos are generally nice, too.


How do you feel about stickers (and stationery in general)?

I always welcome more stickers and stationery!


How do we feel about fibercrafting (knit, crochet, etc.)? wearables? crafted critters? If you would like a scarf or something similar, would you like it to be themed, like fall colors, or have a skull or other halloweenie motif/border?

I would absolutely LOVE crafted critters!!! I really don’t need another scarf, but if you made me one with a Halloweenie motif/border (especially bats) I would totally wear it so much!


What makes you feel pampered?

My favourite (and most frequent) self-pamper is actually to sleep in late or nap during the day. Other things that would make me feel pampered would be a manicure, going out to eat, Fannie May chocolate, and getting a new book or DVD, or something cool from Etsy, or a new nail polish, makeup item, or bar of scented soap. My wild pie-in-the-sky fantasies of pampering include someone cooking for me, mowing the lawn, and cleaning the house while I read a book, watch a movie, or cross-stitch. :D

New Question! We've covered what critters you don't like, but what about the critters that you DO like? What are your favorite animals/creatures, real or imagined?

Gerbils, bats, bunnies, and mice are my favourites, but I like most small to medium size furry critters in general, from kangeroo rats to squirrels to oppossums and skunks to raccoons. I also really like honeybees and bumblebees. Bird-wise, I like owls and sea gulls best. I also like lake and sea monsters.



A new question from me: While I am stalking the restock of the Rice Pudding hot process soap, does anything from Paintbox Soapworks catch your eye?

Mandinka hot process soap or sorbetto sample; Punkie Night hot process soap or sorbetto sample; Gingermilk sorbetto sample.


Is there anything specifically Canadian you'd like? Maple things, chocolate bars, or any of our creepy chip flavours?

I love maple sugar candy and Aero bars!


Is there is any TAZO tea you have a hankering for? Zen, Awake, Passion, China Green Tips, Vanilla Roibois, Calm, Refresh? (tea bags in a tin)

I wouldn’t mind trying the Refresh Mint, organic Earl Grey Blanc, or Passion.


How about any Teavana tea? (loose leaf)

I haven’t been in a Teavana store since my friend and I had to slink out in shame upon reaching the register (after waiting forever in a huge line) and discovering that you couldn’t buy just one ounce of tea at a time like you can at other tea stores – so sadly, no Monkey Picked Oolong for my friend, who only wanted one ounce, no more. But I took a look at their website, and I’d love to try the Dragonfruit Devotion herbal or the Marshmallow Macaron herbal. I wouldn’t mind trying the Snow Geisha white, Moroccan Mint green, Samurai chai mate, or Limeade Twist herbal either.


How about Starbucks coffee beans? If so, ground (and for what kind of filter) or whole bean?

No thank you, I don't drink coffee.


How about Starbucks coffee via (italian, columbia, anniversary, vanilla latte?) or Iced coffee via (caramel or regular?) Fruit flavored via (berry hisbiscus, cool lime, strawberry lemonade?) Pumpkin Spice Latte via?

No thanks!


Starbucks K-cups or Verismo pods?



Coffee/tea travel mugs or ceramic home mugs?

I’m kind of way overstocked on both already.


Coffee maker (french press) or tea steeper?

No thanks.


Anything else from Starbucks/Teavana? Syrups, honey, whatever?

The Teavana rock sugar would be lovely.


How would you feel about a gently-used card game? For example, something I may have purchased several years ago and maybe played with my daughter *twice* before she became a moody teenager, and too cool for card and/or board games?

I'm fine with gently used, but if it requires two players, I'd probably hardly ever get to use it, unfortunately.

Alcoholic beverages in your goodies-- yay or nay-- if yay, what kind?

Yay! I’ll try pretty much anything alcoholic once. My favorites tend to be flavored vodkas, craft beers (especially porters or stouts), and wine.



Ummm, sure? The regular stuff is good once in a while. If it’s the caramel apple candy corn, then YAY!


New Question! Name at least one thing that you really wouldn't like to receive in your package.

I couldn’t really think of anything until I read Usagi’s answer – definitely no taxidermy for me either, please!


I have eyeshadow pigments which have been decanted from--as in the powder tapped out into another container,never used directly. (I don't use very much makeup, though I love it, so I keep shadow pigments clean so I can safely share.) Would a jar of pigment handled thus bother you or are you ok with cosmetic-type stuff that has not been directly touched?

I'm totally ok with that!


Does anyone especially like or want anything from cost plus/world market?

It's been a while since I've been to the one in my area, but it looks like it's about time for me to go back! Yay for Halloween stuff! I particularly like the cats & bats gel clings, the Gingerdead Man cookie cutter, the bleeding taper and pillar candles, and the vintage postcard Halloween wood clips.


Does anyone need any small kitchen items or utensils?

Not really. I barely use any in the first place, and despite that, my utensil drawer is crammed full. I don't know that I have room for anything else!


Dearest Pumpkin- do you have a preference of edible/drinkable vs. non edible items in your package? Would you prefer your package heavier on one side or the other?

Hmmmm, probably a bit heavier on the non-edible items, but of course the final decision is yours! I'm sure I'll be happy either way!


Any guilty pleasures? TV show you're embarassed to admit you like? Musical group/preference that seems out-of-place for you?

I try not to feel guilty about any of my pleasures, but I do feel a tinge of embarrassment sometimes about all the fanfiction I read. Oh, and it's also rather embarrassing to have to go into the Teen room at the library to get the manga books I love to read, so I guess I should feel guilty about reading things intended for people much younger than I am. I suppose the same should be true about going to concerts where much of the crowd is at least 20 years younger than me, but hey, I like what I like. Still, there's nothing quite like being nearly 40 and listening to the girl next to you lament to her friend that she was getting sooooo old, since she'd be turning 19 soon! :eek: Or having the people in line behind you get all excited by the fact that you're actually old enough to get a wristband and be able to buy alcohol inside!!!



Hey, Pumpkin! How do you feel about lounge pants/pajama pants?

I like them, but already have a bunch that I never end up wearing.


Another question! Do you have long, medium, or short hair? What kids of hair accessories do you like to use?

I have long hair right now, but getting a hair cut soon is high of my list of priorities. Once I finally get it done, it will probably be just below my chin. The only hair accessories I use are the elastic bands to put it in a ponytail, and I already have more of those than I need. My hair is too fine for pretty much anything else - pins, barrettes, etc., just slide right out.


If you could have a lotion/soap scented just for you, what are some notes you'd like to see? Autumn themed? or tried and true loves?

Autumn themed soap would be nice, especially something autumn themed that includes a tried and true note like cinnamon or clove.


Is there something that catches your eye from this shop? If you like something, but are opposed to the colors, or like a piece of something, like a piece in general if it were bigger/smaller etc. please don't hesitate to say so.

I think my favorite design shape-wise is the Swirls, but I'd prefer it with more less blue and more gold. I also like the Dot and Drape designs, and the Triple Bar bracelet in the blue and gold coloring of the Single Bar bracelet that's pictured would be fantastic. They're all very impressive, though!


If I were going to the mountains tomorrow, for the apple harvest, would you want some dehydrated apple rings???


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