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SW Fall 14 Q's



I wonder what a potential witchee would think about being bombarded with PUMPKINS in various formats. Because my current obsession just may last long enough to be of use in spoiling.....but I know wouldn't be appreciated by everyone. Would you appreciate it?!? The idea of this intrigues me. I actually love pumpkins and other winter squash in both decorative and culinary capacities. Colorful suashes are just so wonderuflly *fall.* Two of my sparse but awesome halloween decorations are grey pumpkins with a spider and a raven on them. Pumpkin scents are not as successful for me.


I currently have a CSA and my significant other is perpetually out of town for work, so I've been doing a lot of canning and baking with my vegetables. How do people feel about canned good (pickles, salsa, etc) and vegetal baked goods (squash bread, zucchini bread). Canned goods are awesome--pickled anything is wonderful, salsa of most spice levels, just easy on the cilantro (I'm one of those weird cilantro-tasters), baked goods are also welcome.


Trading Post wants? There's some stuff on my forum wishlist. Decant sizes are just fine since I don't use a lot of anything at a time, and stuff like bath oils I end up diluting anyway since the beloved has a super sensitive nose. I'm most curious righ tnow about the Embalming Fluid soap, Frenum bath oil, Nectar HG, Frankincense/clove, White Tea/sage HGs



4. What direct sellers do you not like and would prefer not to get things from? And also feel free to list any retail brands you really don't like. Prefer to avoid any companies that engage in animal testing, other than that, I'm not too worried. I personally avoid places like walmart and hobby lobby, but if my witch needs to get stuff from either of those, I'm not going to flip out or anything.


5. How about y'alls coffee and tea preferences? I drink a lot of tea, black, green, herbal, oolong, whatever....I don't like rooibos, and I don't care for anything with licorice root (that weird sweet aftertaste), but otherwise I'm open to whatever. Bags or loose, I use both. I do drink coffee, but the morning pot is always Yuban. Occasionally we'll do something flavored or otherwise exotic for an afternoon indulgence, so if you have an awesome local roaster that does the little 1-pot sized samples, that would be welcome. =)


6. Do you cook? Would kitchen accessories make you happy? I do cook! Not sure if there's anything I need accessory-wise though; kitchen's pretty well armed. ;)


7. How do people feel about creative endeavours? Would you like to receive one? Or supplies to make your own? What do you like? Drawings, stories, poems? I love other people's crafts! Whatever you enjoy doign would be loved. And I will use art supplies. I'd love to find some tree slices for woodburning with the bark still on. The ones I saw around here were absurdly pricey, so if my witch happens to have cheap access, that would be nifty.


8. What culture or country (doesn’t have to be modern) do you feel an innate connection with? What about it makes it special to you? I honestly have no idea how to answer this. There are places I'd love to go and things I'd like to see, but nothing I feel particularly connected to.


9. Is there any sort of art commission you would like: cartoony, pin-up, fantasy, realistic, etc? If so, what subject would you like drawn (a picture of you, a character, a loved one or pet)? I lean more toward the fantasy and realistic art, but I don't know what I would commission.


10. What do you find yourself doing for fun in your free time? What are your main hobbies and interests? Crochet, gardening, photography, walking with boyfriend and dog, dance, World of Warcraft.


11. Table-top gaming? If yes, what kind, edition, etc? Gaming accessories you long for? No tabletop, sadly.


12. DVD movies or games that you wish would magically appear in your hands? Can they be used, through Amazon? There are a few on my wishlist. Record of Lodoss War (dvd), Dragon Warrior 7 (playstation), I wouldn't mind getting ahold of the original theatrical releases of the old Star Wars movies without all the new and improved crap. The Rankin Bass version of The Hobbit on dvd. Used is totally welcome! If it plays, I'm happy.


13. What kind of snacks or candy from other countries/states would you like to try? I'm pretty open? Not too sure about weird chip flavors and probably not meat products.


14. Do you have a favorite internet meme, character or pop culture fandom? I have 3 different Minion mashup t-shirts, does that count as a fandom? There are a lot of things I like enough to have stuff for, but nothing I'm like rabid fangirl over. The things I do enjoy enough to have stuff are Dr. Who, Firefly, um...I dunno, I like computer geek references, though not many of them apply to me (in school as a network admin).


15. Do you have a Facebook profile (or other social media) that you are comfortable linking to aid your witch in stalking? Please note whether you are willing to add BPALers as friends. Add away. I'm on FB under my real name, and on ravelry as firechild.


16. Anybody interested in something from RCCC, whether it's con-exclusive merch or from a particular exhibitor or artist? No clue on specifics, but con is generally cool. Small interesting art prints, a new button for the collection on my knapsack, fun t-shirt, whatever.


17. How important to you is regular contact / chatter with your witch? I like knowing I have a witch, but if s/he's not particularly chatty, that's fine. I like being chatty, but I also volunteer to be matched with ninja witches, because they're awesome, too.


18. Do you like puzzles/riddles/treasure hunts and that sort of thing? Yep.


19. If you were to receive music, would you want a physical CD or digital versions? Either is fine, I can rip/burn music as needed. =)


20. What’s a current problem/annoyance you have that could be remedied but you haven’t had time to address it? I am a slacker extraordinaire regarding housekeeping. I need to set myself up a schedule or something.


21. How do you feel about having some sort of trinket to carry around for good luck/wishes? i.e. a small figurine, symbol, card, coin… a coin I could keep in my wallet or something that I could attach to my keychain would be cool.


22. Are you superstitious about anything? Any things you can't have in your house for that reason--bad associations? I have soem superstitions, but nothing comes to mind that would be relevant to this.


23. For the vegetarians and vegans: How do you feel about things (say, marshmallows or gummy candy) made with vegan gelatin or other typically-animal-derived-but-not-in-this-instance products? not applicable, but if my witch is vegan, I'm totally fine receiving veganized treats


24. Ok, so we've covered pumpkin. How do you feel about the other fall classic – apples? love apples, and I can drink myself sick on hot spiced cider in the fall. I just keep a pot on the stove with my spices and refill and reheat.


25. Do you have any fabric or skin-contact aversions? Not that I know of. Rough/itchy stuff next to the skin is a bad idea, because I will scratch myself raw, but the fiber type isn't the culprit.


26. How do you feel about Christmas/Yule ornaments? Sure, I decorate for winter holidays.


27. How do you feel about Hello Kitty, and Hello Kitty accessories (including mugs, cups, etc)? no interest, honestly


28. If you had a week free where you could learn anything, with no financial restrictions, what would you want to study? Oh geez...Gaelic, aquaponics, papermaking....


29. Do you enjoy poetry? Who are your favorite poets and what type of subject matter do you like? short answer, yes. I like Japanese poetic forms and nature imagery, Pablo Neruda, ee cummings. I'm not generally as fond of rhyming forms in poetry.


30. Would you enjoy receiving something related to a favorite Disney character? I wouldn't know what specifically, but I wouldn't be averse to it.


31. How do you feel about cute things as decorations or accessories? (Example: Would you enjoy this stationery - or do you prefer elegant/creepy/neutral stuff?) I like cute and quirky, to an extent--my probably with a lot of cutesy stationery is that it's so overloaded you really don't have room to write anything.


32. What is something you'd really like to recieve from your witch? Please be as specific as possible - no, "Oh whatever she thinks is fine!" Something handmade, a handwritten letter/note


33. Go to your music source of choice - on random or shuffle setting if possible - & share with us the 10 most recent songs/artists. (I did this in thread, but we'll see what i get a second time on the same playlist of 654 songs)

'Vishrama' Knossos

'My Nightmare's Dream' AWOLNATION

'I See You' G Tom Mac

'Chrysalis Coccoon Mix' Solace

'Final Fantasy Techno Rave Remix'

'Barrel of a Gun' Depeche Mode

'Earthbound Hotel Rhumba Remix' The Pancake Chef

'Love, Tears, Heartaches + Devotion' B-Tribe

'Soul Makossa' Afrika Bambaataa

'Ottoman Lobotomy' Kara Nomadica (which had a playback error, so bonus track:)

'Vermillion Part2' Slipknot



34. Tarot cards, rune stones and/or other divination tools yay or nay? If they came with instructions. I'm a newbie to that stuff.


35. Do you have a Celeb crush? or someone who you just can't get enough of....other than your SO. Negative. I occasionally crush on characters, but never celebs


36. Glitter? are you okay with it, or hate it like the plague? I'm fine with it.


37. If there was another time period other than now that described your style/aesthetics, what would it be? I'm too all over the place to give a good answer to this.


38. If you had to pick one or two quotes to live by, what would it be and why? Coming back to this.


39. Do you prefer physical books? CD books? eBooks? If eBooks do you have preferred format, kindle/nook/kobo/PDF/ePub/ect? eAudio? Prefer physical books. I start at a computer screen between 6 and 12 hours a day (yay work), so having non-electronic media to enjoy is a wonderful thing.


40. Smut! Yes or no? If yes, what kink, er, kind? It...depends. I don't mind the urban fantasy romance type stuff (my mom and I have all the Nalini Singh Guild Hunter and Changeling books between us, I have MeiLin's Lovers and Beloveds and greatly enjoyed that....I think it comes down to the criteria of plot and good writing.


41. Ebooks! Yes or no? Not my first choice, but I can read them that way.


42. If you were to get a custom bottle from House of Gloi made for you what notes would create your perfect blend? Patch, Amber, Chrysanthemum or maybe Beeswax, bergamot, blood orange (green tea?)


43. If your witch were to take a photograph (or paint or whatever) of something just for you, what would it be? Landscape? Flower? Critter? Something to illustrate a favorite quote? I love nature photography, especially macro work of plants. And small wildlife--songbirds, hummingbirds, insects...


44. What is your favorite Halloween animal or other symbol/decoration? moons, ravens, owls...I like the dark windy moonlit fall night imagery more that specifically Halloween, I think


45. Makeup, especially of the indie variety. Nail polish, nail wraps, eyeshadow, lipstick/gloss, etc. Y/N? Specific preferences (color, finish, product, brand, etc.)? I like eyeshadow pigments, preferably shimmer, and tawnier colors. Samples of pigments are awesome since I don't use a ton. I'd like to find a decent lip tint/stain...for lip colors, shades in the true-to-brownish red family are best, anything from pale to dark is fine--if it's too dramatic for daily use it becomes stage makeup. I really don't do much nail-wise anymore.


46. How do you feel about profanity and off-color humor? Totally fine, just no racist, gross-out, or deliberately humiliating type humor.


47. I make hairsticks...would you like/use them? hair's currently too short. I'm actually going to grow it out so I can use my hairsticks again.


48. Does anyone here LARP? If so, what kind of LARP? And what kind of character do you play? No larping


49. Would you completely freak out if I sent you a chocolate covered scorpion or some other food oddity? This includes things like 'bacon powder' from thinkgeek.com. Neither of those sound particularly appealing. I wouldn't freak out, but I don't think I could quite manage to eat a scorpion, no matter how many episodes of Bizarre Foods I've watched.


50. This has kind of been covered, but, are you ok with receiving canned jam (from a veteran jammer!) and if so, what flavors would you like and not like? I can't think of any fruits I dislike, so that's wide open.


51. Let's talk nail polish. What colors do you love? Hate? Which brands are you dying to try? Have you ever used indies? Do you like glitter? Any textures to avoid (glitter, sand, etc)? Definitely prefer shimmery things to mattes and cremes. Not a fan of glitter or anything else it would take a jackhammer to remove from my nails.


52. How do you feel about getting a special Halloween plushie? sure!


53. I'm in Japan, anything specific you might want from the land of the rising sun? a little piece of pottery, pretty stationery


54. Are there any GC scents that you know you love, but for whatever reason, keep putting off buying bottles of? Kali


55. I know not everyone likes Lush products, but if you do, which Lush items would you like to get from your Witch? no idea, I've had very little experience. I know there's like the little charity pots which I'd love except that chocolaet scent goes *awful* on my skin


56. Is there anywhere (in the US) that you are dying to get away to? Also when would you be able to get away. Would this even be something you were interested in? If so, go look at the Southwest sale for routes and dates and times. I would love to say yes, but I'm reasonably sure I will be doing no traveling for the forseeable future.


57. If you are ok with receiving t-shirts, what size are you, do you prefer tissue tees, normal crew tees, babydoll etc? Don't like tissue tees at all. Babydolls generally XL is good. Unisex, L or XL if it's something my boyfriend could also borrow.


58. THINKGEEK! Who loves it - do you have a wishlist on there?? What are some things you are jonesing for on there for under $20? I'll get back to this.


59. Zombies, yes or no? Newp. My boyfriend watches The Walking Dead when I'm otherwise occupied. Caveats: I own Shawn of the Dead and love it. I'm ok, with bad cheesy movies. 28 Days Later was good but I wouldn't want to see it many times.


60. Would you like arm warmers/fingerless gloves? If so, what length? just beyond the wrist, almost to the elbow, full sleeves? love them. a bit past the wrist is probably best. warning, I do have fairly large hands--men's medium is a good approximation.


61. Do you feel a particular affinity for a specific animal/s? As in animals I'm drawn to? Dogs, songbirds (especially of the finch/sparrow persuasion), hummingbirds.



62. Anyone have any Paintbox Soapworks loves? Bookkeeper's Butter is divine, but I'm set on that for now. I like the soaps and sorbettos a lot, just no soap with glitter on it since I end up scratching myself. Would like to try the scent balms or wax melts at some point. Small size slips would be good for my work/school bag. As far as scents go, The Bee's Lament sounds amazing, I'd also like to try Gooseberry Beach, Heima, Aquae Sulis, Kid A, The Crofter's Bar. Known loves are Blackbird, Pink Sand (summer LE), Sweet 100s, The Englishman, Halcyon.


63. How would you feel if your witch or a minion of your witch showed up in person at your house with goodies? Thrilled? Annoyed? Completely creeped out? No one lives near me so I can't see this being relevant. I'd love to meet more BPAListas, but you'd probably be better off calling me and meeting out in town.


64. Do you have a ravelry account? Tell me about your yarn obsessions. firechild is me. I'm trying to keep it current, but my projects are somewhat scattered. I crochet, I have painfully rudimentary knitting skills, and I have dreams of learning how to spin on a drop spindle or do small weaving with my oh-so-copious free time.


65. Sock Dreams, yay or nay? Never shopped there, but I'm learning to appreciate socks. Prefer boot or crew length, some ankle. No kneesocks, no toesocks. It would be kinda fun to have interesting socks this winter when I come in to work and take my snow boots off.


66. Knitted items like scarves, shawls, dishclothes....yay or nay? Favorite fibers? Favorite colors? Bring it! I am equal opportunity! Wearables, no preference as long as they're soft...acrylic, wool, other natural fibers, whatever you like working with.


67. Is your Amazon WL up-to-date? Mostly? I'll go check it. Also any books/cds/dvds/games on there are more than fine found used.


68. If you were to receive handmade caramels, would it matter if they were made with raw cream (unpasteurized)? Doesn't bother me. I love caramels, btw. I also make them. :D


69. Would you enjoy getting a sampling of quality incense taken from various sources? Are there types of incense you know you don't like? Would you want a burner for loose incense and a few charcoals to get you started with that, or would you rather stick to simpler types? I love incense, but the other residents of the house can't handle it, so I'm relegated to burning incense on the patio, which means it doesn't happen too often.


70. I know we already had a question about needed kitchen accessories, but what about spices? I'm up for that! I use a lot of things like dill, garlic in various forms (salt, granules, jarred), basil, sweet spices like cinnamon, ginger, cloves...I like spice blends as well. I'm not fond of cooking with thyme or rosemary, though I love the smells, anise, fennel, or caraway. If you happen to grow and dry your own herbs, or anything like chamomile or other tea components, I would welcome that kind of thing.


71. Would you like handmade stationary or cards? How about a quill pen? sure to any of the above!


72. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being "gimme that ghost pepper!" and 1 being "oh, that's a bit too much black pepper for me" Where is your heat tolerance? My eating-zone is probably up to about 7.5 I register the pepper at a moderate spice level, but certain foods I will suffer through just because I love the taste. Anything that's hot just for the sake of being hot is a pass.


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