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Halloween/Fall Book Swap Q&A




All of my wishlist links are on my wishlist blog post in my signature!

Do you use Goodreads or any other book tracking system that would give your librarian a good idea of what you have read/are reading?

Nope. I probably should, though.

Are you particularly interested or disinterested in receiving Halloween themed books/treats/goodies?

YES. Love love *love* that stuff!

How about this anthology?

Oooh, yes!

Do you have an e-reader? If so, do you prefer books in e-format or physical copies?

I have an iPhone, which means I have a Kindle, although I prefer physical copies.

I am planning a Paintbox order in the next few days. Anything look interesting?

Copying-and-pasting my 13 Nights of Halloween answer here! Lots of stuff! Clean Slate facial scrub. Bookkeeper's Butter Intense Hand Salve. Scrubs/creams/lotions only (that is, no bar soap): The Bees' Lament, Punkie Night, Guy Fawkes, Indian Summer, Miss Ada (eee! My girlkitty was named Ada, and I frequently called her Miss Ada! I miss her), Sweet Cheeks, Blackbird, Mandinka. I didn't see any wax tarts that really caught my attention.


How spooky do you like your Halloween reads?

As spooky/creepy/scary/terrifying as possible! (I've been asked how scary something is, and I say it's kind of scary, and it turns out that most people think it's pee-your-pants-terrifying, so I have some problems judging what's scary or not.) Just... light on bugs/spiders/worms/etc., please. I spent five minutes last night freaking out about spider webs and bugs on my arm. It turned out to be my hair and a mole. Uh.



Any interest in Dia De Los Muertos?

Extreme fascination!


Would my bookworm appreciate a painted, sugar skull wall art?

Yes! I actually have nothing on my walls, but that just means I have plenty of open space for it!


Would you like being sent tea or something tea-related? Are you a big tea drinker? :)

Love tea. Tea bags, loose tea, herbal, black, green, white, decaf -- love it. Except I haaate licorice/anise, rose hips, and hibiscus. I think I've rambled extensively about tea (I distinctly recall babble about Adagio and Dammam Freres) in another one of my blog posts, so I'll just leave it at that!


Any favorite colors?

Glitter! It's the new black! :) As far as rainbow-type colors go, the G.Biv side is for me. My favorite Halloween-appropriate color combination is purple and green.


Would you like a handmade bookmark/s to go with your package?

That would be lovely! I typically use a business card of a current favorite etailer or (if the book is big enough) a Lab postcard, mainly because I don’t actually have many "real" bookmarks, but I always have a bunch of indie eyeshadow company business cards floating around. I think I have *one* bookmark. It’s from Uprise Book Project. For some reason, official bookmarks don’t come into my life very often!


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