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Switch Witch 2015 Help



Okay, so wishlists:

  • My BPAL wishlist is linked in my signature like this blog is, so if you got here, you can probably get there too ;)
  • Amazon *EDIT* Okay, so since my Amazon wishlist was so unwieldy, I've now moved the non-book items to another Amazon wishlist, here you go.
  • Sock Dreams
  • If I make any more I'll put them here :P

Pumpkin? Generally I think pumpkin is just okay, but I have had good pumpkin bread in the past, and do like these treats, for example. Toiletries sound fine, decor might be okay in limited doses. :smilenod: Pumpkin perfume usually isn't my thing, I think I liked plain old Jack from BPAL the one time I tried it, but haven't liked any other pumpkin scents I've tried so far.


Yellowstone stuff: Sure, any of the usual touristy stuff would be okay, I guess. Huckleberries sound nice too.


Penny Dreadful: I know it's a TV show, but that's about it. I'm not much for modern scripted television.


Tea/Coffee: I definitely covered tea in my initial questionnaire, but it looks like I didn't say much about coffee. I do drink coffee (bags not the little cups... as for whole-bean or ground, either one is fine since we have a coffee grinder), but my husband is the big coffee-drinker in the house (as in, I drink one or two cups in a week, he drinks at least twice that much a day), so if you buy that for me it will mostly go to him. Not a bad thing, just saying. The only flavored coffees we are really into are coconut and cinnamon, in case you were wondering that.


Sense of humor: I don't really like comedians or funny movies or anything like that for the most part. I do have the "The Kids in the Hall" boxed set and I enjoy watching the episodes, so I guess I must like that at least. I guess I myself am pretty dry/sarcastic humor-wise, but who knows.


Board Games: I mention Perquackey every time this question comes up, so yep, that's one I like/want (I definitely don't need the newest version or anything, used would be just fine). I'm also sortof into Trivial Pursuit and wouldn't mind having the newest version, or the old music expansion pack (the music one shows up at thrift stores for like $2 pretty often it seems).


Is there anything that you specifically do NOT want to receive? I mentioned some things along those lines in my initial questionnaire... the only other things I can think of right now are still-in-shell pumpkin seeds/sunflower seeds. If I think of more, I'll update in my blog.


Plain or fun socks? Both! I linked my SockDreams wishlist in my blog, so check it out for more info. :)


Name one (or as many as you would like) thing you would like to learn more about? For the most part I think that I go ahead and learn about the things I want to know about. I guess I'm sort of interested in family tree/family history stuff and have only explored that in a cursory way so far.


What one thing would you like to do more of? I know I mentioned this in my questionnaire, but it's yoga. I did yoga regularly from 2008-2012, but have only gone to a few classes and done a few youtube videos since then. I'd love to have a regular practice again and am hoping that I will soon. I need to do a few videos at home before trying to go to actual classes again though... right now even downward dog for more than a few seconds would seem challenging to me, I think. :blush:


Would you like any cookie butter (just to be clear, store-bought, not home-made, and does contain wheat since it's, y'know, cookie butter)? my answer would be "sure"... especially as you're likely to have access to different brands of it than I do


Is there any particular piece (or pieces) of art (painting, photograph, etc) that speaks to you in some way?

There are so many that I could probably go on listing forever, honestly. I go to museums pretty often and there is almost always something that strikes me. The Rothko Chapel is an "oldie but a goodie" in that regard, though. His stuff in general has so much more of a presence in person than it does on a computer screen or even in a print.


What kinds of things would you like from the Lilith BPAL or BPTP update (or are you joining a decant circle?)

I joined a decant circle for a few things. If you end up having/getting an extra decant of Little Lady Macbeth though I wouldn't mind trying it.


Do you want to received knit or crocheted items? If so, could you describe or even link to a couple of items similar to what you would like to receive?

Something wearable would be cool, specifically socks, fingerless gloves/armwarmers, or possibly a scarf. Grey might be your best bet color-wise, but if that isn't really in the cards, I guess refer to the info in my original questionnaire about color preferences.


Would you like anything from Lush?

  • I could use some shower gel -- the new "Beautiful" one, or the "Lord of Misrule" one that's out for Halloween, or the old mainstays of Olive Branch and Happy Hippy
  • I'd also be happy with basically any bubble bar you think I'd like
  • I'm not as much into bath bombs, but I'd like to try the Lord of Misrule one anyway, and possibly Sex Bomb or Twilight

Do you prefer hand-made or store-bought? I have 0 preference here. I absolutely adore handmade items because there is so much love put into making something but store bought it just as wonderful and thoughtful.

:GoodPost: Haltija -- I couldn't have put it better.


What is your BPAL "Holy Grail?" I had a little bit of a hard time with this one because in general I eventually find the stuff I'm looking for. But I finally thought of a few things that might fit the bill:

  • I was initially too hipster-y to try The Laughter of Loki but am now regretting it. Even a partial decant would be cool just so I'd know what it was like.
  • Then there's Shortbread Snowflakes. As far as I know, the perfume version was only available in imp form. Well, I had an imp and I loved the scent... but then somehow it ended up going through the laundry. I was left with an empty imp and some very nice-smelling laundry. So it would be great if that could be replaced!
  • Then there is sort of a third tier of stuff that's currently hard to find but might not be that way forever... because it includes Carnaval scents. I'd love to have some more Temple Viper and King Cobra, because all I have are decants. And my husband has been pining for more Hand of Glory for awhile (yes, I know this swap is supposed to be stuff for me only, but I would feel weird not mentioning that when discussing other Carnaval desires).

SPICY! Scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being "oh, that's a bit too much black pepper for me" and 10 being "ghost pepper? scorpion pepper? I laugh at these! I love as much heat as you can throw my way!" Where are you?

I order my Indian food medium-spicy, and eat Mexican food including salsa and such on a regular basis, so I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. I'm not really into "spicy for the sake of spicy" type stuff though.


Analog or Digital? Or Both?

Both I guess, but honestly I really lean analog.


Do you have an affinity for any specific animals?

cats of course, foxes (like just about everyone else, right?) bees, deer, hedgehogs, red pandas I guess


Kitchen Needs or Wants: Do you need (or want) anything for your kitchen, either in the way of simple gadgets, supplies you always run out of, or never remember to get, kitchen decor (functional or purely decorative), or dry goods like special spices or spice blends?

Well, I have some apple corers and an apple peeler on my Amazon wishlist right now. I think I might also like some espresso powder to use for baking. I will add to this in my blog if I think of additional things... I probably will. ;) *EDIT* Yep, I need a candy thermometer too... and if you can get soba noodles for relatively cheap, that might be cool (in my town they are only at the very overpriced natural food store).



I don't wear makeup often so don't need much, if any. For example, if you find one or two very cool eyeshadows in a user-friendly format (so not a tiny baggie of loose pigment, though a little jar would work okay for that), that would be fine... but if I got some kind of blush/lipstick/whateverelse combination set, or a bunch of makeup in general, I just wouldn't use it.


Would you be opposed to receiving a ton of Halloween themed items?

A ton, not so much. A couple of things, sure! Other folks (sensibly) seem to be using this to describe their taste in Halloween items, so I'll see if I can dig something up about that from a past blog entry... here we go: "I like halloween decorations that depict cats or candy corn, and also like purple or black glittery stuff (I've seen glittery foam skulls or spiders, for example)."


"Special little thing" from the Great Lakes Bat Festival?

Out of what was linked to, I thought the tote bag was pretty cute.


What's your favorite scary movie? Or movies, either way. If you don't like horror, what are your favorite movies to watch this time of year?

Whenever I am in one of these swaps, I always conclude that I am the least movie-ish person around, at least when it comes to owning movies at home and watching them more than once. I like to see movies in the theatre, and if I really like a movie I might want to introduce a friend to it years later or something, but otherwise I'm really not even into re-watching movies. Sorry I am such a freak!


As for the question about Weenies, usually what I do is figure out a "first tier" of stuff that's likely to work, and get decants (or bottles, I guess) of those, then list the second tier (of stuff that I'm curious about but less sure as to whether it will work on me) for Switch Witch possibilities. So here is that second tier, decants would be great (*EDIT* the things I have already ordered are decants of Second Spring, Dead Leaves Honey & Oudh, Apple III, Depart Pour le Sabbat, Magic Circle, and La Femme de Satan... and a bottle of The Sorceress):

  • The Unquiet Grave
  • Dead Leaves, Bourbon Vanilla, & Myrrh
  • Dead Leaves, Frankincense, & Copal
  • Dead Leaves, Red Musk, & Neroli
  • A Witch Riding on a Dragon
  • The Witch & the Mandrake
  • Satan Summoning his Legions

Blu-ray or DVD?

Our player does both I guess. But I think I have already said that I don't really want anything in the way of movies/DVDs unless there is something on my Amazon wishlist.



Game systems - console or computer? Mac/PC? Which console?

I don't play those sorts of games at all.


Are you dressing up for Halloween and if so do you need any accessories for it?

Hmm... my husband and I are actually both free on Halloween this year, so might go out, but I doubt we will be wearing costumes. I will update in my blog if this changes.


Talk to me about bags, what kinds do you like? Sizes and styles?

I'm ridiculously picky about purses, so I'd rather pick those out for myself. I wouldn't mind some new tote bags though, either the smaller canvas ones that have a cool picture or saying on them, or larger grocery totes (not too fussed about stylishness when it comes to the grocery version).


What are your favorite fandoms and do you want to receive anything related to such?

Not really "fannish," sorry!


Last Huzzah of the NY Renaissance Faire: is there anything you might want?

I go to one (actually two) near where I live at least once a year usually, and the things I generally get for myself are soap and earrings. So I'm sure the one you go to probably has nice soap and earrings as well... that might be a good place to start? But if you see something else you think I'd like (hmm... maybe stick incense? that's another thought), that'd be fine too.


Do you like comics or graphic novels? Any issues or collections you want to read?

Not really. Even the ones I do like are not things I should probably get as gifts (for example, I've liked Tank Girl since 7th or 8th grade, but have never even looked at the collection of it that my husband got me for Christmas 2 years ago. :blush:



Where do you have wishlists at? If you could please link to them or to a post that links to them.

I did that in my blog already but I am one of those weirdos that does not have a public etsy one. I will try to pick out some selections from my etsy favorites and link to them in my blog soon though.


Do you like fanfic? Would you like a story written for you as part of your gift? What characters/fandoms/pairings etc do you like?

Not my thing, but thanks.


Would you rather receive a bunch of little packages through the round, a couple of medium packages, or one big package at the end?

Honestly, what I'd like best is one or two little things during the round, then a larger box at the end. But if that's not your style or isn't practical, that's fine, just do whatever works for you. I will be happy regardless! Small


Can we update our BPAL wishlists, or put a quick note in them stating if they are up to date or not. I'm going on the assumption anything that hasn't been updated in the last month or so is out of date.

I am not sure when mine was last updated, but it is basically current. I don't update mine constantly because I no longer have many GCs on it, and there's no way I am going to get that many past LEs/Discontinueds any time soon (especially since so much great new stuff keeps coming out). Dear Witch, if you need me to narrow it down or something, please ask!



If/when you go to the mall, for which store(s) do you beeline?

I guess J Crew and Williams Sonoma. If I think of something else I will update in my blog.


I also have a question: Do you receive any subscription boxes (julep, lootcrate, ipsy, birchbox, etc.)?

No, and I'm not really interested in the ones listed. There used to be one called Oishiibox that was for Japanese snacks that I was interested in, but it seems to now be defunct. However, there are other Japanese snackbox subscriptions available, I just haven't looked into them much.


Would Witchees like something from IKEA? (Or any other not always accessible by everyone store?)

My husband and I used to exclusively use Ikea napkins. So if you'd like to get me some of those for old times' sake, go ahead. The square ones with prints or pictures on them, not the rectangular or plain ones.


Do you like tarts/candles/incense? If so, what type of scents?

I do not use tarts. I do like candles and incense. For candles, I like everything from fresh herbal-smelling to cozy fireplace to vanilla cupcake type stuff... the only stuff I don't really like would be I guess super-seaside-y or generic holiday spice types. I only use stick incense and my favorite brand by far is Devonshire. I usually just get the general sampler, but might also be interested in the "Cathedral" one.


Is there a GC you've been dying to try but haven't got around to yet?

I would really like to try The Cat from the Coraline series.


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