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I'm sorry for all of the suffering you knew

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Integrating third-party software is such a pain in the ass, especially when you want to pimp it out to be all purty and the developers go and encrypt the core code. I think I may talk to them about getting an unencrypted set of code and use the "but I'll give you the integration-with-IBP 2.1-info!!" as a bribe.


Looking at my various schedules, I think I'm going to need to talk with Di to see if we should set the feedback to be manually entered at first and worry about automation later -- we'll be giving someone the task of babysitting the feedback, and they can monitor the new user queue. It looks like I've got about 15 hours/wk of homework/projects/labs coming up next month in addition to prepping for my national exam on the 22nd (15hrs/wk of prep), NOLA on the 14th-16th, tomorrow's exam prep, and finals...


(I don't really plan on sleeping more than 6 hrs/night again until after 5/11.)


My current list of what needs to be done to the swap feedback script to make it what we want:

  • Set up categories (#, A-Z) & a "user" vendor. ~15 minutes
  • Integrate admin login w/ IPB. 20 min.
  • Layout front page ("list of categories"). ~10 minutes
  • Layout remaining views (27 pages). ~1 hour.
  • Add a default skin. ~1 hours of my time plus whatever it takes Di to find/create the page wrapper, CSS, and images.
  • Figure out why test case can't have reviews added. 2-3 hours.
  • Integrate reviewer login w/ IPB. 1-2 hours.
  • Integrate "item creation" to sync with new user registration & import current users. 2 hours.
  • Add profile info where currently just the name is. May just sync up Avatars on a weekly basis. Unknown, minor detail. Can happen after it's up.

What else do I have forum-wise that needs to be done? Just the raffle, I think. Raffle drawing code is done, so I can just export the tickets, assign raffle tickets by order, run the drawing, announce winners, get donors the winner addresses, and start decanting & packaging, and then start compiling the list of people who get PM box upgrades that haven't gotten them already.


Oh, and getting GD set up for the gallery. I think I may just submit a ticket for that as I really need to finish the gallery and do raffle stuff this weekend. And fixing the 'who's chatting' thingie.


Oh yeah, that reminds me, I need to print off the decant set labels and send them on to Di, Donna, and Meg tomorrow. Whoops, I'm late.



Entry Title: The Suffering You Knew

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