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Switch Witch 14 Help



My etsy likes


My shelfari books (I fixed this so my wishlist is stuff that I haven't read)


My BPAL wishlist (I'll take imps, bottles, or decants)


Pinterest page


Things that I forgot to put in my questionnaire: Can't remember if I mentioned my nail polish love - darker colors (but I think I'm set with purples) especially. I'm having trouble finding a good navy blue. I like glitters in moderation, mostly because they are a pain in the butt to remove. I prefer to use brands that are 3 or 4 free, with the exception of butter London polishes - colors are amazing, but they always chip like crazy for me.


While I love pumpkin and autumn food treats, I do NOT LIKE NUTMEG. When I make pumpkin pie, I use cinnamon, ginger, and cloves. Nutmeg tends to sneak into many foods around this time of year, unfortunately for me. Also on the ick list is licorice.





Answers to SW questions:


1. Pumpkin bombardment is absolutely fine with me! I love any pumpkin bread, cookie, dip, butter, pie, etc. Non-edible pumpkin decor is also wonderful. I've already got a string of pumpkin lights that I have to find a spot for.

2. Canned goods - I like salsas, but I'm hesitant to try homemade canned goods. I don't even want to try canned stuff from our local farmers market. Honestly, I won't even eat it if my family members can it. I'll eat all manner of baked goods, though. No botulism in cookies! :)

3. Trading post - So far I haven't purchased anything from the trading post. The hair glosses sound interesting, would like to try those.

4. Direct sellers - I really have only been happy with Pampered Chef purchases. I got a little veggie chopper and a garlic press that I use all the time. Not a fan of Mary kay or Avon stuff. I like an origami owl necklace that I got as a gift, but haven't seen any other charms that want to buy.

5. Coffee/tea - Sweet, sweet caffeine. I love coffee and tea equally. Prefer ground beans, as I have a standard old drip Mr. Coffee. I also like starbucks, but don't go on a regular basis because of $$. For tea, a friend in England sent me a monster pack of PG Tips, so I'm set with basic black tea for a while. Flavored teas, especially autumnal kinds, would be appreciated.

6. Kitchen accessories - Love to cook and bake. Any cutesy little kitchen things are great. I have a few fun things like a pink piggy whisk and spatula, a googly-eyed potato scrubber, and farm animal pancake molds. My current spoon rest is chipped, so a new one would be nice. I also like kitchen towels and will use holiday themed towels throughout the year.

7. Creative endeavors - I am only slightly crafty, so I don't need any supplies.

8. Cultural connections - I majored in classical archaeology, and loved Roman and Etruscan history. I even took Latin classes, but only basic vocab stuck with me! I also have worked on my own genealogy a lot (since that is something I help people with at work), so I do feel a connection to Ireland & Germany through the ancestors I've discovered.

9. Commissioned art - If someone wants to draw my fat orange cat, that would be amazing! He deserves it.

10. Free time/hobbies/interests - Reading, watching tv & movies, playing with my cats, dabbling with painting projects, trying not to kill my plants, volunteering with animal rescues, some videogames

11. Tabletop gaming - No gaming for me.

12. DVDS/games - I usually borrow movies from the library and don't feel the need to own them.

13. International snacks/candy - I'll try anything! I like to get international stuff from World Market, that's how I found Jammie Dodgers and Ginger biscuits.

14. Favorite meme - I love Grumpy cat.

15. Facebook - I don't put too much on FB, so I don't think it would be a big help idea-wise. I'm not against friending BPALers, though!

16. RCCC con - Unfamiliar with this event and pretty unfamiliar with comics in general.


17. Contact with witch - since this is my first SW, I'm kinda winging it. I'd like to get to know both my witch & witchee, so contact once or twice a week will be good.


18. Puzzles/riddles - I do like crosswords and some puzzles. I am awful at "unscramble the letters" puzzles.


19. Music formats - I have CDs for my car and digital for my phone, kindle, and non-ipod thing. I use Amazon's music store.


20. Current annoyance I haven't dealt with - cleaning my closet and arranging my clothes/donating unused items, not really something a witch can assist with


21. Good luck trinkets - Sure!


22. Superstitions - No, can't think of anything


23. I'm not a vegetarian or vegan, so don't bother with this one.


24. Apples - I love apple cider and I miss living near apple orchards. Fake apple-y candy is not always great, but I do like the caramel apple pops (think tootsie-roll makes them)


25. Fabric aversions - Wool is scratchy, so I'd prefer not to have it in scarves or gloves/mittens


26. Christmas ornaments - I think I mentioned in my questionnaire that I like somewhat bizarre ornaments. I'm not going to be putting up a tree this year, though.


27. Hello Kitty is cute and I liked her when I was little. Accessory-wise, I wouldn't wear anything Hello Kitty, but something that I can decorate my work desk with would be ok.


28. I think a cooking class would be fun. With no financial restrictions, let's just say a cooking class in Italy. :biggrin:


29. Poetry - I enjoy some poets, like Keats, Poe, Coleridge, Dickenson (all those high school english classes!), but I don't find myself picking up books of poetry. I do like when jewelry or other accessories incorporate some poetry.


30. Disney - I like the Aristocats and Winnie the Pooh. Like the Hello Kitty, I wouldn't wear anything with the characters.


31. How do you feel about cute things as decorations or accessories? (Example: Would you enjoy this stationery - or do you prefer elegant/creepy/neutral stuff?) Oh my gosh, those are some fat birds on the stationery. I LOVE FAT BIRDS. I also like fat cats and chubby panda bears. Squishy animals are fantastic (and yes, I squeeze my chunky cat King Louie!) Since this is the Halloween SW, I also like the creepy stuff.


32. Something I'd really like to receive from my witch - As my 1st SW, I don't have any expectations. Anything will make me happy. But witch - if you don't send at least one cat-related item, I will be somewhat disappointed!


33. Music shuffle - My amazon music played:

Foundations by Kate Nash

Counting Stars by One republic

Samson by Regina Spektor

Don't Look Back in Anger by Oasis

Don't Shut Em Down by Flogging Molly

Howl by Florence and the Machine (and I had to stop the shuffling and listen because I LOVE this one so much)

Borrowed Time by A Fine Frenzy

Sleep to Dream by Fiona Apple

Kiss You to Death by Alkaline Trio

Come Pick Me Up by Ryan Adams


34. Tarot/runes/divination - Nah, I don't really use this


35. Celeb crushes - I do like Matt Damon, but please no posters or anything!


36. Glitter - I like it as long as it's stuck to something, and not my face - no glittery eyeshadow or lip stuff. Glitter nail polish is fine.


37. Time periods - 1930s - 1940s. I have so much respect for the ladies who just got stuff DONE then. Figured out how to feed their families, got jobs during the war and all while looking stylish. I'd like to think that I've inherited some of the strength of both my grandmothers who had some trying times then, but pulled through.


38. Quotes - I never remember quotes!


39. Book formats - Real books. I do have a kindle, but use it more for movies & music than books.


40. Smut - No


41. Ebooks - I'd prefer books, used are fine.


42. Custom perfume - I need to sniff more BPAL to find out what I like before I get a custom blend!

43. Photography - Landscape, flowers. If it includes purple colors, I can easily find a home for it.


44. Favorite Halloween animal/decoration - Tough one, so many of the classic movie monsters are my favorites. Dracula, the Mummy, Frankenstein, and of course, witches & black cats! One of my favorite decorations is a witch figurine, she rotates, her eyes flash, and plays creepy music.


45. I'm set with most makeup. Nail polish is good, never tried nail wraps. I use lip stains/balms more than any lipsticks and go with more natural colors, no bright pinks or reds.


46. Profanity is fine, especially if it's funny. Off-color humor is sometimes ok, I just don't like when jokes become mean-spirited. I like to laugh with, not at.


47. My hair is way too short for hairsticks.


48. No larping.


49. I will not eat anything buggy! :wacko2: While I like breakfast bacon and BLTs, I don't really get the bacon craze with chocolate, candy, etc.


50. I expressed my concerns with canning above. Also, it's still really hot here and anything my witch sends will sit in my mailbox all day until I get off work, so I worry what the heat may do to jammy goodness.


51. Nail polish - Usually I use Ulta brand or OPI, sometimes Essie. butter London chips instantly on me. Glitter is ok, but no sands or textures.


52. Halloween plushie yes!


53. Japanese items - I'd like to try the green tea kitkats or other fancy kitkats.


54. GC scents - My imp of Fae is almost empty, but I'm saving my money for weenies.


55. Lush - Never heard of them, but their bath bombs look neat. The avocado one is interesting.


56. Getaways - I'd love to take a trip, but am saving my vacation days for Christmas.


57. T-shirts - size large, crew neck or v necks. Lightweight fabrics are good, but not so lightweight that bras are visible!


58. thinkgeek - some of the grumpy cat stuff is cute


59. zombies - Yes!


60. Arm warmers - I actually have a few on my etsy wishlist, if you want to get an idea of the styles I like. The AC is always full blast at work, so I'd appreciate some just below the wrist, maybe to the elbow.


61. Affinity with certain animals -


62. Paintbox soapworks - Haven't tried anything from them, but would like to. Sorbettos and lotions look nice. Scents like Punkie night and gingermilk might be yummy.


63. I don't think I'm ok with someone showing up unannounced. I like to have warning time to frantically clean when I have company. Also, my cat Zelda gets very growly when someone unknown is at the front door (sorry UPS guy!) She's a good little watchcat.


64. No ravelry. I'm just a beginner with quilting/sewing.


65. Sock dreams - haven't ordered anything from them. Short socks are more my style, especially the ankle ones. I never wear long, up to the knee socks.


66. Knitted items - dishcloths would be nice, no real preference for fabrics. I've got some reds in my kitchen.


67. Amazon WL - I don't think it is, but I haven't linked to it, so no worries witch.


68. Raw cream caramels - I would prefer pasteurized.


69. Incense - I don't use incense. I really don't do candles either. My SIL sold scentsy for a bit, so I have a warmer and some scents - rarely use it though.


70. Kitchen spices - a few years ago, I found this chai tea spice mixed with sugar and it was delicious. Wouldn't you know, I can't find it anywhere! I do like general spice mixes and usually make my own taco seasoning. If you've got something tasty, I'll try it!


71. Handmade stationery & cards - I don't write many letters, but I do send cards sometimes. I wouldn't use a quill pen


72. scale of 1-10 heat - Hmm, the hottest I like is jalapeno flavored stuff, so maybe 3 or 4? A restaurant here has a spicy chicken sandwich with chipotle mayo, pepper jack cheese, and sliced jalapenos - I eat it and love it, but it does make me cry!


73. Favorite Halloween candy - If there is chocolate, I'm in! I like twix, milky way dark, payday, junior mints, raisinettes, mounds, m&ms. Candy corn is a winner for me, just not the kind with the brown stripe. And I love the mallowcream pumpkins, but just can't bring myself to buy a whole bag - way too much sugar!


74. Cozy footwear - I have enough slippers, but slipper socks would be nice. The kind with the grippy dots would probably be best, I'm prone to slipping on my wood floors.


75. what do you look forward to most about fall - I like the clothes - sweaters, dresses with tights and boots, hoodies, puffy vests for the really chilly days. Once October starts I begin to scare myself silly by watching spooky movies and reading ghost stories. The baking gets yummier with pumpkin, apple, cinnamony warm desserts. I also drink gallons of apple cider.


76. My kindle and phone both have cases. If I change them, I won't be able to find them.


77. beauty accessories - I have makeup brushes out the wazoo. I'm interested in trying a glass nail file.


78. If a giant box arrived this week and I had no other communication from my witch for the rest of the SW season, I might be a wee bit disappointed. Sending one box is absolutely fine if witch still checks in and says hello.


79. Halloween PJs - PJ shorts are better for me. I'm tall and pretty much all PJ pants are too short on me! Size large, and I do like old navy's PJ shorts.


80. M&Ms - Yes, but only milk or dark chocolate. Peanut, pretzel, peanut butter are good, but I'm scared of the seasonal flavored ones.


81. Wax melts - not really


82. Streaming music - I use amazon prime's free music and free pandora, so I don't need any gift subscriptions.


83. Lilith BDay scents - I"m holding off on placing an order until weenies come out. Depending on how many of those I want, I may get one Lilith. I'd like to try Amicitia, Blueberry Picking, Mermaid, and Venustas.


84. Sugar skull cubes - These are cute


85. Skin care - I wash with indigo wild's facial cleanser or, on lazy days, with some kind of Yes to cucumber/blueberry/grapefruit wipes. I moisturize with a night cream (whatever is on sale at Ulta usually). I think I covered body lotions somewhere here before. I like lip balms (in sticks or tubes, not really pots).


86. Salem souvenirs - OOOH! I'd love to go to Salem, and anything touristy would be fun - keychains, magnets, coasters.


87. Would you be interested in any of the items in LisaNut's etsy shop? - That little mini witch hat is very cute.


88. Spiders (cute knit kind) - Sure, but just know that they would become cat toys whether I like it or not.


89. Decorative pillows - A couple of months ago I found an epic pillow clearance sale and may have gone overboard. I can't say no to a 4 dollar pillow apparently.


90. Any kind of bags - big, small, medium, purse, grocery, etc? Not really.

91. Is there anything special coming up in your life? No big plans here, other than a visit from my mom in October.


92. One scent from Metamorphosis: Eastern Coma

Lilith: Amicitia

GC: Highwayman


93. NYCC? - Don 't know what they have there


94. Tokyo Game Show - Also don't know what this is, the nerd is stronger in my husband than in me


95. Would you enjoy any of these couple rings? Or anything from the same store's Halloween collection? Not the couple's rings, but some of the cuffs are cute - the hocus pocus one, the Harry Potter "mischief managed" and "I solemnly swear..."


96. I'm not a big drinker, and I rarely mix my own drinks.


97. Flavored sugar cubes - Maybe a few to try. I usually don't sugar my tea & coffee, though.


98. Jamberry nails - Some of the Halloween ones are very cute, the little Frankstein, the jack o'lantern


99. If you had to choose one currently available book (used-but-obtainable counts if you do used) costing $20 or under for your Witch to buy for you, what would it be? Hmm, there is one that's actually $22 on amazon, but it does have some cheaper used prices - The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death


100. Are there five things under $25 at Birchbox you would like?

Wild Honey Apothecary Pumpkin Cocoa Mud

Skyn Iceland Icelandic relief eye pen

Blowpro Blow Up Thickening Mist

Stila Eye Shadow in Kitten

Benefit They're Real mascara

101. Do you want anything from the Fatherhood update at the Post? Ooooh, New Orleans scents! Captain Lilith and her First Mate, Mornings in New Orleans, and Pralines & Powdered Sugar sound lovely.

102. Street art! Into it? Not into it? Meh? I like it

103. If you could only pick one note that you love (e.g. Vanilla, Orange, Lavender, Rose) & you could only wear/have perfume, etc in that note, what would it be? I have NO clue. I've never tried any single notes, so this is a tough question for me!


104. NYCC exclusives: The Gas Lamps' Flare, maybe.





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